Black Butler: The Future Meets The Past [WILL BE DELETED, READ DES.] [Inactive]

"Cliques? Gothic?" Frank raised an eyebrow, "What are those? And what do you mean sixties and seventies? You smoking pot or somethin'?" He gave her a look of suspicion. He let go of her and turned to face her, looking at her quizzically.
Tabitha looked at Frank curiously. "You groups? Gothic is like...wearing all blank or darker colors." Tabitha tried explaining. "It's like you're not from 2013!" She said, giggling slightly. Although, the giggling quickly stopped. "You...are from 2013....aren't you?" She asked curiously. "Or is that well some sort of...time travel thing that sent both of us somewhere?" She asked. She was starting to get very confused. Where exactly are they? Are they both in some sort of different time? Is that why the forest was so different?
"2013!?" Frank exclaimed, "It's 1968 as far as I'm concerned!" His mind was racing, time travel? 2013? What the hell is happening?

He glared at her, "What you say next must be very concise, who are you, really, where are we, and tell me everything you know about the situation we are in. If I think your lying, I will leave you here without a second thought. Answer carefully." Frank would figure out what was happening and figure a way out of here, not matter what he had to do.
(-Had got not alerts for this- I...don't know what to do anymore so should I just stay out of it from here? :c I dont want to bother)
UnholyRedemption said:
(-Had got not alerts for this- I...don't know what to do anymore so should I just stay out of it from here? :c I dont want to bother)
You can continue! It's just Tabitha and Frank together talking and figuring things out. You can still have your character watch or hat you want her to do. You won't be a bother at all! 
When Frank became slightly hostile, she became scared, but tried to remain as calm as she could. "My name is Tabitha Rayne." She said, pulling out her school ID, the only ID she had of her and gave it to him. The date on it said "2013-2014". It had her picture in the corner that was cropped to fit the card when she took her school pictures. It had her school's name across the top, and under it her name. There was a bar code for when she gets school lunch or goes to any school activities. "I am 17 years old, a senior in high school. I was walking home from school when I decided to take a walk in the forest. Both my parents are on business trips to Paris, so I didn't want to be bored sitting at home alone. I saw the well, the same one we both came out of. I had a feeling that I should go in, so I did. It seemed like nothing happened and I got out and everything was so different! Then I went on my way to try and figure out what is going on, just like you!" Tabitha tried explaining her whole story on how she got here. "If might be some kind of...time travel device or something because if you're from 1968, then it has to have sent us both to some time period. But until we get to town we will have no idea. My phone will not process the date or even the time, so I am just as clueless as you!" She added in again.
Frank contemplated what she said, he examined the card, it looked legitimate, and he could tell she was not lying.

"OK," Frank said, confused but now level-headed," I believe you. I don't know what is happening, but we'll figure that out in time, for now lets get a move on, the forest feels different again, I don't like it. He turned back to the North star. He looked back and said coolly, "Coming?" and and began to walk onward once more.

As he walked, he thought intently, his eyebrows so knitted they appeared as one. This place, time whatever it was, he'd find a way home, he wouldn't give up until he did.
Tabitha nodded as she followed Frank. She looked around in the forest, seeing shadows dancing and owls turning their heads to look at them. As she looked to a different direction, she saw a light in the distance. Perhaps a street light?

"Hey...Frank, look." She said, pointing to the small little light.


(Reposting Ciel's thing so it doesn't get lost in the abyss of the forum xD )

Ciel looked towards the door when Sebastian entered the room. "Finally." He muttered.

"I'd much rather get rest, I have a lot more work to do tomorrow." Ciel responded to his butler.

"May I also ask where you have been? You've been gone for quite a while." Ciel asked as he got up from his desk.
Frank looked off in the distance, seeing the small light Tabitha had pointed out.

"A house perhaps?" All he could see was the light nothing around it. He took a step towards it.

