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Fantasy Beyond the Third Sky


These hands shall move steel

It b̛e҉g̨i̧ns͠ ҉anew on͢c͟e ag̀a̴i̛n͏.͜.̕.|..̷.̢.̸ni̵ɒǫɒ ̶ɘ̸ɔnò wɘnɒ̢ ƨ̴n̶i͡ǫɘ̷ḑ ƚI

Welcome, one and all! Here is the Sign-ups thread for Beyond the Third Sky.

If you haven't checked out the Overview with all of the rules and core info for the sheet, I advise you do so now! Aside from that, here is your sheet.




Race specific abilities/combat info:


Basic personality:

Beginning Weaponry:

Best Basic Knowledge:

Worst Basic Knowledge:

Go nuts with it. And have fun, make someone you can hold on to!
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Name: Grace





Race specific abilities/combat info:

Tendency to not die when their supposed to, amirite?

Starting Magic: Fire (fear/rage), Blizzard (cold bitch), Thunder (calm), Cure (remorse)



Basic personality:

Conceited, Self-Centered, essentially a Pretty-Princess...with a mean streak and a heart that goes against her outward appearance.

Beginning Weaponry:


Best Basic Knowledge: English

Worst Basic Knowledge: Math

Name: Eclaire





Race specific abilities/combat info:

  • Heavenly Fire

    Heavenly Sword Summon

    Enhanced Reaction Time



Basic personality:

Iron-Willed Guardian, sometimes shy, usually antisocial. She's bad with feelings and actually quite sweet, once she gets going. Eclaire isn't the most stalwart of all, but she has the makings of greatness that she herself will probably never see.

Beginning Weaponry:

Valkyric Gunblade Overture

Best Basic Knowledge: Physical Fitness

Worst Basic Knowledge: English
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Name: Krika "Red" Keystonkk



Race: Werewolf

Race Abilities: Transform into a humanoid wolf with enhanced stamina, strength, speed, and other physical attributes. In current strength, loses control of body upon transformation. As she grows in strength, she can gain more control of her transformed actions, as well as other benefits.

Gender: Female

Basic Personality: Dreamy, wishful. Works towards her own advantage even when it might hurt others. Despite that, she is loyal, and feels regret when they do get hurt.

Beginning Weaponry: A spear.

Best Basic Knowledge: English

Worst Basic Knowledge: Math

it feels so weird not making a bio

EDIT: Deceased. Got thrown off a giant turtle and smashed into the ground.
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Name: I am a highly adaptive android. Serial Number: 5Y1A5. (Pronounced Fife-Yankee-Won-Alpha-Fife) You may also call me Sylas for short.




Gender: I do not go by such stereotypical guidelines as I have no reproductive organs that would fit a standard male or female of any known race.

Racial Abilities: I, as an android, am beyond any humanoid, but, in truth, my design is very akin to a human that has traded flesh for metal. Unfortunately, I only appear to have been put together using the finest parts. In reality, whatever fashioned me into being had me only pristine on the outside. Underneath my shiny plates are severely aged gears. After a quick scan of my internals, I evaluate myself at less than forty percent of my maximum potential.

Personal Abilities: My standing trait as an android is my ability to adapt. My adaption isn't as mundane as a humans either. It doesn't come in the form of adjusting to an opponents combat style or changing to fit the environment. Instead, I am highly adaptive to machines. With a touch, my circuitry can link to any device allowing me to mold it into my body for my personal use. Depending on the individual parts of the device, I may even corrode it to instead be used to repair or upgrade my own structure. It becomes an interesting game of upgrading my body or my arsenal. How long an attachment will stay upon me is unknown.

Weaknesses: While my armament is handy, it still has many bugs. First of all, the reduction in my quality is akin to a human who lacks proper physique. My overall mobility is relatively slower when compared to a healthy human. I am also weak against high surges of electricity and water. As for my personal ability, it's actually active all the time except following the absorbtion of a machine. A variable cool down timer is built into my circuitry specifically for absorbing. This comes as a double edged sword. The cool down time makes the machine useless for a moment, but it gives me an ample amount of time to analyze the uses of the machine. The absorption of two devices would currently be too much for my structure to bear. To deter the overall problem slightly, I may transfer available power for motion towards learning, however, the switch may be drastic enough to halt mobility completely. The complexity of the machine is a major factor here. Lastly, bulkier machines such as a war suits are affected by my ability, but the absorption process may potentially cause a permanent corruption of my structure if not properly dealt with.

P.S I am prone to accidental theft. I apologize in advance.

Upgrades: TBD as the story goes.

Basic personality: As a machine, I come with a full service of query and dialogue options to accustom myself with any being I come into contact with. My default personality is silent unless spoken to, but it will respond in a logical and honest manner. The application of manners or the feelings of the party I am speaking are not used in this personality. As a highly adaptive android, a ever present curiosity is present regardless of what personality is set. My memory drive requires filling in every moment possible. Other personalities may surface should a cause require them to be used.

Beginning Weaponry: I currently perform Robotic Hand-Like Implement to Robotic Hand-Like Implement Combat AKA Hand to Hand Combat.

