• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Beverly Hills High

sunshine and whiskey

ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs ʙʀɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ sᴜɴsʜɪɴᴇ
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Please make sure that you have read the Overview section of the thread to make sure you meet the requirements of the roleplay. Thanks. You may also compete for roles as no reservations will be admitted here. Sorry. You're allowed to make two maximum but both characters must be opposite genders. So, one must be a female while the other has to be a male. You're 100x more likely to be accepted if your character sheet has color codes(but please stick to one color only), detailed, creativity and basically bringing the character to life. You have three days to turn in a sheet, I think that gives everyone enough time to do so. If you turn in a Work In Progress sheet then you'll have at least a day to complete it. Need an extension? Please let me know. This thread is for Character Sheets only. Got a question? Ask it in the OOC, please. A like from me equals an accepted character sheet.

The Roles

Role Character @Player
The Heiress Tia Jacobs Tsiwentiio
The Actress Jess Torres Gonzalez Jess Buck
The New Girl Callen Saunders MidnightSoul
The Queen Bee Emily Patterson IITheTypistII
The Pop Star Dara Wilson Xeyran
The Player Ly Dubois Jess Buck
The Addict MALE OPEN
The Bookworm MALE OPEN
The Bad Boy Dean Cartwright Amerikia1126
The Dancer Zedd Maddox Matcha

Insert an IMG or GIF of character here

"Insert a Character Quote here - Not Optional."


First. Middle. Last.


Not Optional.




Male? Female?


Hetero? Homo? Bi? Sapio?

|Sexually Active|

Yes? No? Secret?

|Relationship Status|

Single? In a relationship? Complicated?


What role are you applying for?

Insert another IMG or GIF of character here

|In Depth Appearance|

I want to see at least a paragraph, detailing your character's appearance.

|Clothing Style|

Describe what they wear.

|Tattoos, Piercings, Scars|


At least seven.


At least seven.


At least three.


At least three.


At least two.


At least a detailed paragraph. 7-10 sentences.

|Place Of Origin|

Where were they born?


At least a detailed paragraph. 7-10 sentences.


Make sure you read the Overview section. Anything else you want us to know about your character.
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Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain, but you can’t have a rainbow without a little rain


Can you hear my heartbeat?



Callen Alyssa Saunders


Aly, Cal






Panromantic Demisexual

|Sexually Active|


|Relationship Status|



The New Girl

Please don't stand so close to me


|In Depth Appearance|

Callen has brown soft skin that is designed with several tattoos, scars and piercings. She has a total of three from a car accident that left her in the hospital for a month. Her exact height is 5'9" and her weight is 135lbs. After her car accident Callen started excersising more and stay healthy along with main tainting her hour glass figure. She has lovely brown hair with gold streaks that compliments her heart shaped face. Her bright smile and beautiful hazel gold and blue speckled eyes agree. Due to the accident, Callen took a special type of medicine that made her eyes change to lavender but still have the blue and gold diamonds in them. People love looking into her eyes and always tell her how lucky she is to have such special eyes. Callen doesn't understand why people are fascinated with them but she just goes with it.

|Clothing Style|

Callen is more of a skater, tomboyish, hipster girl than the girly girl. She loves wearing Flannel shirts yet doesn't mind wearing dresses. She loves feeling comfortable and doesn't think real short skirts or very high heels fits her requirements. People have told her many times that she's too beautiful to wear clothes that make her look like a hobo but she doesn't care. She isn't trying to please anyone but herself.

|Tattoos, Piercings, Scars|

Both ears pierced

Seven tattoos

Septum pierced

Scar on her right hip

Scar on her neck

Scar on her forehead





Playing Guitar



Good Vibes







Vibe Killers



Smoking when stressed

Dazes off for minutes

Rolling her eyes




Playing Guitar


Disappointing her family

Never being good enough for anyone

Can you hear my heartbeat still beating strong?


You take one look at Callen and the first thing that comes to mind is a deadbeat, carefree, absent-minded young girl who probably has no idea what she is going to do with her life. The saying never judge a book by its cover is created for a reason. Once Callen opens her mouth people are amazed by what she talks about. Callen is a very optimistic young lady who always tries to look at the positive side of things. She can be a bit blunt and sarcastic but that's just who she is, she has flaws like everyone else. Callen doesn't like rude and self-centered people who think the world revolves around them, she calls theme vibe killers. Although Callen looks at the bright side of things, she faces her own monsters and demons that affect her physically, mentally and emotionally. Callen only wants to see people around her smile and be happy before herself.

|Place Of Origin|

Luxembourg, Germany


Callen was born to a German mother and African-American father in Luxembourg, Germany. Her childhood was a little bit rough but not disastrous. Growing up she always felt like she was being controlled. Her mother always wanted her to wear dresses and talk about makeup, gossip, drama stuff Callen didn't care about. Callen and her mother rarely saw eye to eye on certain topics. In her sophomore year of high school, Callen and her mother engaged in heated argument. Callen told her mother that she hated her and ran away to escape from all the pressure and high expectations. At 11:43pm, Callen was involved in a hit and run accident that left her in critical condition. Her family was worried they would lose her but a few weeks later the family received a phone call saying their daughter regained consciousness.

Not wanting to go through the same problems again, the family moved to America to have a fresh start. Callen and her mother have come to terms with what the other wants and have started rekindling their relationship. Callen now starts her senior year at Beverly Hills High and hopes to be herself without anyone changing who she is.


Callen loves the American Horror Story Series

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Life's so fragile, a successful virus clinging to a speck of mud, suspended in endless nothing.




