Black Butler: The Future Meets The Past [WILL BE DELETED, READ DES.] [Inactive]

Ciel looked up from his paperwork to Sebastian.

"No, I don't think so." He replied. He looked down back to his work. So much paperwork. Beneath it all, there was a letter from the queen. When he read it, it was talking about the same well Frank talked about.

"Now the queen wants to look at this." He muttered under his breath. He decided he would put it off for a few days.
((I was starting to wonder what happened to Sebastian, he wasn't spying on Frank and Tabitha, quite the rarity that.

Also have to go before too long, my kindle's going to die fairly soon when it does I'll switch to my computer around 30 min from now))

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"Ah,where was I?" Frank had lost his train of thought" Ah yes! I can't wait to spend the twenty-first century with you, my only worry is if your parents like me or not, maybe I'm not the kind of boy you bring home to your mom and pop." Frank thought about it, if they didn't maybe he'd just whisk her away to America?

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(Ha ha hey Sebastian is bad-ass and not a creep.. he won't always be stalking the love-birds))

Sebastian bowed and walked out, seeing Frank and Tabitha before he left. "If you make a mess, make sure to clean it up." He called out sourly. The town was just a run away for him and he got there in just a couple minutes. Once he arrived, he walked slower and slower until he was strolling. He got many strange looks which he was expecting. He was a butler out without his master. That was a strange sight to many.
"I wouldn't worry about that."She said with a smile. "My parents are home maybe....once or twice every month or so. I don't think they would really care to much since they wouldn't really be seeing you anyways." She added in. She was pretty sure that they wouldn't care if she stayed where she was now, since they were constantly traveling all the time.
Ellyn with her red hair pinned up to a nice bun, her dress pooling on the floor as she tried to amuse herself. Humans were both frail and cruel. She sighed softly, red eyes glowing with a crimson hue as she got to her feet, brushing her skirts down as she felt a grin slip onto her lips. Regardless of today's outcome she always had another day, another week, another month and in result she had years.

She wandered back through the streets, her hands gently interlocked with one another as she began to hum. What could she do? Her thoughts were interrupted when she picked up upon some faint murmurs about a butler without a master, causing her to raise a brow before she stepped behind one of the small gathering crowds.

'A demon.'

Her lips moved but no sound was made as a grin slipped onto her lips. She almost had to thank the girl from before. If she had not gained her interest then she would have moved on along the country. She blinked, smirking. It was rare she came in contact with another demon and the last demon she did practically raised her. She almost wondered who Alexander was now. What was his name? Was he even alive?

She smiled slightly before she changed her course, heading to a more isolated area so she would be free to speak as she wished, to do more importantly whatever she wished. After a few moments she reached the back alley way, the small area opening up for more space. So, she simply awaited for the demon to catch onto her presence. She wasn't hiding her presence after all.
"Maybe it's different where you come from,"Frank started," But where I'm from, it is proper for one to meet the girl's parents." Plus Frank would have to ask her father one question in particular,"And besides, I'd love to meet the people who raised such a wonderful girl." Frank saw Sebastian,"Of course. you slimy little cretin." Frank said the last part beneath his breath. He turned his attention back to Tabitha.

"You know, that does raise the question of who would want to always be away from such an amazing person."

Finny brought them their plates,

"Here you go." he said, before once more retreating into the darkness.
"Thank you." Tabitha said to Finny before he ran off.

"It's proper in my time as well...but it's also common to not have the perfect family either." She said with a slight giggle.

"'s all about money now really. Once I could cook for myself and do things for myself they could go back and make money, but come home more often. When I got my underage work permit so I could pay for things, they were gone a lot. But they are nice people, they love me and all, it's just they don't want to lose their jobs. Which is understandable and all." She added in. She realized she was just spilling out her family life.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to bore you or anything with my little family issues." She said with a smile.
"Hmph,"Frank found himself disgusted," Is that what it's come to? Money being more important than family?" To Frank loved ones were more important than anything, even his own life. " Perhaps it isn't exactly 'future perfect' is it. I remember my pastor talking about how the bible said that the world would come to it's end when man lost love for each other, never thought it would happen in my lifetime." Frank realised that wasn't exactly great dinner conversation," I'm sorry, it seems I may have spoiled the mood. And, don't worry nothing about you is boring. I am the boring one, nothing but war and hate in my back story. That is why I am so glad that I found you. You've turned my life around completely, even if it's only been one day." Frank managed a smile.
Sebastian froze, feeling the presence of another demon. It was strong and then slipped away until it was faint but still present. He was curious. He hadnt spoken with a demon in a long time. He began to walk again but this time, towards the other demon. He was being led towards the more abondened part of the town. His eyes turned red and a devilish smirk spread across his face. He found the alley and stood in the middle of the entrance. "Hello." He said smoothly.
She turned upon her heels, the silent tap of her shoes against the gravel as a smirk crossed upon her lips, her weight shifting before she crossed her arms over her torso, her tilted. He smoothly spoke a brief hello which only made the demoness smirk further, amused. "Hello to you as well." She murmured in response, red eyes glowing with amusement. "I didn't expect another demon to be here..." Was the woman's brief reply, her lips curled to a smile. "Its a pleasure to meet you then."
"Unfortunately." She muttered. But she quickly smiled. "Nothing about you is boring either! I wouldn't be with a man who is boring." She giggled a bit. She was glad to hear that she made him happy, she really was. Then, when she heard the topic of the end of the world, it reminded her of the 2012 end of the world scare.

