[Blight!] Tominic Through the Pipes [OOC]

I have a background up now. Ma3a is a visionary that dreams of a united Autochthonia with the Great Maker fully restored and awake. If its still not what you're looking for, let me know
MrSerious said:
In your new post, you made reference to expending willpower? What for? I'm a bit confused there.
To negate the effect of the Adamant Caste Anima.
What xarvh said.

I was suddenly moving this weekend, and my computer will be set up this evening. Expect updates then.

Edit: or I didn't get my computer set up in time. Going to bed now, update tomorrow.
I'm having to run off to work 2/3rds of the way through the next big ole post. I'm posting what I have done so far so MrS can post a little.

New Characters will get their own little threads tonight as well, which will dovetail into the main thread in due time.
OR I can pass out immediately upon my return. Sorry.

Off to continue to adventure that is moving out of your parents' house for the second time. Your patience is appreciated.
I'm on my phone cuz the stolen intetnet just crtapped out on me. I have the post finished. I'll post thrm in the morning when I'm willing to screw around with my connection.

In related news, I got my ISP bs straightened out, but they can't come out till next tuesday. So I get to be a nbad neighbor until then.
WTF? You can't just drop a bomb like that and expect us not to ask!
Public Intox in Oklahoma after leaving a Casino. Durant Oklahoma is the shittiest town I have ever had the displeasure of having to spend an extended amount of time in.
And I thought that Souix Falls in South Dakota was bad. I'll stick here in Las Vegas, thank you very much.
LOL. ^_^

"Can't play Exalted, my ST is in jail!"

"Now, THAT must be an awesome ST...." :mrgreen:
Hey, I'm playing an Orichalcum Caste, thank you very much! 8)
I'm starting to get a complex. The two games I just joined in have stopped posting. I'm starting to wonder if I'm jinxed. :shock:
I have yet to play a game through to the finish here without it fizzling out. :(

...maybe I'm the jinx. :shock:

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