Black Butler: The Future Meets The Past [WILL BE DELETED, READ DES.] [Inactive]

Frank looked at Sebastian, good, that meant Tabitha was safe. He looked back to Mey-rin, relieved, "I hope you'll excuse me, but I will need help getting to my room." Then Frank passed out.
"Oh my!" Mey-rin said as she tried catching Frank as he passed out. She looked towards Sebastian. "S-sebastian, what should we do?!" She asked worriedly. It seems she could hardly handle herself in the smallest situations.

Meanwhile, Tabitha remained unaware that both Sebastian and Frank were in the mansion. She laid back down on the bed and sighed. She thought about her day so far. It seemed so crazy to her, that she kind of wanted to pinch herself to make sure she wasn't in a dream or something similar. So, that is what Tabitha did. As she pinched herself, she could definitely feel the pain. She responded to that pain with a quiet "ow!"

"If I told anyone about my day...I'm sure to be sent to a mental hospital." She said to herself as she stared at the ceiling, both arms stretched out.
(( We all get busy sometimes, it happens, see ya then.)) 
((Been wanting to do a flashback for a while, seemed like a good time. Note: All this is false, never happened in real life (that I know of). It's a bit long (Record length for me), but I don't do stuff half-assed.))

Frank was back. Another one of his hells put on display like every night. It all seemed grainy, but he remembered all the same.

March 15, 1967, Kon Tum Province, South Vietnam. Staff Sergeant Frank Jaeger and 3rd platoon, Charlie company were returning from a search and destroy mission,

"Hey lieutenant!" He called over the sound of the chopper, " Where are the escorts? We get caught out here we're screwed."

"Command said we don't need them, that the region is secured." He replied.

"Secured my ass! I'd feel safer sitting in a cardboard box during a tornado! It is the advice of you platoon sergeant that you call and demand air cover!"

"I am in command here sergeant, I make the calls!" No sooner had the words left his mouth that there was an explosion behind them, Frank looked out the side of the chopper to see the 3rd of the four choppers going down in flames. He grabbed his radio operator and yelled in to the headset,

"Challenger HQ, this is Challenger 3 Actual, come in, I say again, this is Challenger 3 Actual calling Challenger HQ!"

"This is Challenger HQ, we read you, go ahead." The voice sounded monotone and uncaring.

"What the hell are you doing?" The LT. Quietly yelled.

"Saving our asses" Frank shot back, "Challenger HQ we are taking fire at grid point..." Frank looked at a small map, " Five, grid section C. Request immediate close air-support. Do you copy?"

"We copy, there is no air support available, you'll have to tough it out."

"Son of a b*tch!" He screamed before pressing the mic button, "We copy, we'll do our best." Frank looked outside, they were moving fast at tree-top level, they might yet make it. He looked at the pilots, "Can't you make this thing go any faster?" They couldn't. Frank sighed, "Permission to speak freely LT.?"

"Go ahead" Was the reply.

"You," Frank said," are about as sharp as a bowling ball. Even Private numb-nuts over there knows that there ain't such a thing as 'secure' in this country."

At first the LT. looked offended, before he realised that his Sergeant was right. All of a sudden the chopper was rocked by an explosion, an RPG had hit the tail rotor.

"CRAP!" Frank exclaimed. They were in the trees in a matter of seconds.

When Frank regained his senses he did a head count, twelve out of fifteen, not bad considering the hard landing, lost both pilots and the right door gunner.

"All right boys, listen up!" He yelled, "We're stuck here, let's fortify this position, and Johnson call HQ and ask for immediate assistance, I don't want to be here all day!"

The LT. walked up to Frank, "Who put you in charge?"

"Every man who wants to live that's who, now get out of my way, I don't have time for some kid fresh out of OCS. Come back when you know something about war." Frank stabbed his chest so hard with his finger the LT. fell over. If they made it out alive, he'd probably get reprimanded, but who cared?

"Johnson, you got anything? Frank asked.

"Nothing but bullshit sarge."

"Give me that thing." Frank took the headset," Challenger HQ this is Challenger 3 Actual, come in."

"Challenger HQ confirms, go ahead."

