Black Butler: The Future Meets The Past [WILL BE DELETED, READ DES.] [Inactive]

Quick note, edited my post, changed left to right for proper synchronicity with the move.
The punch connected and Sebastian took a step back, grasping the back of his head. Even though it doesn't harm me, it still stings, Sebastian thought angrily. He lunged and stuck his foot out, attempting to kick his feet out from under him.
"Too slow." Frank thought, but he was wrong. He failed to pull his legs up in time and went completely airborne, he landed and rolled back about six feet. He felt that one.

"You're pretty good, I'll give you that, not many can even connect with me, let alone knock me down. Be honored, you get to see eighty percent power." Frank bumped off another internal power limiter, this was about to get interesting, no man had beaten eighty yet
Tabatha was amazed. She had never seen a fight as intense as this one. The only fights she had ever witnessed were just people pushing and punching eachother. She wondered about why Frank calculated his strength in percentages. She continued to watch, slightly focusing on thenfight more than before.
"Eighty percent? Please.... you are acting rude. You believe I can only beat you at eighty percent?" Sebastian brushed imaginary dirt off his clothes. "You also catagorize me with other people you have fought. I assure you, I am nothing like them." Sebastian shifted weight from one foot to another. He was tempted to pull the silverware from out of his coat but that wouldn't be fair plus he wasn't trying to kill. He was only trying to prove his strength without fully coming out and stating he was a demon.
"Are you so daft that you want to see my full power? Hahaha. You are nothing but a fool, but I shall indulge my most gracious host. I will give you two-hundred percent, you will be the only living soul to witness it. But it is rather, ugly, so before I do, I'd like to ask miss Rayne to step inside, so that she may avoid seeing me in that state." He looked at her. "See if one of the servants can lead you to the bedroom, tell him if he tries anything that there will be hell to pay. I will join you when I finish taking out the trash. And don't come out no matter what you hear." He looked to Sebastian with a look of pure malice, a mere taste of what was to come.
(We have a new person joining in, I can't post the info right now, so don't be surprised!)

Tabitha looked to Frank. "Alright, I'll see you in a bit." She said, casually. She stood up and stepped inside like she was told. She looked around to see if someone could help her. She saw finny walking by.

"Um...excuse me...were would my room be?" She asked as politley as she could.

"O-oh! Yes, right. Follow me." He said in a slightly nervous tone. He led her upstairs to the guest bedrooms.
"There, now that the polite company has left us, I can cease to be so. prepare to see the last thing you will ever see." Frank smiled evilly, "I will ask that you do not disturb me during my transfer from eighty to two-hundred percent, I'd hate to hurt you by accident."

Frank tensed, the first part was the hardest, the removal of the mental barriers he had in place, then phase two, the physical transformation, stage three, unleash the beast. Frank cringed, the pain was considerable, "Aaah, aahh, aaahh, AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" He cried in pain. Then came the part most did not expect, Frank grew, his muscles almost doubled in size, he grew to over six foot-five. He lost most of his reservations, it was too late to turn back, it was do or die. When he was done he towered about Sebastian, he charged forward at speeds an Olympic sprinter wouldn't believe, he aimed his blow right at Sebastian's rib cage, his fist had the force of a mac truck going fifty miles an hour, Sebastian wouldn't stand a chance.
Sebastian stuck out his hands and blocked/pushed the giant fist away from him. "You could have told me you had power." He complained. When he couldnt push away any longer, he used the millisecond to jump up and behind Frank. "You forget what I told you earlier." Sebastian flicked a fork towards the muscled man. "I dare not repeat it." He jumped up into the near by branches of a tree and wached from the dense leaves.
When Finny had showed Tabitha the room, he left. Tabitha closed the door behind her and looked around.

"Nice room." She thought to herself.

She took out her trusty pocket knife out of her pocket and put it on one of the end tables. She took her black jacket off and set it and the edge of the bed. She smiled happily as she laid on the bed.

"So comfy~!" She thought to herself.

She tried her hardest not to fall asleep. She wanted to wait until she knew the fight was over. She looked around the room with her eyes, wondering what things she could do within the room.
Frank let the fork hit him, he felt nothing.

