Bleach: New Generation

(ohhh xD . Got it. My bleach is a little rusty. I haven't watched it in over a year because it dragged on too long D:)

Miharu lifted her right arm and pointed one of her weapons to the sky, unlocking something that looked similar to a black hole before flash stepping behind Shisuko. "Careful. The moment you get hit, it's over", she smirked.
Shisuko looks at her and sighs. "Captain Miharu you do realize I have already planned it out right?..Engage Konohana!" Shisuko's Zanbakuto glows in a rainbow color and morphs into a longer blade. "Bakudo number 12 soul shield. Hado number 64 Aegis Sheild." Two body like sheilds enclose around Shisuko and he waits for her strike.
Miharu managed to stifle her laughter as Shisuko spoke. "Then I guess I'm lucky that I move faster than you think!", she advanced toward the captain, striking her two weapons at his shield in a speed that was too fast for the naked eye. She was able to break the soul shield with no problem, considering it wasn't that strong of a spell. However, for the second shield, she drew back her weapons and pointed it at the shield. "Hado #88 Flying Dragon Striking Heaven-Shaking Lightning Cannon." From the tips of her weapons fired an enormous amount of energy that would release almost immediately and cause the surroundings to shake from the force of it.
"I knew it. Konohana Bind." Shisuko's zanbakuto glows a harsh blue color but it doesnt activate in time so Shisuko Does a shumpo (Its the Faster flash step the Espada uses) and disappears from the attack with his Hollow mask on. Shisuko lets the mask break and then smiles. "Hado number 99 Infinite Shock wave" Shisukos shoots out the strongest hado without chanting or even whincing. He then appears at her side and puts his zanbakuto to her neck. "This is without me really fighting Miharu. I had planned out this scence 135 times in a row I think I won this round" Shisuko releases his Hado that was surrounding them.
Miharu flash stepped to the air the moment Shisuko's barrier broke knowing he wouldn't just sit there. Her second blade glowed, releasing a certain dark presence in the air. She fell to the floor from his shock wave, and winced in pain. As he held his blade to her neck, she cried out "I give up!" There was a moment of silence before the tip of Miharu's blade appeared behind Shisuko's neck and the Miharu that Shisuko held a blade against completely evaporated into black dust. "You didn't think I would REALLY say that did you?" she grinned. "You would think with someone of your high IQ, you would realize that you were fighting a clone- A few clones actually", she whistled.
(uhh, where is your reasoning/explanation behind just poofing o_o ? Like I stated that I used my zan's power to make shadow clones in my previous post lol)
(gigai's don't poof into smoke from what I remember lol, and you have to be "in" the gigai, unless you're talking about the inflatable gigai, but you didn't explain it. I personally don't like one-liners without explanation lol)
(oh im sorry thats what I ment lol I was trying to do Urahara's portablie gigai technque and forgot to explain lol sorry about that)
(Yeah Well Captain Shisuko of squad 12 , And Captain Miharu of squad 2 are training you can come in anytime)
* Walks unto the training grounds to see Shisuko and Miharu battling * I hope nobody gets injured. Daisuke calls out his zanpukto " drink their life Raifurichi " His blade glows white and surrounds his hands to form a metallic glove. Needles jut from its fingertips and a capsule appears on the wrist.
Shisuko sees captian Daisuke and uses a flashstep to get on top of the building that was nearby. "Captain Daisuke of Squad 3 Nice of you to join us" Shisuko looks carefully at both Miharu and Daisuke acessing boths strengths and weaknesses.

