Black Butler: The Future Meets The Past [WILL BE DELETED, READ DES.] [Inactive]

"I have something very special planned for you tonight." Frank said, choosing to leave a bit of mystery. He carried her down the stairs and through the house. He got her to the garden without tripping or dropping her, things were on the upswing. He pulled out her chair with his foot and set her down.

"A candle-lit dinner for two." He said with a smile. He clapped his hands, "Waiter" he called, "Please bring us some water and tells us about tonight's menu if you would." He took the seat opposite of Tabitha.

Finny Brought two glasses of water.

"Tonight's menu consists of goat cheese, red onion and tomato tarts as an appetizer, a fresh garden salad for the pre-meal, Roast pork loin with apple and apricot stuffing for the main course, and pecan pie for dessert." Finny had rehearsed well," May I get you anything else to drink before I bring out the food?"

"I'll have a pinot noir," Frank started, trying to sound sophisticated," and what would you like my dear?" He looked at Tabitha.

(( I think I'm learning more about fine dining than about writing with this section)) 
((*Sniff* I'd like to thank google and several cooking and dining sites, without you there couldn't have been such a post.))
Tabitha giggled a bit as Frank carried her. When they got to the garden, she became very surprisrd. Tabitha was very impressed by everything. He pulled off everything so well. How in the world could he do this in such a short time?!

Upon hearing the question she thought about what she could have.

"I'll have just an iced tea with lemon. Please." She said, smiling towards Finny.

As he nodded and went to get the drinks she looked over to Frank.

"You have no idea how much you have surprised me!" She said laughing and blushing a bit. "You are so sweet, Frank." She said, with a loving smile.

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Frank was positively giddy, he thought about an old movie he once saw, the perfect line

"I could do anything for you, if you asked it I would throw a lasso around the moon to bring it closer,"With a smile he added," This is nothing, I'm glad I could get Finnian to help out, give us a bit more time to talk, and "He approached," Speak of the devil."

"Here you are, one glass of pinot noir, and one iced tea with lemon, the tarts will be along in a minute" Finnian bowed and made his way back to the kitchen, he wondered if Sebastian had OK'd all this. He came back with the tarts," Here you go, just call when you're ready for the next portion."

"Thank you Finnian." Frank said.

Finnian returned to the edge of the garden do he might be out of sight, but within hearing range.

Frank took a bite, they were better than he thought they would turn out, he wasn't much of a chef, but he knew the basics.

"What do you think?" He hoped she liked them. Frank looked at her blue eyes, he could get lost in them if he wasn't careful.
Tabitha giggled. "Oh stop, your too sweet. But that's not a bad thing."she said with a smile. She thought she needs to start throwing out compliments.

When Finny came back, she thanked him for serving the food and took a bite of the tart. She smiled brightly.

"This is really good!" She complimented. "Can I assume who made this?" She said, smiling towards Frank, having a feeling he made it.

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"Thank you, and well,"Frank didn't want to sound prideful," Yes, everything but our beverages, I made tonight." He smiled, she did like it. "I'm just happy you enjoy it, I figured I should do something romantic for tonight, this is what I came up with, it' simple but it was the best I could do on short notice." Frank smiled and took a few bites of food. He didn't even touch the wine, he didn't like wine anyway, he just want to sound fancy.
"Well, excellent job!" She said with a smile. She took a few more bites and then took her tea and messed with the lemon slice to bring the lemon flavor out.

"By the way, I should warn you that I'm a bit of bad luck. Things always find a way to fall over when I'm around." She said, laughing a little bit.

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"Don't worry, if you ever fall, I'll always be there to catch you." Frank looked at her, Besides, my luck was pretty bad until I met you, maybe the same will be for you." Frank took a sip of water," And besides, you're probably the most stable thing in my life considering all that's happened to us." Frank chuckled.

((Prison 2.0 (AKA work) is calling, see y'all later))
((See you later!))

She smiled. "I'm pretty sure now things will get a bit better." She said with a smile.

"Who knew a couple if lost people could get together, huh?" Tabitha said smiling and she took a sip if her tea. "To me you were a god send at that moment. Not only was I not alone in the woods anymore, but you seem way more skilled than me. Plus your a cool and handsome guy, which is always a plus." She said, remembering when she was freaking out in the forest and thought she might die. Thinking back, she thought she overeacted when she thought she would die around the first hour she was even there. She chuckled, thinking on how silly that was of her.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/1394426_702861196404582_1911303852_n.jpg.c22352b5d47569815ae67d3f7256c72c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="9742" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/1394426_702861196404582_1911303852_n.jpg.c22352b5d47569815ae67d3f7256c72c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> 
(( OK, Get ready for a crappy poem I wrote for Frank, but I spent over an hour on this, SO KEEP YO SHIT TO YO SELF))

"Cool and handsome, haven't heard that to much, though coming from you, it means the world. And you were as much a godsend to me as I was to you." Frank looked at her, " You know, I'm not exactly Shakespeare, but I have written you a poem, I hope you like it," Frank stood and cleared his throat, he began to recite

"For you I would climb

The highest mountain peak

Swim the deepest ocean

Your love I do seek.