"We need immediate extraction at previously stated co-ordinates."

"I'm afraid we can't do that. You'll have to make it back on foot."

"ON FOOT!? Are you insane!? It's at least twelve klicks to the nearest friendly outpost!"

"That's all there is to it Challenger 3, Challenger HQ over and out."

"GAAAAAAAGH! DAMNED PENCIL PUSHERS! WHEN I GET BACK THERE I'M GONNA TEAR THEIR HEADS OFF!" Frank was screaming, but he composed himself when he saw the men staring. "Are you guys taking a break or are we fortified like For Knox already? Johnson, bring me that map." Frank examined in for a moment, "Look, the road's about a half a klick west, I say we move parallel to it, and make our way to checkpoint two-niner here. That's about eleven klicks, but if me move now, we can make it before dark."

"I am the officer, I give the orders!" The LT. yelled.

"You, will be silent, so you might live to learn from this." Frank gave him a death stare, these men would follow him, not the lieutenant.

They marched, with only small exchanges of gunfire along the way. About three-quarters of the way there they stopped to rest in an abandoned road-side rest stop.

"We'll hold up here for ten, then we're moving on. Drink up, we aren't stopping again 'till we get there." Frank looked at them, even with the minimal combat they had been in, they were down to six, including himself. They were about to leave when a Fifty cal opened up on them from the treeline.

"HIT THE DECK!" Frank Yelled."Take defensive positions! Johnson! Over here, NOW!" Frank took the radio, "Checkpoint two-niner come in."

"This is checkpoint two-niner, go ahead."

"This is Challenger 3 Actual, do you have access to any vehicles, preferably transports?" Frank asked

"We have two Duece n' halfs and an Jeep with a thirty on it here."

"Send the jeep and a truck to milepost 132, we need them now, if not sooner."

"We'll be there in fifteen minutes." They replied, not soon enough, Frank thought.

Frank directed the men, but only by the grace of god would they survive. They silenced the fifty, Johnson was downed. 10 minutes left. They continued to hold for all they were worth. It wasn't enough. James and Patterson, shot dead. Five minutes, three men. The trucks were less than a minute out when Emmerich bought it. It was down to Jaeger and the LT., an unlikely combination.

"Looks like we're the only ones." Frank said.

"LOOK OUT!" Cried the lieutenant.

Frank turned just in time for the blood spatter to him him in the face.

"Lieutenant!" Frank grabbed his body, the LT. had taken a bullet for him, why?" Hold on, trucks are almost here, don't die on me now. come on kid, you gotta live!"

" Looks like.. *cough cough* I learned what war is, eh sarge?" He was getting weaker by the second.

"You hang in there dammit!" When finally his last breath left his lips. "NNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!"

((Back in the real world))

"NNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" Frank cried out, fully awake. He found himself looking at the the ceiling, breathing hard and dripping sweat. Where was he? He couldn't remember.
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(Sorry for a time skip of putting you in the room)

Tabitha had accidentally fallen asleep. She had one of those stressful dreams where she.couldnt find her classroom in school.

As she was getting more stressed, in the outside world, her knife glowed a slight blue and was pushed off if the table. The sound woke her up.

"Damn! Why does everything fall off?" She said to herself.

Then, as she put the knife bsck, Tabitha heard Frank screaming in his room next to hers. She ran out and into his bedroom.

"Are you alright?!" She asked,worried.

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(My thanksgiving break is this week so i will be on a lot. I will be on most of the day on wedensday and everyday after.until monday (when i have to go back to school ;n;))

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Frank turned to Tabitha, visibly shaken and a little out of breath he said,

"So sorry, I- I had a nightmare." True enough, though it was much more real than that. Frank went to get up, the pain was excruciating. He could tell already, three hairline fractures and about a dozen micro muscle tears, even at the rate he healed, it would take four days to be in tip-top shape, but he'd move freely by the end of today.

"I was in no shape to go to two-hundred percent yesterday and I'm paying for it now," Frank limped over to the dresser where he found his clothes folded next to his weapons, he looked down to see he was only in his boxers. What happened after he passed out? He remembered Tabitha was here.