"Your zanbakuto where planning on draining us werent you?"
" No of course not " Plunges shikai into left arm, the capsule fills up a little. " Just getting ready just in case someone gets injured. "
Miharu sat Indian-style on the roof, looking rather bored. "I hate needles. I'm not fond of doctors either", she shivered thinking of her trip to the squad 4 barracks the last time she was injured. She shook her head in an attempt to forget her traumatic experience. "What brings you here?"
"Oh thats right your other ability. We will need it soon" Shisuko stays on guard and his Zanbakuto still semi released. "Oh did you both know that Konohana my zanbakuto has 3 technical shikais?" Shisuko stares at Miharu waiting for her to move.
Miharu twirled her blades around as if they were pistols of some kind. "Technical, smechnical. Abilities can change or be developed even further with limitless possibilities", she waved nonchalantly. She was the type of person who didn't care in terms of mechanics. She was someone who adapted her weapons and abilities to the situation at hand.
"Okay then... Captain Miharu behold you will be the first to see my Bankai." Shisuko smirks and his spiritual pressure starts becoming massive to the point where everyone is almost falling to their knees. "Bankai." His Zanbakuto vanishes and a flower field covers everything in a 3 mile Radius. "Konohana Sakuya Hime" A Cherry tree forms right next to Shisuko and a Woman comes out of it. The flowers turn into full sized katanas. "What my Bankai does I don't really know since this is its first release. But as you see Konohana my Zanbakuto is actually here. oh I do know something about it. Once it tastes you Spiritual pressusre she can find you and added to that all other Bankais cannot be used. Unless I permite it. As for what she does I don't know." The Zanbakuto looks at everyone.
Inori, Reihai hadn't planned on doing too much today. In fact, she'd not planned on doing anything at all. She was fine to simply spent her day either training or doing paperwork. One could ask why someone of Reihai's level of skill still needed to train, although they'd be met with some very curt words. Shinigami were much like the blades they wielded, should they stop honing themselves they began to dull.

Inori Reihai was not the kind of woman who was content with being dull.

At least not in the field of Zanjutsu, in regards to other areas she held no interest in who was superior to her. In fact, she was a fairly relaxed woman generally speaking. Well, that wasn't entirely true either, but this wasn't a period of personal meditation. She felt no need to currently reflect on her innermost feelings, instead, she merely decided to take a walk. The fresh air in her lungs and the sunshine on her skin felt exquisite. Inori, Rehai had always been truly appreciative of the simpler things in life. As she continued her rather simple walk across the Soul Society, she arrived at the training field, where several other captains were training. Reihai made her way over to them, to offer them a greeting out of simple formality; not because she actually liked any of them.

"Good day my fellow Captain's. How are you today? I trust everyone's training is going well?"

Reihai would speak, in a formal tone, towards the three gathered Captains. She didn't specifically make any notions towards joining the fight, but she could see a minor scrap going on. Before any of the other Captain's could form a reply towards her, they were greeted with the display of Konohana-Sakuya Hime's Bankai Release. Apparently the first time it had ever released into Bankai state. If Reihai were going to comment on it, she'd comment on it's beauty over it's abilities. It seemed to have manifested it's own persona of some sort in Bakai Release, interesting to say the least. Not enough for Reihai to actually divert some time into researching more information on, but interesting none the less.

"Well then, this is a treat. Captain Shisuko. Any reason we're the audience to this specific showing of your Bankai?"

Reihai questioned him out of curiosity, genuinely confused as to why he'd show them his bankai now of all times. It was slightly confusing, but she had no reason to suspect him of anything for now. If she did, he'd be dead. Reihai took treason very seriously, the punishment for treason was nothing short of death in her eyes and death was something Reihai had no problem in delivering to anyone who required such retribution.
"Oh,Captain Rehai of squad 8 I am just putting Konohana to the test. Plus the only way to truely control my new Bankai."Shisuko meet captain Rehai a while ago for a captain meeting. Shisuko finally decides to come clean.

"I am trying to control the Hollowfication process. It activates while in Bankai the first time. I recreated Captain Ichigo Kurosaki's transformation. Nothing Special execpt for the fact that I have no idea how to really use my Bankai....Wait...darn I said it out loud..oh well Tell Head Captain Shunsui that I created some equalizer power that ask ows a person to use Espada powers. And knowing you your Shunpo is extremely fast I might need you to catch me and break my mask if I go wild." Shisuko nods respectfully at her.
Daisuke looks a little shocked that Shisuko has yet to master bankai. " I will try my best to follow just in case things get out of hand."

( question are you guys making up your kido spells? )

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