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Fandom Bleach: Hands of Fate


New Member
Any one is welcome to join. if we get enough people we will, make death dealers or zero squad captains.

The plot is 10,000 years after The events of Aizen's upheaval, Seireitei is faced with a new enemy unlike anything they have ever seen. Known only as the Death Dealers, the King of Seireitei is upset with what the Gotei 13 has done to the world, and feels they need to be torn apart, and a new order built in it's place. The King of Seireitei sends an elite Squad to oversee the operation. Not much is known about the Death Dealers only, that they are ghosts, and that they are suspected in causing the collapse of many civilizations.

Zanto stood on the hill overlooking Seireitei, the morning was cool, and the sun was just starting to peak over the crest of the horizon. He was in a relaxed position, but the the thought of what was to come was anything but. He reached up, and pulled the scarf around his face down, to feel the wind on his face. He turned to look at the others who were stand behind him. "It's almost time," Zanto said.
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Name: Aito Giichi

Background: Aito graduated the top of his class, at the Academy. Praised for being a master tactician. His ability to break down the battle, along with his lightning reflexes makes him is a formidable foe in and out of battle. He holds himself like a noble even though he has no ties to a noble family. Aito doesn't have any family so his underlings are his family. Aito is known for his brutal squad wide training regiments. Aito's soul center was injured in a battle, and never quite recovered so he is in his barracks resting most days, and is not suppose to over exert himself, so he is not a front-line fighter. Aito was a legacy, and trained personally by the captain of the Stealth and Execution squad. Upon the Captain's death Aito replaced him as the new Captain, but when he was injured in battle he could no long fulfill his duties. The head Captain recognized his talents though, and appointed him to a new position as the Captain of the Kido Core instead.

Appearance: Aito has long brown hair that he wears in a ponytail kind of like Renji's. He wears his normal captain's Kimono, along with his sword on the back of his waist. Aito also wears a green and yellow scarf around his neck, and a arm-guard looking bracelet on his right arm. The bracelet has a inlaid gold weave, and a symbol of balanced scales on it. Aito wears his under Kimono slightly open revealing his midsection that is wrapped with a white bandage.

Position: Captain of Squad 4/ Leader of the Kido Core.


Release command: Divide and Flank

Shikai: tsuinsutinga (Twin Stingers)

Shikai appearance: His sword liquefies combining with the bracelet on Aito's arm. His entire arm turns into a giant sword that covers his right arm, and half of his chest in a metallic crystallized metal. From the forearm down the sword splits into two parallel sword prongs that are connected by threads of gold wire.

Shikai Abilities:

- Haibuoashisu (Hive Oasis) - Creates a pool of water along with palm trees that looks like an Oasis with a giant bee hive floating in the middle of it. The hive restores Allies Spirit energy, and slowly heals their wounds as long as they stay close to the oasis. Also summons a swarm of hornets that, protect and attack for Aito upon stinging an enemy they die, but leave a body, that can be consumed to speed up recovery time.

Bankai: Ōnoshi sutingā (King death Stinger)

Bankai Abilities:

- Aito can fire giant stingers from his arm, that when the enemy is hit by them it poisons them. The poison slowly spreads shutting down the enemies motor skills. And fatiguing them the only way to stop the spread is by channel spirit energy into themselves, but the more fatigued they become the faster the infection spreads. The poison doesn't kill them it just simply paralyses them. allowing Aito to dealing the killing blow.

Bankai Appearance: Exactly the same except the Metal spreads covering more of Aito's chest and covers half his face forming a helmet that looks like a bee head, with a rhino horn that looks like a stinger. The pongs of his sword arm also spread farther apart, with more gold threads inter weaved between them.
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Aito laid there on his bed, the lamp in the window swung gently casting shadows that danced across the walls and ceiling. the room was cool from the breeze that flowed in the window , stinging his burning midsection. The entire world was spinning, and it felt as if his blood was boiling.. He tried to call out for his lieutenant, but his throat was dry and the words got stuck in his throat. He reached out and tried to grab for the table to get up, when his entire body tensed throwing him back against the bed. Aito's midsection burned hotter, and steam rose off of his skin as the cool air pressed against it. He felt a welling feeling in his stomach, and began to convulse sending shock waves of pain through his entire body. He started to panic, and flailed off of the bed slamming his head against the floor with a deadening thud that could be heard down the hall.