"Um would you excuse me?" he said very embarrassed. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out two small gold bars and simply stared at them. "Was I worth it?" Frank said under his breath. He washed his face, dressed and went the door and smiled at Tabitha,

"Want some breakfast?"
Tabitha looked away as Frank got dressed, but returned her gaze when it was safe. She smiled slighty.

"Sure, i might be able to eat a little." She responded.

Tabitha wasnt really much of a breakfast eater. She never had time in the mornings to. So it was taken almost completley out of her diet. But, she was willing to eat a little bit. She began walking towards the door to follow Frank out.
Frank peered around, he couldn't see anyone. Time to do a little sneaking. Frank managed to get them to the kitchen without being seen, perfect, there was even a small table here. He ran around grabbing ingredients, Flour, salt, baking powder, sugar, a few eggs, milk, butter and a loaf of bread. Perfect.

"Ready for Frank's famous flapjacks with a side of eggs on toast" He smiled at her, after a night like that, he was lucky to wake up to something like her. After about twenty minutes, the food was ready, one problem, he made enough pancakes to feed an army. He set the pancakes and some eggs on toast on the small table,

"Bonne appetit!" Wow Frank thought, this is getting multicultural, American and British food, and a French blessing, what next?
"Of course!" Tabitha said with a bright smile. She sat there, watching Frank make breakfast.

She smiled when it was done, and replied to his "Bonne Appetit" with a "Merci Boucoup!" and took some pancakes and eggs with toast for herself. She took a bite out of the pancakes first, her face lit up.

"Wow! These are really well made!" She said, smiling towards Frank. It was probably the best pancakes she has ever had, since most pancakes she can make are usually the kind where you get the mix from a box.
"Thank you!" Frank was glad she liked them, he sat down and began to eat. To think that Jerry had made for of him for taking home economics in high-school. He had finished his eggs on toast and was on his third pancake, when he started to fiddle with the two gold bars again. As good it was, he pushed away his food, he'd lost his appetite.

"Listen, Tabitha," He sounded ashamed," I have not been entirely honest, both around and with you, I don't want it like that. Please allow me to be open for once. Ask me anything about myself, I give you my word that I will be completely honest." He didn't want her to think of him in a false way. That was as bad as lying to her face. That was something he wouldn't do in a thousand years.
"Oh, alright. Same goes for you, I never told you anything about me." Tabitha responded with. "I was wondering about-" She was interrupted when Sebastian had snuck up on them. She straightened up, for reasons she didn't even know.

"Oh...Good morning, Sebastian." She said, smiling towards him. She then realized that they had used their kitchen with out permission. She worried that Sebastian may be annoyed by that.
"Good morning Sebastian, care to join us?" The tone he used said the opposite. " The pancakes are quite delicious." He looked back to Tabitha. " I suppose we'll talk later then." He place the gold bars back in his jacket pocket.
(Gah my computer keeps deleting my posts:/)

"Good morning. I will not be joining you unfortunately." Sebastian said with a bored expression. "I hope you slept well. I will talk to you later. Also, stay out of trouble." He said, looking at Frank as he said the last sentence.
((I've had that problem before once DX))

"Oh, alright." Tabitha said calmly, with a slight emotionless tone. She awkwardly went back to finishing up her egg sandwich. She was starting to get full, but she was somewhat forcing herself to eat, since she knows it's a possibility she'll start skipping meals like she tends to do sometimes.
(( I'll save it. If it happens I can post under my name with it saying it was you.))

"I wouldn't dare make trouble for our host. Now if you'll excuse us, we have personal things to discuss." He looked to Tabitha, "What say we go for a walk in the garden later, a little verdant scenery couldn't hurt." And not to mention make it easy to spot eavesdroppers.

When Sebastian had left Frank got back on topic.

"You were saying?" he asked, curious as to what she had wondered about.
"Well..." She began. "I hope this isn't going in a more personal...setting or something. But yesterday, at the fight. You were labeling you strength through percentages. May I ask why?" She asked, slightly hesitant. Tabitha hoped it wasn't too much to ask about it.

