Black Butler: Jack the Ripper's Surviving Victim [Inactive]

He sighed , knowing she had a point. "Alright, I'll stay with you while you sleep. Of course I don't sleep but I'm here to protect you."
She just sat on the bed, then curled herself up on his lap. Years later, a fourteen year old Anastasia Meadows awakens to the beautiful smell of breakfast. "Matthew! Where are you!?!" She sprinted down the stairs, two at a time and searched for her friend.
He had been in the kitchen carrying out a tray for her into the dining room, "Good morning Annie!" He said with a smile. Over the years he grew more and more attached to the girl and could no longer even imagine living without her.
She almost knocked the tray over as she flung her fragile arms around the demon. "I missed you in my dreams. You weren't there at all!" She was lying, of course. She was constantly thinking of him in her dreams, sometimes there would be wedding bells, other times there were children playing outside.
He smiled and carefully placed the tray down. He hugged her tightly, gently picked her up and swung her around. "I missed you too , Annie!" He gently kissed her cheek and whispered, "I got you something special and I really hope you like it!"
"You've what I wanted already, more than you can imagine, Matthew." She tucked herself in and started to eat. "You've protected me, housed me, fed me, you've raised me since I was a little girl. You owe me nothing."
He shook his head, "I can buy you special things if I want to. I love you Annie." He pulled out a black box from his pocket and opened it to reveal a beautiful sapphire necklace. "I hope you like it.."
With tears in her eyes, she lifted the treasure from the box and felt it in her gloved hands. "I-It's...beautiful, Matthew." She held it out to him and lifted her hair so that he could put it around her neck. "Will you do the honors?"
He smiled bright and carefully put the necklace on her. "I really love you, Annie, and I just wanted to get you something special to prove how much I really care. I'm glad you like it."
"It's truly my greatest treasure." She looked down at it and smiled brightly as she removed his gloves for him. "I want to do something for you too, dearest. I want to show you how much I care." She held his hand against her cheek.
"" with each pause, she got closer and closer to Matthew's lips until finally, they met for the first time. "Please, tell me if you are uncomfortable." The strings of her night dress were falling off.
"A-Annie I..." He paused and blushed a dark crimson, "I l-love you... But n-not as a daughter I..." He looked down hoping he hadn't made a mistake by admitting his true feelings for her.
She still moved forward, trying her best not to faint due to lack of oxygen from being under for so long. "Tell me, so that I don't feel stupid, Matthew." She let go.of him. "Now, about that ball tonight at Viscount Druitt's. Are you going to take me?"
"Really?!? You'll take me?" She finished her breakfast and went to find something to wear for the party. "Come on, where is it?"
"Will you, love? That would be lovely." She called back. "I do hope you aren't still embarrassed to see me bare, dear."
He walked up to her room, "I was never embarrassed! It's just improper for a man to see a lady bare." He chuckled a bit, "Which dress will you be wearing?"
She pointed to a pink gown in her closet. "I don't think you are correct in saying that. Married men see their ladies bare all the time." She.blushed instantly.
"Y-Yes... But they're married..." He sighed and went into the closet to fetch the dress. He did love her. And he wanted to propose for a very long time. He was simply scared he would mess things up between them if he did. He returned with the dress. "You'll look great in this one," He whispered with a light blush and a smile.
"Thank you, my love." She dropped the linens that covered her. "Francine helped me with my corset already so all you must do is help me with my dress." She kissed him again.
He tried his best to hide the blush from his face as he carefully put the dress on her. Once done he gently returned the kiss with a smile, "You look absolutely beautiful, as always."
"And you look even more so compared to me." She didn't allow him to release the.kiss until she was ready. Having her hand on his chest, she tilted her head. "What's wrong?"
"N-Nothing Annie.." He did have a lot on his mind. Although she didn't know he had originally bought a ring for her a while back. He wanted to propose but couldn't convince himself she truly loved him although she showed it. "I just really love you."

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