Black Butler: The Future Meets The Past [WILL BE DELETED, READ DES.] [Inactive]

"Well, things aren't all sunshine and lollipops, " Frank said" we have war, hippies, the draft, the arms race and things like that. I hope for your sake the wages went up proportionally to the costs. Or else, Jesus, that would be a hard life. And remember, a jerk is a jerk, and sometimes they multiply, but with luck they die out, but they are only a sign of hard times. As they improve the number of jerks will lessen. If we ever find a way back, maybe we can control where we go, find a more peaceful time, with nicer people, no struggles either. But anyway, I'd like to know more about you, tell me about yourself.
"Yeah, well, I'm not too sure on average pay, but since I'm part time I'm in minimum wage pay so, not until I get a full job will I know." Tabitha said with a smile.

"About me...? Hmm." She said thinking. "Well...I am a bit of an art freak. I draw mostly statue angels and cool architecture I find when I'm out walking." Tabitha began. "I do listen to a lot of music, generally rock and things not even in English. Ummm...not too much to say. I work part time at a little cafe shop." She continued. She couldn't really come up with a whole lot about herself. "I can speak a little bit of Japanese and French, but not a whole lot...I took classes on both, but I only have some conversational grammar down." She added. "I'm a bit boring to be honest, I can hardly think of anything about myself that would most likely even interest you." She said, giggling in slight embarrassment. "I have two pets, and English Springer Spaniel named Tucker and a Ball Python snake named Allister." She added in. "Personality wise....lets see, I can be shy to people I don't know, but if I become very good friends with someone I turn into some hugging monster." She said, giggling. "That's pretty much about you?" She asked.
"Well, um" Frank was fairly boring himself " I guess I like to watch Football, I dig architecture myself, I like Frank Loyd Wright the most, I like how he blends the buildings with the environment, and I like rock & roll music, like the beach boys and stuff. I like to walk at night... in the forest mostly."Damn this was getting harder" I work out alot, I suppose. I don't actually have a job right now because I just got out of the army..."Frank didn't talk too much about that part of his life" I speak a little Vietnamese, only enough to get by though, things like 'move' and 'more noodles please'. Damn, I'm boring. I like dogs, but I haven't had one since I was a boy. Uh, I'm from the states, but you probably figured that out by now." Frank thought He'd add something about his personality too." I'm pretty shy too, to tell the truth, but when I meet people I can get along with I become warm and open,"Frank chuckled" I don't do all that much hugging though. That's me in a nutshell right there." Frank smiled, he was happy to know more about her.

"So uh, want to take a walk with me? The garden may only be half as pretty as you, but that's quite an impressive feat in itself." He scratched the back of his head, he felt a bit bashful.
Tabitha blushed. She was never really called beautiful before.

She smiled to Frank. "Sure, a walk would be nice. Work off the pancake and eggs." She said, giggling. She stood up from her chair and pushed it in neatly.
Frank extended his arm so that he might lead her, when they got to the garden, it was quite beautiful, but still no match for her in his eyes.

He looked around, he found himself too nervous to speak, he led about until at last he walked to a rose bush and found it, a perfect white rose, the symbol of beauty and purity, he snipped it. He then bowed and gave it to her,

"A rose for the most beautiful flower here." He said with a smile. It wasn't exactly Shakespeare, but it would have to do.
Tabitha blushed, took the rose, and looked away slightly from embarrassment.

"Thank you Frank, you're too kind." She said, smiling towards him. She was glad her hair covered half her face so the blush could hide a little bit.

"To be honest, you're pretty handsome yourself." She said, giggling slightly and smiling to him.
"Thank you, but really it is my pleasure just to be in you presence." Frank smiled, he was the luckiest man on earth as far as he was concerned. He just hoped his face wasn't as red as it felt.

"I'll be honest with you, "He couldn't suppress these words any longer," I've liked you from the moment I laid eyes on you. What I saw was the image of beauty itself. When I first came to this place I thought it a curse, when really it was a blessing. Everything I've done was to impress you, showing my strength, protecting you, even making you breakfast this morning. Every minute I spend with you, getting to know you, it makes me so happy I could die and not even care. I'm not much of a poet, I know, and my feelings transcend words anyway, I just- "Frank stuttered, this was the hardest part,"I wanted you to know how I felt inside." He hoped she would return his feelings in kind, or at least not completely reject him. He put on a confident face, but on the inside he was scared shitless. 
((My god, that sounded a lot less cheesy in my head.))
((lol omg I'm kind of doing a quiet fan squeal right now I knew something was going to happen between them, I just had a feeling lol))

Tabitha had a look of shock on her face. No one has ever confessed to her before. Her surprise was almost so great, that a small berry on a near by tree glowed slightly, and fell.

