Beside the Library Fireplace

I think....perhaps not.

Anyway, Davore is going to write up his preliminary report, and then whenever Hrune returns, ask her to put him in touch with Fortesque.
They don't necessarily need to be be of bad or important times. Just things you'd like to do, and can be done privately or publicly as folks prefer.
Well, Intellect/Intuition and Subterfuge to see if you can find secret shit in the book, Lore to find out magical connotations, Academics for its specifics in history, and Investigation for general stuff. If you can think of anything creative, go for it.

Also, speaking Tradestongue~
Ack, sorry, got sick of highlighting it. I'll get it in a bit - he's not about to start speaking another language and I trust everyone to recognize that
S'cool, and sorry about being anal about it. I just await shenanigans regarding crazy language barriers. Also if you and the orc get trapped in a small room, shit's gonna be funny.
So....memory stones. What do we know? I mean, pretty much erryone at the table has some bars of Lore and Academics.

Are they a Hearywright construct? A Hulbrad artifact? Are they...naturally occurring, and then repurposed as thought storage? Who can use them?

Also, quite glad that Davore does not have to start pumping stimulants into Q, and spawning symbionts to keep his lungs and heart pumping.
Generally, memory stones are a Heartwright construction, being memories that can contain thoughts, sounds, smells, sights and feelings, all placed directly into rubies. However, several Hulbrad thoughout the ages have managed their own processes through either specialised Infernal Expressions or Hellforging, and passed them on. There is also a little used Chronomancer technique that "remembers" a physical location for a set time, rather like a recording. However, since it's so seldom used, many different techniques exist, such as ones that can only display the events when in the original location, are single use, or grow more and more difficult to use the further one gets from the original temporal location.

The one that Q is holding right now, and the other in the library, are unique artifacts. Both are flat, palm sized disks, a dull, glassy grey, with a dense spiral on both sides. Their method of creation is unknown, especially due to Vedomosti's secretive nature. That said, it would not be unreasonable to assume that they are of Hulbrad creation, though Vedomosti was also known to use devices created by Mages, and even other Infernal families.
I should consider running my Unseen University Library dungeon crawl game again some time. Add some new encounters.
True that. I'm pretty sure the guys here would find that pretty interesting.

I'm going to keep adding to the Library, because I think it's fun to, but also because it doesn't quite have the level of life that I particularly want it to have. THERE WILL BE LAYERS I TELL YOU WHAT!
Just to clarify, the "book" that the stone was found in, is actually a book. It just has a strange "pocket" in it, hidden in a single page. Otherwise, it functions completely like one would expect of a book of index listings and information.

I'd like to think that segments of the Library appear as this, but I'm not sure if it's actually that big....

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