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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Reaper?" She asked looking around and wondering where the dust she was. She felt strange and quickly took her wings out. How am I able to use my wings? I barely had enough strength to stand up when I was with, she gasps, Loki! She began to look all around the plain. "Loki? Hey where are you?" No answer, "Loki, Will, Luna!?" Nothing. Her wings activiated and she took her stance against Reaper. "Alright where are my friends?"
Reaper looked at her "How should I know? All I remember is blacking out in my room." He walked around, then he felt around his neck and his eyes are wide with surprise "The collar's gone!" He shakes his head "this doesn't make sense." He mumbles to himself.
"Well too bad for you. It's good to be a morning person you know?" Alex teased as he hit Elinore's forehead with his spoon. This was just too funny for the man to watch, since he expected Elinore to retaliate from the recent hit with a scarier glare. But she was never a morning person and he always messed around with her during breakfast on the mornings he sees her. Oh the joy he gets from torturing his new pupils. "Hey. Do you know where Loki is?" He asked as he slowly poured a cup of water on Elinore's hair. "If so, I want to show you guys something in my office later after classes are over for the day."
Reaper in the distance, there was nothing for miles, he sighed and draws Starfang and stabs the ground. The sword disappears and he sighed "it seems that we're inside our own minds, the question I want answered is why are you here?"
Elinore was still for another moment, looking down. Ever heard of the thing where cold water wakes someone up? Yeah. Elinore slowly raised her eyes to meet Alex's with a death glare. He'd gone too far. The only thin stopping her from punching him right on the spot was the threat of expulsion that came along with assault of a teacher, so instead she threw the banana peel in Alex's face. She picked up his breakfast and walked away. No answer for him. Or breakfast.
"Maybe I'm here because I took the bullet for someone, who's a freaking liar." She was frustrated. She wanted out and wanted to be Loki. "I can't believe I ate dirt to save your ass." She said flying high into the sky of her, their minds . . . Freak this is confusing.
Reaper looked at her "When have I lied to you huh tell me I want to know this!" He gritted his teeth in anger, not once has he lied.
"Fine! Don't answer me then!" Alex yelled out as he pulled the banana peel off his face. "Seems like someone isn't going to get a present with an attitude like that..." He teased as he starts to skip away from the table.
"I've never lied about my identity, not once!" He yelled "I changed my name to Reaper to signify my hatred for humans." He spat, Anger was boiling inside him.
"Hmph, William doesn't trust you. If he doesn't than niether do I." She frowns, "Thank you for helping us, though, I do appreciate the ships you took out." She says looking away up and analyzing the mind.
Present? "Hey wait!" Elinore called after Alex, throwing another banana peal at him. How'd she get two? What? Just...ignore it. "Loki's right there" she said as she gestured to the table next to them. He was...eating...nothing. Like physically lifting the fork with nothing on it to eat. That was...slightly concerning "Have a nice day~" she cooed before running off with Alex's breakfast still in her captivity
" I understand your distrust but there are things that Humans hide from the Faunus." He looked at her "In reality you can never trust anyone, I learned that the hard way." He looks at the ground.
Wait, when did Elinore steal his food? Where did she get another banana peel from and... never mind. Nothing ever makes sense when she's around Alex. It's something a normal person has to adapt to in a school like Beacon, a place where all the strangest hunter/huntress trainees go in the whole kingdom of Vale. Yippe for him. "GIVE ME BACK MY BACON!" Alex yelled out as he started chasing Elinore with anger in his eyes and drags the tired Loki along with him in the chase. No one steals his bacon, no matter who they are or what they've done for him before. He shall save that bacon at any cost!
"No, it was a Faunus who I trusted dearly and she stabbed me in the back." His fist was clenched "She gave me shelter and helped me get back on my feet, it was all a lie, she was going to give me away as a slave but I killed both her and the slaveowners and I ran from civilization and joined the monsters."
Elinore turned her head, the bacon half eaten. "Dish?" she asked as she pointed at it. She grinned and dashed out of the dining hall. The man should learn not to mess with Elinore in the mornings. Luckily she knew of a room that was full of traps where she could eat someone else's food in peace. She b-lined it to William's room, nomming on the bacon along the way
Alex stops in front of William's room and stood in front the door with a evil grin. Elinore has fallen into his trap without knowing about it at all. Apparently during William's absence from Beacon for a month, the teacher set up a huge paint bomb in the room as revenge for shooting Elinore with a lightning bolt on the night of the incident. So if William ever decided to come back to Beacon, he's going to be covered in paint as a way to welcome him back. But Elinore has gone too far by stealing his precious bacon and he pushes a button on his scroll to activate the trap inside. They shall now feel the wrath of Alex! MUHAHAHA!
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Elinore ran into the room and slammed the door shut, only to be greeted by an explosion of pain. Elinore's shoulders slummped as she realized she'd just trapped herself like a wild animal. Elinore stood, coated in paint, defeated for a moment. It was a good thing she was still in her pajamas. She didn't know what she would do if her jacket was ruined. Though she looked down at her hands to see the tray of stolen food coated in paint. "Not the baacccoooonnn!!!!" she lamented, falling to her knees to morn the paint covered breakfast meat.
"Why am I here? When did I get here?" He sighs softly before stretching, might as well make do. "Morning sir."

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William wakes up to the slamming of his door and from the paint that now covered his body. He didn't get what was going on anymore as he stares at Elinore with confusion. "Why are we covered in paint Elinore?" He asked as got off the bed and walked toward Elinore, who was kneeing on the ground in defeat. "Are you okay?" He then knees down in front of the mourning girl and makes a smiley face on Elinore's forehead with the paint on his fingers.

"Morning sleepyhead! Felling better?" Alex asked Loki as he watched the student stretch next to him. "We're in front of William's room right now and I dragged you here, so no need to be confused anymore."
"Slightly, I heard something about you needing me for something?" He raise an eyebrow at him and smirks slightly.

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Elinore looked up at William with sad-puppy-dog-eyes. It looked kind of funny with the smiley face drawn on her forehead. She held the bacon in her hands and slowly lifted it up "The bacon....it's dead" she sniffled. She looked down at the poor, innocent bacon. It died too young. "Do you think I can still eat it? Paint's not....that poisonous right?"

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