"When we get there," he advised, " stay behind the treeline, I'll check it out. If you hear trouble, run, I'll find you, don't worry." He started moving towards the light. Why was it here? What could it be? He sighed, with any luck it'll be friendly, but all considered, well... Too late now anyway he was close enough to be spotted by anyone paying attention. No turning back, he made that resolution right then.
Sebastian led Ciel down the hall. "Just some business." He answered smoothly. "I apololigize for being late." He opened the door to Ciel's room. "Do you need any other assistance from me tonight?" He needed to go back out and see if those people were still lost. They acted and dressed strangely.
"Alright." Tabitha responded. She followed him, but stayed slightly farther away so she wouldn't get in the way or anything. When they got closer, she stayed in the tree line like she was ordered to. She watched Frank, and looked around to make sure there was nothing of danger around, and turned her gaze back to Frank. She hoped that the source of the light will help them out, whether it was a house or a street lamp, she hoped it was friendly. 
"No Sebastian, I can take care of myself for the night." Ciel responded as he entered his room. "You can go back to whatever you need to do. I'll see you in the morning." Ciel added in as he entered his room and shut the door behind him. He proceeded to do his normal routine of changing into his sleeping clothes, removing his eye patch, and going to bed.
Frank approached the impressive structure, a mansion by the looks of it. He had no idea who lived here but he was about to find out. He drew his pistol and chambered a round, best to be prepared. He holstered it as he walked to the door when he felt it again, that eerie feeling like he was watched by unseen forces. He knocked on the door, "Hello? Anybody home?" he called. Frank already knew the answer though. "Let's see if they know anything." He muttered. He could hear movement somewhere in the house, voices too, he put himself on alert. If things went well he'd pick up Tabitha, get what he came for, and go home.
"Good night, young master." He said just as the door closed. He made sure the other servants weren't around before jumping out the window. The night air felt nice and he landed in a couch. He stood up and realized he was right in front of the boy. "Who are you?" He asked in a low, quiet voice.
Tabitha stayed behind in the trees. She still had a view of Frank. Her eyes widened when a man, dressed in a black suit, appeared in front of Frank. "Who is he?" She thought to herself. She wanted to walk a little closer, but her obedience kept her behind the trees. In fact, she hid slightly behind the tree she was at. Since most of her outfit was black, she could disappear into the darkness for the most part. She just stood there, watching.
"I am Frank Jaeger, What are you?" In an equally cold voice, resisting the urge to draw his sidearm. "I didn't know this was a house for circus performers" He knew it wasn't true though, he could feel the power he emanated, he was not normal. He was someone he didn't want to fight.
Sebastian smirked. "I am your worst nightmare." he growled, his eyes flashing red. Control... "I am Sebastian Michaelis. What is your business at the Phantomhive Manor at this time?" He sensed something strange about them.
Tabitha saw the man's eyes glowing red. She hid behind the tree more, out of sight. Although, upon stepping in closer to hid, she stepped on the twig, making a small snapping noise. She held her breath, hoping it was not heard. She wanted to leave, and help Frank. But what could she do? She was just a school girl who can barley run for 10 minutes. She stood there, hiding and trying to watch at the same time. Tabitha hoped that she could go home soon.
Hmph, this man thought he could intimidate Frank, so what if his eyes could be red, fear got you nowhere in this world or any other, Frank stood erect and gave him the look of death, he wouldn't back down. "I'm here to find out where and... well when I am, and also I'm curious as to why you have a time traveling well in the woods." He spoke so coldly he could have sworn he could see ice crystals hanging in the air between them. His right hand drew back his jacket until it was behind his holster, it had a mind of it's and he could do nothing about it, a show of force couldn't hurt anyway. He had to be ready to fight, his only worry was for Tabitha out in the woods, if he were killed who would protect her? Help her get home? He'd be damned if he broke his word now, if ever.
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Sebastian's gaze went to the girl behind the tree and then travelled back to Frank. "You are in England, 1884. I have no knowledge of this time-traveling well you speak of." He glanced down at the gun and chuckled. "You think you can harm me? With a gun? You must be mad." He took a fork out of his pocket and studied it, twisting and turning it in his hands.
Tabitha looked slightly confused. "His weapon of a fork?" She wondered to herself. "Why a fork...of all things?" She wondered again. She continued to study both of the young men carefully. She hoped that nothing violent would occur. Not only was it getting quite late, but she knew that her and Frank both wanted to get home ASAP, and getting into a fight wont help that at all.

