[Blight!] Tominic Through the Pipes [OOC]

Keep that up and I'll take my toys and go home! :cry:
Just for that, I'm not buying Thousandfold Courtesan Calculations or Hyperdextrous Tentacle Apparatus. :P
Actually, magnificentmomo disappeared already for a month or so, and this time he has been in jail, so I guess we'll just have to wait...
I never say die, and I never say guilty. Having to deal with a court over 2 hours away from my house put a hefty tax on my free time, sorry I didn't keep you guys updated, but I'm back, a free man. I once again grovel and apologize, I don't mean to make a habit of this. I have the post for the OGs ready, but I won't be able to finish the intro post for the newbies until I get home from work.
Woohoo! Good to hear that you've been cleared of that crap hanging over your head.
I was charged with Public Intoxication, my friend who I was having to help out because his car was impounded, was charged with DWI, which was moved down to a DUI (or the other way around, whatever is less severe) because his blood came back low. He was also charged with having an Open Container, and going 30 over the speed limit. So between my court dates and his (because God forbid they have them be on the same day) I was driving up to Oklahoma a fair amount.

I closed last night, and opened today, so I'm kinda braindead. I'm gonna take a nap then put up the newbie thread. Sorry for the delay.
Not a problem. Real Life can stick its ugly head into gaming time and ruin things on occation. I'm looking forward to getting into the game.
Nope, I just lost my notes and don't remember how I wanted to introduce you guys, so I'm trying to work that back out. Apologies.

The main thread current though...
You must remember mine, at least!

*sings* "We got a great big convoy, rockin' through the night, yeah, we got a great big convoy, ain't she a beautiful sight? Come on and join our rag-tag fleet--"
So, thread for the new crew is up, though I only completed Sherwood's part of the post.

I'll get the rest of your post up tomorrow Arynne, I was somewhat set back this evening by having a car accident, no one was hurt but my car and my free time. In the mean time, I just kinda ran with the characters you threw out, if you had other ideas for them, lemme know and I don't mind changing it.

I know I have no room to say anything, but I have to give a poke poke to MrS, Xarvh and Happerry. I updated y'alls thread. I edited it in, so you didn't get a notification and I wasn't entirely clear in my OOC post that it was updated, so I understand.
Holy guacamole!

You've been having some unbelievably bad luck, lately. Hope things turn right-side up for you soon. :(
I do envy our ST livin' on the edge...


I will read the edit later today. :mrgreen:
Just try and take care of yourself, ok? Our characters can wait for a bit if we have to.
CoU doesn't know whats' going on - yet. Just a 'I'm here' kind of post. Also just a reminder in case the GM missed it that I did spend sufficent willpower to resist the Adamants' 'forget me' effect.

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