Bleach: New Generation

Kikuri-hime looks at Daisuke with distaste. "You are not the one I am looking for meaning I have no intention to fight you." Kikuri-hime turns and starts walking away. "You are just a captain nothing more."
The female captain just kind of stared. The name Yuko didn't ring any bells off hand. And to just come out and call herself a sword. Very strange these times were. Times of change perhaps? Even she herself being a captain was a time of change. Before her was only Komamura and even she was different to that shinigami.

Taking another sip of tea, she justed sighed. The sigh was also because of Riyoshi, she understood he did not want involvement but simply being a friend, she wouldn't stand for him dying.

"Daisuke-san, don't bother. Much of this is outside of our control." Then it dawned on her who Yuko was. "Today has been too long. Shisuko-bantai is... somewhere. He has had many things happen to him recently."

As much as she wanted sleep. It would not come tonight. Standing up and downing the rest of her tea, she addressed Daisuke. "Daisuke-san, you wanted to help Shisuko, i think you should assist this spirit in finding him. I would catch up but Riyoshi and I have our own... person of interest to find."

She walked over next to Riyoshi and waited for him, "I won't interfere. At the very least. I'll bring your body back for proper burial."
"Zaraki Kenpachi you are looking for him?" Kikuri-hime asks and then looks to a distance. You will find that he is at his original home
" Fine I'll help the spirit find him but later. I'm too tired to even use bakudo # 4. I must rest. we will look fro him in the moring. Good night. " Daisuke yawns and turns around to start walking back to the barracks.
((how does the zanpakutou know that is whom we are looking for?))

Riyoshi looked at the spirit and shook his head.

"That is not who we are looking for. I know where he is, thank you." Riyoshi spoke out towards the spirit.

Standing up, he looked back at Luna for a second, then back at the spirit. Taking in a deep breath, he stretched out his right shoulder.

"Luna, our personal business is going to have to wait till later. I will visit your personal quarters when i get back." Riyoshi spoke out as he cracked a little smile.

Looking upon the spirit, Riyoshi grabbed the hilt of his blade.

"You need to relax, weapon. We are of captain class and we will destroy what we feel threatens soul society, even YOU." Riyoshi spoke out as he kept his eyes upon the woman figure.
((ahe was there the whole time lol)

"Hm then you know only a Captain class zanbakuto has a bankai." She smiles and looks away"you should know that."
Seeing no trouble and feeling some tension, Takeo quietly shunpo's away to his private quarters to practice his kido some more.
Arriving at hist private quarters, he decides to bring out something he had been working on. In Takeo's hands were a strange light blue slate. It emanates reishi. Thinking to himself "With all these events going around, I wonder if this little invention of mine can be finally put to work." Putting it in his pocket he decides to take a stroll around Seritei.

(sorry if seritei is spelt wrong)
Shisuko appears infront of Takeo. "And what invention would that be lieutenant? I heard you speak from 4 kilometers away and decided to sonido over here." Shisuko said without any facial experssion. The weird thing was that Takeo didn't feel his spiritual pressure at all for some reason it completely vanished.
Nearly soiling himself Takeo jumps away a few feet back in surprise. "WHA!?... oh, uh Shisuko. Strange... people are looking for you and uh, what is with your spiritual pressure." says Takeo hiding the blue slate behind his back.

(Oops spelt something wrong)
"Hahaha I figured that alot. Oh my spiritual pressure? I am in Dangai." Shisuko looks at him with a curious look.
"Dangai? What is that? enlighten me, I'm kind of a simple guy." Takeo says with a face of curiosity at the same time being worried.
"It is what Ichigo used to beat Aizen. But do not speak of this to anyone. Being a Espada and Shinigami could wind up getting me killed while I am not on a speical form." Shisuko slightly laughs.
Takeo politely laughs with him. "So, what have you been up to? Perhaps you want to visit Daisuke? I'm sure he would like to talk to you." Takeo says hoping Shisuko would disregard the blue slate. Bringing him to Daisuke would also mean that Daisuke would perhaps be able to apprehend him.
Daisuke still tired after taking a nap walks torwards his little brothers quarters. " Hey Takeo I need your help on something. " Daisuke said as he opens the door to see Shisuko. " Oh Shisuko..... "
"oh.. Hey Daisuke... Good now I am ready for this awsome plan. Daisuke. Takeo become Espada Shinigami with me. We can break the bounds we have. Surely you have met my Other Zanbakuto Kikuri-Hime she has a special way to turn you without side effects. But as you notice I am in a Dangai state. Which can only be preformed by someone who truely knows how to control hollow and Shinigami powers. Come with me." The Zanbakuto Kikuri-hime appears at Takeo's side and grabes the blue slat from His hand and shunpo right next to Shisuko. "What is this?" Shisuko asks with a eyebrow raised.
"Oh? That?" Takeo said with a shocked face. "Well give it to me and I will demonstrate it outside my private quarters. It is locked so only I can use it. It is basically a generic Kido. Once I unlock it, it can be as powerful as a kido spell with an incantation without the incantation."
"Now that will come in Handy. Very good." Shisuko smirks. "Well then so are you in.. Or out?" Kikuri-hime asks bluntly for she didn't like trick answers.
"Erm." shocked to see that they have saw through my strategy. "That does sound promising, but you doing that to yourself got you into a lot of trouble, so it would be pretty dangerous for me... can I have my Kido in a slate back?"
Daisuke troubled as to how weak both him and Takeo are he sighs. " Fine we'll join but on a few conditions. Drink their life Raifurichi."
Takeo seeing that his brother is joining, tediously accepts Shisuko's offer. "But can I have my Kido in a slate back? In case if you turn on us, I would have some form of protection to fall back on."
Surprised how reluctant they were to give Takeo his slate back he says " well the 1st one was to give the slate back. 2nd is that I want a reishi sample, from both of you. It will show me that you are serious and that i can trust you."
"Reishi. Hmm Kikuri-hime should we? I haven't thought about that.." Shisuko turns to Kikuri-hime.

"Hmm if we wanted to end them all you had to do was swing your Dangai Konohana it would destroy half of this world just by swonging it.."Kikuri-hime said cautiously ."A mere sample from me and her will break your zanbaukto beyond repair Daisuke. A Dangai state is way to powerful for it to hold saying that you can't even feel my reishi" Shisuko saidd and Looked at them both.

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