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Fantasy Beyond the Third Sky

Sorry if my post is a little long for you guys, sometimes I feel like I type too many words for one interaction, like just now. I tend to get quite in depth with my characters' thoughts on things, as most of you had to have noticed xD
@DergTheDergon I love long posts(What I strive to achieve) so it's no problem at all! It's more of a blessing than a problem ^-^

What position is Jah'Ri and Xenith in? There are so many different ways that you can be in someone's 'arms' so I need you to elaborate here, thanks xD

On another note, the biography for my vampires is taking forever...namely because I can't find a way to word things >.>
VioletShadow said:
@DergTheDergon I love long posts(What I strive to achieve) so it's no problem at all! It's more of a blessing than a problem ^-^
What position is Jah'Ri and Xenith in? There are so many different ways that you can be in someone's 'arms' so I need you to elaborate here, thanks xD

On another note, the biography for my vampires is taking forever...namely because I can't find a way to word things >.>
Ah, I was imagining her wrapping her arms around Xenith as she, head near her shoulder so her neck was presented sufficiently of course. I hope that description was clear enough, I'm not great with detailed visual imagery in writing but I'm hoping to improve that as I keep writing.
Wow, I have never seen this many new characters joining an rp this far in. I love it though, it keeps the rp fresh.
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DergTheDergon said:
Wow, I have never seen this many new characters joining an rp this far in. I love it though, it keeps the rp fresh.
Quite! It's awesome

Th͏e t̛rut͜h͝ c̸ome͞s͞ ̸f͡rom͢ ҉a y̕o͜un͡g ͏ẁarr͜ior̀ gu͠ild̸ed͏ i͟n̶ B͝l͜ood. H̢e͠ is t̀he҉ ͠f̵irst̴ ͡to u̧nd̕e͠rst͝a̵n̡d ̢tha͘t̸ sp̢e͡a̴k͢in͟g ̛to͟ ҉me ͝wil͝l͏ free h͞i͏m̡ fr͡om̶ ̧hi҉s bįnd͢s.̕


To̵l̡an s͜h͡a͡ll ͏r̛ec͘eįv͢e ̴G͜uidi͠n̵g͡ ҉Ḿoònl̸i͞ght͜.̀...̴ M̕a͏y̸ ͝M͝agic̕ a͝l̀ways b͜e͜ in h͝is̡ f҉a͢v̸o͝r̴.̴
Thank you yuffie, knew I could count on you ;) Since apparently no one else cares about a guy bleeding from his friggin mask xD , you bunch of Amoral mofos. /joke
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NeverBetter said:
Quite! It's awesome
Th͏e t̛rut͜h͝ c̸ome͞s͞ ̸f͡rom͢ ҉a y̕o͜un͡g ͏ẁarr͜ior̀ gu͠ild̸ed͏ i͟n̶ B͝l͜ood. H̢e͠ is t̀he҉ ͠f̵irst̴ ͡to u̧nd̕e͠rst͝a̵n̡d ̢tha͘t̸ sp̢e͡a̴k͢in͟g ̛to͟ ҉me ͝wil͝l͏ free h͞i͏m̡ fr͡om̶ ̧hi҉s bįnd͢s.̕


To̵l̡an s͜h͡a͡ll ͏r̛ec͘eįv͢e ̴G͜uidi͠n̵g͡ ҉Ḿoònl̸i͞ght͜.̀...̴ M̕a͏y̸ ͝M͝agic̕ a͝l̀ways b͜e͜ in h͝is̡ f҉a͢v̸o͝r̴.̴
I am on mobile so I can't read this but I know there's hidden text there. You don't just put that much blank text.
[QUOTE="Yuffie Kisaragi]I am on mobile so I can't read this but I know there's hidden text there. You don't just put that much blank text.


Th?e t?rut?h? c?ome?s? ?f?rom? ?a y?o?un?g ?w?arr?ior? gu?ild?ed? i?n? B?l?ood. H?e? is t?he? ?f?irst? ?to u?nd?e?rst?a?n?d ?tha?t? sp?e?a?k?in?g ?to? ?me ?wil?l? free h?i?m? fr?om? ?hi?s bi?nd?s.?


To?l?an s?h?a?ll ?r?ec?ei?v?e ?G?uidi?n?g? ?M?oo?nl?i?ght?.?...? M?a?y? ?M?agic? a?l?ways b?e? in h?is? f?a?v?o?r?.?

Tolan's getting Guiding moonlight magic, which is a way (in lore in Ancient hunters) To quell the sanity slipping effects of god's blood after "it"s influence plagued the town. It acts like this.

To use any magic you need Mana, or any energy that can be converted into magic, luckily, Tolan's blood, being the blood of an old one (god from bloodborne) Has very high concentrations of arcane magic, and as such. HIS BLOOD and accumulated blood in battle and whatnot can be used to cast "moonlight magic" which is pure arcane magic. In short, Tolan will now cast spells with his blood, as to not lose himself in bloodlust.
rusticyawn said:
haha, whoops! not sure how i missed something like that! thank you for pointing it out. my post should ready very, very soon. :-)
i totally forgot to do that! it'll be in my coming post, though.

congratulations, @MrPotato! i'm interested to see where you plan to take this, haha!
I myself am too hehe
MsPolite said:
Sempia please post if not for me then for the rp? Pueasss (o'v'o) I wil, hold my breath til, you do
i will

until then, please enjoy a random video i found years ago and for some reason find hilarious


Can i say i love Fia? I love everyone in this RP but Fia has just been a perfect example of how this RP wants to run. She doesn't understand much but knows what she wants, she's got a unique and interesting personality, and you probably wouldn't see her come to life quite like this had she been made anywhere else. She feels genuinely alive at times, which is kinda crazy. Good job @rusticyawn .

Mind you, everyone does this well, but I'm reading through her and Nicol's convo right now, and I can't help but admire it.
NeverBetter said:
Can i say i love Fia? I love everyone in this RP but Fia has just been a perfect example of how this RP wants to run. She doesn't understand much but knows what she wants, she's got a unique and interesting personality, and you probably wouldn't see her come to life quite like this had she been made anywhere else. She feels genuinely alive at times, which is kinda crazy. Good job @rusticyawn .
Mind you, everyone does this well, but I'm reading through her and Nicol's convo right now, and I can't help but admire it.
*looks at Fia's character development and personality's writting*

*looks at my characters*

MsPolite said:
OMG what the hell is up with all these anti-angel characters xD are yall out to get my girls? lol
Nah they definitely want Hanz.
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MsPolite said:
OMG what the hell is up with all these anti-angel characters xD are yall out to get my girls? lol
Says the one who made anti-vampire characters, who literally on their first post attacked the vampires.....

School is being rather demanding, but I'll try to post/read through everything.
NeverBetter said:
Can i say i love Fia? I love everyone in this RP but Fia has just been a perfect example of how this RP wants to run. She doesn't understand much but knows what she wants, she's got a unique and interesting personality, and you probably wouldn't see her come to life quite like this had she been made anywhere else. She feels genuinely alive at times, which is kinda crazy. Good job @rusticyawn
Mind you, everyone does this well, but I'm reading through her and Nicol's convo right now, and I can't help but admire it.
Scrapmaster said:
*looks at Fia's character development and personality's writting*
*looks at my characters*

haha brb literally dying

thank you both so much. honestly. this was really nice to see this morning. ;u;

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