"You do not realise the war you just started." said Frank, now without fear of alienating Tabitha, "I will tear the flesh from your bones puny man" Frank walked to a nearby tree and pulled it up by the roots, and in one swift motion delimbed it. He aimed at the tree in which Sebastian had taken refuge, and threw it as if it were a spear. He followed close behind.
Sebastian was knocked out of the tree. He flipped so he landed on his feet. "You have become blind to your rage!" He yelled and took off at a run. He needed a moment to think.
(I gotta go guys, 2:23 a.m, I need to learn how to sleep, haha. Have fun with your fight~)

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And a good night to you too, Frank'll have you hunted down before you do though. 
"Says the man who runs like a coward!" Frank bellowed after him, Had it been true, he'd have turned to the house, but that was a poor decision in itself. Frank sprinted after him, he could respect an opponent who backed down out of respect or the realization of hopelessness, but a man who ran, he deserved no mercy. Frank laughed as he gave chase, the old rhyme, "Fee fy fo fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman." came to mind. He'd have blood on his hands, that was for sure. As he came upon them, Frank threw small boulders at the man he pursued, he could only dodge and run for so long before he tired out. Tonight was a better workout than he could have hoped for, but he'd still have to end it by morning, or else. 
(( Just noticed it's almost midnight, gonna log before too long myself, don't feel like draggin' at work in the morning, *Sigh* The joys of being a full time student and part time slave. See y'all tomorrow))
Sebastian now understood what he was doing. Keep Frank away from the house, keep the young master safe. He continued to dodge the boulders and run. He called back,"Can't keep up? Need me to slow down?" Sebastian smirked. "You can't defeat me, no matter how hard you try." He taunted.

((Oh my, one day I will be full time student and part time slave...when summer comes least I'll get money lol.


Tabitha's thoughts were interrupted when she could hear things being thrown about. She was tempted to go see, but she remembered that Frank told her to not look. She laid down on the bed. She figured this fight might be a while. She closed her eyes to rest them,but did not fall asleep.

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(( How are you so damned cheery in the morning?))

As Frank chased Sebastian, he tried to regain a bit more of his faculties, even this Sebastian didn't normally taunt this much, what was he doing? Leading him to trap so he could get leverage? What could he do for leverage? It's not like he would... Crap! Frank Slammed to a stop, He's going to have on the the servant do something to Tabitha while he was drawn away! Frank sprinted back towards the manor at such a pace nothing on earth could catch him.

When he reached the gates, he reverted himself to normal, and nearly passed out from pain and exhaustion. Frank managed to pull himself together and find where Tabitha left his things, he grabbed his pistol and went inside to look for her. He could barley walk,, let alone fight, he hoped that a .45 slug was enough to bring down anything that got in his way.
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((Maybe cause I stayed up late so I'm not tired (I seem to be more awake in the morning if I go to bed realllllly late))

Tabitha yawned. She was about halfway to starting to fall sleep, but she kept herself awake. She opened her eyes and sat up. She looked over to her pocket knife, which had her named engraved into it. She took the pocket knife and switched the blade open and just examined it. She never really used it for it's actual purpose before. She just carries it around as a form of protection when she goes out on her own. The only use it has gotten so far was cutting something that she didn't have scissors for.

When she realized that wasn't much entertainment, she closed the blade. She got up from the bed and began walking around, humming. What seemed like her best idea yet (sarcastically), she pulled out her phone to text someone. But then she realized where she was, and remembered that there is no signal for her in this time period.

"Well damn." She muttered to herself as she put it back in her pocket. Tabitha then walked around some more to pass the time.

(I think I'll enter Mey-rin :>)

Mey-rin was walking through the hallways, when she saw Frank wandering the hall way.

"Excuse me, sir. Are you looking for something?" She asked with a smile as she pushed up her glasses so they fit on her face better.
((BTW I gotta go to work now, see y'all at somewhere between three and four, or six and seven for Mega, and whenever for Dark.))
Sebastian turned around to find Frank not chasing him anymore. "Damn it!" he said through gritted teeth. He ran back to the manor as quickly as possible. Frank was already inside. Sebastian jumped to the window in Ciel's room. Ciel was still sleeping and unharmed. Sebastian let out the breath he didn't realize he had been holding. He walked out the door quietly and started down the hall. He came upon Mey-rin and him talking. Frank was back to normal. "I will not continue this any longer. I dont intend to hurt you or your friend unless you provoke me. Get some rest." Sebastian said, starting to wall to the dining room to set up for beakfast. Before he got too far, he turned around. "You are quite strong. I don't know if i would have survived if I hadnt run. I compliment you on that. But you need to learn self-control."

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