Black Butler: Jack the Ripper's Surviving Victim [Inactive]

He placed one hand on her hip and held her hand, "It's quite easy once you get the hand of it " He smiled and stepped forward, "When I step forward, you step back, then you step forward and I'll step back. We'll start off slow."
She couldn't help but grin, showing teeth as she did. She stepped back as he stepped forward and they kept going. "Woah."
He spoke too soon. Ten minutes after he had said this, she had stepped on his foot. "I'm so sorry!"
She tilted her head to the side and hid a blush, grateful that it was almost purely black outside. "How long have you been a demon?"
"You became a demon around the same time we met? I am your first contract and yet, after I am gone, you must continue with someone else?" After marriage and close to her death, she had a perfect last request.
He looked down and nodded, after her he no longer wanted to sign another contract with any other human being. He had thought of ending his life many times but would never fill her head with such thoughts.
"Promise me that we will be together forever, my dearest." She held onto him like leech. "Promise that you won't harm yourself when I die. Promise that you won't blame yourself."
"Of course we'll be together forever." He hesitated at the second question. He didn't want to make a promise he could never keep, he simply whispered, "Let's not talk about that right now, dear."
She nodded and whispered in his ear. "Will you change me before I die?" She immediately froze after she asked him that question.
He stood wide-eyed unable to answer. He finally whispered, "You don't want to be a lifeless monster. You're lucky you're human... " He looked down ,"I would only change you if you took a while to think it all over and truly wanted to..."
"I will, I promise, dear Matthew." She let go of him and backed away. "But, if it does happen, I want you to do it only if it will make you feel better."
He nodded, still focusing his gaze towards the ground. He finally looked up, "If I did change you... I'm scared you would begin to hate me.."
"That's ridiculous! Push that thought from your mind at once!" She was getting upset. "Please don't think that I will ever hate you."
He sighed, "I'm sorry..." He grabbed her waist and held her body close to his. He gently kissed her forehead. "When the time comes, I promise I'll make sure we'll be together forever."
She couldn't stay mad at such beauty. "Yes, thank you." Francine stopped playing. "It's late, my lady." Annie nodded. "Alright."
He chuckled, "There will be other parties. The host is a bit creepy anyways, you should rest. We can throw our own ball, think of it as an engagement party."
She relaxed. "Alright, fine." She was still upset as she walked up the stairs to her room and threw herself on her bed. It wasn't like her to miss any parties.
She looked up at him. "Very well, love. Get some rest. You work too hard." She turned over and was soon asleep.

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