NAME: Mateusz Leszek Maciej.

NICKNAME(S): Matthias to some, Maciej to most.

AGE: 18.

PLACE OF ORIGIN: Krakow, Poland.

SEXUALITY: No matter how ridiculously pretentious it may sound, he considers himself sapiosexual, though panromantic.

SEXUALLY ACTIVE?: No. Sex isn't high on his priority list.

RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Comfortably single.

ROLE: The Model.



IN DEPTH APPEARANCE: Mateusz is very tall, towering above the rest of the senior class as a staggering 6'5". But if course, models are expected to be giants, right? Contrarily, Mateusz has almost zero muscle mass. His body type is an average slender. He is unique in the fact that he is an androgynous model, therefore his raven hair hangs down below his shoulders and his bright blue eyes are always somewhere in distant thought. Sometimes, he even shows up to class with some slight guyliner leftover from last night's runway strut. His lips are more on the thin side and are usually always pulled taut though his features are usually entirely soft and rounded.

CLOTHING STYLE: Mateuszs' style is always very sophisticated and high-end. He gets a lot of freebies from top designers, his absolute favorite being Emporio Armani. He dresses fashionably according to season. He never allows his style to get too outlandish, however. During fall/winter he's almost always wearing some custom $500 scarf no matter how cold it is and during summer he pairs preppy vests and shirts with shiny black shoes. Really, his style is typically of what'd you'd expect of a model.

TATTOOS/PIERCING/SCARS: Basic ear piercings and an old brow piercing that has since healed.


  • Philosophical bullshit.

  • Photography.

  • Indie Rock.

  • Fashion.

  • Abstract people/thinkers.

  • Sauvignon Blanc.

  • Art House films.

  • Marijuana.

  • Greek art/mythology.

  • Outer space.


  • The modelling business.

  • Cigarettes/Alcohol (fine wine being an exception)

  • Loud people.

  • Parties.

  • Arrogance.

  • Homophobes.

  • People who self-depreciate.


  • Licking his lips constantly under duress, sometimes to the point where they're dried and chapped.

  • He cracks his knuckles and pops his neck.

  • Clearing his throat to fill silences.


  • He's an avid photographer and aspires to quit modelling someday to focus entirely on photography.

  • Playing classical violin.

  • Stargazing.


  • Caligynephobia, or fear of beautiful women. This is basically a black widow/Helen of Troy complex. Mateusz has himself convinced that truly beautiful women can simply get what they want by being beautiful women. The power an aesthetically appealing woman holds over the world's most attractive man always sends some sort of odd chill down his spine whenever he catches just a glimpse of plump lips and doe eyes. Living in Beverly Hills and working with some of the biggest names in female modelling doesn't help, either.

  • Pyrophobia, or fear of fire. Mateusz is okay with small flames like a match, but put him in front of a bonfire or even a fireplace and the worst case scenario always comes first into his mind. And then he will lose his cool.
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"Look out, here comes Mr. Bad ass"


Lyle James Dubois


Ly (Pronounced: Lie)







|Sexually Active|


|Relationship Status|



The Player


|In Depth Appearance|

The first thing most people notice about Lyle is his hair. He has stark white hair and dark brown eyebrows. (Seeing as that's his natural hair color). The next thing they notice is how incredibly tall he is. Lyle stands at about 6 ft tall and towers over most of his peers. Lyle is very pale, to the point where he's been asked if he was sick multiple times, on the same day, by the same person. His eyes are a piercing grey blue color that can see into the depths of any soul. One word to best describe Lyle's overall appearance is eerie. He looks like he belongs in a vampire movie. His bone structure is sharp and defined and he's a very lanky guy. But don't let his noodle arms fool you, he's incredibly strong and can bench press around 190 lbs easy.

|Clothing Style|

Lyle tends to lean more toward vintage cloths. He tries to mix the aesthetics of the 1990's and the 1910's. He enjoys 90's grunge and admires the suits and vampiric look of the 1910's. On days he's feeling more casual, he'll look straight out of the 90's, on days he's feeling more flashy, he'll look like he just stepped out of an old painting.

|Tattoos, Piercings, Scars|

Lyle has many piercings including his gauges, his cartilage, and his septum. He has two tattoos, one on his fore arm of an arrow and one of an iris on his back.


1. Mechanics

2. Romantic Comedies/Romance Novels

3. Thunder Storms

4. Swing/Jazz Music

5. Math

6. French Culture

7. Genealogy


1. Liars/People who cheat in relationships

2. Flakes

3. Cats

4. Guys who are rude to girls

5. Spicy Food

6. Most modern music

7. Litterateur


1. He bites at his fingers when he's thinking

2. When he's nervous he taps his foot to the beat of any song playing (If there is no beat he makes one up)

3. He always has gum and he's always chewing it


1. He designs cars and sometimes works at a local auto shop

2. Swing Dancing

3. Storm tracking


1. Never finding his soulmate/Dying alone

2. Meeting his Father


Lyle is very cocky. He's arrogant and full of himself, however he's love-able. He has been described as a "Love-able asshole". He's outgoing but he'll only talk to you if he thinks you're worth his time. However, if he does find you worth his time, he becomes fond of you very quickly and he is very over protective. He will fight anyone who crosses him or his friends. He's prone to violence and anger but only if he's provoked by others. Despite his "Player" reputation, Lyle is the biggest hopeless romantic. He's practically a teenage girl in the fact that he's always day dreaming about the woman he'll marry and what she'll be like. He also is a virgin and plans to stay that way until he is married. He was to save his virginity for the perfect woman. That's why he has so many flings, he's desperately searching for Mrs. Right. (But he wont admit to it) His mother calls him an old soul. Lyle loves old jazz music and the aesthetics of those time periods. He seems like a player but in reality he's just a big sap.

