Beside the Library Fireplace

I wanted to make sure that he was acceptable as is before spending it. Things I want to do: learn one more language, increase his Medicine, Lore, Martial Arts and Athletics, and maybe pick up another specialty. Can do all of that within 60 xp.

Martial arts are the lower of your athletics and unarmed, so raise those and you should be good. But yeah, go for it.
Sorry, whoops, read Unarmed for Martial Arts, but, it looks like that's going to happen as a side effect of increasing both the Unarmed and Athletics skills anyway. Cool.
Yeah, Andran just needs her two magical items put into her inventory. I think you were going for the lockbreaker and the spiders?

And yes, at this point Davore is going to be able to twist punks into pretzels if he gets into a grapple with them.
"I understand that you are angry and in pain. Let me help you."

EDIT: Oh, yeah, how much for the second bar of Languages, representing the second language other than his native tongue?
After character gen, a language is 12, but that's in game...

I think I'll let you away with 6, because it's very easy and much cheaper to structure a Char-Gen character with 2 points in language, then fill in the holes in the other skills later. That said, don't forget to clarify what languages you can speak.
And PC'dified. Now just waiting on Frixz to stick up Andrans items, and I should have a post up sometime tonight or tomorrow.

Oh, if you guys want me to expand on any Lore, such as places, people, things or events, just hit me up, and I'll stick relevant bunch of notes in the Library.
Also, my god. Fucking Lybar. Spend four essence, have gills. Spend five essence, produce a symbiote parasite for another person. It latches onto their face and breathes for them underwater.

Lybar scuba diving tours!
Also, I just realised, Fortesque is the only one who cannot speak either Tradestongue or Spirespeak, and Cled is the only one who cannot speak Urd. That should make for some interesting character interaction~

And yes, Lybar are like sexier communers, as if written by Oglaf.
Lybar symbiote-parasite dialysis machine, keeps your kidneys from getting overwhelmed until you can see a Communer!
[QUOTE="The Fuzz]Lybar symbiote-parasite dialysis machine, keeps your kidneys from getting overwhelmed until you can see a Communer!

Lybar symbiote carcinophage!
Lybar symbiote membrane thing! Lives in your throat, crawls out once or twice a day to wash itself. Highly sensitive and freaks the fuck out if you put anything in your mouth that's poisonous.

Things I am learning: I accidentally Panacea'd all over the place.
Yeah, you can pretty much do all of that. I mean, if you want, I can stick up a Lore snippet of advertisements for Lybar symbiote products. Hell, I have the Shadowrun big book of augments, I could run through the symbiote wetware and shamelessly nick be totally inspired by what's inside.

Also, Andran is approved, and that's everyone. Posts will be incoming. Oh, and could folks maybe clarify what you're currently doing within the Library of the Black Rose? I don't mean immediately, I just mean in general.
There's a limit on how many symbiotes I can spawn at any time, right? How about Ascendance symbiotes at any given moment?

Also, studying magical tattoos.
Totally stealing organizing and categorizing important devices and objects of Lore as well as researching devices of her own.
[QUOTE="The Fuzz]There's a limit on how many symbiotes I can spawn at any time, right? How about Ascendance symbiotes at any given moment?
Also, studying magical tattoos.


Also, suddenly The Slaughterhouse 9 seem like a viable Scion party.
Cled will be accompanying Cecilia, seeing as she pretty much hired him as a body guard. He finds books nice and all, but I guess she's the one visiting, and he's along for the ride. Also I guess peeps will need to translate if Q and Cled are ever to have a conversation... *Head-desk*
Cecilia is there for research into the history of magic and the lore behind it all and clues pertaining to it. Maybe to see if there's anything of interest to a Cryolyte too.

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