Best Basic Knowledge: History

Worst Basic Knowledge: Physical Fitness

Internal Process Check AKA Character Sheet C0MPLETE. Initiating System for Full Operation.
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Name: Elliot wood



Race: Incubus

Race specific abilities/combat info: Enslavement kiss (only works for a short amount of time less effective the more it's used on a person), enhanced dexterity and Strength, can turn invisible (only for a short time) can absorb life force energies (needs to do this to stay alive) desire inducement (only effective if the person has a base attraction to him) . wing manifestation, flight, prehensile tail, seductive magnetism (Only works on those that have some sort of attraction to him) , supernatural beauty.

Gender: male

Basic weaponry: Nagiata and his beauty

Beginning personality: He knows he gorgeous, arrogant, doesn't really care about others much, mercyless, flirty.

Best Basic Knowledge: English

Worst Basic Knowledge: Science
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Name: Full name: Murosyammortso, (Mur-o- si-am-ort-So-) Calls himself Muro usually.


This is his size and yes, he is basically a dinosaur
Race: Rotparhatu (Pronunciation: Rot-par-hat-oo)

Race specific abilities/combat info:

Mimicry: Able to manipulate the sound of his voice to match any sound he hears

Powerful bite: Has a very powerful bite, capable of crunching through bone

Foot claws: Sharp sickle shaped claws which are used to puncture engine's vital organs.

Tactician:Good at observing the environment around him and his opponents to devise a strategy

Team player: Is very good at either leading a team or following orders.

Unless you happen to be one of his species, he cannot be seduced

Gender: Male

Basic personality: Inquisitive, strategic, loyal

Beginning Weaponry: None but his natural assets

Best Basic Knowledge: Science

Worst Basic Knowledge: Math
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Y'all bringing these awesome char. Now its my turn.

Name: Hektor


Race: Human

Race ability: Enhanced reaction time, almost limitless stamina, extreme flexibility and finnesse.

Affinity with lightning and wind magic.

Clairvoyance: A skill that he uses in combat to "predict" an opponent's attack, increasing the chances of dodging or blocking, or if the attack proves undodgeable, minimize damage taken in some way.

Threaded style: Warring vulpine

Hektor utilizes styles in his fighting, both for the cane's whip mode and normal locked mode, in Warring vulpine he focused on the locked mode, doing precise, swift and extremely deadly strikes utilizing the elements to boost his attacks and dodging capability.

Coiling viper: The whip cane style, focusing on wide, horizontal attacks, able to pierce through targets and hit a large group in quick succession, very good for crowd control.

Gender: Male

Basic personality: honorable, respectable, Polite, kind. Good humor, but somewhat Arrogant.

Beginning weaponry :

The threaded cane.

Sharp bladed cane, lightweight, able to transform into a serrated whip.

Best basic knowlegde : English.

Worst basic knowledge: History.


Name: Tolan.



Race specific abilities: Highly enhanced reflexes, Extremely senses. Extremely good at hunting/Tracking. Should he not see with his eyes, his senses act much like a sonar, and will allow him to see and track targets even while blinded.

Advanced life draining magic in the form of forbidden blood magic.

- This blood magic is different than the rest in that Tolan's magic fells...ancestral for some reason, almost as if the blood he uses for the magic is not a humans...but something else...something much, much greater.

- The blood magic is able to drain the life of both unholy beings and holy, this includes demons and angels. The feeling of having one's life drained by blood magic is that of having one's own soul being ripped out or hit directly

- Tolan isn't only limited to life draining magic, he can use blood magic for powerful ranged spells should he choose to, although most of his fighting will be up close and personal.

- Tolan is able to extend his grappling hook with blood magic as well, as well as give his axe sharper edges and life drain on touch as well.

- Tolan can go into a "Blood rage" during battle, which increases his physical attributes much more than normal.

Gender: Male

Basic personality: Cold, Calculating, Honorable, Relentless, ruthless. Silent. Tormai might not be the most sociable person, but he makes up with his skills in combat and overrall survival.

Beggining weaponry: Rope hook, and Hand Axe. (shown in pic)

Best Basic knowlede: History.

Worst basic knowledge: English.
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Name: Jah'Ri

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c815075cc_JahriDnD5echar.jpg.cd6a7f3eab4caec99d1967ce63312501.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108407" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c815075cc_JahriDnD5echar.jpg.cd6a7f3eab4caec99d1967ce63312501.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Race: Dragonborn (the real ones, not some random person who can shout magic :P )

Race specific abilities/combat info: Can breathe fire, have sharp claws and thick scales that are resistant to fire and sharp or projectile weaponry.

Gender: Female

Basic personality: Curious, quiet and stoic. Usually only speaks when spoken to directly or when asking questions.

Beginning Weaponry: Claws, fire breath and powerful legs

Best Basic Knowledge: Physical fitness

Worst Basic Knowledge: English (get ready for some serious engrish in her dialogue xD )

Acquired abilities:

Massive Roar - animals and more beastly creatures will fear you when yelling or when obviously enraged, and are more likely to back down as a result.

Flametongue- a larger window of stamina for her fire breath and an extra Physical Fitness point independent of Permanent stat increases



  • Jahri DnD 5e char.jpg
    Jahri DnD 5e char.jpg
    139.9 KB · Views: 397
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DemonStiletto said:
Name: I am a highly adaptive android. Serial Number: 5Y1A5. (Pronounced Fiver-Yankee-Won-Alpha-Fiver) You may also call me Sylas for short.