|Place Of Origin|

New York City, New York


Lyle's mother was born in Paris, France in 1977. When his mother was about 15 years old, her father died and she and her mother moved to America for a better life, and to escape the memories tied to France. When his mother was 21, she got drunk one night and hooked up with some random guy. She became pregnant and had Lyle. Lyle's mother doesn't know who the father is and she doesn't really care. She's just glad that she got a wonderful son like Lyle. Lyle, however has done a lot of digging and searching to find his father, desperate to know who he was. Lyle finally found him when he was 16. He went to his grandmother to talk to her about trying to set up a meeting with his father. His grandmother swayed him not to and that the both of them would talk to his mother about it later. Unfortunately before they could have the discussion with Lyle's mother, his grandmother passed away and Lyle has not been able to bring himself to talk to his mother about meeting his father. In memory of his grandmother, Lyle got a tattoo of her favorite flower, the iris, on his back. He was extremely close to her and misses her everyday.


(I don't know about Lyle, but my favorite shows are Supernatural and Doctor Who)​
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"A camera is a save button for the mind's eye."


Ryder James Thompson









|Sexually Active|


|Relationship Status|



The Player


|In Depth Appearance|

Ryder has green eyes and bronzed skin with a muscular and toned body. He has a cleft chin with a chiseled jawline and his ebony hair is cut short and simple. Standing at 5'11", Ryder is easily spotted in a crowd. He has deep set eyes, a prominent nose and smooth skin that girls would kill for. He weighs in at 170lbs, mostly lean muscle.

|Clothing Style|

Ryder's outfits are usually preppy or classy, ranging from a simple shirt and tie with dress pants to a long sleeve shirt and sweater. His usual outfit consists of a button up t-shirt and jeans, sometimes with a sweater or a shirt, hoodie and shorts. When on his morning runs however, Ryder opts for a simple singlet and shorts. His clothes are very modern and usually what's trending.

|Tattoos, Piercings, Scars|

Ryder has a tattoo on his left arm of a heart with an arrow through it.




Chewing Gum






Keeping Fit





Not getting what he wants


Troublesome and clingy girls


Anything and anyone boring

Large bodies of water


Runs his hand through his hair

Takes a jog every morning

Studies his food before eating it

Makes a visual assessment of girls he's interested in


Taking photographs

Spending time with hot girls

Playing games

Watching thriller movies





Ryder is a very informal and casual romantic who loves photography. This commitment phobic, easy going teen rarely voices whether he likes someone or not and keeps a lot of his true thoughts to himself. He's a neat freak and a very systematic way of doing things. With his looks and easy to get along with personality, Ryder has hooked up with many girls over the years but not one of them has lasted long. Ryder is perceptive and observant, noticing things easily and often uses this trait to make friends or win over different types of girls. He often goes along with the flow and mood but his failure to draw clear boundaries and be firm in rejection at times has caused several problems and complications. Despite this, his looks and kindness continue to reel girls in. He enjoys life and spending time with his friends, often going along with whatever activities they have planned. This good natured guy is used to drama with girls and usually takes it in stride as he does most things. Ryder is very proud of his photography and abilities, highly competitive and spoilt as he is used to getting what he wants. Though he hides these traits best as he can, Ryder sometimes lets them slip. He tolerates everybody and is friendly to all but in truth there are few people he can actually stand and trust. He's an intelligent but calculating and manipulative guy who uses his intelligence to lure people in and win them over all the while maintaining his facade. Behind the kind, easy to get along with guy is a spoilt teenager who doesn't care much for the feelings of others, especially people he doesn't like and prioritises himself and his needs. The few people he does like however, he is a loyal and true friend to. Ryder is actually kind and everything he presents himself to be in public but he's only genuine to a select few and will lie to the rest without a second thought. Many people see him as spineless and lacking in backbone because of how easily he goes along with the wiles of others and he often leaves problems to fester. He is very passionate about photography and open about his love of it, often carrying his camera around with him.

|Place Of Origin|

Beverly Hills


Growing up in Beverly Hills as a rich man's son, Ryder often got what he wanted and was surrounded with attention because of his looks and capabilities leading him to be conceited and spoilt though he hides his conceit best as he can. Being a popular kid, Ryder has been invited to numerous parties and often attends them because they are fun and help him in finding new hookups or characteristics of any potentials. He decided early on that life is a lot easier if people like you and the easiest way to get people to like you is to make them feel good about themselves while going along with what they want. He took an interest in photography early on because of how they could capture a moment and make it last through the image. It is the one thing he is really passionate about alongside cars. Ryder nearly drowned as a young child and has been afraid of large bodies of water since. His fear of commitment does not really come from a particular incident but his view that it is a pain and trouble not worth enduring especially since he has always been able to hook up and enjoy the company of any girl he wanted to without trying too hard or having to openly chase after them himself. His overall success has continued over the years and he has begun to tire of how boring his life is getting, even considering putting an end to his tolerance of people he can't stand and the act he puts up around them.


Ryder's favourite shows are the six million dollar man and bionic woman.
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"¿Qué diablos estás mirando?"


