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Fantasy Between

You guys are great. Thanks so much for the support! With all the crap law enforcement has been getting lately, I've been a little worried some folks here might not have taken it positively. But I'm glad ya'll have! It's very encouraging to me. Really, ya'll are fantastic!
I have a lot of respect for the law enforcers. I have a greater respect for you for going into it as your career! Just come back to us Red! Preferably in one whole, happy piece!
Me, I just don't see the sense in blaming a large, diverse group of people for the unsavory actions of a few within that group. Most people just want to do their jobs, you know? People who apply the logic commonly applied to law enforcement to doctors and the like are considered fringe and a bit bonkers, which I think is quite telling.

My parents used to be cop-hating hippie types (they got better). This probably explains why I'm a moderate about everything now.
RubyRose said:
I want to get a roleplay of my own started soon- I've got a storyline figured out and everything.
O.o I'm so curious!

[QUOTE="The One Called X]I'm actually kinda plotting an rp

>.> So cuuuurrrriiiioooouuussssssss!!!!

[QUOTE="Red Thunder]Ah, right. News. Sorry, fellas, but here in about a month I'm going to have to drop the site until mid-December due to work. Going into law enforcement, so I've got a training academy to go through.

Good luck, sir owo)/ ! Train well!
Kal said:
>.> So cuuuurrrriiiioooouuussssssss!!!!
I have the premise mostly figured out, but I'm still working on a storyline.

The premise actually dates back to the Dark Ages of my rping. I tried to get it started on the Neopets roleplaying boards a number of times, but the Neopets format does not lend itself to good long-term roleplaying and also I planned it poorly.

So right now I'm mostly observing Cloudy's mad skillz and trying to learn as much as I can. ^_^
Seriously, X. Everyone I've GMed a tabletop RP and planned too much, my players inevitably do something vastly different than I planned.
[QUOTE="The One Called X]Of course he did.
King Hink (who my phone thinks should be King Hunk) is king troll.

Trolling? Nah. I just have a great appreciation of humor.
Yeah. I know I can't manage every little thing. I just feel like I should have an idea of a start and end, and stuff to move along the plot. Which I do not currently have.

We all appreciate your humor, Hink!
[QUOTE="The One Called X]I just feel like I should have an idea of a start and end, and stuff to move along the plot.

Keyword IDEA.

The main, most important thing you need to have, is a beginning. Then as it goes on the end and the middle becomes clearer. But it's good to always have an IDEA of where you want it to go.
Zelda18 said:
@The One Called X
I'll be posting sometime tonight, so whenever you'd like is fine. c: Sorry for the late reply :P
No worries. I'm actually having to limit my internet use until Thursdayish, so I'd appreciate it if you could throw in something about Chastity following Sapphire down the hole.

Darn parents getting rid of our landline and then refusing to spring for an unlimited data plan. >.>

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