Black Butler: The Future Meets The Past [WILL BE DELETED, READ DES.] [Inactive]

Tabitha smiled to Frank. She thought he was a good actor. She smiled to ciel and said a quiet "hello" in greeting when she was introduced. Smile and look nice was her philosophy when someone was handling something.

"Really...?" Ciel asked. "How strange...." He muttered, thinking. "I will have to look into it." He said. When he meant he would, he really meant him and mostly Sebastian. He couldn't put his trust into his other servants to look into this strange thing.

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"Thank you for your assistance," Frank said," Just so you know, all those involved spoke about a well, they go in here and don't come out, or go in somewhere else, and my personal opinion is that this is a load of crap, "It wasn't" But those that appear claim to be from different time periods in the future. If it wouldn't be to much of a bother, may I ask if I may use your manor as my base of operations, I will be investigating this matter myself you see." He hoped Sebastian didn't call his bluff. "We've yet to find the well, but with your assistance, I think we just might, also, whatever you do, don't let any of your servants enter the well. Another lost person means another sheaf of papers to fill out. And I don't like paperwork." Frank stood up and put his hand out to shake with Ciel's, he had to bend over a bit to do so.
Ciel thought about the favor Frank was asking for.

He stood up and shook Frank's hand.

"You can stay as long as you keep to yourselves for the most part. I have a lot of paperwork myself and I don't have much time to join you in your investigation." Ciel said simply. He hoped he wouldnt regret this desicion. "If you need anything, let me or my butler know."He added in.

Tabitha stood up as well, since this discussion was soon to end. When Ciel was done speaking and shaking hands, she bowed her head respectivley to him.

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((My posts might start slowing down a bit, an RP I signed up for just started))

Frank returned to his room,

"How to make my self seem police like?" He walked around looking at what he had access to, it wasn't much. He found a little bell on the side of the wall with a small sign that read "service" Frank pulled it. And waited, he washed his face, organised his things, started daydreaming (A first), thought a lot about Tabitha, he even realised that he didn't even want to go home, just where ever Tabitha went.

"Wow, even the Hanoi hotel had better service than this place." He waited.
Mey-rin ran towards Frank's room when the service bell was rung. Afer a few minutes, she knocked on his door.

"Service!" She called out.

Tabitha had return to her room and laid in her bed. She was very happy, to the poiny she was doing slight happy kicks with her feet. She looked around for something to do. She began singing quietly to herself

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Frank turned to the door,

"About time."He muttered, he opened the door. " Hello again miss Mey-rin, is it? Sorry about last night but was a bit tired from my nightly exercise. But could you bring me a map of the local area, a pen, an ink well, some paper, and maybe a little Earl Gray tea if you would? I have a bit of work to do unfortunately." He wore a slightly smile," Also were you the one who laundered my clothes?" He felt especially awkward, considering everything was cleaned, including his underwear." I-uh, Thank you,"he finally said." that was very kind." He looked away.
Mey-Rin smiled brightly. "Yes' sir, right away!" She said as she quickley left the room to go get everything. A few minutes later, she returned with everything.

"Anything else, sir?" She asked cheerily.

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((Three posts for this RP, Still haven't finished the first for the other, you can tell which is more important. Also, now it's time for Franks cooking corner and romance show!))

"No, that will be all thank you. Have a good afternoon." He said with a smile. Frank pulled out the map, a piece of paper and the writing materials, "OK," He was talking to himself" We're here, came from here..." Frank started trying to backtrack his route from last night, not as easy as he thought it would be. He narrowed it down to a three mile radius,

"Better than nothing, I suppose." He sighed, this was harder than he thought, he'd need at least a fifty man search team for two days to find this thing, he doubted Ciel would supply him with that. Frank was tired, he looked at his watched, it was almost five, dinner time. Frank put away his things, they could wait for now. He ran to the kitchen, "What did girls like for dinner?" he wondered. Three courses! He began his preparations, Item number one, a small side salad,

