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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Aires appears behind Nexus and kneels beside him. She rubs his back slowly. "Nexus, you shouldn't push yourself too hard." She says looking at him. "Loki used to cough up blood too. . ." She said her face growing solemn and distant. "Please" She whispered, "Stop . . . Don't die. . ." She closed her eyes and tightened her grip. Her eyes watered and she stops her breath.

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Nexus grips his head as his breath came in quick panic filled breathes. After a bit he forces himself onto his feet and closes his eyes. "I'm fine, nothing to think of. Were you watching me?" He opens his eyes, which were bloodshot and raises an eyebrow. He forces his breathing to relax and his body seems to go back to normal.
"Of course I was watching." She said looking at the blood on the ground from when he coughed. "What you gonna kill me now?" She shrugged slumping a little, "doesn't matter if you do, not even Will knows who I am . . . No one would miss me. I hate who I am. I hate who I've become. . ." She stayed silent for a second and then whispered in defeat, "kill me . . . but don't you dare die . . ."

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"If i kill you Loki wouldn't forgive me, i said i was going to make you stronger and i intend too. If you hate this place so much, why not come with me? I have to report back, so i was leaving relatively soon. I believe you'd fit in rather well where i'm going. What do you say want to come with?" He snaps his fingers and all the practice dummy's and the target puff into a cloud of smoke. He grabs his shirt and vest and puts them on, before making his scythes vanish.
Heatray got in trouble or burning the library door so he decidex to walk around the city to relieve his stress. He spotted some commotion and went to check it out hoping for a fight and maybe even running to the poison arrow user.
"Be apart of the White Fang . . . again?" She mumbles slowly standing up. She thinks about Luna and Will and how her bonds with them were formed. Should I stay or should I go, she wonders. If I go I'll never be apart of Beacon again, or see Lulu or Will or Alex . . . "I . . ." She hesitated and then thought, I won't be a burden to them anymore. They can be at peace without having to rescue me, or save me, or even worry about me, and I can keep them safe from inside the White Fang. . . "Alright, I'll go with you." She said firmly looking at his eyes.

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Nexus licks his teeth and smiles. "Wonderful, grab what you need and meet me at the docks in an hour. Don't be late." Nexus vanishes in a puff of smoke while laughing maniacally.
"A.D, a little help here?" William asked A.D, who transferred back to Archdeath a while back. "You lost your memory again idiot. Remember shotgun to the face?" A.D replied before explaining what happened after losing his memory. William listens to the A.I silently as he leaves the gym. "Oh... well at least I didn't kill anyone I know this time." He muttered when A.D finished telling his story. Maybe Elinore was right. The helmet might need better padding. He walks around the school grounds aimlessly, not sure what to do now.

Alex entered the dining hall and approached the guards there. The room looked like a scene from CSI where there was drawings of the murder on the ground. The bodies were sent to a lab for analysis on the cause of death. After talking with the guards for a few minutes, Alex walks over to Trey, who was told to wait in the room for questioning. "Your our only live witness since you called for help. What did you see when you got here Trey?" The professor questions Trey while typing on his scroll.

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Aires trembles as Eph nudges her shoulder. "Ephemeral, you have a very important job. Keep Lulu and Will safe." She pulsed her wings and flew to her room in Beacon. She lands in her room and begins to pack. She leaves notes for Lulu and Will.

Dear Lulu, I adore you. I'm sorry. I just didn't want to be a bother to you or Will anymore. I will always be there I'd you ever need my help . . . And Will if you remember who I am, I hold you dear to me as well. Like a brother but better than my real brother. Take care of each other as Ephemeral will take care of you two.

