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Fantasy Beyond the Third Sky

MsPolite said:
idk anymore. This is getting way out of hand, and this did not come out how I thought or wanted to. As you can see probably that I'm torn between resolving our characters conflict or becoming the villains as nothing I do seems to fit. I don't want my characters to be bad guys, but I don't want them to be out of character.
What was your original idea? If you would like to keep it private, message it to me on our chat. I'll try and help resolve your problem ^-^
We can resolve this without anybody dying, just have the angels stand down and release Xenith, and everybody can go their merry way.

everybody's attacking because they're burning Xenith with holy water. Now that Nio heavily damaged one's wings though...that'd be bad.

I can have Hanz stop the conflict if you wish, he has quite the menacing voice.
VioletShadow said:
The angels never did anything to help, if anything, they appeared as more enemies. Enemies visibly attacking Xenith. I'm not too sure how you got the idea that they were part of the group in defeating the Titan Frame, but all they did, was watch.

It might have appeared as if the angels waited for Xenith to exhaust her energy and be weakened, and then attack.
I sorta skim read to get caught up, so I must have got some things muddled up. I've edited my post, so as to (i hope) make a bit more sense, also, Muro only joined in near the end, so he doesn't really know exactly what's going on right now.
Scrapmaster said:
We can resolve this without anybody dying, just have the angels stand down and release Xenith, and everybody can go their merry way.
everybody's attacking because they're burning Xenith with holy water. Now that Nio heavily damaged one's wings though...that'd be bad.

I can have Hanz stop the conflict if you wish, he has quite the menacing voice.
Yea, but I really thought hanz would you know ask first, considering he has similar attributes to the angels. Doesn't he feel akin to them and it's to late now. Nio has attacked the angel with frost magic. Something the angels will not take kindly. But yeah... shit I fucked up
MsPolite said:
Yea, but I really thought hanz would you know ask first, considering he has similar attributes to the angels. Doesn't he feel akin to them and it's to late now. Nio has attacked the angel with frost magic. Something the angels will not take kindly. But yeah... shit I fucked up
Hanz asked first, he dashed in and kindly asked the leader to stand down, then Nio came and botched things up.

Salvageable as Hanz has both fire AND healing, so he may be able to heal a bit of the angel's wings. While making everybody stand down.
Not to be rude if this wasn't how it was supposed to be portrayed, but Jah'Ri and Xenith are close, best friends. Therefore, because of the damage done to Xenith herself, Jah'Ri would want to at least take some kind of revenge. Same with Nio....except to a much greater extent. Nio is very over-protective, yet he tries to not restrict her actions too much.

Nio will not back down from his revenge, until at least Xenith awakens and is safe.

Edit: I need to head to bed now, sadly I can't see the rest of this debate till tomorrow. Excited to see the outcome of the eventual post!

Totally not slyly pressuring @MsPolite to post tonight or anything...
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There's no reason for things to go OOC or for someone to die. It can come to blows, and then one side retreats when they lose. Simple enough solution.
VioletShadow said:
@NeverBetter Can side-characters have a biography? Since Cecile, Niall, Deo, 'Cain' and 'Deo's sister', aren't technically part of the group. Like the others though, they have a lack of knowledge, so I won't make you spill all the lore to them :P
Totally not working on their character sheets or anything >.>
Totally fine.

MsPolite said:
idk anymore. This is getting way out of hand, and this did not come out how I thought or wanted to. As you can see probably that I'm torn between resolving our characters conflict or becoming the villains as nothing I do seems to fit. I don't want my characters to be bad guys, but I don't want them to be out of character.
^Theme of the RP. Every action taken has severe consequences...

Ńot́ jus҉t͞ bec̵aus͡e̕ ̧i̶t's͡ a̸ "gam͏e"̷ you ͠all ͞p̶la͝y̴..̕. ̷B̶ut҉ beca͡us͏e t̷hes̷e̡ ̶a҉r͟e͟ ̢li̶ves ̡y͟ou p̀ort͡r͝ày.̵
NeverBetter said:
Totally fine.
^Theme of the RP. Every action taken has severe consequences...