Gender: I do not go by such stereotypical guidelines as I have no reproductive organs that would fit a standard male or female of any known race.

Racial Abilities: I, as an android, am beyond any humanoid, but, in truth, my design is very akin to a human that has traded flesh for metal. Unfortunately, I appear to have been put together using the finest parts. In whatever fashion I was brought into being, these pristine plates of mine actually belly the age in the gears working below. After scanning my internals, I evaluate myself at less than forty percent of my maximum potential.

Personal Abilities: My standing trait as an android is my ability to adapt. My adaption isn't as mundane as a humans either. It doesn't come in the form of adjusting to an opponents combat style or changing to fit the environment. Instead, I am highly adaptive to machines. With a touch, my circuitry can link to any device allowing me to mold it into my body for my personal use.

Weaknesses: @NeverBetter I put this here thinking Sylas' power may be construed as too strong. As such I thought of counter measures, but I'm unsure of just releasing what they are. Would you like me to add the info to this already added bullet point?

Upgrades: TBD as the story goes.

Basic personality: (WIP)

Beginning Weaponry: I currently perform Robotic Hand-Like Implement to Robotic Hand-Like Implement Combat AKA Hand to Hand Combat.

Best Basic Knowledge: History

Worst Basic Knowledge: Physical Fitness

Internal Process Check AKA Character Sheet C0MPle??e?. Initiating System for Full Operation.
May I suggest that it has hightened durability and strenght compared to a human, as though it's form factor is humanoid, machines can (generally) output more raw force and take more damage than a human and still function, at it's level.

Otherwise, for weaknesses, though he recharges over time, that charge is slow, and thus he can't afford to blow his whole energy reserve without leaving him completely vulnerable, though he has physical combat abilities, he has a more precise long-range targeting sensor, and he cannot naturally heal like a normal living being, but must be repaired (can repair self)? Those, I feel, are not terrible downsides when all together that still let you function as I believe you intend.

H0lderOfH0pe said:
Name: Elliot wood


Race: Incubus

Race specific abilities/combat info: Enslavement kiss, enhanced dexterity and Strength, can turn invisible (only for a short time) can absorb life force energies (needs to do this to stay alive) desire inducement. wing manifestation, flight, prehensile tail, seductive magnetism, supernatural beauty

Gender: male

Basic weaponry: Nagiata and his beauty

Beginning personality: He knows he gorgeous, arrogant, doesn't really care about others much, mercyless, flirty.

Best Basic Knowledge: English

Worst Basic Knowledge: Science

Spinoceratopsrex said:
Name: Full name: Murosyammortso, (Mur-o- si-am-ort-So-) Calls himself Muro usually.

This is his size and yes, he is basically a dinosaur
Race: Rotparhatu (Pronunciation: Rot-par-hat-oo)

Race specific abilities/combat info:

Mimicry: Able to manipulate the sound of his voice to match any sound he hears

Powerful bite: Has a very powerful bite, capable of crunching through bone

Foot claws: Sharp sickle shaped claws which are used to puncture engine's vital organs.

Tactician:Good at observing the environment around him and his opponents to devise a strategy

Team player: Is very good at either leading a team or following orders.

Unless you happen to be one of his species, he cannot be seduced

Gender: Male

Basic personality: Inquisitive, strategic, loyal

Beginning Weaponry: None but his natural assets

Best Basic Knowledge: Science

Worst Basic Knowledge: Math




Outright accepted. Guys, we got a mothafuckin' dinosaur in, get hype. Accepted.

Xion136 said:

Name: Grace





Race specific abilities/combat info:

Tendency to not die when their supposed to, amirite?



Basic personality:

Conceited, Self-Centered, essentially a Pretty-Princess...with a mean streak and a heart that goes against her outward appearance.

Beginning Weaponry:


Best Basic Knowledge: English

Worst Basic Knowledge: Math

Name: Eclaire





Race specific abilities/combat info:

  • Heavenly Fire

    Heavenly Sword Summon

    Enhanced Reaction Time



Basic personality:

Iron-Willed Guardian, Eclaire has one thing she knows - she wishes to protect. A notion she cannot escape, she strives to protect people, even though she is blunt, somewhat controlling at times (For good reason) and...well, sometimes shy. She's bad with feelings and actually quite sweet, once she gets going.

Beginning Weaponry:

Valkyric Gunblade Overture

Best Basic Knowledge: Physical Fitness

Worst Basic Knowledge: English
Invisibility needs a timer for which it can run out for gamebalance sake, otherwise, accepted both.

[QUOTE="Yuffie Kisaragi]Name: Krika "Red" Keystonkk


Race: Werewolf

Race Abilities: Transform into a humanoid wolf with enhanced stamina, strength, speed, and other physical attributes. In current strength, loses control of body upon transformation. As she grows in strength, she can gain more control of her transformed actions, as well as other benefits.

Gender: Female

Basic Personality: Dreamy, wishful. Works towards her own advantage even when it might hurt others. Despite that, she is loyal, and feels regret when they do get hurt.

Beginning Weaponry: A spear.