Once she was packed she locked her room and headed down the hallway to meet up with Nexus.
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Aeronwen Hayes stepped off the shuttle and was immediately swarmed by security, he suspected it to be yet another act of racism, but all the other new students were being searched and questioned as well. He managed to glean some info off of several conversations and apparently there was some sort of attack recently. An attack? On Beacon? Something seriously bad must be happening if there was an attack on Beacon of all places. The security officer frisking Aeron found his pendant, and asked what was in it. "My adoptive father's ashes, if you must know, and I would appreciate it if you didn't touch that." The security officer smirked, yanking the pendant until the chain snapped, which caused Aeron to follow suit. Suddenly, Fintan was no longer on the security table next to them, and the head of it was hurtling past the officer. A slight flick of Aeron's wrist, and the chain was wrapped around the security officer's neck, putting his face against the twelve gauge barrel of Fintan. Aeron held out his free hand, and the security officer promptly dropped the pendant into it. Aeron released the man, retracting Fintan and walking briskly in the direction of the initiate's dorms to find an empty spot on the floor to set up camp. Aeron had his wings inside his jacket, mostly to keep them from knocking into stuff, but partially to keep his profile as low as possible for an Albino with bat ears. As he was walking across campus he saw something up above, flying across campus. Wait a minute... that's a girl! Overjoyed with the thought of meeting another flying Faunus, Aeron broke into a sprint, shrugging his shoulders to let his wings out of the slits in his jacket. In his zeal to catch up to the girl, he realized that he had lost sight of her, she must have landed in the maze of buildings below. Aeron stumbled a bit on his landing; the thinner air up here made it more difficult to keep aloft. Well, now I am very lost... Aeron looked around at the bustling students and initiates, all focused and intent on their destinations. Where am I going? Aeron thought to himself, in more ways than one.
Aires had some time before meeting up with Nexus so she decided to grab some food and flew up to the rooftop. "What the hell am I doing?" She sighed. "Lulu . . . Will . . . Loki . . ." She put her head in her knees and shuddered. I'm so confused . . .
Rook walks around the halls, whistling a tune as he sees the commotion with the students being checked by security. He decides to go over and see if he can find out what was going on. As he starts to head over, however, two other students step in his way and push him back, grinning maliciously. He merely looks them over, scowling, "And what do you two want?"

"We are wondering where a Faunus like you is going in such a hurry." The larger one answers, his grin widening. Rook sighs and points passed the man to the commotion, "I was going to find out what that is all about, if you really wish to know." The tone of his voice causes the student to rear back to punch him, however as his fist comes close Rook tanks his axe-headed polearm off his back, kicking the kid's wrist and following through to hold it on the ground, taking the student down with it. He holds the axe head against the student's shoulder, "Now, do you wish to try and touch me again...?" The eyes of both of the students go wide as he steps off his arm and they both run off, Rook merely puts his weapon onto his back once again and walks off, whistling his tune again as his tail swishes behind him.
Elinore took her trey of food up to the roof. It had always been where she spent most of her time. Most students knew her as the girl you could find on the roof now. Which was also why most people probably avoided it. At least that meant more silence for her, which, especially after a mission, was nice. She needed some time to relax. Elinore sat down on the edge of the roof and placed her food next to her. For now, it was just her and her sandwich~
Aires looks up from her side of the roof top and sees Luna. "Lulu . . . " she whispers the wind picking up as it carries a sweet berry smell. It was the way Aires naturally smelled. She was born smelling like cotton candy. Her personality was sweet and as she grew older she smelled of berries. "I'm so sorry." She finished saying.
Alex questions Trey and several other students about the incident for a few minutes. After sending the report to Professer Ozpin, he opens up the dining hall when the janitors finished cleaning up the room. Getting himself some coffee, he sits down at his usual table and drank his hot beverage. Alex never knew being a professor would be so much work. There were lots of problems to deal with everyday in a school designed to train future hunters & huntresses. Which includes paperwork and teaching lessons on being a effective fighter in a world like Remnant. But it isn't all bad, since he gets to train the future generations of warriors the world will soon have. Sighing, Alex puts his head on the table to rest for a bit. He needed one after yesterdays and today's events.

William was in the library reading a book. Apparently after his fight with Trey in the building, another fight occurred which involved fire and broken doors. Seems like the library can't escape the constant madness occuring all around the school. After noticing that several of the students were staring at him, William decides to head to a empty section of the old building. Well almost empty since there was a female student reading in there too. Going to a chair across from hers, he resumes reading his book in silence. Silence that his brain needed after all the events that occurred in the past week. If only it was like this every day in his chaotic life....