"I certainly hope I can get back in time so I won't be tired tomorrow morning for school...If I get back home."She thought to herself.
Frank tensed, 1884? Great, more bullshit to complicate his day. He looked at the fork with some intrigue, "Nice dinnerware," Frank pointed out, " did Tiffany's have a sale? And if you think you can beat me with that, I'll have to teach you a lesson." Frank shed his jacket to expose his black tank-top, and flexed all his upper body muscles.

"Still feeling so high and mighty? Now, we can act like gentlemen and talk inside over coffee or tea, or we can make a mess, your choice. And, don't worry," He said smugly," I'm pretty good at mopping, if it comes to that."
Sebastian shoved the fork back in his pocket. "What kind of butler would I be if I caused a mess? Please, come inside." His hand was planted on the door and he debated killing the boy before he made it inside. But he decided against that. I can't wake the young master. I'll have to deal with them myself. Or get Grell.... He half snickered half shuddered to himself at the thought. "Stay here a moment." He ordered. Then he swiftly ran to the girl and offered his hand. "Would you like some tea, Miss?"
A servant, Frank thought, one such as him would normally know nothing. But then he ran to where Tabitha was hidden. "Damn, he's not as oblivious to his surroundings, as I thought." Frank muttered, "Hmm, Fast too, might make for a good fight." If he were a servant, Frank would have to wake his lord, then he might get some answers, this man acted as if he knew nothing. He would have to speak with this man in private, he knew something he didn't tell. He saw him speak to Tabitha, he waved her to come when she felt comfortable. If this man hurt her, Frank would kill him. But he would wait for him to come back before he entered the manor, he would have to be more cordial when the master of the household made his appearance.
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(Sorry for the delay, i fell asleep!)

Tabitha didn't expect the man to be so fast. When he came to her, she slightly jolted back, but relaxed when he asked her to tea. Tabitha noticed Frank waving her to come.

"U-um...yes...that would be nice."she said back to him, accepting his hand.
Sebastian smiled and led her to the door. He glared at Frank and then opened the doors. "Welcome to the phantomhive Manor! I'm afraid my master can't join us as he is resting." He hoped Ciel wouldnt wake up. "Now this way to the library! That is where we will have our..." Sebastian hesitated. "Talk." He finished as he opened the door to the library. "You may sit." He glanced behind him just as Finny walked by. "Would you care to watch our guests?" Finny never said no and so sebastion went to go get the tea.
Note: I will be writing Finny for now, and when he is directly involved.

Frank sat upon a couch and lit up a cigarette,

"So tell me young man, what is your name?" He asked in a calm manor,

"F-F-Finnian, sir." He replied, a little nervously.

"Well fine met then," Frank said in a soothing manor, "would you be so kind as to tell me about this fine home?" This Finnian boy was quite nervous, hopefully he could calm him down to get some information before that butler returned.

"W-Well, this is Phantomhive manor, the home of Ciel Phantomhive." He replied, a bit less on edge," It is also home to Sebastian, myself, as well as Baldroy, our chef, and Mey-rin, our maid."

"I see, it sounds like a happy place to live. But, what's with that Sebastian character, he seems much less personable than you."

"Well, you see he's..." he stopped, that damnable butler must be coming back, screw subtlety!

"Tell me everything you know about him." Frank said sternly

Finnian did not say a word, it was too late, he must be just outside the door by now.
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