Black Butler: Jack the Ripper's Surviving Victim [Inactive]

He nodded and instantly held her close to him once more, "I missed you too." He grabbed her hand and led her down the stairwell, "Alright, we'll walk to the beach, how does that sound?"
Anastasia's eyes lit up at once. "I can't wait! I'm gonna have so much fun!" She paused just above the landing that was the ground floor. "Will you teach me how to swim, Matthew?"
"That's not an order, Matthew, it's a request. You don't have to do anything if you don't want to. I don't want to force you." She blushed and kept walking beside him, like a dog following her master.
"It's really no problem. I would love to teach you, Anastasia." They walked up the road and soon approached a large beach . Although it had been a nice day the beach had been nearly empty.
The child took in the wonderful smell of the salty air and the sounds of birds overhead as she dug her toes into the sand and then the water. It splashed against her ankles, soaking her dress. "Come on, Matthew! The water's amazing today!" She.waved him over.
He followed her into the water . It had a much different feel. Although during his training with Sebastian he was forced into learning to swim, he never really had visited the beach before. He smiled at the girl, noticing her happiness.
She had never set at any beach either, she was never permitted to go anywhere without that horrible man with her, and he would never take her to the beach. Today, she stood where the water was only six inches high. Annie refused to move further in without her butler holding her. "I-I changed m-my mind..." she froze.
He chuckled and held out a hand, "There's nothing to worry about, dear. There's really nothing to it. But I will not force you, if you truly don't want to learn then that is alright with me. We can still enjoy the beach though."

"I wanna learn, but I wanna live to see my grandchildren too. Promise you won't let go, Matthew." She held his hand too, as an unpleasant sight came to the beach. His red hair flying away from his face in the breeze.
He muttered under his breath, "Grell..." He grabbed the girls hand, making sure Grell would not come in contact with her. He finally screamed out to him, "What the heck do you want?"
"To finish what I started! I cannot have any witnesses alive!" Annie heard that dreaded sound of a motor that was Grell's weapon. She held onto Matthew's contracted hand with her own. "Don't let him near me. Get William here if need be."
His eyes began to glow red as he whispered, "Yes, Mistress." He found the thought of Grell simply repulsive. He decided to make the battle a little bit more interesting. He chuckled and screamed out, "Hey Grell, guess what I did last night? What was it... Oh Yes! I slept with your dear Bassy!" He joked, knowing it would anger him.
"Oh, dear." The child whispered, hiding a blush as her demon shouted at Grell. "What the hell are you talking about?!" Grell raised his voice as well as he attacked Matthew. "No! Bassie is mine!" The weapon was cutting into Matthew's neck.
He simply smirked, no longer able to feel any pain. He pushed the red-haired man away noticing the wound had already healed. Quite shocked he pulled out two small pistols firing them into the mans chest. "Sebastian made it quite clear who owned him last night, sorry to break it to you!"
Holding onto Matthew's pant leg so that he could have his hands free, Annie floated on the water as the scene unfolded. Grell disappeared, then reappeared behind the two of them, grabbed Annie and escaped with her to the city, jumping across rooftops. "You will be fine as long as he stays away!" Grell remarked. Annie only screamed. "LET ME GO!" A figure appeared up ahead. His sleek black hair, spidery hands and glasses were easily visible. Claude Faustus was out for another soul.
The two demons had been working together to take Annie away from Matthew. Claude's lips were red with blood. Alois' death was mere hours ago and he was still out hunting. Annie's soul was perfect for him. He would not let this opportunity pass him by. "Don't worry. I shall take excellent care of my mistress." Claude held her close to him in a cradling position, then escaped.
He grew wide-eyed , not being able to believe what had happened. The damn demon just took her. He chased after Claude firing multiple shots in his direction. Deep down he knew Claude had been much stronger than him, but he at least had to try.
Matthew still had Grell to contend with. He and Claude had teamed up to take what was most precious to Matthew Facious. Claude would override his contract and bind Annie to himself. He would make her his mistress for the rest of her days. He chained her up in a chair over a tank of a bubbling liquid. "Do not worry, my dear. I shall never harm you. I am just going to lower you into this concoction until you forget that Matthew Facious and stay with me." Annie screamed, but she was too late, bubbles came out of her mouth as she was already under.
He distracted Grell long enough to catch up with Claude. He noticed the tank and stood wide-eyed, nearly sick to his stomach, "What have you done?!"
"I protected her like you should have done." He snaps his fingers and the maid above him turned and turned a lever until Anastasia came up, coughing and sputtering. Hannah let her free of the chains and wrapped her in a towel. "Mistress Anastasia, we're so sorry. We shouldn't have let that mean man hurt you." Claude said as he picked her up. "I-It's o-okay, Claude." She shivered.
"A-Annie?!" He whimpered out now aware of what he had done. He had lost her. Something like this was impossible to reverse. He lifted his shirt, noticing the mark had been slowly fading away.
Claude smirked, proud of his work. "How do you know my name? Who the hell are you?" She glared at him. "What are you doing in my mansion?" Claude cleared his throat. "Miss, shall I throw him out?" The girl smiled at him. "Yes, Claude, my friend." The spider turned to Matt. "Leave, you heard her." 
Claude smirked, proud of his work. "How do you know my name? Who the hell are you?" She glared at him. "What are you doing in my mansion?" Claude cleared his throat. "Miss, shall I throw him out?" The girl smiled at him. "Yes, Claude, my dear." She giggled and kissed his cheek. Get out of here. I shall kill you if you return." Claude chuckled.
He nodded, turning to leave, before leaving he whispered, "I loved you Annie, and just remember this, I will hunt down and kill every man that has ever hurt you.." He left the manor knowing the battle could never be won. He now really did have nothing to live for.

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