Best Basic Knowledge: English

Worst Basic Knowledge: Math

it feels so weird not making a bio

[/QUOTE]Perfectly fine, accepted.
Scrapmaster said:
Y'all bringing these awesome char. Now its my turn.
Name: Hektor


Race: Human

Race ability: Enhanced reaction time.

Affinity with lightning and wind magic.

Gender: Male

Basic personality: honorable, respectable, Polite, kind. Good humor, but somewhat Arrogant.

Beginning weaponry :

The threaded cane.

Sharp bladed cane, lightweight, able to transform into a serrated whip.

Best basic knowlegde : Science.

Worst basic knowledge: History.


Name: Tormai.


Race: Human (?)

Race specific abilities: Enhanced reflexes, Attuned senses. Extremely good at hunting/Tracking.

Novice life draining magic.

Gender: Male

Basic personality: Cold, Calculating, Honorable, Relentless, ruthless. Silent. Tormai might not be the most sociable person, but he makes up with his skills in combat and overrall survival.

Beggining weaponry: Rope hook, and Hand Axe. (shown in pic)

Best Basic knowlede: History.

Worst basic knowledge: English.
Both are fine, I feel Tormai may be a tad strong, but I'll let it slide. Both Accepted.

DergTheDergon said:
Name: Jah'Ri

Race: Dragonborn (the real ones, not some random person who can shout magic :P )

Race specific abilities/combat info: Can breathe fire, but it takes quite a physical toll and should only be used when absolutely needed.

Gender: Female

Basic personality: Curious, quiet and stoic. Usually only speaks when spoken to directly or when asking questions.

Beginning Weaponry: Claws, fire breath and powerful legs

Best Basic Knowledge: Physical fitness

Worst Basic Knowledge: English (get ready for some serious engrish in her dialogue xD )
She actually feels a little underpowered xD If you wanna give her another buff, that's totally fine. Otherwise, accepted!
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NeverBetter said:
She actually feels a little underpowered xD If you wanna give her another buff, that's totally fine. Otherwise, accepted!
There we go, added some extra stuffs to her race abilities that make sense. Lemme know if those are good with you.
Name: Caesar Vorenus


Race: Human

Race Abilities: Enhanced Reflexes, Enhanced Perception, Enhanced Logic

Gender: Male

Basic Personality: Agreeable and cooperative, Caesar loves to make jokes but not necessarily at other people's expense. He prefers to solve problems without using violence.

Beginning Weaponry: A bow and arrow.

Best Basic Knowledge: Math

Worst Basic Knowledge: Physical Fitness

EDIT: After being repeatedly shoved down with little reward, Caesar realized that in life, he didn't have to listen to anyone. So he murdered four people to steal and keep something. Now he has decided that if he wants something, he will take it, no matter the consequences or the method.

Acquired Skills:

Bloodletter: Intimidation checks will go over far more smoothly, when killing an enemy, teleportation to the victim's body is made possible, and reaction speed is highly increased. Ceaser must kill once a day from here on in to stay sane, it doesn't need to be human, just a living creature. When insane, strength is increased (Physical Fitness score doubled), and intimidation checks will always succeed, however any sane person will avoid you actively and your English skill is reduced to Zero, making it nearly impossible to speak to someone. Will wear off when Ceaser confirms a kill.
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Name: Aurelius



Race: Unknown

Race specific abilities/combat info:


Gender: Definitely Male

Basic personality:

Nice guy, never a jerk without damn good reason. Don't give him reason, he doesn't like being mad.

Beginning Weaponry:


Best Basic Knowledge: History

Worst Basic Knowledge: Math​
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Name: Karyx, Conflux of Darkness

Race: Shadow Conglomeration

Race specific abilities/combat info:

Possesses a natural affinity and talent for the element of Darkness and Dark Power, utilizing it offensively to fire Dark Energy Blasts from his hands and create Erupting Dark Flame Explosions from the ground, albeit small ones but several at a time. Possesses Dimensional Control but it is limited to the creation of Corridors of Darkness for transportation for now.

Can speak fluent English but also its own, black speech like language. Has natural flight capability without wings.

Gender: Male (With a voice that is deep, with a snarl behind it when angry or shouting.)

Basic personality: Curious and ever-seeking knowledge, honourable, dramatic, cunning and sinister-seeming, being part of a race of Dark Beings does attract suspicion from some, but he is not at all malicious, although he enjoys combat a little too much.

Beginning Weaponry: Resolve Sapper - A large cleaver-like blade that becomes awash with Green Flame upon Karyx's command, usually before impact with enemies or the ground.


Best Basic Knowledge: Science

Worst Basic Knowledge: Math

This is my first character. Stay tuned. X3

Name: Jenna Soloven



Race: Shape-Shifting Human. Probably descended from humans who had mixed genetically with the ancient true shape shifters.

Race specific abilities/combat info: She is able to transform into several kinds of animals (although she retains her human mind despite the transformation). However, she is the only human she can transform into. Likes the form of human, birds, and fox. It takes a lot of energy to transform though, and she is still learning how to transform into new animals.

Gender: Female

Basic personality: Says what's on her mind and can be rude to people who annoy her. But overall she is nice and kind of funny.

