Bleach: New Generation

Yachiru, Zaraki's original lieutenant but is now Riyoshi's appears,he pink hair bounceing she is much older looking now. "You need to find Kenny Captain. The only way to do that is know make your spirtual pressure noticeible." Yachiru's stren voice made her very respected.
Luna was surprised at Yachiru's sudden appearance. She understood that Zaraki would need to die for Riyoshi to be considered the strongest Kenpachi. However, now was not yet the time to do so.

"Yachiru, we understand this but first we need time to plan. Simply attacking would be the death of all three of us. There is much more to discuss so please meet up with us at my quarters for some tea."

The captain walked upright casually. It had been a long night and there was much to discuss. She turned back around and waited for a reply from the two of them.
Yachiru follows behind and mumbles slightly. "If this would have never happened.....Kenny would still be Captain......." Yachiru looks angered.
Riyoshi looked over at Yachiru and with a deep breath, he soon spoke out to her.

"I thought i told you to watch the 11th division. I know exactly what to do. This is why i have trained in my style of fighting. I will find him." Riyoshi spoke out in a stern voice.

Looking over at Luna, he shot her a look of anger, soon followed by friendship.

"I have a plan on hand on how to deal with him. I will only have to let you in on this." Riyoshi spoke out as he nodded his head.

"Tea sounds like a good thing right about now." Riyoshi spoke out as he smiled slightly.
As they neared her quarters the guards of the tenth opened the entrance doors. Luna glanced back over her shoulder.

"Which event would you be referring to? Riyoshi taking the Captains seat, or Shisuko unlocking...what ever he truly unlocked?" Her glance aimed sharply at the young pink haired shinigami.
Yachiru looks down. "3rd seat Ikkaku is watching them..Captain may I...accompany you to end Zaraki's life?" She ask shakeing a little.
Luna finally stopped and turned around.placing a hand on the small girls shoulder, she knelt down on one knee to get eye level.

"Yachiru, I understand you may be hurt but Zaraki was like a father to you. For what reason would you want to see him die?" The canine like Captain asked out of the sincerity of her heart. She felt that the young Vice Captain my not be ready to be part of such an act.

"You have grown a lot in these years, but I fear you may not be ready for such a task. I need to hear from you why it is so important so that I can trust you when the time comes."

Luna stared deeply, waiting for what reply would come.
Yachiru looks into Luna's eyes".....He is a traitor to the soul society and a potental threat...but he still Kenny.. I rather himm die than live in hideing.." She looks at her Zanbakuto
"I guess that is reason enough." Turning around she snapped her fingers and two lower shinigami brough in some tea as she opened the doors of her manor. In the room was a sofa, a few chairs and a table with tea already to be served.

Plopping down on the sofa she took a cup of tea and sipped it.

"Please take a seat. Let's relax, tomorrow will be a long day." The cup left her lips and she smacked them a few times. The tea warmed her up just right.
Yachiru stands up "Captains I must get back with my duties" Yachiru bows low and waks out going back to her Squad.
"Ok Yachiru. Go make sure they are not just goofing off." Riyoshi spoke out to her as he lifted up his large cup of tea.

Looking back at Luna, Riyoshi took in a large drink.

"Now, its time to get down to business." Riyoshi said as he placed his cup down upon the table.

((Can i rp Kenpachi and make it an Epic battle?))
((Go for it but a little later ok)) Yachiru runs off at top speed. A black cloaked warrior appears by the place.
Taking another sip of her tea she nods slightly at Riyoshi.

"Please sit, i think Sake will be more to your liking." She offered the huge shinigami a large cup of warmed sake for him to partake.

Failing to notice the cloaked crusader she continued. "Drawing Kenpachi out is the easy part. How should we attack. It wouldn't really be considered true title strip if I helped but while I don't doubt your skill. I really don't think he will play fair." She shifted in her seat. Bringing one leg up and under her lanky body to sit upon.

"I just think we should be prepared is all." her finger caress the rim of her glass. She watched patiently as the fine steam rose form her warmed tea. Then she returned her eyes to Riyoshi.
"That is the thing. I do not want to involve anyone else in this fight. I have trained this hard, to fight that man in a one on one fight. I know that man is strong, and throughout the years, probably gotten a hell of a lot stronger, but I need to do this alone." Riyoshi spoke out after drinking his tea.

Shaking his head slightly, he refused the large cup of sake. As he sat upon the ground, he raised one knee and rested his arm upon it. Feeling like something was off, Riyoshi quieted down and concentrated for a second.

"Who are you and why are you here?" Riyoshi called out to the cloaked warrior.
"me? I am merely a Zanbakuto." A sweet female voice comes from her lips and the figure looks towards them. "My name Is Kikuri-Hime and I am looking for a master." The cloak stays over the figure unbudding.
Noah is sitting in his room in his squad barracks meditating focusing on an anomaly presence he detected. Wondering what it could be he decides to investigate and heads to the squad 10 barracks where he had sense the foreign spiritual pressure.
Kikuri-hime reveals herself. She has long white , Silver eyes,a pale skin color, a blue kimono with a oversized Zanbakuto.

Heres her info because she is a very important character^^

Name: Kikuri-Hime


height. 5'8

Weight 133 lbs.

Shikai. Kikuri-hime (Dragon Princess)

Bankai: Mūndoragon haō (Moon Dragon Overlord)

Appearance: Like the moon Kikuri-hime's appearance is Serene. White hair,silver eyes,blue kimono. She also has a Zanbakuto larger than herself weighing at 12 kilograms. And it is 5'10 in length. She has no master but is looking for one.

Kikuri-hime's hand rests on her Zanbakuto's handle.
Daisuje tired from training in kido finally realizes a strange spiritual pressure. What is that? Its coming from where Luna guys are. He makes his way over to them but is too tired to shunpo.
Kikuri-hime looked strangly at the two captains. "Captain Luna, and Captain Riyoshi....hmmm your spirtual pressure is not what I am looking for." She turns around and then slightly looks back. "Where is the one named Yuko?"
As she turns around she see's Daisuke approaching. Tiredly he says " So your the weird pressure I've been sensing. So who are you? "
Takeo shunpo's behind Daisuke and peers curiously at the Zanbakuto. "Strange. I don't have a good feeling that she will go easily."
"Me I am the Zanbakuto Kikuri-hime." She looks at both of them like if they were low lifes. "Your spiritual pressure is tgat of a I must keep that in mind." Kikuri-hime takes out the over sized zanbakuto.
"Hmmm odd your drained.. And I only want someone who can weild me to fight me." She puts her Zanbakuto back in its sheath and starts to walk towards them."Do you know where Yuko is?"
Daisuke even more agitated unsheathes his sword. " Drink their life Raifurichi" His sword transforms once again. " I may be drained now but come at me and see that change. "

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