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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Oh finally!" Elinore cooed as she stood up and walked over to the airship with her axe slung over her shoulder "I can't wait to get back to Beacon and sleep in a real bed~" she said to herself as she walked up to the cages used to hold her guests. Well the rock-demon one wasn't there by invitation. She could care less for him. Benjamin and Markus though were two she personally dragged into the group. Makus in the more literal sense. She climbed up top Markus's cage and sat down on top of it. She looked at Will and smiled, patting the space beside her. Though she doubted he'd take her offer. Elinore had an...unusual sense of punishment.
After boarding the airship with his armor and other stuff in a bag, William sees Elinore looking at him as she patted the space next to her. Which was on top of the cage where their P.O.Ws were in. What a strange place to sit on. Taking the offer presented to him, he goes over to her and sits on top of the cage with his bag over his shoulder. "Nice spot you found for us Elinore." He said with a fake smile on his face.
Elinore smiled when William unexpectedly joined her on top of the cage. She leaned up against him and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, "When we get back to Beacon we'll crack open a few sodas on the roof" she said with a gentle nudge, "and then maybe you'll smile, none of this fake stuff you're trying to pull off." she said with a smirk, "I appreciate the gesture, but I prefer sincerity Will" she chuckled, all the while tapping away on her scroll, sending a message to William asking him where he thought the real relic was. It seemed pointless to send a group out into the woods to transport a fake. And saying anything of the matter out loud in front of a white fang member and some demon-type-person on that boat didn't seem like a good idea.
Loki leans over and kisses Aires. "Any other requests angel?" He smiles lovingly before resting his back and closes his eyes and falling asleep.
She kisses back and slowly shakes her head lying her head on his shoulder passing out.

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Reaper looked at the two with disgust "I'm guessing you two are here to gloat about your victory over me and this Faunus." Who was passed out and Reaper sighed, he looked calm which was strange since he was locked up and was going to be interrogated.
"Gloat" Elinore asked as she looked down at him and laughed, "I don't gloat. I'm simply here to make sure that they don't harm you. Because mercenaries aren't the friendliest of people" she said with a nod, "if you'd like I could leave and let them electrocute you from the other side of these bars" she offered with a smile
Reaper sighed "Thanks for the offer but i think I'll decline." He thought for a moment then said "Why do you help these people, is it because you think it's right or do you have another reason?" Reaper wanted to know.
William sends a message back to Elinore after typing it on his scroll for a minute. "The real one is probably at the LZ or on a different airship heading there right now. Seems like we were just a decoy for other interested parties to go after first, otherwise the military wouldn't have hired so many mercenaries for the mission. Not unusual to get a job like this every few months if your a merc like me. LOL. :P "

William looks down at Reaper with a blank look on his face. "No, I'm simply sitting down on a flat surface that is called your cage. If I wanted to gloat over our victory over you two, I would have done it by now." He then goes into his bag and takes out a water bottle before tossing it to Reaper through the space between the bars of the cage. "Now drink up. It's not good to be dehydrated after waking up an hour ago." He starts thinking about Reaper's question for moment. "I just help these people because its my job to follow their orders. One of the requirements of being a merc my dear prisoner."
"That's stupid. This whole thing's been stupid. Do you even know how many boxes of that fake food I had to eat? Blarg! D:<" Elinore looked down at Reaper and smiled after replying to the message. "You bet I have my reasons" she said with a nod, "but I can't just go around handing them out to everyone who asks" she said with a chuckle, "I've gotta have a reason to trust you. And so far all you've done is try and kill me." she said as she stuck her tongue out playfully at Reaper.
"My mind was clouded and I wasn't thinking straight, I had let my anger get the best of me, I rarely ever get mad." He sighed and he began to drink from the bottle and he shivered "I really wished I had my flask of wine now." His wine had been confiscated by the soldiers "hey you two, could you go get my wine, one it's the only thing I can drink and two it might be poisonous to you humans so if you could get for me I would really appreciate that."
"Military rations aren't really that bad, most are just not done properly. I can bring you some good ones for you to eat on the roof later if your up for the challenge." William taunted as he typed the message on his scroll before sending it to Elinore.