Beginning Weaponry: Dagger

Best Basic Knowledge: Science, especially biology

Worst Basic Knowledge: Math
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[QUOTE="Yuffie Kisaragi]Name: Caesar Vorenus

Race: Human

Race Abilities: Enhanced Reflexes, Enhanced Perception, Enhanced Logic

Gender: Male

Basic Personality: Agreeable and cooperative, Caesar loves to make jokes but not necessarily at other people's expense. He prefers to solve problems without using violence.

Beginning Weaponry: A bow and arrow.

Best Basic Knowledge: Math

Worst Basic Knowledge: Physical Fitness

SuperiorKunivas said:

Name: Karyx, Conflux of Darkness

Race: Shadow Conglomeration

Race specific abilities/combat info:

Possesses a natural affinity and talent for the element of Darkness and Dark Power, utilizing it offensively to fire Dark Energy Blasts from his hands and create Erupting Dark Flame Explosions from the ground, albeit small ones but several at a time. Possesses Dimensional Control but it is limited to the creation of Corridors of Darkness for transportation for now.

Can speak fluent English but also its own, black speech like language. Has natural flight capability without wings.

Gender: Male (With a voice that is deep, with a snarl behind it when angry or shouting.)

Basic personality: Curious and ever-seeking knowledge, honourable, dramatic, cunning and sinister-seeming, being part of a race of Dark Beings does attract suspicion from some, but he is not at all malicious, although he enjoys combat a little too much.

Beginning Weaponry: Resolve Sapper - A large cleaver-like blade that becomes awash with Green Flame upon Karyx's command, usually before impact with enemies or the ground.


Best Basic Knowledge: Science

Worst Basic Knowledge: Math

This is my first character. Stay tuned. X3

Pashpu said:
Name: Jenna Soloven


Race: Shape-Shifting Human. Probably descended from humans who had mixed genetically with the ancient true shape shifters.

Race specific abilities/combat info: She is able to transform into several kinds of animals (although she retains her human mind despite the transformation). However, she is the only human she can transform into. Likes the form of human, birds, and fox. It takes a lot of energy to transform though, and she is still learning how to transform into new animals.

Gender: Female

Basic personality: Says what's on her mind and can be rude to people who annoy her. But overall she is nice and kind of funny.

Beginning Weaponry: Dagger

Best Basic Knowledge: Science, especially biology

Worst Basic Knowledge: Math
All of the above Accepted.
Xion136 said:

Name: Aurelius



Race: Unknown

Race specific abilities/combat info:


Gender: Definitely Male

Basic personality:

Nice guy, never a jerk without damn good reason. Don't give him reason, he doesn't like being mad.

Beginning Weaponry:


Best Basic Knowledge: History

Worst Basic Knowledge: Math​


fia strast
name: fia strast

gender: female

best basic knowledge: science

worst basic knowledge: history

beginning weaponry: she had a bag of sticks and a lighter - the sticks have since burnt away, but the bag seems to otherwise still be intact. she's also able to utilize fire magic.

race: argiaren / a race of people specializing in fire magic that give worship to the sun.

race specific abilities/combat info: she's invigorated by natural light - when it's out, she's happier, full of energy, and determined as hell. she also has control over fire, but it can be an unsustainable drain on her. doing too much for too long is bad for her and can cause her to injure herself. when she lacks access to natural light for too long, whether that's because she's in a windowless structure, or it's night, she's lethargic, sleepy, and prone to sudden dizzy spells.

basic personality: she's definitely spunky. she's loud, excitable, and cheerful, a constant blur of motion in a world that looks stagnant in comparison. she's generally bold - loud and persistent about her opinions and occasionally tone-deaf to how she's perceived for them.

she feels very strongly in every aspect in her life and her emotions can sometimes get the better of her in every way. above all else, she values the wellbeing of others above her own. she does her best to understand, accept, and preserve life, even when it's to her own detriment.
minisun / "and at that, absorb what was not destroyed into a ball of pure light that she was able to restore her energy quite a bit as a result of, and it will not fade away."

pyromancy specialist / "increases control over fire magic and allows one perfect control of live fires."

body of flames / "with proper movement of one's body, they generate flames independently of a magic pool, as it comes from one's will and physical stamina. physical actions are also easier to preform, and learning new attack-based abilities has been raised significantly."

*+2 to future physical rolls independent of permanent stat increases.

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DemonStiletto said:
Name: I am a highly adaptive android. Serial Number: 5Y1A5. (Pronounced Fife-Yankee-Won-Alpha-Fife) You may also call me Sylas for short.



Gender: I do not go by such stereotypical guidelines as I have no reproductive organs that would fit a standard male or female of any known race.

Racial Abilities: I, as an android, am beyond any humanoid, but, in truth, my design is very akin to a human that has traded flesh for metal. Unfortunately, I only appear to have been put together using the finest parts. In reality, whatever fashioned me into being had me only pristine on the outside. Underneath my shiny plates are severely aged gears. After a quick scan of my internals, I evaluate myself at less than forty percent of my maximum potential.

Personal Abilities: My standing trait as an android is my ability to adapt. My adaption isn't as mundane as a humans either. It doesn't come in the form of adjusting to an opponents combat style or changing to fit the environment. Instead, I am highly adaptive to machines. With a touch, my circuitry can link to any device allowing me to mold it into my body for my personal use. Depending on the individual parts of the device, I may even corrode it to instead be used to repair or upgrade my own structure. It becomes an interesting game of upgrading my body or my arsenal. How long an attachment will stay upon me is unknown.

