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Fantasy Bitter Spite - OOC Chat

Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel

Wait, is every player gonna be in the palace then? Doesn't that have the potential of everything getting a bit confusing, interaction wise? Alteras and I thought you kids were going to travel to one of the villages or something, we've written a scene where Lucy plans to travel there to see if what Iris said is true. I suppose they can still do that, unless you wanted everyone in one place?
I didn't say it's gonna be instant, haven't I?
I said we're gonna need inside-help and some more help from outside.
It won't take a second :D
I didn't say it's gonna be instant, haven't I?
I said we're gonna need inside-help and some more help from outside.
It won't take a second :D

Okay! <3 How long do you think it'll take to organize? Do we have a few In-RP days?
Okay! <3 How long do you think it'll take to organize? Do we have a few In-RP days?
Way more.
The plan is this:
  • Think up a proper plan.
  • Gather proper equipment.
  • (Optional) Contact the chief of the Thieves' Guild to find a way to get inside (will require large amount of gold or a favor or two)
  • Get the help from inside
  • Get in
  • Get to the Emperor's room
  • Throw conjectures at him
  • Spoilers ;)
Way more.
The plan is this:
  • Think up a proper plan.
  • Gather proper equipment.
  • (Optional) Contact the chief of the Thieves' Guild to find a way to get inside (will require large amount of gold or a favor or two)
  • Get the help from inside
  • Get in
  • Get to the Emperor's room
  • Throw conjectures at him
  • Spoilers ;)

Way more.
The plan is this:
  • Think up a proper plan.
  • Gather proper equipment.
  • (Optional) Contact the chief of the Thieves' Guild to find a way to get inside (will require large amount of gold or a favor or two)
  • Get the help from inside
  • Get in
  • Get to the Emperor's room
  • Throw conjectures at him
  • Spoilers ;)
I find it funny that there's this huge multi-layered plan to get inside the Palace, and Saverous is just there, attempting to waltz in through the front door
Hey Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel would it be okay if I made a Roll to see if Diarmid would start jumping like a Frog? It'll be very difficult like say 70 or higher to pass. Would this be okay for you?
I find it funny that there's this huge multi-layered plan to get inside the Palace, and Saverous is just there, attempting to waltz in through the front door

Lucrezia wanted to put up a "no plot armor past this point" sign on the front door but they didn't have the budget for it.
Okay here is Diarmid's will check. Shooting for 80 or higher.

Wow, someone just got a free kiss.

I..... I honestly have no idea how to proceed. I honestly thought I wouldn't get 80 or higher. Now I'm trying to think of how to proceed whether Diarmid isn't affected or if he nearly gives in but he doesn't. Either way I think this might be a first for Iris that a man hasn't completely given into her Will. Hell in surprised I even won the check in the first place.

I'll take that kiss thank you very much.
I..... I honestly have no idea how to proceed. I honestly thought I wouldn't get 80 or higher. Now I'm trying to think of how to proceed whether Diarmid isn't affected or if he nearly gives in but he doesn't. Either way I think this might be a first for Iris that a man hasn't completely given into her Will. Hell in surprised I even won the check in the first place.

I'll take that kiss thank you very much.
Yeah, I agree. I mean, she's the demigoddess of fucking love. I'd have put the roll difficulty on like 95, lol. Like, you either need divine blessing, protection, or just need the most hellish fucking willpower to resist that thing. With these stats, it means 1 in 5 people resist her charm spells. With the proposition I've given it'd be 1 in 20.
Over 95 might have been a bit OP, but what you're saying makes sense. I guess it's just games rules that NPCs have significantly weaker wills than player characters?
Over 95 might have been a bit OP, but what you're saying makes sense. I guess it's just games rules that NPCs have significantly weaker wills than player characters?
That's why I said these characters have 4 vests of plot armor on them.
Yeah, I agree. I mean, she's the demigoddess of fucking love. I'd have put the roll difficulty on like 95, lol. Like, you either need divine blessing, protection, or just need the most hellish fucking willpower to resist that thing. With these stats, it means 1 in 5 people resist her charm spells. With the proposition I've given it'd be 1 in 20.

Or like, Y'know. Stand about...ten feet away at all times.

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