Black Butler: The Future Meets The Past [WILL BE DELETED, READ DES.] [Inactive]

((Im about to go also...but my phone blinks when i get a notification here and i must answer iiiit

So if i suddenly stop talking,i passed out))

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William wiped the spit from his face. His eyes conveyed death.

"Stuck-up b*tch!" He backed handed Oswin, then shoved her. He planned to used his size and back-up to overpower this girl.

((Can't go much father anyway))
Oswin reached for her sword and pointed it at them. "Make one more move and you're dead." She threatened, not hearing the trace of fear in her own voice.
Thomas aimed directly for Oswin's head,

"If you plan on living through today, I'd drop the sword." There was not an ounce of care in his voice. Johnathan readied his rifle as well.

"I would hate to shoot such a pretty young thing," He said." so you'd better do as we say."

"See?" Said William." You can't win. Just accept what's coming to you, you might even enjoy it." He smiled evilly.

Frank must have gone for miles, but he thought he could hear some voices far in the distance, they seemed to be male, but he could have sworn there was a female voice as well.
((I may not respond today until 8 oclock (5 for lumby and not sure its the same for you dark) so...have fun rping while im gone.

Today is also the last day for school until winter break so i'll be on a lot for a bit more than a week lol))

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((Hetalia, giving me ways to make fun of the English, French and every other world power for a long time)) 
((Might have missed my last post since we did it at the same time)) 
((Found this and just HAD to post it

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/sebby_is_a_real_english_gentleman_by_crimsonfange-d5g1ta4.jpg.6b02539b108b32ac3502c5e2039c0cbd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10640" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/sebby_is_a_real_english_gentleman_by_crimsonfange-d5g1ta4.jpg.6b02539b108b32ac3502c5e2039c0cbd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

And these are for you Unholy

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/england_strikes_again_by_ninja_neko_aru-d4aoevt.jpg.4f16f470831b595100ca3a4901b81760.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10641" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/england_strikes_again_by_ninja_neko_aru-d4aoevt.jpg.4f16f470831b595100ca3a4901b81760.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be824e3af_iggy_is_a_proper_english_gentleman_by_fuzziepeach-d5o85o3(1).jpg.5d160067095e5d9ceff3996b7d50ad03.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10642" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be824e3af_iggy_is_a_proper_english_gentleman_by_fuzziepeach-d5o85o3(1).jpg.5d160067095e5d9ceff3996b7d50ad03.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> ))



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Oswin chuckled. "You think you can just gang up, ask me to have sex with you, and when I refuse, threaten to kill me? You really are a bunch of dim-witted assholes. Let me tell you something..." She stood up straight and whipped her sword around, barely grazing Thomas's cheek but leaving a thin line that was beggining to bleed. "I could never forgive such actions."
Thomas stood silent for a minute, until he realised what had just happened. He raised the rifle above his head and started to bring it down with tremendous force.

Frank had walked toward the voices, and there was a female voice, he found them just in time to see a man trying to attack Oswin. He knew she would kill them, he wouldn't let her. He drew his pistol and fired, three shots, three kills. A fine red mist surrounded Oswin. Frank ran over to her.

"Are you OK Oswin," He said using a caring voice." I was worried that you had gotten lost..." He looked at the dead bodies." or worse." He looked at her with caring eyes.
((Hah same!))

"I could've taken care of that!" Oswin snapped. She closed her eyes and tried to relax. Calm down..... "Thanks." She muttered, not opening her eyes. "I'm fine. And I did get lost." She offered a small smile, slowly opening her eyes and looking at him.
((The second I saw that Sebby one I remembered our lengthy discussion on "What type of underwear does Sebby wear? Can't post much, busy at work))

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Frank's smile was slight,

"That's why I did it Oswin, I swore I would prevent any more sin from falling upon your soul." He looked deep into her eyes," There is a special place reserved for men like me, I will not allow for you to be sent there as well." He looked around at the bodies. " Let's get out of here before they start to stink." 
Tabitha walked around the garden casually. She began to hum quietly to pass a little time. She began to decide to go to town and get some art supplies,but remembered that she was instructed to stay here. with a sigh,she sat down on the ground and stared at a rock. after focusing on it,it began to glow very slightly and began to lift. Her eyes widened slightly from surprise,and it dropped. "Did I just do that?" Tabitha thought to herself. She decided to try to do it again. The rock began to lift a little higher this time. "Is this the ability that the well said I would have?" She wondered again. She kept it in the air,just looking at it.

((I thought it was about time she figured out her ability lol))

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((Frank: *Picks up rock and shakes violently* WHO SEND YOU?! WHO WANT HURT TABBY?

Rock: *Whispering* You.

Oswin smirked. "I dont know if I want to go. I quite like the sight of dead men." She joked and turned around. "I'm in the mood for some brandy." She remarked.
((I dont think death in general is funny. Just certain ways you can die is funny...if you have watched 1000 ways to die...some of the deaths you just sort of laugh at because its like: "how the hell did they managed to do that?!"))

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