A few moments later his lieutenant came running in, in a panic, and grabbed him. He picked him up, and placed him back on his bed. He pushed his hand into Aito’s midsection, as a dull purple light began to emit from his hand. The light crawled across his body, and wrapped Aito in a purple cocoon. Aito’s muscles relaxed, and the tension receided as he slowly fell back into a deep sleep.

Aito eyes fluttered open, his head hurt and he seemed to be confused. He slowly turned his head to looked at his lieutenant who was sitting at his bedside. "You're still here boy," he snarled at him. Aito reached out for the glass of water to find it was empty. His lieutenant stood and up and grabbed the pot of water sitting there and poured a glass for him. Aito swirled the water in his glass then gulped it down, the cool liquid burned his dry throat. His lieutenant took the glass and pot then turned to leave. “Why are you so nice to me Naru,” Aito said leaning up on his elbows. Naru stopped in the doorway, “Just don’t die old man i still need you. By the way there’s a Captain’s meeting soon, you might want to get ready if you're up to it,” Naru then shut the door and walked down the hall.

Aito swung his legs over the side of the bed and sat up. He took the clothes that were folded at the edge of his bed. He slowly pulled on his Kimono, then he grabbed him Zanpaktou and proceeded to walk down the hall with it in his hand. Aito strolled out into the garden that was in the court yard of his barracks. He slid his Zanpaktou into place at the back of his waist, a habit he learned back in the execution squad. Aito turned back to the Barracks, “Naru get your ass out here we’re going to be late,” he yelled, and listened for the sound of startled initiates jumping out of bed in fear, he smiled.

Aito and Naru walked towards the 1st Squad barracks in silence, as was their way. When they arrived they strolled in quietly, and took their place. The Head Captain sat on her stump, which was a lack of a better word for it because it actually was a tree stump. Each Head Captain had the right to decorate their barracks the way they saw fit. She was lost in thought, but acknowledged Aito with a hollow greeting never breaking her concentration. The other Captains slowly strolled in, and took their spots according to squad. When everyone had assembled the Head Captain looked up. “Two nights ago, we received a letter from the King of Seireitei himself ordering a captain’s meeting at this exact time, to wait for his message carried by the his personal messengers.

Aito could sense an undertone of strain in her voice, he slowly looked over his shoulder at Naru. Naru nodded at him, to say he sensed it to. “But it would seem our guests have arrived.” She said as the door to the chamber opened and 5 soldiers walked in. The stopped closed to the door, and formed a flank as if there were planning to sweep and kill everyone in the room.

“Since when are guests allowed to just simply stroll into my personal chamber, even if they from the King,” The Head Captain said. Her voice was calm, but her tone said this is my domain and I will not be defied here. Aito shifted his gaze to their guests four wore normal Captain’s kimonos with gold lettering, and gold embroidering, that said Zero Squad on the back. the fifth one however wore all black and stayed towards the back of the group in the shadows to hide his face. Thought Aito didn't see why it matter as the man wore a mask that covered the bottom half of his face. The women that was in the front was clearly in charge, and smiled with a crooked smile that was clearly forced. The women bowed to the head Captain.

“Stand up, do you think you fool me with your meaningless gestures,” the Head Captain said. “No of course not,” the women said apologetically. The women began walking down the line of Captains inspecting each one. She had a calm air about her, but her demeanor dared them to show force. She stopped in front of Aito, and place her hand on Aito’s chest. Aito looked straight ahead with no emotion, and with no reaction to women’s touch. The women slowly moved her hand down his chest and slowly pulled his kimono back inspecting the bandage around Aito's damaged midsection. She released his kimono and kept her hand moving down until it was almost on the hilt of his sword. Aito reached up in an instant, and grabbed her by the throat. His eyes began to glow a fiery gold as Japanese Symbols appeared. Gold threads snaked up his arm and around her throat, and he closed his hand as the threads closed around her throat constricting it. The women flared backwards in revolt tearing at the threads choking her.

“Captain,...Captain... CAPTAIN GIICHI, that’s enough,” The Head Captain yelled. Aito snapped out of his trance and the gold threads began to recede down his arm. and his eyes returned to their normal hazel color. The women caught her breathe, and stood up straight fixing herself. “I like this one, he’s got some flare to him,” she said smiling at him. “That’s the most sincere thing you've said since you arrived,” Aito said shifting his gaze to the women. The women flashstepped back up to him. He raised his hand halting Naru who had already partially drawn his blade.