Jessica Christine Torres Gonzalez


Jess or Jessa (DO NOT call her Jessie)






Asexual Homoromantic

|Sexually Active|


|Relationship Status|



The Actress


|In Depth Appearance|

Jessica stands about 4'10" tall and weighs around 140 lbs. She's very curvy seeing that she's Spanish. Now yes, she is Puerto Rican, however she is very pale. So pale that she has to put sunscreen on just to go on a walk around the town. She has very soft features and looks very young. Lots of people have told her that's a good thing however it still bothers her when she goes to restaurants and they give her the kids menu. Jessica is extremely curvy. She has a large bust and butt and a small waist. She's basically your average Hispanic female. She has a birthmark under her left boob that, depending on how you look at it, looks like a duck or an elephant. She has brown hair and stunning green eyes witch are unfortunately hidden behind a pair of thick frames. She has the worst eyesight in the world.

|Clothing Style|

Jessica wears cloths that she likes to call "Quirky Chic". Jessica's personality is very quirky and she likes her fashion choices to mimic that. She tends to wear graphic tees with pretty skirts or nice blouses with jeans. She loves to mix and match colors and she loves to wear dresses.

|Tattoos, Piercings, Scars|

She has two piercings in her ears, both on her lobe, and she has a nose ring. She has a tattoo on her wrist, mid back, and ankle.


1. Superheros (Both movies and comics)

2. Animals

3. Swing/Jazz Music

4. Lazy Days

5. All things preforming

6. Photography

7. Anime/Anime Culture


1. Large Parties

2. Homophobic people

3. Winter

4. All things not preforming

5. Sour Candy

6. Sewing

7. Physical activity of any kind


1. She bites her nails all the time

2. She plays with her jewelry

3. Plays with her hair (The little that she has)


1. Photography

2. Singing

3. Swing Dancing

4. Acting


1. Clowns

2. Spiders


Jessica is extremely friendly and kind. She is nice to literally everyone, unless you give her a reason on to be. She loves to make friends and talk to those friends. However, she struggles with Monachopsis, which is the subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place. She describes it as half of her brain saying that she doesn't belong and no one wants her around but the other half saying that she's having fun and she's with people who are her friends and whom she loves. This happens most often at party like events so she normally stays away from those type of situations. But other than that she's absolutely the best person to be around. She's fun, funny, outgoing, and loving.

|Place Of Origin|

Puerto Rico


Jessica was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico in 1997. She grew up there until she was bout 10 years old then her family decided they were going to move to America. They lived in Indiana for a while before moving to California. Jessica has a large family that she sees frequently. Every break she goes back to Puerto Rico to visit with her family. At home, she lives with her Mother (Anna Maria), Father (Marcus), older brother (Juan), and twin younger sisters (Alejandra and Amora). Jessica often misses her home in Puerto Rico. It was always sunny and beautiful there and the food so different. Yes there were lots of american chain restaurants but most of the food was traditional Puerto Rican cuisine. She finds herself longing for a life in Puerto Rico where she can speak in her native tongue without people looking at her like she's got two heads.


Jessica's best friend is Lyle Dubois. (I also really like Hetalia)​


"When success comes, pretend as if you don't care."

|Arianna Pendleton Woods|







|The Actress|


|In Depth Appearance|

Arianna has dark brown wavy hair that is about two inches longer than shoulder length. She has an almost tan skin and baby pink cheeks. Her eyes are as brown as her hair, but she prefers to wear colored contact lenses to aid her eyesight and also to make the hue a little lighter. She has a tall nose and thin lips that are paired with white-ish teeth that she flashes regularly. Her height is 5'9". Her eyebrows are thin and her eyelashes are a bit longer than average.

|Clothing Style|

Her clothing style depends on the time and weather, but sundresses are a must for her during daytime. She wears shirts, skinny jeans, and sneakers in places she's comfortable with. She's also fond of hair highlights and tends to change them at least once every two weeks.

|Tattoos, Piercings, Scars|

Ear piercings. One per ear. A small butterfly tattoo on her collarbone.


- Acting

- Cats

- Magazines

- The theater

- Traveling

- Music

- Snagging the lead in a project

- Selfies

- Social Media

- Parties


- Long scripts to memorize

- Being an extra in a project

- Cooking

- Dolls

- The police

- Running too much

- Small parties


- Eating on set

- Drinking too much champagne at home

- Shopping every Friday


- Reading and rehearsing Shakespeare's plays during her free time

- Posting selfies on social media

- Partying


- Her mother telling her to come back home

- Having to stop her career


Arianna is friendly, but that's just acting. You could never know her real feelings because she always pretends that she feels something else. There are times when she's emotionless, and can never act during that time. "I don't care, okay? Why bother pretending when i don't care."

|Place Of Origin|



Arianna was born in Manchester. She travels a lot, and tends to overuse the family's private jet. Her father was always in business meetings all around the world, and her mother is a popular fashion designer. Arianna was her mother's model and her father's secretary until she was fifteen years old and decided that she wanted to pursue a career in acting. She attended workshops and met up with Hollywood stars to improve her skills. She landed her first role as Viola in Twelve Nights by Shakespeare in a school play that same year. Finally, she told her parents all about it and her father was proud and all that, but her mother was quite unhappy because she expected Arianna to grow up as a model instead. Her father contacted his friend, and he offered her a spot in Beverly Hills High.


My fave show? Another!​
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"Do your thing and don't care if they like it."


