Bleach: New Generation

It was a glourious day for Riyoshi and his squad. For they were off on the outskirts of soul society. This was the perfect training grounds for you could unleash all hell and not threaten any of the souls of Soul society. As he was training, he felt a odd pressure difference from the actual training grounds. A reiatsu that he had not felt of that level and decided to take his leave. With a twist of his right foot, he spun around and vanished from his spot. As he leaped through the air, his massive size slowed him down slightly, but also gave him more power then any of the other captains. Appearing above, but just outside of the training grounds, Riyoshi looked upon the activity that was taking place.

A captain has what looks like a bankai, when there seems to be no danger? Riyoshi thought to himself.
Shisuko coughs harshly and the hollow mask starts forming. "No hard feelings guys but...i'm about too transform I hope you guys can pin me down if I don't win." The hollow mask spreads to the possion point. And Shisuko starts pantong he looks at everyone with hollow eyes. "Well Well Shisuko are transformation may be interesting. Eliminate Konohana!" the swords rapidly fly around with no aim at all.
Daisuke looks at him with discomfort. " Bakudo #81 Danku! " Daisuke creates a barrier around the training arena as a safety measure.
Shisuko stops while the Swords fly around aimlessly but then the bankai seemed to get stronger and stronger untile it was swelling with spiritual energy. Shisuko's lieutenant Seishin Yugure came outside and stares in silence at the horrific sence.
" Stay back! " Daisuke shouts. " Only interfere if he is in trouble otherwise you'll just get in the way. " He Looks back at the battle worried.
Miharu still sat on the rooftop, looking at the scene unfold before her. "Yare,yare... how troublesome", she sniffled. She hadn't moved an inch. Soon, the other captains would join at the training grounds, attracted by the sudden release of a bankai.
Shisuko's mask breaks off and the bankai vanishes from sight. "ahh sorry about that. Well I must go to the human world for reserch on the hollows so ta ta!" Shisuko flash steps out of the area and into a gate to the realm of the Humans.his spirtual pressure was left untraceable.
A curious look grows unto Daisuke's face. " I sure hope he doesn't cause any trouble. Oh well I'm bored yet again." Looks at Miharu. " What are you gonna do now? "
Shisuko appears again with a unsettled expression. He has a broken piece of a hollow mask on. "Captain Daisuke. We have a big peoblem!" Shisuko points at the hollow mask. "This is...a Espada mask piece..but I am a shinigami... I need you to take a look at it." Shisuko cannot supress his anxiety.
A shocked expression came over his face. " Oh my this is bad. An espada mask piece. How peculiar. " Daisuke leans in and examines it closer. Then he closes his eyes to think of possibilities. " I have a hypothesis. You are well were visored correct? That means you are part hollow meaning you could achieve rank of espada. This is my hypothesis, it may not be the reason. "
Riyoshi's tall 9 foot figure kept a stance above the training grounds. He seen the man vanish and then reappear, his actions did not depict a captain's actions, but that of a mere child. He was playing with things out of his own realm and this might just be the consequence for that action. But Riyoshi was going to stay where he stood, in the air, and let the events unfold. If this abomination was to stay in soul society, then he will just have to purge it himself, but until the order is given, then he would not say a word to anyone of them and let them try to figure it out.

Looking down below him, he seen a captain sitting upon the building and decided to sink down till he stood upon the building with her. Keeping a distance, his presence could still be felt by her and the other captains.
Shisuko looks at himself. "I...will resign as Captain. Before anyone gets hurt or something" Shisuko stretched out his zanbakuto. "Maybe......i can do what the Espada do....Ressurcion Engage..Konohana." Shisuko's body shifts and turns into a butterfly like Hollow. " I..i am a Espada Shinigami..." He flys high up.
Luna pounced rooftop to rooftop. All that could be felt was that treacherous reiatsu. Moving swiftly she covered the mile and a half to it’s location in a matter of only moments and finally landing directly underneath the canine captain shunpo’d straight up with such force the small barracks beneath her collapsed under the pressure.

Her figure hit the Espada like a shotgun. Lunacy grabbed the fiend by the base of both wings and swung down and around launching the demon straight down into the rubble. She did not stop and followed instantly after yelling at the demon.

“How the fuck did you get into Seireitei!!!??? Quickly and I may not kill...”

As Luna came down, sword drawn ready to decapitate, she hesitated for only the briefest of moments, “Jun-junibantai?” She muttered.
Surprised by Luna's speed Daisuke shouts " Bakudo # 9 Hiron ( Combustion Circle ) " A red rope lashes out oh Daisuke's hand and wraps around Luna binding her.
Shisuko stops and flys downward. And looks around "Sorry .... It looks like I do not qualify as a captain anymore..." Shisuko sulka. 
"Damn...Luna its me could have injured yourself." Shiauko answers breathong calmly.
With a smile upon his face, he was glad to see his friend not kill this man. But on the other hand, he thought it would have been for the best if she just cut his head off and been done with it. Seeing the other captain leap into action and cast a binding skill on her made him slightly ticked off, he crouched slightly and vanished from his location. With his feet pressing off the building, the back half of the building crumbled and exploded from the force. Landing next to Daisuke, Riyoshi's tall figure towered over him. Reaching his hand up, he brought his large hand across the face of Daisuke sending him flying backwards.

"You watch whom you cast those upon!" Riyoshi said towards Daisuke.
Luna turned to the side as the kido was stopped and Shisuko replied.

"Nonsense! I simply reacted to the reiatsu i felt as any Captain should have." Luna shot a fierce glance at Riyoshi.

"We can help you through this. As long as you pose no threat to Seireitei why be so glum?" She asked, looking upon them all
Daisuke with a bruise on his face gets up and rubs it. ' I was just making sure she doesn't do anything drastic. Beside it's bakudo not hado. Ow man that hurt you know. "
Shisuko breaks his transformation and reverts back into his regular form with his hollow mask still on. "Well at least Shunsui is not here"
"That power is blasphemous but as long as you control it and you side with us always, i see no reason for you to not be a part of the Gotei."

Luna appears next to Riyoshi. she put a hand on his arm and nodded her head.
Riyoshi was furious at the look Luna shot at him, but he let it slide this time. He was man of few words, but this situation demanded him to speak out. Looking over at the hollow captain, he growled slightly.

"It does not matter if you can control those powers or not, you will always be an enemy in my eyes." Riyoshi spoke out as he felt luna's hand upon his arm.

Shrugging her niceness off, he looked upon the little shinigami's. Placing his arms across his chest, the shinigami's size was far bigger then the others. He was not in the mood to unsheathe his blade against his fellow shinigami, but this moment really called out for it.
"I am going to control it. I am going to become a Shingami Espada hybrid. Seeing that I am the 12th division captain I will need all of your permission to fully control the hollow" Shisuko aheaths Konohana
Continuing to look forward.

"Bullshit Riyoshi. You may see him at an enemy but that gives you no right to fight him." She kind of cocked her hips almost being able to look at him on level being he was the only person taller than her.

"Unless he poses a threat to Seireitei, then and only then can you destroy his being. I refuse to let you make a fool of yourself on something so useless!!!" She critiqued at him.

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