“That’s enough,” The Head Captain yelled slamming her foot into the floor shaking the room. Everyone turned their gaze back to her. “Now back to matter of you being here, if you kindly would, why are you here, what is the King’s message,” she said sitting back on her seat.

The women returned to her spot at the head of the pack. “Well its simple the Gotei 13 is finished, you let one of your own wreak havoc on this world and the world of the living. Then the King gave you a direct order under Chi Kyotei (Pact of Blood), that stated you were to cease all interference in the world of the living. An order you chose to directly disobey. So for the last few years the king has been trying to decide what the do. His only course of action is Kami Ruru (Divine Rule). So the King is issuing this order, the Gotei 13 is to lay down arms, and each of you will be given fair trial by the King. If you would to refuse, God I hope you refuse, then the King will send every weapon in his arsenal to raze Seireitei to the ground, and a new Seireitei will be built.”

After a few moments the Head Captain started laughing hysterically. Aito, in 33 years of being a Captain had never seen her respond like that, he was defiantly worried now. Then the Head Captain did something Aito had also never seen her do during a meeting, she stood up. “You ignorant fool, what makes you think you can defy the Gotei 13 like this,” her voice boomed across the room.

The women disappeared and reappeared right in front of the Head Captain, “The zero Squad is the strongest Captains of all time, along with our new allies you have no hope of survival,” the women whispered in her ear. She reached out and put her hand on the Head Captain shoulder.

In an instant two Captains had their swords at her throat, the women smiled and moved her hands hitting the two Captain in the chest sending them sliding back. She flipped back to her spot in front of the others. The two Captains recovered and took up positions in the middle of the room. Aito watched them eyeing her. He saw a black flash as the man that was in the back moved finally. The man moved fast, even Aito could barely keep up with his movements. The man appeared in between the two captain. He grabbed the Captains swords extended either way he smiled, as chains shot from mechanisms on his wrists impaling the Captains in their shoulders. He pulled on the chains bringing the Captains to the ground.

The kid shot a chain into his own hand as he wrapped it around the captains sword then rolled over the captains back. He hit the captain in the back sending him full force into the ground as the chain ripped the sword from his hand. The kid stood and cast the three Captain swords in his hand aside, as he looked straight at The Head Captain.

The Head Captain stepped forward, with an angry look in her eyes. “How dare you come into my home, and defy me, who do you think you are. I am far older than you boy... I will break you,” The Head Captain took a step forward as a pool of green Reiatsu appeared under her foot. Her spirit energy began to swirl and the entire room began to groan under the weight of her massive Reiatsu. The man stood there and did nothing, as he watched her walk towards him.

The head Captain began running, and swung full force at the kid as he blocked easily. The force of them connecting cracked the far wall. Aito stepped forward, and his eyes began to glow fiery gold again as Japanese symbols appeared all around the room. Aito stooped down and placed his hands on the floor, and a pool of gold reiatsu grew under his hands, the spirit energy snaked itself across the floor. The gold spirit energy stopped and rose up building a barrier around the head captain and the kid. Aito stepped back, and returned to his place. He waited hoping that the barrier would hold up.

The Head Captain dodged and grabbed the man fist using her elbow, and all her weight she delivered a blow to his midsection that sent him flying back into the barrier. He recovered quickly , and dodged her next punch as he swept her across his back. He continued to dodge, occasionally cancelling her attacks with his own. The Head Captain connected with his jaw sending blood across the floor, but the kid just wiped his lip, and taunted her. She grabbed his punch and kicked him in the midsection the weight of her blow lifting him off of the ground.

The Head Captain, went for a second kick, but the kid grabbed her leg and flipped her around putting her in a head lock. "Stop this," the boy whispered in her ear. "You think you can win Death Dealer, your order is weak, you cannot trust the king," the Head Captain said. "You know who I am," the boy sounded confused. The Head Captain elbowed the boy in the face sending back into the side of the barrier. She slowly walked over, and grabbed him by the throat. She lifted him up off of the ground. “You are foolish the King was right, and you have made a new enemy today. The Death Dealers will never stand for this level of ignorance,” the boy said spiting blood on her kimono. “Get the hell out of my home,” the Head Captain said throwing him through the barrier. She turned, and limped back to her seat as, the five guards turned and left. “This meeting is dismissed. Return to your posts and await further orders,” she said wiping blood from her lip.

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