Adara Lea Wilson









|Sexually Active|


|Relationship Status|



The Pop Star


|In Depth Appearance|

Adara has an oval shaped face with smooth, slightly tan skin that is framed by shoulder length, way, light brown hair. She has a slim figure and fit body with hazel eyes and long eyelashes. Her skin has no major blemishes and she has a youthful look with thin lips, a small pointed nose and white teeth. Adara stands at 5'6" but is not very curvy though she does have a nice figure.

|Clothing Style|

Adara dresses very comfortably and simply. Her outfit usually consists of a simple shirt and shorts or a tank top and sometimes with a cap. For work, her outfits are more trendy and stylish, with skirts or dresses and more layers. Adara dislikes revealing clothes.

|Tattoos, Piercings, Scars|

Adara has no tattoos or piercings due to her belief that one should not mutilate their body. She does however have some scars from scrapes and wounds she sustained from falls or minor cuts or injuries.





Healthy Eating







Old People










Being treated like she's stupid






Junk Food



Vulgar people




Unhygienic places and people

Social Media





Adara sings in the shower

Listens to music before a performance

Hums when in a good mood

Takes walks at night



Watching Comedy




Losing her voice

Not being herself


Adara hates attention and hates her life as a pop star as much as she enjoys and loves singing. She is a very private person and shuns any unwanted attention, avoiding crowded areas and staying at home. She's an extremely unsociable person and hard to get along with because she's so cold and cautious, not even giving others a chance to get to know her better. However, under that cold and unfriendly front lies a gentle girl. This health nut is easily irked by stupidity and judgements, getting along with only a few kinds of people and being incredibly stubborn which can make her difficult to work with. Once she has made her decision about something, she rarely changes it. Fierce tempered and hard working, Adara is very passionate about singing and takes everything she does seriously, not wanting to waste a single second. A workaholic, she will put on the performance of a lifetime, smile and entertain on stage but off stage that all ends. Her low levels of patience and lack of tolerance for a lot of things has made her very irritable. While unfriendly, impatient and very difficult to get along with, she does have a heart and compassion, willing to help those who need it. Because of her status as an idol and the constant hounding she gets, Adara will often lie to the media and others about certain matters just to get them off her back. She sings for herself and frankly does not care if her career sinks but she does appreciate her fans who enjoy her music. Adara is strong willed and opinionated, being very open about her thoughts and beliefs, not caring for the consequences. She is sensible and careful but sometimes does silly things to relax. Proud as she is, Adara can come off as cocky and snobbish and will often refuse help because of her pride and stubbornness. This is also a result of her highly independent nature that makes her reluctant to rely on others, especially for things she feels she can trust do herself. She has no sympathy for people who brought their problems upon themselves and has no trouble expressing this. She possesses strong morals, values and beliefs that are not easily shaken and guide a lot of her actions. Adara enjoys seeing people work hard for things and having a tough time, revealing a slightly sadistic side to her personality. Considerate of others, Adara keeps her private life and many of her activities a secret so that others around her that she cares about won't get affected by the attention she gets. She is quite a tomboy and doesn't care much about her image, finding it stupid to spend money and go through hell for things that are only temporary like beauty. Adara hates it when people get the wrong idea and can be quite sassy or sarcastic when dealing with people she doesn't like but has to deal with regularly. She's a conservative person and don't ever make the mistake of thinking you can try anything she doesn't like and get away unscathed.

|Place Of Origin|



Adara has loved singing since young and was often praised by her parents for her voice. Singing used to be just a simple pleasure until Adara got scouted by an agent when she was still young and became a pop star. She instantly disliked the loss of privacy she faced and was overwhelmed by the attention which she came to despise. Her parents however, came to adore the money and privileges her singing brought them and were quickly blinded by it. Adara was disgusted by the fact that girls wanted to be her friend and guys wanted to hook up with her even though they knew nothing about her just because she was a pop star. She moved to Beverly Hills with her family at age 15 because she was starting to get sick of Hollywood and later enrolled in Beverly Hills High.


Adara loves Friends and How I Met Your Mother, she's watched them multiple times over.
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Money can by a lot of things but not happiness


Tanisha Marie Jacobs









|Sexually Active|


|Relationship Status|



The Heiress

|In Depth Appearance|

Tia stands at 5'5" and weights 115 lbs, She has light brown eyes and dark brown hair. Tia has medium length straight hair. typically Tia wears her hair down or in a pony tail. Tia goes to the tanning salon at least once a week, she also has her teeth professionally whitened. Tia also gets her nails done every two weeks. Tia has no blemishes, she wears MAC, LANCOME, Chanel, and Naked makeup products. She wears foundation and light blush, a liquid eyeliner, uses and eyebrow pencil and wears fake eyelashes.

|Clothing Style|

Tia wears a size 0 in pants and small in shirts and dresses, she wears size 6 shoes. Tia normally wears 3 inch heels, she likes to wear pumps,if she has to likes to wear skinny jeans, or black leggings, but you can normally find Tia in a pencil, bell, or a-line skirt. Tia loves to show off her figure, for shirts she wears very form fitting tops, she likes strapless or off the shoulder types of shirts or crop tops. Normally Tia wears dresses, she has a variety of different style dresses, from short and form fitting to long and flowy. Her accessories include Jewelry, hair pins, bows, and many different purses.

