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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"It's okay Aires! It was my fault for shooting you with that lightning bolt without thinking about the consequences first!" William exclaimed as he looked at Aires as she starts fainting from nowhere while falling down... wait what? OH NO! SHE'S GOING TO FALL AND CRACK HER HEAD OPEN IF HE DOESN'T SAVE HER NOW! He skillfully slides off the cage and lands right beneath her as she fell, cushioning her fall with his bare back. But damn was she heavy for a nearly blacked out girl. "Hey are you alright Aires?! Hello?! Don't die and haunt me dammit!" He said as he lifted her off him and waved Elinore over for help.
Elinore jumped down off the cage and ran over to William and Aires. WHY WAS SHE NOT A MEDIC!! THEIR MEDIC WAS ASLEEP!!! She put her fingers over Aires neck to check for a pulse "Alright. She's still alive. And f I know anything about getting electrocuted by you," which she did. Very well. "then it's probably internal damage. She needs to see a proper medic and soon. And she needs to rest" she said with nod. That was probably really obvious. But Elinore was the tank. She didn't know medical anything.
"Obviously she needs sleep, which is why i tried to keep her by me. Stubborn girl." He laughs softly and goes to get her, he lays her back down with her head on his lap.
"What's with all of the commotion here? You kids trying to start a riot with the prisoners?" Alex asked as he walks toward them with a scroll in his hand, putting it away after sending a message to an unknown person. "There's only three of them in there and I doubt they could take over an military vessel with our people against them." He then looks at Aires with concern over her current condition. Why the hell does his pupil love shocking people to death so much, mostly when they're females! He's going to beat the hell out of William for this outrage when they get back to Beacon. "Well we're about to land soon so get ready to leave now. Dinner is almost over so you better rush if you want to eat some good grub kids."
Reaper sighed "not like I could eat your food anyway." He mumbled and he took a drink from his flask looking a bit depressed.
"Oh yeah, nearly forgot why I came down here for." Alex sighed as he opens the cage and lets the three P.O.Ws out of their cage with a disappointed look on his face. "You are all allowed to roam around the school grounds during your time at Beacon Academy. But you must not leave the premises without the school's permission, don't start fights with other students, don't kill anyone for fun, and etc. So just don't do something stupid before you meet the dean of the school first." He then attaches a strange metal collar around Markus, Reaper, and Benjamin's necks and activates it with a push of a button on his scroll. "Don't try to take those off or they'll blow your head off your body in a instant. Remember you will be monitored at all times during your stay here." With that said and done, the Immortal Compass finally docks next to Beacon's air docks with ease. Alex then grabs William's armor before leaving the airship's deck as its doors opened up and left in a hurry somewhere.
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Loki puts Aires onto his back and walks out of the airship. "I told you, everyone deserves a second chance. He smiles at the two new students and waves goodbye to Will and Luna. "Message me if you want to talk you guys, behave you two." He laughs playfully and walks towards the dorms.
Reaper stretched and he went outside and breathed in the air and walked down to the academy thinking about Aires 'how does she know my name, damn it this doesn't make any sense.' He thought to himself as some men showed him where he'll sleep. Reaper nodded to them and went inside. The room was being guarded and was in the dorms as well so it wasn't very hard to notice. Reaper began to read a book
Benjamin sighed as the collar was attached to his neck. "Out of one prison and into another." He mutters. "At least this one is nicer." He continues and begins to mess with the collar.
"If you guys even need me, I'll be on the roof" Elinore said with a nod to their...guests....well they were more like prisoners now...she kinda felt really bad about it. She notices Benjamin messing with the collar and she put her hands on his in a hurry "Don't mess with that. They weren't joking about it blowing up...just..be careful" she said with a nervous nod before dashing out of there. She wanted food. She was so hungry. And a shower. She wanted a shower so badly.
Reaper flips through each page of the book, Reaper was really interested in it and couldn't stop reading it. When he finished it was well passed dinner and he put the book away and began to meditate for awhile just to feel calm and to relax.
William heads toward his room and opens the door after deactivating all of his traps manually. He then starts ripping the room apart as he searched for his emergency ration packs in his room, which he kept under his bed for emergency situations. That and when he felt too lazy to go to the dining hall to eat there. After obtaining his current objective and setting up the traps up once more in his room, he goes to Elinore's roof base with haste.
Elinore slowly walked up to the roof, wringing out her long, soaked wet hair. It felt nice to take a shower. She wasn't wearing her normal jacket and battle skirt. Instead she had on a loose button up shirt and...pants! She almost didn't look like Elinore! So strange. Elinore smiled at William and sat down on the edge of the roof "It feels so good to be back home...er...at Beacon" she said with a relaxed sigh.
