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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Paint is poisonous sadly. You'll probably die from lead poisoning if you eat that bacon." William said as he takes the bacon away from Elinore and throws it into the garbage can next to his door. Which was covered in paint. Well everything in his room was covered in paint so it looked kind of strange to look at. "Well you should take a shower in my bathroom while I call the janitors to clean this mess up. It's not safe to have you covered in paint." He then leads Elinore to the unpainted bathroom in his room and closes the door so she couldn't complain about the shower situation to him at all. What a strange way to start off the morning.

"Yep, I have gifts for everyone who went on the mission recently." Alex said cheerfully as he looks at the time on his scroll. "Well you better get going to class now Loki. But meet me at my office in the gym after classes are over today with your friends if you want to redeem your prizes." He then walks away from Loki and door, heading toward to the gym to get ready to teach his first class for the day.
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Aires wakes up and is back in her room. "Wired." She mumbled. Her stomach grumbled once more. She moved and all of the pain came coursing back. "Gah!" She cringed. If I want to be a better Huntress I'm going to have to be able to endue much more than this, of course I should be dead after a hit like that. She gets off the bed and heads to her goodies stash and eats a cupcake satisfying her hunger for the time being. I should eat more heh, oh well. She opens the door and slowly begins to head towards the nurses office. She placed her hand on top of her injury. I don't even know why I haven't healed yet. She leaves everything in her room, she sees Alex passing by, she's in too much pain to notice him, she clung to the wall for support making her way down. Finally makes it to the nurses office. "Excuse me." She coughed a little, when her heartbeat skipped. "Ahh!" She hed her chest. Looking at the nurse she asks for help. "I may need some medical attention." She does everything in her power not to collapse.
Loki heads back to Aires room grabs his things and then notices she isnt there. "Five dollars says i know where she is." He heads to the nurses station and walks up to her. "I knew it, i owe myself 5 dollars." He smiles faintly as she is getting worked on by the medical staff. "You alright?"
Elinore sighed and looked at herself in the mirror. That was a lot of paint. She sighed and took a shower, glad to get the pain off her before it dried. Once she was done with her shower she wrung out her hair and threw on a towel only to be met by yet another problem. Her cloths were covered in paint. And this was William's room. Dust. "Hey William?" Elinore called from behind the door, "would you mind doing something for me?" she desperately hoped he was still in the room. Otherwise this would be really weird. Especially considering that rooms housed four students.
"Yeah I'm-" she began to say but the medics began to operate. They began to push Loki out of he room. We're sorry you cannot be in here. She is in critical condition." They said to him. Aires looked at Loki a little terrified but she still gave him a bright smile.
Loki laughs loudly and smirks. "I have better medical knowledge then ya'll but whatever. I'll see you later love." He walks outside and heads to the Grimm Holding Facility since he had things he had to do there.
"Hmm? What is it?' William asked as he stood next to the bathroom door to hear Elinore more easily. The janitors were cleaning the room next to him and were doing a pretty good job at removing the paint quickly with some cleaning spells. But when did the school install a bathroom in his room? It wasn't there last month at all! Strange...
Benjamin awoke on the one of the schools many spires, the sun nearly blinding him at first. "Have I died yet?" he asks himself, his voice full of hope. Then he felt his neck, the collar still attached. With that, his voice became a little sorrowful. "How the hell do I get this stupid thing off?" he mused, contemplating trying to slice it off with his Chain Blades. It's worth the risk... a voice told him. Chances are you may die and not have to run from anything ever again... The idea was tempting to him as he didn't like the idea of going from prisoner to walking explosive.
The last thing reaper said was "I killed them because if they lived they would still cause a great amount of evil." And everything faded and he woke up on the ground. He gets up and goes out into the hallway and walks around thinking 'how is that she was in my head?' He kept walking around until he found Loki and Aires, he notice Aires was getting an operation. He stared at Aires then walked away now a bit Angry 'if you were in my shoes Aires you would act the same as me.' He thought
"I...uh.....need cloths" Elinore muttered. There was no way she was yelling that across the door. Dust that was embarrassing. She was glad William couldn't see her. Her face was ridiculous amounts of red at the moment.