"Last year, in 2012, for some odd reason, everyone thought the world was going to end. It was very funny, actually. Some families went to the degree of buying a lot of water bottles, building little tunnels and bunkers in their basements. Apparently they thought the sun was going to explode or something. I think December 21st was the date everyone said. It was funny to see how everyone was scared over nothing. They even made a movie about it to kind of mock it." She said, trying to boost the mood a little bit. She laughed a little bit.
"Hehe"Frank chuckled, "They still do that? People I know did that, we call them 'fallout shelters'. In either case, they'd both be just about as effective. You ever see a movie called 'Dr. Stangelove'? It sounds like the same thing, just about nuclear war instead of an exploding sun." He was glad he hadn't killed the mood entirely, he took a bite of the roast, quite good as well. He was able to wear a genuine smile again.
Sebastian took a step, finally able to see her. "Please, the pleasure is all mine." He eyed her red hair and laughed a little. "My master lives close by. I too wasn't expecting a demon to be wondering about."
Tabitha also took a bite out of her roast. It was very good in her opinion.

"I've never seen the movie, but I've heard. And I'm pretty sure they'll be more "end times". There was another one when it went from 1999 to 2000. I have no idea where anybody gets the ideas." She said.

"Excellent roast by the way!" She complimented.

She was having a very nice time tonight. She never knew anyone doing something very romantic like this on the first day of a relationship. She knew of first dates, but she never heard them to be this romantic. It was nice.
Ellyn smiled, falsely portraying the human emotion of joy as she rested her hand upon her cheek. "Wandering about? Oh me? Well excuse my impoliteness." She murmured. Humans were so easy to copy, to mimic and become. She loved it because they were manipulative creatures and she often used what they unconsciously taught her. "Well, I apologize if I mess with your plans or something like that. I am simply in search of something to do." She could only add quietly.
"I suppose we humans can be quite foolhardy, especially en-mass." Frank had to laugh about that," It seems like all we like to do is think about our own demise and plan that of others." Frank was glad she like the food," And thank you for the complement, I didn't know your tastes, so I had to guess." Frank looked into her eyes, than at the stars, then back again, her eyes were more beautiful. " Maybe when we get back when can change that, with your brains and my beauty... wait I think I got that backwards, no I forgot, those are both yours. With your beauty and brains and my... height, we can change this world, I just know it."He shot her his best 'winning' smile.
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"That's true." Tabitha responded.

Tabitha smiled embarrassingly. She's going to have to start getting used to being complimented all the time. "You've got your own set of brains and handsomeness too ya' know." She replied with a smile.

"I'm sure together we could put sense into some people's brains. Although that's going to take quite a while, and I'm too lazy." She said, obviously joking around a little bit for the last part.
"Don't try to manipulate me using stupid human emotions," Sebastian growled. "Why did you lead me out here? What do you want?"

((sorry all my replies are so short!))
She raised a brow, crossing her arms over her torso as she took a step back. A grin slid onto her lips as the katana formed within her hands, the sheath pulsing slowly with a demonic energy. Ellyn just loved some of the stuff she picked up. The demonic weapon was released from its sheath as the ribbon that hung from its hilt wrapped around her lower arm. "While it was not an insult you took it as such." She murmured. Alexander would be ashamed of her. Sighing she looked back over at him cautiously. "I only led you here to talk to another demon." It would of been better if you were him though "It is not my fault you are so hostile~" She teased.
"Well if you say I'm handsome, it must be true." Frank gave her a quizzical look,"But several things I've done over the years beg to differ about the brains part." Frank smiled at her," And together there's nothing we can't do." He took another bite of food and sip of water," I bet if we tried, we could make the world a place without war or famine, a place where all people loved each other." Frank thought about it." I think we should put your face on the flag. It'll look prettier that way." He smiled. 
((Dance hard and sleep harder, see you two later))

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