Reaper thought about Elinores offer and decided to take it, he went out the door and told the guards that he was going to the rooftop and left. Reaper climbed the stairs and eventually got to the roof. He was wearing fancy clothes like that of nobility and he said "Would you mind if I join you?"
William sits down next to Elinore and looks at her with a surprised look on his face. "Who are you and why do you look like my girlfriend? Last time I saw her, she wasn't wearing pants and didn't smell this... soapy." He joked as he smelled himself for any strange odors on him. Sniff Sniff... nope. Still smelled pretty much like sweat and blood it seems. As he was about to give Elinore her ration, he noticed that Reaper was behind the couple with fancy clothes on. Wow. He really needed to find himself a better selection of clothing that wasn't ripped and torn like his now. "Yeah you can join us for dinner man. I don't mind." William lied as he waved Reaper to come over to them on the edge of the roof.
"I am the god of soap and I have stolen your girlfriend's body~" Elinore said as she waved her hands around to represent some kind of magicy motion, "now I must silence you so you don't give away my plans!" she said before she started to lean in for a kiss. But then Reaper came up to the roof and she sat up straight again, "Yeah, no problem man" Elinore added on with relaxed nod "plenty of room up here~" she was in such a better mood now. It was amazing what some soap and hot water could do for moral.
Reaper looked at them then said "if you want I could come back later if I'm interrupting something right now."
Benjamin had no idea where to go, completely lost in the giant school. "Goddamn, stupid, effing collar..." He said continuing to fidget with the tight piece of technology.
"It's no problem man~ It's fine, it's fine~" Elinore cooed again, "C'mon, just sit down" she said as she pointed to the seat next to her, "we'll have dinner. Then we'll have a bit of relaxation time out here. Every seen the stars from the roof? It's a beautiful site" she said with a nod
"What? No, no, it's quite alright to come eat with us Reaper. We were just messing around with each other, isn't that right Elinore?" William lied as he continues to wave the fancy clothed guy over to them. Well this was unexpected. He never expected the enemy to pop up and have dinner with the couple on the roof that night. Good thing he brought extra rations with him, just in case one of them was still hungry for more. He then starts handing the rations out to Elinore and Reaper before opening his to eat. "Bon appettit you two." William said as he started to eat the contents in his ration with glee.
Elinore examined the packaging before slowly opening the package. "William, this still isn't warm" she said as she suspiciously eyed the food. She cautiously took a bite of some of the food tucked away in the strange little compartments. She was silent for a moment before nodding. "Alright, this isn't half bad," she said with a smirk "it's not my first choice, but I'd accept these out on the field" she added, chuckling
Micheal, after telling Alex that he would like to look at some stuff soon, went to his room and started to meditate relaxing and thinking the day over.
William gives a thumbs up to Elinore's response as he continues eating the food in his ration silently. At least Elinore accepted his highest quality rations to be alright to eat on the field if the situation ever calls for them in future. It's a whole lot better then not having her hate it later. "Well I'm glad you like it Elinore." He said nodding his head. "But if you want another one then don't hesitate to ask. I still have enough for seconds if your still hungry." He then lays down on the roof and looks at the night sky above them, noticing the moon was full tonight and the stars shining brightly next to it. He never noticed the black sky could be so beautiful during this time of night before. No wonder why Elinore loves coming up to the roof a lot. It's the perfect place to be to witness such a scene in front of him.
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Elinore laid back after Will did, smiling up at the night sky. She'd always loved the stars. They were the light in the darkness that always kept her going all those years she'd spent alone in the forest. Like companions that always promised to return. She'd spent a long time on the roof, studying constellations and simply losing herself in the swirl of lights. Momentarily, she'd forgotten about their guest on the roof with them. She was sure he wouldn't mind her little tangent. Elinore's eyes locked on the crescent shattered moon. She smiled softly at the sight. "William..." she finally said quietly, "have I ever told you about my emblem?" she asked. It had quite a bit to do with the night sky actually
"No you haven't told me anything about it yet. Does it hold some special meaning when you made it?" William replied back as he turns his head toward Elinore, curious about what bought the sudden topic up from no where. He hasn't really been there to answer her questions for at least a month and felt bad for leaving her without saying goodbye on the night of the incident. Well... he couldn't really say bye to her after nearly killing her that night and it would have been pretty awkward if he stayed behind on that uneventful day. What a strange girl Elinore is since she decided to start dating the guy who nearly killed her right after they met once again as enemies a week ago. There's never a dull moment in William's life when she's around him...
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