Loki finishes his work and gets permission to head into the forest with Eph. He grabs what he needs and then leaves to head on another adventure.
William just stood there frozen from Elinore's request, forgetting that her clothes were covered in paint. "Uh yeah! I'll give you some of mine right now!" He stuttered as he pushed several of the janitors out of the way to open his drawers for some spare clothes in there. He then grabs whatever clothing that were in there and knocks on the door to give it to Elinore. "I have the clothing so open the door a little bit." He said with the strange assortment of clothes in his hand, not noticing how some weren't made for females to wear casually.
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Aires wakes up and sees a dress placed on her. Her skinny jeans, converse black boots, backless laced purple shirt, and her black jacket were replaced. By girly clothing. The dress was purple and it came down to her thighs. What the hell am I wearing???? This is too effing short! One of the medics comes near her. "Oh good your awake. You're aright. We patched everything up for you, gave you a blood transfusion and are cleaning your clothes. Make sure to take it easy and here." She handed Aires a par of white flats and black short short. "Alright, if you have anymore problems come on back, we'll have your clothes sent to your room." She leaves the nurses office and steps outside into the hallway, self conscious as hell. Oh man. She decided to get some fresh air. It was beautiful outside. "What a relief to be back at Beacon." She smiled and twirled for half a econ. "I guess these clothes aren't half bad." She giggled.
Reaper was outside thinking to himself and spewing in his anger completely oblivious to Aires but he was lost in thought.
Loki comes back a short time later, and goes into the gym and walks over to Alex dragging a dead ursa with a spork stabbed into it's head. "Go f-ck yourself old man." He then leaves and goes back to Aires.
Elinore cracked the door opened and snatched the cloths from William before slamming it shut again "Thank you" she called as threw on the cloths that were way too big. At least it gave her the ability to leave the room to go get her own cloths. She opened the door, still blushing heavily, and nodded a thanks to William. She hurried out of the room with the most awkward pleas-don't-let-my-pants-fall walk in the history of history. She closed the door once in her room and sighed in relief. It was time for normal cloths~
Reaper heard footsteps behind him and turned around to see Aires and Loki, he calmed down and turned his back to them muttering to himself "I'm sorry."
She takes a deep ad breath squeals. "Haha! YES!" She lifted in the air. "I'm gonna be okay!" She shouted into the sky landing on a cloud. She watched the sky float by when her heart pulses hard, "Agh!" She lost focus and tumbled off the cloud catching the wind pick her up. She sees Loki and dives. "Loki!" Crashing into him remembers what she's wearing. Crap! Immediately she tries to get away.
Benjamin decided against suicide, the collar still bugging him. Where's some food? he wonders, sliding down the roof and passing Elinore's window, landing on his feet with a audible thud. Maybe someone will know how to remove this collar...
He grabs her and smiles wide. "Sheesh relax darlin, i aint going anywhere and neither are you." He holds her tightly and kisses her neck.
Reaper starts to walk away until someone ((Aires)) crashes into him and they both fall to the ground, Reaper hits the ground face first and instantly yells "OWWWWWWWWW"
She blushes hard core giggling, she kisses him deeply. "So I'm guessing you like me in a girly dress. Haha" She then notices Reaper, "Whoops, did I do that?"
Reaper gets up and turns to Aires shaking his head "it seems like I can't escape from you, everywhere I go you just suddenly appear, but I forgive you just......." He thought for a moment then said "if you wanna talk to me Aires then come to the top of the roof....... Alone." Then he just walks away without looking back.
William starts putting on his school uniform when the janitors left his room, making the place look squeaky clean now. He then goes to the a mirror to look at himself. It felt strange for him to be wearing the uniform without Archdeath on him and it felt itchy, like as if fleas were biting his bare skin. This is why he hates wearing clothing without armor on his body. Damn Reaper and that Underworld boss for crushing his precious armor! After setting up the explosive dust mine traps in his room, William leaves the dorms to head to class.
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"Indeed i do... Can i kill him? Is that allowed? Man needs to lay off my girl..." He growls deep in his throat, and glares at the walking figure. "You stay away from him. I am not normally forceful of someones free will, but i mean it."

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