made up of opposites
DO YOU NOT LIKE HARLOW KINGKingHink said:For example, sapphire is driven by revenge and is pained by the loss of so many that she is bitter because she can't stand to lose anyone else.
Rudy has a bunch of kids to take care of and wants to see them be able to survive in the real world. They are practically family, but he doesn't want them to rely on him because he knows he will be kicked out of the orphanage soon. He is trying to make them independent.
I thought her powers are awesome. And I love how you balance her. I tried to do the same with Percy. The tired I quiltily admit I game him was just to limit how long he could use them. His struggle with the power revolves around their mental implications and how they change him.
If somebody else was playing Rudy, I would totally not like it xD so I apologize again, to all of you who have been, or may be, Rudy'ed.
As for excitable bubbly characters, I am normally not a big fan of them, especially when in dire situations. I find it hard to wrap my head around them. I am non good at playing them or cutesy types. I think Ricky is the closest I have successfully gotten.