Black Butler: The Future Meets The Past [WILL BE DELETED, READ DES.] [Inactive]

((no...i hate kids man

I wanna be a psychologist and i might have to work with kids so I need this...and my mom forced me to take it...

i hate this class so much))
((Kids aren't that bad, I mean look at all the positives, like... um... yeah I got nothing)) 
((And I a girl I work with has a degree in psycology.))
((Actually playing the game that's a reference to.

It's that they cloned a soldier, Code-named Naked Snake, creating Solid Snake, Liquid Snake, and Solidus Snake, the children of Big Boss, the children of the Snake))
Frank awoke to find himself next to Tabitha, still sleeping. He rolled out of bed and laced up his boots. He made his way to the kitchen and began to prepare breakfast, scrambled eggs, bacon and orange juice, enough for two. He placed to two plates on a tray and brought them up to his room, treading carefully so as not to wake Tabby. He laid the tray on the nightstand. He sat on the bedside, Frank placed his hand on Tabby's shoulder.

"Rise and shine my love, it's time for breakfast." He gave a light shake." Time to get up."
Tabitha did not move as Frank left. She was half awake when Frank returned, hearing quiet footsteps. When Frank he put his hand on her shoulder to wake her, she groaned. She grabbed on her hood and put it down farther, like a turtle hiding in it's shell. Tabitha even curled into a little ball.

"I'm too comfy to get up...." She said, in a slight whiny tone. Eventually, she did sit up. Her hood fell to reveal slight messy hair. She peeked over to the night stand to see what was on it. Tabitha smiled slightly to Frank. "Thanks for making breakfast." She gave a kiss on the cheek.

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