Weaknesses: While my armament is handy, it still has many bugs. First of all, the reduction in my quality is akin to a human who lacks proper physique. My overall mobility is relatively slower when compared to a healthy human. I am also weak against high surges of electricity and water. As for my personal ability, it's actually active all the time except following the absorbtion of a machine. A variable cool down timer is built into my circuitry specifically for absorbing. This comes as a double edged sword. The cool down time makes the machine useless for a moment, but it gives me an ample amount of time to analyze the uses of the machine. The absorption of two devices would currently be too much for my structure to bear. To deter the overall problem slightly, I may transfer available power for motion towards learning, however, the switch may be drastic enough to halt mobility completely. The complexity of the machine is a major factor here. Lastly, bulkier machines such as a war suits are affected by my ability, but the absorption process may potentially cause a permanent corruption of my structure if not properly dealt with.

P.S I am prone to accidental theft. I apologize in advance.

Upgrades: TBD as the story goes.

Basic personality: As a machine, I come with a full service of query and dialogue options to accustom myself with any being I come into contact with. My default personality is silent unless spoken to, but it will respond in a logical and honest manner. The application of manners or the feelings of the party I am speaking are not used in this personality. As a highly adaptive android, a ever present curiosity is present regardless of what personality is set. My memory drive requires filling in every moment possible. Other personalities may surface should a cause require them to be used.

Beginning Weaponry: I currently perform Robotic Hand-Like Implement to Robotic Hand-Like Implement Combat AKA Hand to Hand Combat.

Best Basic Knowledge: History

Worst Basic Knowledge: Physical Fitness

Internal Process Check AKA Character Sheet C0MPLETE. Initiating System for Full Operation.
You're all set! Lookin good. Prepare for launch.

rusticyawn said:


name: fia strast

gender: female

best basic knowledge: science

worst basic knowledge: history

race: unknown

race specific abilities/combat info: she's invigorated by natural light - when it's out, she's happier, full of energy, and is determined as hell. she also has some control over fire, but it's an unsustainable drain on her - doing too much for too long is bad for her and can cause her to injure herself, either by overexertion or by her own resistance to flames running out. when she lacks


to natural light for too long - whether it's because she's in a windowless structure, or it's night - she's lethargic and sleepy, and prone to sudden dizzy spells.

basic personality: she's rather easily excitable and cheerful and enjoys lots of activity and movement. she's enjoyable to be around, but can seem a bit capricious if you say something unpleasant. she's quick to decisions and not shy about voicing them.

beginning weaponry: she's got a bag of sticks and a lighter - sticks being a useful weapon on their own if needed at night, but the sticks can also be used to supplement her own natural fire magic to save energy. also, of course, fire magic.

other: sorry about the late entry! if it's too late, i understand, i just really enjoy the idea!
If you intend to keep her race a secret for the moment or have any plans for her later that involve keeping her race hidden, please PM me the info so I have it on-hand, otherwise I will request a race to be named. If its custom, a custom name is totally cool. Aside from that, she's accepted.
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Xenith La Rosia (Xeni for short)



Long, straight black hair which flows to her waist contrasting with deep crimson eyes, which reflect the colour of blood, describe her eye-catching features. Her facial structure is thin and smooth, almost pure white in the darkness. She has an elegant demeanor with a slim, slender body. Her fangs are sharp, and not visible unless she opens her mouth clearly. Dark bat wings contribute to her gothic look, as they have small thorns attached to the the veins of them.


Pure-Blood Vampire (The First Vampire)

As the first, and possibly only vampire in this entire world, she is alone. In order for her to create more of her kind, she must feed them her blood. Biting people does not turn them into vampires. The vampires she creates will be known as second-generation vampires, tied closely to the bloodline. If she reproduces with these vampires, they have a 10% chance of yielding a pure-blood baby and a 90% chance of a second-generation baby. Of course, if a pure-blood and a pure-blood reproduce, they will have a baby pure-blood vampire. However, if the second generation vampires create more vampires (Known as third generation vampires, tied less closely to the bloodline) and reproduce with them, there is an 80% chance of a third-generation vampire, and a 20% chance of a second-generation baby. Third-generation vampires can, in fact, create more vampires (Fourth-generation), but they will not be able to create more of there own. (Fifth generation vampires do not exist). If third-generation vampires and fourth generation vampires reproduce, they have a 70% chance of a fourth generation vampire and 30% chance of a third generation. Pure-blood vampires are greatly respected by all vampires, and are also known as the first-generation.

*Race abilities*

Heightened senses in general, sight, hearing, smell... but only by a small amount. She can travel silently and stealthily, but must have trained at least a little before being able to do so. After drinking blood, her body is lighter and faster, but only for a short while, such as a day or two.

She has an alert mindset, which has nothing to do with her race.

*Race weaknesses*

Drinks blood- she must drink around every week or so, her partner may be willing and not killed. Her race is generally seen as hostile, especially from their sharp fangs and pale, almost deathly complexion. So occasionally, people scorn her for her features. Vampires are generally cold and quiet, causing them to be difficult to make friends with.