"You know your not old enough to drink, right?" William replied as he looked at Reaper's body and face to determine if he's actually not a teen like them. Hmm... nope. This guy haves a bad drinking problem it seems. "Your not having any trouble with drinking that water so stop whining man. Alcohol is not good for your brain at all."
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Reaper shakes his head "I've been my special wine since I was born, it's the only think I can drink that won't make me throw up." This is all very true since Reapers digestive system was different than humans he could only eat and drink a few things that wouldn't hurt his digestive system.
"Challenge accepted."

Elinore laid down on the cage and tilted her head to get a better look at Reaper "I don't think he's human Will. He turned into a rock monster thing" she said with a nod, "you should get him his human killing alcoholic beverage. At the very least to prevent one of your...co-workers from drinking it." it seemed like something the group of mercenaries would do. She wouldn't put it above them.
"Uhh... true. They do tend to experiment with their prizes to know its true worth when they sell it in the black market later." William then jumps off the cage and starts looking for Reaper's wine with haste. The last thing the group needed was a panic among the mercenaries in the airship. After asking some questions among the crew in the deck, he manages to steal back the drink from the soldier who took it from Reaper without him noticing him. William arrives back to the cage and hands the wine to Reaper. He then gets back up the cage to sit next to Elinore once more. "You happy now?"
"Thank you so much!" Reaper began drinking from the flask and he set it down "you are right young lady, I'm not entirely human, I'm a hybrid between a monster and human." He took another drink.
"A monster human hybrid that threw my axe" Elinore muttered. Some things could not be forgiven so quickly. The only one who could throw LunarRedemption around was her. She looked at William and smiled, "thank you~" she cooed. "So then f you're not a faunus," Elinore said as she turned her attention back at Reaper, "what were you doin on a White Fang ship?"
"I was knocked out and they took me aboard their ship, by the time I woke up the ship was already under attack." Reaper replied and he sighed "so basically I had nothing to do with the White Fang, I just got caught in the crossfire." This was very true.
Aires wakes up and sees Loki still sleeping. She notices her foot fell asleep so she tries to get up slowly to not wake him. She spots Reaper and Will and Luna. She nears. "Hey you two." She said wincing. "Agh. Oh and hello Reaper." She said her voice like soothing bells. One could tell she was still in really bad shape, though she tried to hide it.

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"You got kidnapped and knocked out by them for no reason at all?" William said with a suspicious look on his face. "Dude. You nearly killed me a few hours ago and last month on Initiation Day, both in which you nearly won. So don't give us the IDK story so easily with useless information like that." He then falls off the cage as Aires greeted them, thinking that it was her ghost that came to haunt him for nearly killing her before. Same thing happened after the incident with Elinore last month and it was not pleasant at all. Not when the illusion would always burn you to death with a shocked look of betrayal on her face. "Oh hey Aires! You feeling better now?" William stuttered as he got back up the cage quickly with a small sweat going down his face.
Aires frowns slightly and gets down to his level. Softly she says, "I'm sorry I'm not truth, but I couldn't let you hurt my friends. I protected you, now show some respect." She looked at him with sad eyes, her eyes being of two different colors now, which she still had no idea about. She looked at Will and smiled brightly, "I'm so sorry Will. I'm alright." Eve though she was not "Please forgive me?" She pleaded looking up at him.

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Reaper looked at her "I suppose I can forgive you but if you want my respect then you have to earn, it's something I don't give out easily." He then said "The reason I was kidnapped was that I was actually going to meet them and ask them for help in finding something and in return I would help them with whatever, I think the fact that I look human is a reason enough to capture me."
Aires becomes flustered, she raises her voice a little, "You trick me into thinking you were a good guy, I save your life only for you to go on a rampage and try to kill my friends and I don't gain your respect?!" Her extra energy causes her to strain herself once more. She winces once again but ignored the pain. "Do not touch my friends again or you'll deal with me Astro." Suddenly she feels dizzy and begins to stumble backwards, wait why did I just call him that name? She thinks waiting to hit the ground almost blacking out.

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Reaper looked shocked and thought 'how do you know my name?' He then says "Hey are you okay? You don't look so good." Reaper said a bit worried.

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