Bleach: New Generation

Daisuke shocked to hear how powerful they are thinks and says " Will how about my bankai. It's capacity is much larger than my shikai. Plus i just need something small from such powerful beings such as yourselves."
Takeo shifts around nervously. Being in the presence of such two powerful beings can make him uneasy.
"Well my Dangai would completly freeze your bankai but here" Shisuko gives Daisuke a small rovk. "That rock contains some of my Reiahi from when I first transformed into the Espada form."
" Ah that will do. And since I don't need your sample in my shikai and i can get Kikiru-Hime sample from her. " Daisuke says as he takes the rock.
Kikuri-hime frowns."I am a Zanbaukto I do,go and think whatever I want. I will not give even a small piece of my reishi to someone other than Shisuko." Kikur-hime says and takes some steps back.
" Well then Yakeo and I won't join, and though you are powerful doesn't mean we can't get away." Daisuke says as he gets into a defensive pose.
Kikuri-hime is suddenly behind him "Thats if you knew how to use the sonido." Her sword was at his neck and her Shikai was out stopping his movements due to its spirtual drain
Daisuke getting tired says " Bakudo #21 Sekienton ! " A huge cloud of smoke covers the whole room . Takeo help Daisuke get away from Kikuri-Hime and they shunpo away.
Riyoshi shook his head in the response to the zanpakutou.

"I will have to disagree with you at this point." Riyoshi spoke out towards the sanpakutou.

Riyoshi. This sanpakutou, even though it has no owner, could prove to be a small bit of trouble. Suzaku spoke out to Riyoshi in his mind.

I know that. Her power does not compare to ours, even if she enters bankai. Riyoshi thought back to Suzaku.

Looking down at the zanpakutou, Riyoshi shook his head before vanishing. Reappearing right next to the girl, knelt down on one knee, he spoke out to her quietly.

"If you are looking for anyone, then i suggest that you try to find him quietly and out of the eyes of anyone in seireitei. If anyone spots you, then I am not really sure they will react as calm as we have." Riyoshi spoke out as he stood upright and vanished from sight.

Appearing upon the outskirts of soul society, he stopped moving and closed his eyes. 
((you can just disregard my post towards your zanpakutou if you want))
( I am going to be gone from today till either sunday or monday so me and Takeo will be laying low due to Daisuke's strain on his body. )
Takeo carrying his older brother on his back shunpo's appears in a wasteland a sizable distance far away from seritei. Masking both his and his brothers spiritual pressure completely. Takeo opens up a pocket dimension of his own creation. This dimension is a small room only and can only be opened from inside or by Takeo. Takeo places Daisuke inside for him to recover. "I should find the others." says Takeo before shunpoing away to the other Captains and closing the portal which seals Daisuke in it so he can rest and heal.
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"Oh dear Kikuri-hime you ran them away... Well I might have better luck recruiting Shinigami who haven't reached Bankai just yet.. Isnt that right, Former Captain Kurosaki Ichigo?." Ichigo appears in a broken hollow mask Vasto lorde State. This Ichigo is a true Espada.

"You did well Shisuko. Not only am I back due to your hollowfication proccess but you also brought my old strength back thank you Shisuko. Now shall we be off to Hueco Mundo?" Ichigo makes a portal and they step through.
Takeo shunpos before Luna and Riyoshi. "Captains, Captain Daisuke is in hiding and we have encountered Shisuko and an accompanying Zanbakuto. He is trying to recruit Shinigami. What shall we do?"

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