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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Elinore's gaze stayed locked onto the night sky, she smiled and nodded "A very special meaning." She lifted her hand and pointed towards the moon "It's made of two radicals. The first is the moon. That came from my father's side. It represents strength; the will to carry on even in the darkest of situations, like the moon that keeps the night sky lit to ward off the darkness." she explained. She slowly moved her hand until it pointed towards a cluster of stars. Lepus as the constellation was known. "The second radical is the rabbit, from my mother. The rabbit stands for compassion. The gentle nature of the rabbit reminds us that we have to show compassion to even our most hated enemies, otherwise we are no different from the grimm we fight. It's only when the two are combined that true strength can be obtained." she finally turned to look at Will and smiled, "or at least, that's what my mother told me.: she said with a slight chuckle, "Anna had the two radicals in her emblem as well. In fact, the moon radical in Tavril's emblem came from Anna. She added it before his first mission in the White Fang. I doubt that's a legal thing to do, but no one complained" she laughed before looking back up at the sky. "What about yours? Does it mean anything?"
"Mine? Well let me think about it." William said as he looked back the night sky once more. "If I remember correctly, my emblem is made of three curved lines with a circle in the center of it. Each symbol haves a meaning to each one." He explains as he drew a curved line in the empty air with his finger.

"The first line defines the mind, which is suppose to remain intact even through the toughest of situations. One must be willing to do anything to survive but still remain in control of their emotions after doing the deed, may it be lawful or chaotic."

He draws another line opposite of the other one, both curves facing inward to each other. "Line two defines the body, which must be physically fit and balanced at all times. No one knows when to push their body to the limit and must be prepared to accept the physical challenges the world throws at them at any waking moment."

Another curved line is made but it's now connected to the two lines from above, the curve now facing down. "The last line defines the soul, something every living thing in this world haves unlike the Grimm. It represents the meaning and purpose of its current owner, who relies on the decisions they make everyday in their life and how it will define them throughout their lives."

Then a circle is made in the center of the unseen emblem and completes its form. "The circle defines the connection the three lines must have in order to coexistence with each other everyday. It connects them together to ensure that balance is maintained between the mind, body and soul. But its true purpose is to represent the legacy the person left behind when they die, holding all the emotions and memories the person obtained throughout their life."

William then clenches his fist to grab the emblem and form them as one. "Once together they are the very embodiment of the person and will influence their entire life until the Grimm Reaper comes and takes your life away. That's what my emblem means... I think." William said emotionlessly with a blank face as he looked at the moon and cluster of stars Elinore pointed to earlier.
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Micheal stood to move to his bed. a thick layer of dust over its surface posed a question. it had only been a few days on mission... right.

the weakling fell tired he never reached the surface of the bed no rest on this earth for the likes of him no sleep ever. he pulled back the bed ever so slightly, with drawing a book from under the main body of the frame. the books surface was bound with brandy colored leather and set with a heavy chain made of brass shifting the links the chain fell to the ground and he started to write as were his costume this one was crafty he would find out soon and the deception was wearing thin. Thanatos would have to contempt is wanderlust and focus no longer could he walk with the shells of the living at the witching hour he needed to prevent his host from fracturing... it was bad with 2 souls and personalty's let alone 3 or 4. although if they all had the same habits as his fool they might not be bad company, brier wood pipe, cardus weed, brandy, shine. now he needed more of a wine lover. after a good 13 or so pages he decided to stretch his legs he had earn some reprieve of mental torment, monotony.

Aires slightly wakes up and notices she's being carried. Her heart rate was almost non existent, she smiled as she recognized his scent, " Oh, Loki." She says exhausted.

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"Good morning darlin. We are almost there, I had to make a few stops..." he opens her bedroom door and lays her on the bed. He sits on the floor next to the bed and sighs. "I need to relax more."

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" You do that." Aires says as her eyes closed one more, will I make it, She questioned herself.

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Elinore nodded slowly and closed her eyes, "That's deep..." she said softly before yawning. She placed her hand over William's and smiled softly, "You should stick a rabbit in there," she joked. She looked back at the moon for a moment in silence. She couldn't remember exactly when, but a little while after that she fell asleep. Perhaps she was a bit tired from the previous day. In fact, that whole week had been kind of exhausting.
William stands up and lifts Elinore off the roof after she fell asleep next to him. He says his farewells to Reaper before heading back into the building with Elinore in his arms. He brings her to his room and lays her on the bed, covering the tired girl with a blanket. "Good night Elinore. Don't let the Bed Grimm bite." William chuckled as he deactivates all of the traps in his room to prevent a accident from occuring in the morning. He then falls asleep in a empty bed next to Elinore to end the long day. Snore...

