Beside the Library Fireplace

Search for the rest of the books from the legal collection the box was part of. Then pore through them for more clues.
I find the relationship developing between Andran and Cled to be hilarious.

Twitchy overly attached spider lady crushing on an asexual oblivious orc.

This is going to a mixture of entertaining and heartbreaking. I love it.
So Itzacon scenario idea:

The Desolator Olimak Annan is seeking The Fallen Star, an artifact of immense magical power, in order to take her revenge on the people of Zendis. The Olimak will not impede her sacred quest, and Imperus refuses to intervene while the Inquisition can still end her ambitions.

Unfortunately, the Inquisition does not yet realize the gravity of the threat, leaving the fate of Imeria in the hands of a band of outcasts with a grudge.

Our cast are a very lucky human captain, an exiled Orc, a Communer-twisted assassin, a rat gunsmith, and his Spriggan companion.
Sorry for the lateness of that last reply, I've been kind of sick and still going to college these last few days.

Also, @Grey, I think the main thread may be waiting on your reply.
For some reason the link to my character sheet in-thread links to, of all the fucking things, a thread roleplay.
I... what?

I just checked it out with the BB Code Editor, and it seems to because the referral number is wrong... And it still refers back to RPdom. Probably got mixed up because of all the forum movement. Makes you wonder what else directs to weird places. Fixed it though.

Also.... goddammit, I had a post in wings for memory stone collections in the Library that might have helped you out, but it's been wiped. If you gimme a little bit, I'll have it up for you in a little bit.
Alright, added the new bit.

Also, to clarify, the book the stone was found in, is an index of memory stone collections, and is part of a larger collection of books on memory stone indexes/indices. Each book is reference tool to a memory stone box, and contains a worded account of what happens in each stone in said box.

I get the feeling I'm confusing people sometimes with poor descriptions, so if you're not entirely sure of how things look, or are organised, do ask, because I might have screwed up in how I've depicted the situation.
No, no, I get it, I'm just trying to puzzle out the next step - I feel like there's something I'm missing, some specific stone to hunt down.
Well, hopefully that one success turned up something useful. Should've argued to roll Intuition/halfIntellect.
Alright, there's a post for THEMES up in the main forum, which only has the Library and Dellebron Urteal in it at the moment. That said, if you'd like a theme to represent your character, tell or suggest to me, and I'll edit one in.

Secondly, just put in another kind of spawn, Clutterlings, and Aubade, which I didn't announce but have been up for a while.
Oh, neat!

Nobody noticed, but Tales of the Chroniclers turned a year old around a week and a half ago! Woot! (Well, the first thread did. The Forum was up for around two months before that, but lets gloss over that fact for the moment)

...we still haven't made it out of the first thread though.... ^^;

Still, we've survived at least two purges and the like, so there is that!

@Teh Frixz, @The Fuzz, @Grey, @PixelWitch, and @ZombieKitty, lets try and keep her ticking for at least another year yet! And maybe make a little bit more headway... ^^;

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