"Hmm, Lets see, tomatoes, lettuce, and carrots. Leaf the lettuce, shred the carrots and dice the tomatoes, phase one complete." What will Frank do next? Phase two appetizer! "Goat cheese, red onion and tomato tarts!" Sounds bad but popular in England! Amazing! Frank is a master chef (Or at least has read a cookbook). Phase three, main course. "How about... Roast pork loin with apple and apricot stuffing! This kitchen has it all!" 'But what about dessert?' Frank thought. Phase four, dessert. "Pecan Pie! That'll be perfect!" as it was all cooking, Frank sprinted between the garden and the manor, tables, chairs, candles... It had to be perfect! Finally Frank found finny,

"Hey Finnian, want to do me a quick favor, it's in the garden." Oh god that sounds wrong, Frank thought" I'm setting up dinner and I need a server, can ya help me out?" Frank pleaded with him.

"O-OK, I'll help you out." Finny said, more at ease than when the conversation started.

"Perfect! When I bring down Tabitha, the Salads are on the counter, the tarts are in the cool room, the roast and pie are in separate ovens, bring them in this order, he wrote it down, tarts, salad, roast, pie. I'm counting on you!" Frank ran off, to his room. He bathed, shaved, combed his short hair and stole a suit from one of the closets, oddly there were quite a few to choose from, he had to let it out a little, but that was it. Frank went to the garden and made a bouquet of roses.

Now came the moment of truth, he knocked on her door,

((omg so romantic he is so great xD ))

Tabitha's little imagination was interrupted when she heard Frank knocking on the door. "Hold on a sec!" She called. She had to get off her lazy ass and get up.

She hurried to the door and opened it.

"Oh! Hey Frank!" She said with a smile. She noticed he cleaned up quite a bit.

"Wow, you look good." She said giggling. "Quite handsome." She added.
(( Got to go, prison is calling back in, oh half hour? Let the lovey doveyness sink in))
((Quick note, If Tabitha turns out to be a vegan or something, I AM GOING TO SHOOT MYSELF. Thank you for your time)) 
((disregard that, just remembered she ate eggs))
((No worries, she won't suffer of being vegan. My mom already makes me suffer by trying to make me vegan (I love you too much meat), I won't put her in that suffering lol)) 
((lol oh yeaaah i forgot about that xD ))
((Oh my gosh I am so sorry DX basically romance happened and uh...actually not a whole lot happened really...the story line hasn't really went on really. Mostly people knowing eachother and stuff...nothing too important. Although some inspection will be put on the well pretty soon. Location wise, everyone is at the Phantomhive Manor))
Ellyn had watched the girl who spoke to her ages ago momentarily before she took off. However, now that was a past memory to the demoness who was now perched upon a roof, her legs crossed as they hung off the side of the building. She was however curious to why she was dressed oddly. 'Quite unusual...' She added as she sighed. It had been quite long since then but curiousity was always a bad habit she had. Her red eyes looked at the sky before she shrugged, getting to her feet.

In boredom, the demoness had went and brought some clothes matching her home era before she began to walk through the streets, pinkish eyes watching some of the humans before turning her gaze back to the sky. "Something interesting may happen." She murmured, attracting a few gazes from some passersby before she walked over towards the park, taking a seat upon the bench.

"I can't wait."
((You are a goddamned genius, why wasn't I this smart in high-school? Oh wait that's right, I went to public high-school))
((im in a public high school also xD ...Probably because everyone there are idiots and I don't want to become like those pant-sagging ass holes lol))
((Sounds like we have something in common then, I'm just dumb from too many hits to the noggin playing football.))
(( I suck at being romantic, if it gets cheesy, bear with me))

Frank smiled, he loved it when she laughed, He handed her the bouquet

"Your knight in shining armor has come to sweep you off your feet." Frank said, " Shall I whisk you away?" He went down on a knee and extended his arms out into whisking position, he smiled nervously, "Oh god, this is sooo bad." he thought oh wait, he didn't think.

((Frank has leveled up from Kraft mac and cheese to angel hair smooth.))
(okay okay i'm good xD oh god that was genius)

Tabitha accepted the bouquet and laughed a bit when he got down on his knees. His actions were so cute!

"Of course Sir Frank." She giggled, going into his arms ad giving him a kiss on the cheek.
((Oh my god, still deciding whether to go cheesier or to lighten up on it, before it gets cheesier than fondue))

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