|Tattoos, Piercings, Scars|





+Her Car

+Her Parents

+Her House


+Social Media


+Going to the Spa

+Horror Movies

+Make up




-Rainy Days


-The Cold

-Junk Food


-Romance Movies



-Waking up early

-Being Judged


Checking her phone

Running her fingers through her hair

looking at her hands

Tapping her foot

checking her make up


Redecorating/ Reorganizing

Watching Movies

Going shopping

Going for walks every night


Large bodies of water


Losing her family


Tia is not your typical rich girl, Tia is a very nice person. She is not one to brag about how much money her family has and how much money she spent at the mall that day, even though she really doesn't hide that she won't go out of her way to show people. Tia is very determined, if she has a project she has to get done or a job she has she will finish it, she will not just do a half fast job, she will prefect it to her standards. Tia is very organised, everything in her room and closet has a place and she cannot leave her house until everything is where it needs to be. Tia will not treat people badly or look down on others if they haven't done anything bad to her, what good does that do, Tia wants friends that like her for her and not because of her parents money. Tia has to stick to a strict routine, mainly in the morning before she gets to school and just before she goes to bed. Tia likes to listen to people's problems, she enjoys helping others solve their problems. She is very considerate and compassionate. But on her bad days its best to stay out of her way, Tia has a very dark facade about her when she is angry, it basically radiates off of her.

|Place Of Origin|

Beverly Hills


Tanisha (Tia) was born on May 21st 1997, her parents were thrilled to have their first baby girl, Tia has an older brother Trenton, who is 3 years older than her. Her Father is the CEO of a major car company and her mother is the CEO of a successful fashion company. Tia and Trenton were constantly left with nannies, while her parents were gone on business meetings, they called them every night and made sure that they were home for holidays and birthdays. With them being absent all the time, Tia's parents sent her and Trenton everything they wanted, and sometimes what they didn't want. Tia always did well in school, she never found it difficult and was always the brightest in her class. As Tia and Trenton got older and reached their teenage years they seemed to get closer, Trenton was very protective over her. Once he reached high school he slowly stopped hanging out with her especially in public, he would leave her alone when they would go to the mall and go hang out with his friends. Recently Trenton went off to college all the way in Florida, which left Tia at their large home all alone most of the time. The majority of the time she goes shopping, or has her parents send her to where ever they are, she has gone to several different countries in just one year.


Tia loves

American Horror Story:).



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"If you have something you love then what you do is go after it."

my job

Name: Zedd Dove Maddox

Nickname(s): Zee, Edd, Dove

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Sexually Active: No, he's one of those that would prefer romance before sex. (It's a bit of a shame though, because if he can move like that while dancing, he must move just as well in bed.)

Relationship Status: Single


is to


In Depth Appearance: The outer rim of Zedd's pupils are green and the inner rim is a woody brown, his eyes being a hazel green with flecks of brown in the green that show whenever he's especially excited. His hair is naturally auburn but he dyed it a champagne blond, his hair short but his bangs long and swooping upwards. His complexion is fairly light, but he tans easily though. He stands at about 5'11 with an endomoprhic build, is slim and lithe although it's hard for him to gain muscle he does have some.

Clothing Style: Zedd likes comfy, cozy, and classy. He doesn't mind completely ignoring classy for comfy and cozy though. He loves sweaters and things that are knitted, and at times may wear the ugliest sweaters that make his friends force him to take it off the moment they see him in school. He wears polos and short sleeved button ups, flannels and plain shirts usually with jeans that match whatever he's wearing accordingly. His clothing needs to be easy to move in, and when dancing it's normally a tank top and black pants unless there's a certain thing he must wear.

Tattoos, Piercings, Scars: He has no piercings but he has four tattoos. One triangle under his left ear, one square on his right shoulderblade, and one circle placed randomly on his back that is about 3/4ths of an inch long and colored in with black ink. His last tattoo isn't a geometric shape, but sweet and simple words in cursive that say "dance with me" locating right under his waistline. He has little scars over his arms and legs from childhood adventures, but not much else.

make it

+ Rainy days.
"What, you don't like the sound of music that the rain makes when it's hitting off every surface it can, cleansing the world, and feeding the plants?"

+ Music.

+ Dancing.

+ Lame jokes and pick up lines.
"Well on a scale of 1-10, I'd say you're a 9 and I'm the 1 you need."

+ Anything knitted.

+ Photography.

+ Appreciating art.

+ Geometric shapes.
"I like squares because they indicate the stability I need in life, circles because they never stop rolling along, and I actually hate triangles because what I had to go through in geometry, but the small and equilateral ones are such a blessing."

+ Those really cute romance scenarios.

+ Mac & Cheese.

+ Anime and manga, though he isn't fond of weaboos.


- Being told to stay still for a long period of time.

- When people tell him to change sweaters.
"My sister knitted this for me, and I love it, how dare you."

- Chocolate.

- Bitter foods.

- Biting his tongue when he talks too fast, well, biting his tongue in general.

- Relationships without any love or mutual fondness in them.
"With the exception of hate relationships but, I think it kinda sucks if you're in a friendship but you two don't even like one another."

- Injuries and being sick.

- Flowers.

- Homophobic people.


• Looking away when he lies.

• Tugging on his bangs when he's nervous.

• Blurting out jokes or pick up lines when he doesn't know what to say.

• Dancing or moving his body to the beat when he hears music.


○ Dancing.

○ Reading books.

○ Taking naps.

○ Knitting.
"It is very relaxing and I swear to god, if you call me gay for it I will beat your ass in while lecturing that gay isn't a fucking insult."


◘ Getting his legs broken and not being able to dance again.

◘ Claustrophobia; Fear of tight and enclosed spaces.

◘ Losing the people important to him.

◘ Death.
look easy
Personality: Zedd is a young man who very much likes the fact that he is alive, and because of that will leave his life without regrets and without hesitations.