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Reaper see the two off and stays on the roof for awhile drinking his flask of wine and was lost in thought. He stayed on the roof looking at the night sky and fell asleep up there until morning.
Markus was angry. Reduced to coming back to beacon. The courtyard was the the same as he left it, the head broken off. He was in the dungeon, the head professor was infront of him, reaming him a new one. "Yeah, yeah." He said.He was angry. the professor eventually left and he was left in the dungeon, alone. He didn't have his weapon, nothing. He was cold and alone. It was dark, and the sound of water dripping could be heard. He sat in one corner of his cell. He brought his knees in close, and cried. It was different, but is was something that he couldn't help.

He blacked out.

The next day he awoke to the sound of bird chirping, the sun poured into his cell by a small opening covered with two bars so that way he couldn't get out. He at least had a communication device. He smuggled it in, after he stole it off someone. He opened it and sent a message to Eleanor. "Hey come to the dungeon!" It read, it was one of the guards's devices. He hoped that she would think it was a guard wishing to switch out for the day.

(I am sorry but I have something to do. I wish I could but hey, life comes up, you can't just back down you got to stand up and take it. I am so sorry all.)
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Aires feels the sun on her face and groans slightly. She was still too weak to really move. Internal damage, like what.

She wondered as she winces from the pain of moving and then her stomach growls. "Darn, I'm hungry." She looks over and sees Loki asleep. She smiles and starts to make her way over to him. She quivers when she stands on her own two feet, more pain than ever. " Agh, just a little further." She gritted her teeth as she neared him and finally she collapsed onto her knees and lies down near Loki's waist. She kept thinking about being able to fight once more.
Reaper woke up on the roof and rubbed his eyes as he stood up, he stretched and went inside. He walked around and got to his room and went inside but now he felt pain all over his body and his head was foggy. He kneeled down holding his head in pain. ((Since Aires got into his memory I feel like their minds should be connected.))
Loki woke up slightly, and notices Aires next to him. He rubs her head and smiles. "You are my life angel." He rubs his face and yawns waking up completely. He looks at his missing arm and frowns, "I can not believe they got the better of me, dammit. Now i am without my left arm."
Elinore sat up in bed and yawned. She stood up and almost immediately tripped over something. That was weird. She usually kept the area in front of her bed clear, knowing she wasn't a morning person. In fact, everyone in her room kept a path clear for Elinore. She rubbed her eyes and looked around. She appeared to be in some kind of...other room. She studied her surroundings more, finally letting it really soak in. She was in William's room. She smiled, seeing him sleep in the other bed. She kissed him on the forehead gently then stepped out of the room, almost tripping over more random floor junk on her way out. She was headed down to the dining hall for breakfast when she received a message on her scroll. "Okay....I'll dungeon" she mumbled with a nod before switching directions to head down to the dungeon. What an odd request.

"Okay, I'm here~" Elinore yawned as she looked at her scroll again, "what now shiny device?" this was way too early to be going on a quest. Especially without breakfast.
"Luna, apparently the dungeon is closed off to the students. No one is allowed to enter without any permission." A.D said to his owner as Elinore was blocked off by a locked door to the dungeon. "So you better head back to the dining hall and eat breakfast now."
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She sighs not knowing how to comfort him. "I'm so sorry Loki." She lightly ran her fingers along his shoulder blades. " You'll find a way to adapt good things happen in time." She told him feeling sick again, when was she going to feel better.

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Reaper didn't feel good and soon he blacked out and his consciousness was in a different plain, it was weird and he looked around. ((I'm hoping that Aires joins him in blacking out))
She gets up and then gets really dizzy. "Whoa, hey Loki?" She says, "Why don't you know go eat some food." She says wearing athin smile so as not worry him.
"Alright, do you want anythin?" He helps her onto the bed and looks down at her. "I'll be right back alright?"
"I'm fine. Not hungry, hehe" She nods and as he shuts the door she passes out on the bed.

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"Okay shiny device" Elinore muttered, "I'll be back basement room for the journey you promised me" she said as she waved to the door and walked back upstairs, "lets have waffles...if you were a cat, you could have waffles too" she yawned as she rubbed the device against her face. Elinore walked back up to the dining hall and sat down. She'd go get food in just a...few...moments.... she said her head down on the table and fell asleep. Her little detour had drained her pre-breakfast energy
Loki sits in the cafeteria eating silently too himself. He seems to be focused on something in his mind, which is causing him too sometimes not pick up food with his silverware.
SMACK! "Hey! No sleeping in the dining hall! This is a place to eat, not sleep." Alex told Elinore after he hit her head with a banana. He then sits down next to Elinore with a smile on his face. "Your still tired from the recent mission girl?" The teacher asked as he started to eat his breakfast while talking to her.

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Elinore was still for a moment before moving her hand to grab the banana and dragging it back towards her. She sat up and yawned, shooting a tired glare at Alex that looked more like just a blank expression. It took too much energy to be angry in the morning. "Yeah..." she answered with a nod before eating the weapon she was hit with earlier "Don't good mornings" she mumbled with a nod.
Reaper looked around and saw Aires, he walked over to her in the plain. All around both of them was just grass and it was sunny out, it looked very peaceful.

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