For you I would cross

The rivers most wide

Walk the hottest desert sand

To have you by my side.

For you are the one

Who makes me whole

You’ve captured my heart

And touched my soul.

For you are the one

That stepped out of my dreams

Gave me new hope

Showed me what love means.

For you alone

Are my reason to live

For the compassion you show

And the care that you give.

You came into my life

And made me complete

Each time I see you

My heart skips a beat.

For you define beauty

In both body and mind

Your soft, gentle face

More beauty I’ll never find.

For you are the one

God sent from above

The angel I needed

For whom I do love"

Frank had poured his heart into those words, he hoped they didn't sound cheesy or false. He sat back down. He was nervous as to how they would affect her. He hoped she wouldn't stop liking him, or worse, start to hate him.



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Tabitha blushed like crazy and put her hands on her cheeks.

"Oh my gosh, Frank! That was beautiful. I love it!" She said smiling brightly. She stood up and walked around to be behind him and hugged him, putting her arms somewhat around his neck since he was sitting down.

When she was done hugging, she sat back down in her seat.

"I know this is not much to say, but I'm really glad we met, Frank. Even though we've only known each other for a very short time, I can trust you and love you more than a person I've known since I was little. You've been very caring and very loving since the first second this relarionship was official. And i really want to thank you for it, for everything actually." She said smiling, and blushing. She had never been so open to someone before and she hoped that she didn't sound like an idiot.

((That poem was so cute.better than what I can make.))

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((Thank god, I was worried it might come off cheesy or something like that)) 
Frank was speechless, she'd said it, she loved him, he thought he might pass out right then and there. His face was about as red as a fire truck.

"I-you-"Frank couldn't find the right words, finally he took a breath and calmed himself," It is I who should be thanking you, if it wasn't for you, I probably would have just accepted that fate of being alone in the forest and laid down and never gotten up. I had nothing in my time, but being with you, I have everything I could ever ask for. You are the most wonderful person I've ever met, I have loved you since I first heard your name, God truly has sent his most beautiful angel to me."Frank smiled and looked at her deep blue eyes" I am happier than I've ever been, sitting here with you tonight. I hope it never ends."
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Tabitha smiled brightly. Then she had an idea.

"If we ever do find a way to go back home. I was thinking that I am sure its possible to go back and forth. So if we want to be together, we could stay here. I would just go back for school or something and come back here." She said with a smile. She knew by her times law that she has to go to school or her parents would most likley get in trouble. "I'm graduationg this year anyways, so going back and forth thing won't last a long time." She added in with a smile. She wanted to be with Frank, and this was her only idea on how to be with him and go to school like she is supposed to.

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"Perhaps if it is possible, I will just join you in your time, then we won't have to worry about going back and forth," Frank didn't care about any time difference" besides, the future doesn't sound so bad, as long as you're there." Frank looked at her, wondering what the future held for them, as long as they were together, it didn't matter. He smiled.

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((Anyone know when pyscho will makee his entrance?))

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(Idk, I'm still waiting for him. I told him he can pop in any time but I never got a responce Dx I think he would make a lotnof interesting things go on!)

Tabitha nodded. "It's a plan!" She said happily. She thenn continued to eat, finishing up the little she had left.

"I should say that if you come to then future, take the new things in at your own pace. We've gotten to the point of holographic concerts of fictional characters so, its a big technological slap in the face." She said, laughing slightly.

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((Typeing on this kindle takes forever))

"Maybe I'll pop back to my time and put all my stuff in a storage unit and pay it for fifty years in advance?" Frank laughed, " I could have the ultimate groove shack, sounds like fun eh?" Then Finny appeard,

"Ready for the next course?"

"I think so," Frank noticed Tabitha's plate was empty,"yes."

"OK then," Finny took the plates, " I'll be back montarily." Frank nodded, he was doing well. Frank turned his attention back to Tabitha.

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"Yea, that could work out perfectly." She said with a smile. She was happy that Frank set up everything. It was really nice.

Like a dork, she couldn't really come up with anything to say. So she sat there, silent, smiling like an idiot.

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((He'd best be careful, or Frank might shoot him. Pycho that is.))

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Frank was about speak when he heard a crash come from the kitchen,

"What the?" Frank was a bit worried," I'll be right back" Frank ran to the kitchen, Finny had dropped the salad.

"What the hell Finnian?" Frank asked rather seriously,

"I-I'm sorry, it just slipped."finny was worried Frank would hurt him for messing up.

Frank sighed,

"OK,"Frank didn't want this botched more than it already was," just serve the pork, please don't drop it."

"Alright, I'll do that." Maybe Frank was a nice guy after all, a bit serious at times, but nice.

Frank returned to the table,

"Sorry, small mix-up in the kitchen, we'll be skipping to the main course." Frank smiled, " It'll just leave more room for dessert."

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Tabitha. "That's perfectly fine!" She said with a smile. Tabitha had a feeling she always says that something is fine or okay too much.

(sorry for one liner i couldn't come up with anything DX)
Sebastian had run out of things to do around the manor. He went to Ciel's study and knocked politely before walking in. "I'll be running into town for a few things. Is there anything you need?"

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