She had finished her meal and set her plate with the silverware in the middle of it to the side and looked at Frank.
"Well, quite honestly, it is because I control my strength. Sixty percent is me limiting my self to sixty percent of my strength, not allowing my self to go over. I can Increase to one-hundred percent without trouble, I only limit my self to increase my stamina, and protect those around me from accidental harm. I can also increase to over one-hundred percent, but at a cost. Last night I went to two-hundred percent when I was already tired, the strain on my body was so great I have several bone fractures and muscle tears as a result." He was dead serious. "My turn, what is it like where you are," he tried to find a neutral word" from, did we make it to the moon? Are there flying cars? Did we beat the soviets? He looked at her, eyes bright.
Tabitha listened carefully. "That makes sense." She responded. She smiled at Franks question."Well, I can tell you A LOT happened since your time." Tabitha said with a smile. She pulled out her Iphone. "These are our cell phones. It has a touch screen and a lot of features. But we also have more simplified ones as well where it's buttons and it flips up and down. It allows us to call anybody from anywhere, as long as we have a 'signal.'" Tabitha began. "World news wise...there is no Soviet Union anymore...they are considered a "democracy" now, but they don't have everything America has." She added. "We landed on the moon and have put cameras on other planets." She said, dragging out her words as she spoke because she was thinking. "Cars look very different and have many more features. We have cars that can be charged and do not need any gas. But those are VERY expensive." She explained. "Hold on, I have some pictures." She said, grabbing her phone and turning it on. She may not be able to gain access to calling, but she still can look at pictures since they are apart of the phone's memory. She walked around the table to sit next to Frank, showing him the pictures she had. The buildings, pictures of the cars that she wanted to buy when she had the money, and many other things of her time. "Although, the world now is suffering from a recession. It may even be possible to be put into another depression in years to come if we don't step up the economy." She said, sadly.
Frank's mind was reeling,

"This, this is AMAZING!" Frank could barely contain himself "It's like a tiny radio, but with a screen and pictures like a TV! The USSR is done for, that's great! And a moon landing! Kennedy's promise pulled through! Even other planets! "It was almost too much to comprehend! Then he got to the cars. "What the? Where did style go? They all look the same, and there's no, how do I put it... well they all look weak! What happened to the HEMIs? the 454's? And electric? I saw one of those before, ran on a giant battery for about forty minutes! Pathetic! No power!" Frank looked disappointed." And a recession, huh? What is another democrat in power again? America is country of doers and builders though, they'll get us out of it." Frank paused. " Anything else you want to know about me?" 
(( gotta run for a little, be back soon!))

"Fortuneteller, yes. The cars aren't the greatest anymore. I wanted an older car, but you can't really get them and if something breaks down on it, there are no parts sold for it. " She sighed. "And yes, there is a democrat in power for your country, Barack Obama." She added in.

She thought about about a question to ask. "How about life for you? My parents never really tell me anything about life around that time. What is the every day life like?" She asked him. Were things actually as cheap as they say? Were people more friendly? Life past the 2000s always interested her because that's when there actually were people with a life, unlike her time now where everyone is drowned in electronics.
"Well, life is simple enough I suppose,"Frank started out" things are your basic nine-to-five work, come home, have dinner, watch the game on the TV and things like that. I don't know what you mean by 'as cheap' but things like gas are about thirty cents a gallon for the good stuff, about a buck fifty for a movie ticket, snacks are pretty dang expensive though, you could get a high performance muscle car for under six grand, average house is maybe twenty to thirty grand. That's the kind of prices I can throw at you. Folks are friendly in most areas, as long as you avoid big cities, those folks can be real asses. Are things much more expensive for you?"

((I think this thing just randomly deletes letter to screw with me,))
"Oh yes! Things are WAY more expensive." Tabitha began. "If I convert pounds to dollars correctly, gas is about...$3-$4 a gallon, average sales of houses are about 242 grand and over for maybe a medium sized house to a somewhat larger house. A car is about....10-30 grand, possibly even 100 if it's a really good car. movies is about 10 dollars per ticket, plus a few extra for snacks. People in my time...everyone can be a jerk. No matter where you go, no one will say hi to you unless they know you personally. They all just walk looking forward." Tabitha explained. "Your time seems so much better, being simple and all." Tabitha said, chuckling.

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