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Aeron was looking up at the cirrus and cumulonimbus clouds that floated above Beacon. They looked different from up here; less gloomy, more... peaceful. Aeron was looking at a particularly fast-moving cloud when he spotted a pair of legs dangling from the edge of a building. He decided for the low-profile approach and went into the building to use the stairs. On his way up, he heard snippets of conversation. Eavesdropping was a bad habit, but hard to kick when your ears are literally made to pick up any and every sound. There was talk of relationships, weapons, politics, business, Dust, who would be teamed up with whom, music, parties. The majority of it was coming from a single girl in pink, chatting the ear off of a boy in green, but the diverse interests of the students at Beacon were more than a little surprising, as they were all here for the same purpose. Aeron emerged on the rooftop to see the girl whose legs were dangling off the edge, and another girl, who looked incredibly distraught and whispered something so quietly even he couldn't hear it. Aeron sighed internally, and went back down the stairs. He couldn't interrupt an obviously private moment in an attempt to make friends, perhaps he would wait until team formation, and keep his social interactions limited to those three... Aeron didn't know, but for now, he wandered around until he found a workshop where he could repair the chain on Asa's pendant.
Elinore stopped eating her sandwich when the smell of berries wafted through the air. She wanted berries now...where was that even coming from? She looked around and found what she was least expecting, Aires. "Hey, when did you get up here?" she asked as she stood up and moved over to the other girl, "are you okay? You look sad. Want some of my sandwich?" she cooed.

Tavril followed the stranger down from the shadows of the stairwell. The only person this could possibly be was the killer! Obviously. There were only serial killers at this school. That had to be true with how many deaths had occurred in the day alone. He followed the faunus down to what appeared to be a workshop and slipped in through the front door. He pointed his gun blade at the bat and readied to fire, "Who are you and why are you killing students?" he hissed. This was the best way to test if someone was a killer. Nonkillers would simply act confused.
Aires smiled, "I'm okay." She said accepting her offer. "Lulu, take care of this place, take care of Willy and most importantly take care of yourself." She said standing up. "I love you, Lulu, like a sister." She kissed the top of her head and hugged her tightly. "Stay strong. I'll protect you from the shadows." Aires then heads down the stars instead of flying. She then ran into someone. "ouch . . . oh hello. . . um excuse me."
Aeron was unphased by the gunblade in his face, he had heard the boy coming, but the talk of murder caught him completely off guard. His face fluched further from its normal pallor, and he froze in place. Not only did he freeze in place, the set of forceps he was using froze, and his breath began to condense in the air. The whole room had dropped several degrees as Aeron breathed "M-murder?" Aeron's mind went back to that day in the alley when he was just ten, and tears formed in his eyes, only to freeze half way down his cheeks. The sudden weight on his face snapped him beck to the present, allowing him to regain his composure and stop activating his Aura. He blinked the rest of his tears away as the temperature in the room returned to equilibrium, and he returned to repairing the chain. "I have no idea what you're talking about, wolf, but if you want to sneak up behind someone, try picking someone who can't hear everything in a mile radius." Despite sounding calm, Aeronwen was tensed up, one hand free and hovering over Fintan while he worked with the other to keep himself from resuming that panic attack.
"Okay, so you're not the murderer," Tavril said with a sigh of relief as he lowered his blade. "Someone's been going around killing people in the school so I'd watch your back." he said as he crossed his arms and leaned up against the door. "That's a cool power you've got. It's the exact opposite of a friend of mine's. I like it a lot more too. I bet it never burns you." he muttered crossly. Stupid Lulu and her fire. He was still treating burns.
As Trey walked away, he couldn't help but feel a chill, who was this guy? Why does he keep on killing everyone he's come across? Trey shuddered.

Aver looked on as a teacher questioned some students. As some of them walked away he noticed a Faunus accused someone of being him. How offending, he decides to teach him a lesson. He snuck up behind him and smashed a flask of acid onto his head and followed with a barrage of poisoned arrows before running to hide and dropping another cask that froze the floor behind him.
"Oh it has, and hypothermia is hell, too. It isn't that I eliminate or create heat, I just relocate it. In this case, I believe the people in the next room are sweating quite a bit..." Aeron normally didn't talk this much, but he was still a bit delirious from the temperature whiplash, and the wolf boy reminded Aeron of Asa. "What's your name?"

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