*Basic personality*

Calm, collected, intellectual describes Xenith generally. Most of her thinking resides in her head, rather than spoken out loud. When talking to others, she is blunt with her words, not particularly caring for their emotions (Except for her close friends.. when she gets them). But she prefers to not be hostile, contrary to her appearance, and apologize when appropriate. She prefers learning, reading and experimenting, rather than movement, due to a disability of hers. She loves the darkness, preferring to reside in hidden trees, away from sunlight. She is slightly nocturnal, sleeping and waking later than most. Her clothing choice is generally Gothic, possibly influenced by her race and love of darkness.


Primary - Dark Magic Potential combat moves- Shadow Beam, Dark Shield, Dark flame, Shadow Ball (Sometimes explosive), Dusk Explosion (An explosion followed by a shock wave of dark flames. A special move, taking up a lot of energy)

Secondary - Blood Magic: Potential combat moves- Blood Whip, Crimson Shards, Ruby Shell, Gift Of Blood.

*Current Abilities*

Natural Leader - When talking to dignitarys or other people in power, speech is more effective. NPCs aligned with you will more readily listen to your commands, and attempting to talk through conflict will be far more likely to occur in favor. NPCs that are encountered are more likely to listen to you and obey your orders or even join your team.

(Moves and abilities will be updated as the roleplay continues)

*Best Basic Knowledge*

Maths (Due to her calculative mindset)

*Worst Basic Knowledge*

Physical Education (Her left leg is constantly in pain, especially when bending/straightening it. She was born in a strange way, causing this problem.)

(She will be updated as the story progresses: potential likes and dislikes, new personality traits, new story may be added.)
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This needs more tech characters.

Name: Xicor


Race: Cyborg. (Technologically augmented human)

Race specific abilities: Enhanced reaction, Agility and toughness from his tech implants and Mechanical parts (His right arm is fully mechanic for example.)

Enhanced perception from eye implants. He can track a target in his aim much more reliably with his visor's targeting system. Artificial blood and heart allow for higher resistance to blood related diseases and poison.

His cybernetic implants also include

- Kinetic adaptors, allows him to absorb kinetic energy from hits and running and deliver a powerful strike channeling the accumulated energy with a devastating punch.

- Lack of most vital organs, many of his organs have been replaced with technology, specially the heart, and they are of easy repair and of little consequence in the off chance they get shot off, he is more machine than man now, and it shows.

- Excelsius mode, pretty much overdrice, increases his abilities drastically, also allows him perfect tracking of his enemies on his sights, but can and WILL overheat his systems, possibly disabling them.

Race weakness: While he can be strenghtened by lightning, it puts a severed strain on his mechanical parts, and can damage him or even make him sease function temporarily. And Electromagnetic waves are a downright menace to him.

Gender: Male

Basic Personality: Curious, kind, sarcastic. Respectful. Very patient,he may come off as too serious to some though, and he is not that great with women...

Starting weaponry: Advanced rifle. Fires Magnetized rounds at first (MAy be upgraded with more powerful projectiles later on in the RP)

Can switch from semi automatic to full auto. Can overheat from careless firing.

Best basic knowledge: Science.

Worst Basic knowledge: English.
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VioletShadow said:


Xenith La Rosia (Xeni for short)



Long, straight black hair which flows to her waist contrasting with deep crimson eyes, which reflect the colour of blood, describe her eye-catching features. Her facial structure is thin and smooth, almost pure white in the darkness. She has an elegant demeanor with a slim, slender body.



*Race abilities*

Heightened senses in general, sight, hearing, smell... but only by a small amount. She can travel silently and stealthily, but must have trained at least a little before being able to do so. After drinking blood, her body is lighter and faster, but only for a short while, such as a day or two.

She has an alert mindset, which has nothing to do with her race.

*Race weaknesses*

Drinks blood- she must drink around every week or so, her partner may be willing and not killed. Her race is generally seen as hostile, especially from past events. So occasionally, people scorn her for her birth. Vampires are generally cold and quiet, causing them to be difficult to make friends with.



*Basic personality*

Calm, collected, intellectual describes Xenith generally. Most of her thinking resides in her head, rather than spoken out loud. When talking to others, she is blunt with her words, not particularly caring for their emotions (Except for her close friends.. when she gets them). But she prefers to not be hostile, like the rest of her kind, and apologize when appropriate. She prefers learning, reading and experimenting, rather than movement, due to a disability of hers. She loves the darkness, preferring to reside in hidden trees, away from sunlight. She is slightly nocturnal, sleeping and waking later than most. Her clothing choice is generally Gothic, possibly influenced by her race and love of darkness.

*Beginning Weaponry*

Primary - Dark Magic Potential combat moves- Shadow Beam, Dark Shield, Dark flame, Shadow Ball (Sometimes explosive), Dusk Explosion (An explosion followed by a shock wave of dark flames. A special move, taking up a lot of energy)

Secondary - Blood Magic: Potential combat moves- Blood Whip, Crimson Shards, Ruby Shell, Gift Of Blood.

(Moves will be updated as the she becomes stronger)

*Best Basic Knowledge*

Maths (Due to her calculative mindset)

*Worst Basic Knowledge*

Physical Education (Her left leg is constantly in pain, especially when bending/straightening it.)

