Black Butler: The Future Meets The Past [WILL BE DELETED, READ DES.] [Inactive]

Tabitha sat quietly next to Frank. When she noticed Finny's hesitance, she whispered over to Frank.

"I wouldn't try to press questions too much too fast, he seems the nervous type." She whispered.

She smiled polity. "I'm sure any questions about this...Sebastian can be asked directly to him. What about you, Finnian? You seem like a very nice person." She said kindly. If they were to get any answers from him at all, she knew he would have to calm down first.
Note: Almost pure Finny here

"Thank you," He glanced nervously at frank, who was looking rather serious, " I-I am the gardener for the Phantomhive household. I like to tend to nature and the things it holds." He gulped, could feel hostility in the air, not between he and them but between this man and Sebastian. " I am blessed to work for such nice people," was he defending the household from this man, improving his view? " I enjoy working for them very much. I'm just nice by nature I suppose though. You yourself seem very nice, may I ask about the two of you?" He asked Tabitha.

Frank thought about the question, and looked at Tabitha, a look conveying the message "Well, he asked you, you make the call of how much to tell him."
Tabitha nodded. She decided to not tell much, most she'll say their names.

She smiled to Finny. "Well, My name is Tabitha, and this is my friend, Frank." She started. "There is not much really to say about me, really. I'm kind of boring in a way." She said, giggling, trying to make a more "happy" atmosphere. "Since you shared something you like, I guess I can do the same. The only things I like to do is draw for the most part." She added in to her small "introduction". She didn't want to seem hostile towards Finny. He seemed innocent enough to her. She didn't plan on saying anything of where they were both from in terms of time periods. She hoped that she could avoid that.
Frank smiled, he liked when she laughed,

"Yes, and as you heard I'm Frank." with an unforced smile for once." I like to pump iron and go for moonlit walks in the forest. I met this young lady while I was out tonight." He looked at her and his smile only grew. " And to think my vacations are normally so boring. And sorry if I made you a bit nervous earlier, i can have that effect on people."

"Oh, I see, it's very nice to meet the both of you." Finny said, now at ease, " And you don't need to apologize, it's quite alright. May I ask where you're from Mr..."

"Jaeger." Frank filled in.

"Mr. Jaeger" Finny confirmed.

"Well you see, I'm a military man from the United States of America, surprised you didn't notice the accent, but it can be ever so dull a life. So I decided to take a little vacation. And I'd heard the English countryside is rather beautiful, thought I'd take a look for myself, When I happened upon this lovely miss while I was out, I knew that what I heard was true." Frank was more than happy to 'explain' where he was from, a bit tailored, but who was the wiser? Frank looked to Tabitha,

" Now that you both know a bit about me, I'd like to hear a bit more about you Miss Rayne, you seem to be the most interesting one among us." Frank said it with the utmost honesty, he did want to know more, better now, when Sebastian isn't around.
Sebastion listened from behind the door. He had the tea but he didn't want to enter quite yet. he was curious about these newcomers.
"Well I-" Tabitha was about to answer Frank, but Sebastian had entered. "I can tell you a bit later." She said with a smile. She smiled slightly towards Sebastian, acknowledging his presence

"Thank you." She said, thanking him for the tea he had brought. Even though they got off on the wrong foot with Sebastian, she was always taught to say her please and thank you's. She decided to let Frank lead this one, since it was mainly between him and Sebastian with the conversation from before.
"Hmph. And to think, I liked where this conversation was going." Frank said somewhat saddened" But I suppose this is what we were waiting for." Frank stubbed his cigarette in the ash tray and picked up a cup of tea brought by Sebastian. He took a sip, it was very good to say the least.

"Well Mister Sebastian, I suppose I must thank you for taking us in in the middle of the night. But," Frank said drilling holes in Sebastian's head," According to you, you know little about this forest. Even though," he said with blatant hostility," you were hiding in it earlier. But, perhaps your master would know better, though it would be very rude to wake him this time of the night." Frank intended to show his civility in contrast to his hostility," So in the mean time how about we talk about you. Why were you in the forest tonight? You give off a feeling that is not so subtle, at the very least. And the all important question I've wondered since I met you, what were you before you were a butler? A soldier? No, I've seen that look in men's eyes before, more like an assassin or the likes. At any rate, no normal man moves like that, nor have I ever seen red eyes. So, what are you, really?" Frank looked him dead in the eyes as he took a long sip of tea, he expected answers.
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Tabitha sat quietly and listened to the conversation. This was something that she knew not to get into unless she was addressed. She had a feeling a small verbal dispute may occur, so she thought it would be best if she stayed silent.
((So sorry! I've been busy:/))

Sebastian let out a dramatic sigh. "I suppose you should know the truth... I was in the woods because I was having a nice walk. I like to walk at night as the air cools my stressed brain." Sebastian put his head to his hand and shook his head. "It seems you've also found out my secret." He smirked. "You see, I am simply one hell of a butler." He knew it was not the answer he wanted. He was dancing around the truth. "My master will not be awaken but we have a couple spare rooms if you would like to stay tonight?"
Frank looked at the man, "More misdirection" he thought.