First glance, he's awfully polite and forever a gentleman because that was how he was raised to be. Second glance, and you start to see the kind of person Zedd really is. Zedd is dramatic in his responses to the point where it wouldn't surprise someone to hear that he's a drama geek. He rambles in his words, talks fast rather than slow, and is a man so full of emotion it's a surprise sometimes how he doesn't burst at the seams. His pace can be a bit too fast for some people, the male always so exuberant and expressive it can be overwhelming. He talks over people at times without realizing it, and this may cause offense, but he mostly does catch his mistake before quickly apologizing and shutting up for the other to continue.

Around the people that know him, it is a fact of the matter that Zedd mellows out a lot compared to first meeting. Because then, Zedd is more interested in you as a person and not just whatever is on his mind at the moment. He just seems to have a short attention span, yet, he just doesn't pay mind to things uninteresting to him. If it's something he likes, he devotes himself to it to an almost unhealthy degree. He either tries his best or doesn't try at all, knows there's an in between but hates giving up so doesn't believe in it. He's surprisingly intelligent though, and people don't realize it unless they get to know him but he's fairly perceptive and good at thinking things through-- He just... Is more inclined to going along with impulse, so people write him off as that hyperactive dancer guy who has nothing on his mind but dance when the reality is anything but. Zedd isn't one to judge others, has his own opinion on people and won't change that opinion when rumors come his way. If he thinks you're a good person, he'll stay with that belief until he sees proof of otherwise. He's a fiercely loyal friend who doesn't know the meaning of giving up on you, and it's shown to ruin him before.

He wears his heart on his sleeve, gets it stomped on mercilessly sometimes (because all in all, you don't get high up in any company being kind without any ulterior motives) and his saving grace is that no matter how many times he falls down, he manages to make his way back up. Zedd is a good guy who will stand up for what he believes in, but won't be too against turning a blind eye on bad things if they aren't right in front of his sights. He's kind but tries not to be, sarcasm and blunt words hiding the fact that Zedd cares quite a bit too much.

Now, he's also quite the interesting character in the fact where he will compliment you one second and then nonchalantly criticize you a few minutes afterwards. He doesn't often take bullshit that comes his way and will call you out on it without hesitation (impulsive, remember?). That also plays into the fact that lying is one of the things he's horrid at, and so he's inclined towards the truth as he's shit at doing otherwise. He often hits the nail on the head metaphorically, knows it too, because if someone needs some advice, he'll give his hopefully unbiased opinion. (It's normally not biased though, because Zedd puts his precious people above all others and if they're being hurt, fuck the people who are hurting them.)

All In All: Zedd talks a lot and is fairly outgoing, yet he won't pay attention to you unless you do something to gain it, and if then, he mellows down and tries his best to befriend you. He's actually a huge dork, quick to fight if you diss anything he loves but also careful not to fight in order to not get injured. Smarter than he seems, and most definitely will not take anyone's bullshits.

He just wants to live his life, to be honest.
when really
Place Of Origin: Cambridge, Massachusetts

History: Zedd's mother was a prima ballerina, Katrina Maddox, poised and the epitome of grace. She ensured that all her children had lessons in ballet, even Zedd who was a little boy who wanted to go around and adventure, not be stuck in a room and told what forms to do and how to jump. He had two older sisters, Sera and Mirabelle, and the three of them were put into ballet classes the moment they could walk. It ended around the time Zedd reached double digits, when Zedd's mom... Left. Because she had another man and another family that was better then theirs, apparently. It broke their father, a well-known professor Harvard university named Travis Maddox who was too in love and now far too lost. They moved to Beverly Hills about a year after, the gaping hole Katrina left in that household one all four of them wanted to get away from.

In Beverly Hills, they were all left to their own devices. Sera became a model, Mirabelle continued ballet, and their father just quietly continued to teach like he always had, well, he went to Mythology instead of Physics, because Travis was fond of Mythology. Zedd... Well, he stayed in ballet a bit because his sister convinced him to, but he was much more interested in hip hop and all the other forms of dance there were. He went to classes in those, and before he knew it by the time he entered Beverly Hills High, he was a dancer who was known and famous.Things were good, until they weren't anymore.

Mirabelle was sabotaged during a performance and she broke her legs; just like that, her career in dance was over. She's at peace with the fact, but the very thought of it terrifies Zedd to the point where he gets nightmares sometimes; of being useless, unable to do what he wishes most to do. But... Dancing, messing around with friends, being with his family... He's happy.
it isn't

My favorite show is Sense8. ouo

* Zedd had two best friends that he left when he went to Beverly Hills. He keeps in touch with them still though.

* He has a goldfish named Shark and a parakeet named Yoyo.

* He knows Spanish and Russian including onto English, but that isn't common knowledge as there's not much of a reason to show it off. That and, he takes French.

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Dean Cartwright


"Okay, what'd I do wrong this time?"
no slide no slide
Name: Michael Dean Cartwright

Nickname: Dean, Carter [prefers Dean]

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Demisexual

Sexually Active: Secret

Relationship Status: Single, and plans on staying that way. [Although, things never quite go according to plan...]

Role: Bad Boy

Dean has straight brown hair that sticks up at odd angles. It's short-medium length in terms of guys hair. He has a more squarish jaw, and appears to be verging on tan, but not quite there yet. He has some relatively thick eyebrows, and kind of a big nose. But all's okay at the end of the day because he has "an amazing smile" and gold-speckled hazel eyes. On a related note, he lands at a good ol' 5'8" on the height scale.