(She will be updated as the story progresses: potential likes and dislikes, new personality traits, new story may be added.)
Though there is a lack of history for her species, since this world doesn't currently have really any sentient beings aside from ourself, that minor issue on your sheet is fine. Accepted.

rusticyawn said:


name: fia strast

gender: female

best basic knowledge: science

worst basic knowledge: history


argiaren / belonging to a race of people specializing in fire magic that have adapted to live under an a distant planet's eternal sun.

race specific abilities/combat info: she's invigorated by natural light - when it's out, she's happier, full of energy, and is determined as hell. she also has some control over fire, but it's an unsustainable drain on her - doing too much for too long is bad for her and can cause her to injure herself, either by overexertion or by her own resistance to flames running out. when she lacks


to natural light for too long - whether it's because she's in a windowless structure, or it's night - she's lethargic and sleepy, and prone to sudden dizzy spells.

basic personality: she's rather easily excitable and cheerful and enjoys lots of activity and movement. she's enjoyable to be around, but can seem a bit capricious if you say something unpleasant. she's quick to decisions and not shy about voicing them.

beginning weaponry: she's got a bag of sticks and a lighter - sticks being a useful weapon on their own if needed at night, but the sticks can also be used to supplement her own natural fire magic to save energy. also, of course, fire magic.
Scrapmaster said:
This needs more tech characters.
Name: Xicor


Race: Cyborg. (Technologically augmented human)

Race specific abilities: Enhanced reaction, Agility and toughness from his tech implants and Mechanical parts (His right arm is fully mechanic for example.)

Enhanced perception from eye implants. He can track a target in his aim much more reliably with his visor's targeting system. Artificial blood and heart allow for higher resistance to blood related diseases and poison.

Race weakness: While he can be strenghtened by lightning, it puts a severed strain on his mechanical parts, and can damage him or even make him sease function temporarily. And Electromagnetic waves are a downright menace to him.

Gender: Male

Basic Personality: Curious, kind, sarcastic. Respectful. Very patient,he may come off as too serious to some though, and he is not that great with women...

Starting weaponry: Advanced rifle. Fires Magnetized rounds at first (MAy be upgraded with more powerful projectiles later on in the RP)

Can switch from semi automatic to full auto. Can overheat from careless firing.

Best basic knowledge: Science.

Worst Basic knowledge: English.
All of the above are Accepted.
NeverBetter said:
Though there is a lack of history for her species, since this world doesn't currently have really any sentient beings aside from ourself, that minor issue on your sheet is fine. Accepted.
All of the above are Accepted.
I guess we could pretend she is the first of her kind. As the world develops as we roleplay. I'll edit her slightly, as if she is the first, pure-blood vampire who begins her species. If you disapprove let me know. Thanks for the feedback.

Edit: How old does everyone start off as? Are we just suddenly thrust into this world as adults?
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VioletShadow said:
I guess we could pretend she is the first of her kind. As the world develops as we roleplay. I'll edit her slightly, as if she is the first, pure-blood vampire who begins her species. If you disapprove let me know. Thanks for the feedback.
Edit: How old does everyone start off as? Are we just suddenly thrust into this world as adults?
That's totally fine. I have no qualms with it, in fact, I encourage that sort of idea with this RP.

You lot are the age that you specified in your sheets, so if you're adults there, you're adults now.

Also! The first post is up! Our group is so big that I actually had to split us up into two separate groups of eight, and that's not even the whole cast yet! I would love to thank all you beautiful people for joining, I hope that we all get to enjoy this as much as I envisioned!

Name: Lilith

Race: Human

Race specific abilities/combat info: Utilizes Dark Magicks such as Dark Fire, Dark Lightning/Thunder, Dark Ice/Blizzard and Darkness (Kingdom Hearts Style). Has a generally unholy and even diabolical aura to her person.

Gender: Female

Basic personality: A little more than dismal and nefarious to the common eye at her surface, but deep inside her heart is one of gold, being very selfless and of a kind nature, a direct opposite to a very polarizing Grace.

Beginning Weaponry: The Fallacious Cobra - A Sword-Cane made of folded high-tensile steel, she carries this on her person at all times, its Cobra Handle/Head seems to house something within as its red eyes tend to glow, sometimes follow people's movements.


Best Basic Knowledge: History

Worst Basic Knowledge: Math

Name: Jennifer "Jenny" Shepard




Race: Human

Race specific abilities/combat info: Wields the power of Light defensively and offensively, currently using beams and orbs as attack and fragile shields defensively. Mainly uses her suit's weaponry and capabilities however.

Gender: Female (Yes, voiced by Jennifer Hale. X3)

Basic personality: A determined, fierce fighter and person in general, Jenny will do whatever it takes, yet remain within morals (Most of the time), to get the job done and mainly thinks of others above herself (Key word "Mainly"). Also, has a sense of humor and terrible dance skills. (Totally a Paragade.)

Beginning Weaponry: Suit Weaponry. Currently deployable blades from the forearms which have a visible electrical charge to them (Light and Heavy Modes). The suit is upgradeable to a great extent, being very modular and compatible with anything really, but right now it is bare bones.

Best Basic Knowledge: Physical Fitness

Worst Basic Knowledge: Math

And these are my other characters. Should they be accepted, I am ready. :3

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