Black Butler: Jack the Ripper's Surviving Victim [Inactive]

"Please, if something is bothering you, you will tell me, right? Even though I am your mistress, this contract means nothing to how I truly feel." He was her world in every respect. She would be nothing without this man. She would be dead.
"More than all the good in the world combined. More than even Aphrodite could measure." She whispered back.
He blushed dark and whispered, "Do you love me more than as a father... A friend? ... Maybe ..." He shook his head not getting his hopes up. He was trembling using every ounce of energy to think of things to say.
"I shall bear as many children as you wish. I will say nothing more. I love you as any woman would love her mate." She laid her head against him. "I know you love me just the same."
He blushed even darker , "Alright..." He happilly pulled out a small black box from his jacket, he got down on one knee and spoke, "I understand if you say no, you are still young. But please do consider. Annie, I love you more than words could possibly describe, which is why I would love to have the honor of being your husband. Will you marry me Annie?"
Her green eyes filled to the brim with tears as she choked out her answer. This was what she dreamt about since she was young. She only wished that he would have been able to take her as his before those wretched people from her childhood. "Y-Yes! Yes!" She embraced him, squeezed him. "My precious Matthew, I love you so much!"
"Your words are true and that is all I can ask for." She choked still, her tears drenched in her hair. "I treasure the day that we truly become one, my love."
Annie laid her head against Matthew. "I should not show weakness in front of you, Matthew. I apologize." She kissed his hand that graced her face. "When do we wed?"
"As soon as you'd like. "He gently picked her up and swung her around. This was the happiest he had ever been, "I can't wait until we do."
"I do not need a huge celebration, but if that is what you desire, we shall have it." She held onto him as he spun, hiding the biggest grin she had ever used.
"Well, I do not have many friends. I could honestly care less if anyone comes. As long aw I finally get to become your husband I'm happy."
"I prefer small celebrations anyway, Matthew. I would love a small wedding. To be able to focus on just you and me." She wrapped her arms around his waist.
"As soon as possible, my dear. How about sometime next week?" She blushed as she asked this and their lips met again. She reached behind him and entangled his hair between her fingers. Her tongue drove itself between his teeth.
She smiled at him still. "You know exactly how to make me happy." She stood up from the table and continued.
She felt her contract burn her hand as it explored his mane, but she wouldn't say that it was bothersome to her. "How do we celebrate, my husband?"
"Dance with me?" She led him out onto the balcony. "I mean, teach me to dance, please?" She held his hands and kissed each.
Francine called from the other room. "I'm coming, Matthew." She had a violin in her hand and started playing. Annie blushed and waited for Matthew to help her.

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