Ńot́ jus҉t͞ bec̵aus͡e̕ ̧i̶t's͡ a̸ "gam͏e"̷ you ͠all ͞p̶la͝y̴..̕. ̷B̶ut҉ beca͡us͏e t̷hes̷e̡ ̶a҉r͟e͟ ̢li̶ves ̡y͟ou p̀ort͡r͝ày.̵
Yeah, @MsPolite you weren't here for this, but one of my characters died early game because of said "consequences"


Ńot́ jus҉t͞ bec̵aus͡e̕ ̧i̶t's͡ a̸ "gam͏e"̷ you ͠all ͞p̶la͝y̴..̕. ̷B̶ut҉ beca͡us͏e t̷hes̷e̡ ̶a҉r͟e͟ ̢li̶ves ̡y͟ou p̀ort͡r͝ày.̵

Now I wonder how much other stuff we've missed in the OOC and sign-up thread. I know rustic caught the stuff in the lore thread, and then brought it to our attention in her archive, but is there other stuff?
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Then again those consequences were pretty weird. A blonde mage who isnt even in the Rp anymore (never seen her again). Screamed. And it woke up a massive giant which we were stepping on top of the whole time.

Yuffie's character's death soon followed.
@MsPolite you didn't screw up at all! Your scenes just made the roleplay a lot more interesting. Fights between good guys and ambiguous characters are even better than good vs bad. Anyway I don't think any of us view the angels as villains, just more of an otherwordly characters who are not really in touch with the rest of the world
Pashpu said:
@MsPolite you didn't screw up at all! Your scenes just made the roleplay a lot more interesting. Fights between good guys and ambiguous characters are even better than good vs bad. Anyway I don't think any of us view the angels as villains, just more of an otherwordly characters who are not really in touch with the rest of the world
Thanks. BTW I am writing now but I'll be posting In an hour maybe? I have alot to write
VioletShadow said:
@MsPolite Who did Belluam attack? It says vampire, but you also referred to Nio as an ice vampire...so I'm a little confused.
Yes she attacked nio . Caedes the red Winged angel was attacking hanz while Belluam came in to attack Nio
Oh god Tolan is gonna have fun fighting that angel who just called him a small minded mortal :D

I like how the angels are calling us all weak minded fools without even explaining what thry wantes to do xD

Tis all a big misunderstanding. And its awesome.
hope ya guys like mah reply. A few of you may be surprised by Jah'Ri's actions, but in this context she'd definitely be more concerned with ensuring Xenith's safety than fighting angels when everyone around her is doing that anyway. ^-^
[QUOTE="Yuffie Kisaragi]

Ńot́ jus҉t͞ bec̵aus͡e̕ ̧i̶t's͡ a̸ "gam͏e"̷ you ͠all ͞p̶la͝y̴..̕. ̷B̶ut҉ beca͡us͏e t̷hes̷e̡ ̶a҉r͟e͟ ̢li̶ves ̡y͟ou p̀ort͡r͝ày.̵

Now I wonder how much other stuff we've missed in the OOC and sign-up thread. I know rustic caught the stuff in the lore thread, and then brought it to our attention in her archive, but is there other stuff?

there's nothing i'm aware of regarding story updates. once i saw the hidden piece of text in the update where cobblelock was for sure safe, i did go back and check them all - didn't see anything abnormal when i copy and pasted the updates into word. unless NeverBetter has been hiding these things in his ooc messages for awhile, i don't think i've missed any. additionally, it's possible that that update may have been the catalyst for the hidden messages? that update and the lore tab's creation coincided with one another, even if the hidden text didn't appear on the lore tab until the day after.

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[QUOTE="Yuffie Kisaragi]Broke my face and my shoulder and arm on the track tonight
Might be a bit out of commission for a bit

Holy crap. Wow...

I will accommodate for you, Caesar and Co. can come back as soon as you're healed. Rest well!
[QUOTE="Yuffie Kisaragi]Broke my face and my shoulder and arm on the track tonight
Might be a bit out of commission for a bit

O.o are you okay?! Thanks for the heads up.. ouch. My condolences.
[QUOTE="Yuffie Kisaragi]Broke my face and my shoulder and arm on the track tonight
Might be a bit out of commission for a bit

sorry to hear that, hope you make a speedy recovery
Well not actually broken

I just fell really hard (as in was running really fast then fell and didn't like break my fall at all) and then slid across the track for a bit.

Big gashes that'll need stitches, possibly another concussion

And to think, I play the non-contact sport lol

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