Style: Dean typically wears clothes that defy the "bad boy" stereotype he's often put into. He prefers something more along the lines of dark-coloured beanies, hoodies, and a pair of jeans that
fits; no skinny jeans, no baggy pants. He's a fan of skate shoes, though he appreciates work boots as well. He typically wears no other accessories beyond his beanie and a pair of black-tinted sunglasses.

Tattoos: None, as of right now. Though he plans to get one someday.

Piercings: He has two in the lobe of his right ear, and one on his left nostril. He typically wears studs of various sizes in all of these places.

Scars: He has several scars on his knees, elbows, and forehead from bad falls over the years; nothing too prominent though.


+ Freedom

+ Running Away

+ Loud Music

+ Avoiding Authority

+ Expressing His Emotions

+ Chocolate

+ Cats


- Responsibilities

- School

- The "It" Crowd

- His Parents

- His Aunt

- Assholes

- Celebrities


~ Judging People

~ Speaking Before Thinking

~ Zoning Out In Conversations

~ Overhearing Conversations


~ Street Art

~ Selling Gossip

~ Bingewatching Netflix


~ His Future

~ Being Alone

On the surface, Dean appears to be your typical "bad boy" with his negative attitude and sarcastic comments. He has quite a temper on him, and can be rather hotheaded at times. He's quick to talk, and usually soon after he's in a fight. Though he doesn't necessarily love fights, he doesn't hate them either. Not to mention, he's involved in "criminal activity" a lot, but Dean doesn't see his work as "a way to defy authority", he worked hard on that, and he is
definitely proud of it.

He's pretty selfish about most things, though he does have his soft spots, and dammit if he isn't a human being! Dean's fairly good at concealing emotions like embarrassment and sadness, though the rest- not as well. He's an artistic person with wild ideas about his future, but has no idea how to implement any of them. Afraid of failing and of change, Dean's a relatively good person once you get to know him, though not many people attempt to.

Place of Origin: Seattle, WA

Dean's parents were pretty ambitious individuals who never planned on having a family. Then one day, they got lazy and found out Dean was on the way. They figured why not? and kept the baby; also they weren't exactly swimming cash. As a baby, his parents weren't exactly the best at their job, but they didn't abuse him either; They sort of, didn't care- at all. He was largely ignored until he was about 3, which is when his aunt decided to get involved. She said that Dean's parents weren't doing a good job at raising him; always hiring a babysitter and being a bad influence. So, she sued them, things got messy, and 6 months later, Dean was living at his aunt's house all the way over in Beverly Hills.

After that, Dean had a relatively normal childhood until he got to middle school. There, he suddenly stopped caring about school and started acting up. Detentions, suspensions, the whole deal; he didn't care and his aunt was fed up with him. For the remainder of middle school and the first half of high school, Dean continued this act of not caring in the slightest. Then he realized "crap- future, it's a thing" and attempted to give a damn, and failed. So he went back to his ways of not caring, life was easier that way.

Extra Info

Color: Dark Green

Drink: Mountain Dew

Food: Spaghetti

Excuse: "No one ever told

Theme [aka song that i'm currently addicted to]:



He's a closet-fan of Doctor Who. [though I'm not, I wear my fandoms with pride!]

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Insert an IMG or GIF of character here

"Insert a Character Quote here - Not Optional." " You go to high school I go to school high"


First. Middle. Last.

Marco Jace Serrano


Not Optional.

Marc, Jay, The Plug





Male? Female?



Hetero? Homo? Bi? Sapio?


|Sexually Active|

Yes? No? Secret?


|Relationship Status|

Single? In a relationship? Complicated?



What role are you applying for?

The Addict

Insert another IMG or GIF of character here


|In Depth Appearance|

I want to see at least a paragraph, detailing your character's appearance.

Marco is a tan and athletic guy standing exactly at 6'0 tall. His body is kept up to par due to his time in football and boarding. His dark brown hair is wavy when cut short and curly when he lets it grow out. Not all of his body is covered in tattoo's but he does have half a sleeve on his right forearm, a full sleeve on his left arm and some random ones that go along his chest and even up to his neck. Looking at Marco most people are drawn into his dark brown eyes and his flashy smile.


|Clothing Style|

Describe what they wear.

|Tattoos, Piercings, Scars|


At least seven.

  1. Smoking
  2. Cruising
  3. Making/Listening to music
  4. Watching classic movies/tv shows
  5. Football
  6. Spicy Food
  7. Tagging


At least seven.

  1. Having to repeat himself
  2. Tight Spaces
  3. People who jump to assumptions
  4. Racists
  5. Ignorance
  6. People who chew with their mouth open
  7. Egotistical people
  8. Cats


At least three.

  1. Biting lower lip
  2. Pacing back and forth when in thought
  3. Making random beats with his hands or pencils


At least three.

  1. Playing football
  2. Boarding
  3. Making Art


At least two.

  1. Drowning in his mistakes
  2. Not being able to help the people he cares about


At least a detailed paragraph. 7-10 sentences.

|Place Of Origin|

Where were they born?

Bronx, New York


At least a detailed paragraph. 7-10 sentences.


Will finish



"There's only one Queen Bee around here and that's me. Like it or not, I really don't care."

  • |Name|

    Emily Ann Patterson.


    Emily doesn't really like having nicknames since she can't even shorten her own name. She prefers you call her Emily or Ann or just do not speak to her at all.







    |Sexually Active|

    Yes, she is. She's hooked up with a couple of guys from Beverly Hills.

    |Relationship Status|

    Single. Not really looking to mingle.


    The Queen Bee.
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