"Well," He said plainly, " I think Tabitha and myself could use the rest, clear our heads a bit. Although," Frank looked at Sebastian, sizing him up" I like to work out a bit before bed myself, having such a grand estate, would I be wrong to ask if you have a boxing ring?" Frank hoped he would pick up on the challenge.

" It might be best to let out some of this animosity I have built up tonight. And, Tabitha might enjoy a little late-night entertainment." He looked at her with eyes that said "Please, go along with it for me." He smiled at Sebastian. Check.
Tabitha managed to pick up on Frank's hints. She smiled brightly.

"That sounds fun!" She giggled slightly. Even though she was tired enough to pass out, she was willing enough to stay up a bit longer so Frank could go with the challenge he wants. Although, she thought it wouldn't be so bad. She never really had gotten a chance to see two guys fighting each other that wasn't in an ally way. Tabitha thought it would be fun to watch!
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Frank smiled at Tabitha, now he could show-off, and on this jackass to boot!

"Well Mr.Michaelis, if the lady agrees, then we simply must go." He'd been waiting for this, he'd show this two-face who was boss.

"And don't worry, I'll be gentle, wouldn't want to damage anything too severely, that would so very uncouth." He'd show this butler a level of skill and power no other man on Earth possessed. Frank was simply tingling with anticipation of what was to pass.
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Sebastian sighed. "Well I dont know what this boxing ring you speak of is. The only appropriate place to take care of your strange grudge against me would be outside." Sebastian couldn't help but smile. "And of course I'll clean up the mess afterwards. But please do try to keep the noise down. Id rather not awaken my master." He stood and walked to the door. "I'll give you five minutes to prepare yourself. Meet me outside when youre ready. But one thing before I leave." Sebastian turned, not even bothering to hide his glowing red eyes. "If you lay a finger on my young master while I'm outside, I will personally kill you and your lady companion." His eyes returned to normal and he smiled again. "I wish you luck." With that being said, he walked out.
Tabitha waited until Sebastian left the room to speak.

"Why would we even bother his master...? It would take too much time to even find him. But, anyways, that Sebastian guy seems pretty strong...and definitely not human. Do you think you can take him?" Tabitha asked. In a way, she was sort of worried. What if the butler was much stronger than what Frank thought? She didn't have much doubts about it though. Tabitha was a bit of a "worry wort" and tended to worry about a lot of things.
"You need not worry, I can beat him using, oh say, sixty percent of my power?" Frank said haughtily," That in itself is enough to lift five times his weight." He was sure it would, but if all else failed, he could use that, but it was to be avoided if possible. "Now," Frank removed his jacket and weapons, handing them to Tabitha," lets see who is made a mess of." He exited the manor and stood before Sebastian, he rippled every muscle in his body, pointing to an open area Frank said, " Shall we?" He'd floor this punk in the first round.
Tabitha nodded and took Franks things and neatly folded his jacket and piled his weapons on top before going outside with them and standing, with her back leaning on the wall. She watched both of the young gentlemen as they prepared to strife. She decided to sit on the ground, kneeling. The way they sit on the floor in Japan when they are with authority, or to have manners. She set Franks things on her lap so the ground wouldn't get them dirty. She smiled slightly so she doesn't look like a depressing or boring blob by the wall.
Sebastian slowly took off his gloves, folded them, and put them neatly in his pocket. "Of course," he replied and walked smoothly to the left side of the clearing. He focused on a strand of grass in the middle. He would not kill this man unless he had no other choice. "Whenever you're ready." He said, shifting his gaze up.
"Well aren't you acting cocky, never met anyone who had the balls to talk like that." Frank was going to enjoy this, "For you, I designate sixty percent power, seventy if I choose to wrap it up quickly." He walked towards him, cocked his arm and went straight for Sebastian's face.
Tabitha watched the two carefully. "So this is how men solve their problems." She thought to herself. She looked around the field, studying on how big it was, and then put her gaze back on the two men. "This will be interesting." She thought once more.
Sebastian dodged, ducking right under his arm. The swing barely missed him. "You have great aim. Why not try to use it?" He growled, balling his hand into a fist and aiming a punch at Frank's stomach.
Frank twisted to the right, narrowly evading the punch, damn he was fast. He threw a left cross aimed at the back of his head. "S'pose I'll aim for a weak point then." He said with a smile.
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Tabitha watched carefully, studying both of their fighting styles. She wanted to try to be able to get familiar enough to possibly predict their moves. Although, it was hard for Tabitha to even keep up with the fight because Franj and Sebastian seemed rather fast. She decided ahe might have to give up and just watch them without thinking about it too much.

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