No one knew her well enough to even like her, except for Frank. She had no idea what to say to him. Then, she found the words.

"Well...All I can say is, your attempts to impress me worked. A+" She said. She stood on her tippy-toes and gave him a quick peck on the cheek of acceptance and stood back normally, smiling to him.

"I've never known anyone who would almost make it their priority to keep me safe. You're a really special kind of guy." She said, smiling.
Frank thought he'd go to the moon himself, she'd kissed him! If he smiled any wider his jaw might break.

"Tabitha, I would sacrifice my beating heart if only to make you happy." Frank was totally sincere," You've got my heart going so fast it feels like it's going to burst from my chest. Tabitha, "Frank gulped audibly, and held her hand in his, " if you don't mind my asking, will you go out with me? I promise to devote myself to you and only you, I will protect you from all harm, no matter the cost to myself, and I will get you home or where ever you wish to go, I swear it." He gazed in to her blue eyes. He was happier than he'd ever been. 
(( I keep saying to Frank (not literally, but kinda like in my head) GO FOR GOLD MAN!))
((oops fanart*leaps over a rainbow* ))

Tabitha smiled. "Yes! I would be happy too!! Even if I go home, I would come back through the well here if it means I could see you again." Tabitha said. "Even though it's been a day since we met, I feel like we've known each other for ages, funny thing, huh?" She said giggling happily.

(YOU GOT YOURSELF A REAL MAN TABITHA YEAAAAAAAH *takes her and leaps over another rainbow*)
(( Sorry I'm going need a minute, that last comment still has me laughing, awesome fanart by the way, wish I could do that, now if you'll excuse me, hahahahahahahahahah...))
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((oh my gosh, sorry you haven't had a chance to come in and rp DX

I'll make a Ciel post for you (forgot lil Ciel omg I'm a bad person)))

Ciel had woken up. By the light streaming through the window, he realized he had slept in. He sighed and forced himself awake. He changed out of his clothes and tried his best to dress himself. He tied his eye patch around his eye. He left his bedroom and looked around.

"Sebastian?" He called out.
(( Maybe I'm an innovator, but I'm pretty sure I've been fanguying for like the last twenty minutes))
((I'm doing one of those hop-dance things of fangirling because omg its just too perf for me they are so cute and AAAAAAAAAH))
(( For me it's like watching your favorite team that never won a super bowl do it, I'm like, "YEAH! THEY FINALLY DID IT! WAY TO GO!OH MY GOD, PASS ME MORE POPCORN!" pretty much that's all it's been for the last while, roomie was kinda pissed about that. But then I showed it to him and he was "oh, ok." Saved by the romance.))
((I have to go take a shower, I'll make it super quick! About 5-10 minutes :>


Sebastian heard Ciel calling him and and ran to hm. "Good morning." He said, bowing. "We have some visitors. I believe they are in the garden at the moment. But id leave them alone." Sebastian said, smirking. He had seen everything and decided himself to let them have their privacy. Besides, he hated all that yucky, cheesy, lovey-dovey stuff.
Ciel pouted. "Oh really? Well...not much I can do about it since they are already here." Ciel said in a sigh. "How long will they be staying?" He asked, slightly annoyed. He was not looking forward to guests with so much work to do.
Frank was happy beyond belief. He picked up Tabitha and spun her around, he just couldn't help himself, it was something he'd wanted to do for a while. He set her down, he smiled and looked at her, the rose in her hair fit her perfectly, he saw a tree on a knoll not far from them, perfect for relaxing and cloud watching.

"Hold on a moment,"Frank said," I'll be right back." Frank ran inside, quickly finding a linen closet. He grabbed a blanket and ran back to the garden, he smiled and waved to Tabitha,

"Come on! I have an idea!" when he got to the knoll he set the blanket down, it was at just the right angle to both be shaded and see the clouds. He sat down, hugging his knees, he patted the spot on the blanket beside him.

"Why don't we sit relax a little, watch the clouds and talk?" Frank asked, it was always a calming and enjoyable activity.

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