Black Butler: Jack the Ripper's Surviving Victim [Inactive]

Sebastian was listening to this with Ciel at his side. They were just outside Trancy manor lines. "You aren't really going to let Claude take her, are you?" Ciel asked the still night, not caring or knowing if Matthew heard him. "He's tried the same trick on me and I escaped." Sebastian said nothing to his friend.
He scolded Ciel , "He brainwashed her, I can't do a damn thing now. Even if I could get her back, she'd forever hate me." He sighed walking coast them, "There's really no point anymore."
"So, you're just going to leave her in the hands of a demon that will dispose of her once he gets what he wants, when she proves useless to him?" The boy wasn't going to let Matthew leave so easily. "Fine, let her die. It's sad really. From what she told me, she was hoping that when she grew older, you would have her as your wife." He smirked. "Let Claude have his fun for now, and in time, you'll be back to get her." Sebastian added.
"She'll never remember me... He basically convinced her I was the enemy. She doesn't even remember I saved her... I'm too weak to defeat Claude. If I tried I would die. " he paused and looked back. "Hmph, might as well." He walked towards the manor leaving the two behind.
Hannah was hearing and seeing the three figures conversing in the distance and immediately went to warn Claude, who was helping Annie into dry clothes. "Hannah, do not let them get to her." Claude spoke softly. Hannah did as she was told and waited for battle. "You will not get her back, Matthew Facious."
He approached the manor and paused at the front doors, he took a deep breath . He knew he would die. He was sure of it. Though, without Annie he had nothing to live for, he might as well.
"Who's here, Claude?" Annie asked innocently as she caressed Claude's face. "Do not worry yourself, Miss. I won't let him near you." He kissed her forehead. "Open wide, my dear." She did. Claude examined her tongue. "Excellent." The mark was still there as he met up with Matt. "What do you want, Mr. Facious?" He asked as he opened the front door. Annie was at his heels, hanging onto him. "Don't leave me, Claude!"
"What do you think I want?!" He hissed unable to hold back his anger. "I never did anything to you, Claude. And I know I may not win but I'm prepared to fight..."
"What are the stakes?" He asked as he held up a hand and knives appeared between his fingers. "Winner gets the girl?" He asked with a chuckle, clearly believing that it would come out with a victory for the spider. Webs formed around the manor. "This is my domain."
He nodded, pulling out his pistols. His only motivation had been Annie. Even if he couldn't win, he needed to set her free from his manor. She needed to remember.
Annie was allowed to watch this from the window. Something in her mind was screaming that this wasn't right, that she did not belong here, but she forced that thought away as Claude aimed for Matthew's throat and got him. "Mat-thew..." She whispered under her breath. "That's his name."
He struggled to breath but pushed himself on. He jumped back and tried his best to ignore the pain and shoot at every inch of his body he could. "I cant let you have her!"
Claude was struck in the lower chest and started to bleed, but recovered some of his strength. "Annie, do not worry!" He kept fighting.
His own wounds slowly began to heal which only increased his strength. He ran full speed towards Claude successfully firing another shot into his stomach. He quietly whispered to himself, "I must defeat you.."
Claude slashed the young demon in the chest again. "YOU WILL DIE! ANASTASIA MEADOWS BELONGS TO ME NOW!!!"

The girl screamed and jumped out the window, standing in front of Matthew. "STOP! DON'T HURT HIM!"
She looked at both demons. "Claude, I'm not yours! I am under a contract with Matthew Facious! I am leaving and I will not come back!" She bent down and hugged her friend. "Let's go home."
Although in great pain he smiled and tightly hugged the girl. He stood and grabbed her hand quickly running far away from the Trancy ,manor. Once far enough away he stopped, trying to appear strong in front of the girl, "I thought I'd lost you forever! I love you, Annie!"
"I-I love you too....Daddy.." she whispered the last word. But, something more was burning in her heart. It wasn't father daughter at all, but, what it was was impossible. He would never love her the same way. "I missed you so much!"
"I missed you more than you'll ever know!" He held her close to him and gently kissed her forehead. He could feel the tears begin to spill from his eyes even threw all his efforts to stay strong, "I-I'm sorry I couldn't protect you from him..."
"My friend, do not despair. You returned for me, that is much more important in my eyes." She wiped his tears for him. "Do not cry, your beauty doesn't deserve such things as tears."
He shook his head, "I apologize, I shouldn't appear so weak in front of a lady." He bowed and took her hand, "Let's go home, shall we?'
"Yes, please. I'm sure Francine is worried to death about us." She took the hand of the man that she secretly loved. "Do you think that he'll return?"
"I'm sure he will... But let,s not worry about that right now. " They quickly reached the manor. He led her inside, "You should really get some rest, dear. You must be exhausted."
"Stay with me?" She asked, already knowing the answer. "I want to be sure that he won't." (I'll time skip soon)

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