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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Elinore looked over at the window when she noticed something move past it. She was like...on the third floor. How? What? Hey! She shut the blinds to her room. William almost walked in on her changing once, she refused to let someone come by her window while changing. Why was the school so male dominant? Jegus. Elinore finished redressing then walked outside. She might as well check out that mysterious thing that dropped by her window.

Once outside she spotted Benjamin. Alright. That made sense, he was part monkey so he could climb. "Hey, I haven't seen you around campus in a while" she said with a smile, "you liking the school so far? Well...uh...I guess it'd be kinda hard to enjoy anything with that thing around your neck"
Aires looks at Loki and nods. "Of course. Like I said Loki, I love you." Although Aires would never admit it, she loved it when Loki became protective over her. "I'll stay away."
Benjamin looked back to see Elinore. "Huh, the school? Yeah, I guess it's all right. For what I can see..." He replies, muttering the last part. "Know where to get food? And get this bomb off?" He asks hopefully. "I haven't eaten in..." He begins, trying to remember how long. "Never mind. It was a long time. And this collar sucks." He was attempting to get her to pity him a little. She did do nothing when they were attached to the prisoners.
Elinore laughed and started to walk back towards the school building, gesturing for Benjamin to follow her, "I can't help you with that collar, but I can get you some food. I forget to eat a lot too...but you probably haven't eaten out of lack of options, not choice" she chuckled as she led him to the dinning hall, "go ahead and get what you'd like from over there" she said as she pointed to the place where the food was sold, "I'll pay for it."
Benjamin just stood in shock. He hadn't seen so much food available to eat since he was a kid. And even then it probably wasn't much. "You guys get to eat this?" He asks in awe. "I'd have to work for a year to get half as much food." He exaggerates. "You sure you're okay with paying?" He questions Elinore.
"As long as you don't buy everything there" Elinore said with a nod, "money isn't much an issue with me" it was surprising just how much money you can get from having your family slaughtered. So much inheritance. She hated having the money. She spent it frivolously. It was just another reminder of how alone she was.
Benjamin noticed a slight change in Elinore's mood, but not seeing it of any importance quickly spat out an "I'll try not to," proceeding to grab meats and bread and some fruits. "How can you afford to live here? There's no way I'd be able to afford anything." He mentions, placing the food on the counter to be bought and itching at his collar.
Reaper probably knew she wouldn't come but sometimes he's gotta explain himself and the world they live in weather they accept the truth or not he must tell someone so it better be someone who knows him a bit better then the rest. He made his way to the roof and waited for Aires to come.
"It's a college" Elinore said with a shrug as she walked over to the counter to pay for the food Benjamin was getting, "you save up for it, take some loans out, prove yourself to have great potential in high school when you take down a couple Ursas in cold blood using a disturbing amount of semblance so they feel obligated to give you grants. That's how I got it" she replied, "if you enroll you can probably get in for next to nothing. There's probably a bunch of grant programs for faunuses."
Benjamin took the food and sat at a table. "I don't think you understand my situation then. I have nothing besides what's on me." He said eating a roll. "I really couldn't. Even with the grants." He says trying not to talk with his mout full.
"Then they'll give you a full ride scholarship if you get it" Elinore said with a bright smile, "top schools like this are usually really good at that." she added. That's what she liked about Beacon. It never turned a hunter down.
Aires despite Loki's warning flies to the top of the roof. She landed n front of Reaper. "What do you want Reaper. And make this quick, I hate going against my love."
Benjamin just have her a false smile. Too bad I am also wanted by the police and will probably never make it in with a prior arrest... He thinks. "Maybe I'll apply if I ever stop getting treated as a prisoner. What's with the guy who did that anyway? I posed no threat." He stated, forgetting he did initiate the sinking of a ship by way of pseudo-kamikaze.
"They're asses. Every one of them" Elinore replied with a laugh, "it's what they were hired to do. So I'd just go with the flow for now, I'm sure things will get cleared up soon enough" she reassured him
Benjamin nodded in half understanding. "So I may have asked this before, but why were you guys attacking the White Fang ship? I don't remember anything that would have warranted an attack like that. Unless you guys don't like crates of dust and stuff." He asks, trying to piece together the puzzle he laid out before him. He then continued to eat, digging into a steak.
"I'm going to explain something that probably only you can comprehend, people would think I'm lying if I said this but your the only one I can think of who can listen to me and understand what Im trying to say."Reaper looks at the sky "I want to help the world become what it use to be but humanity is destroying it and if we don't do anything then this world will die." Reaper began explaining to Aires the thing humanity does that kills the planet, collecting the dust that the planet uses to survive.
"We thought they had a bomb that could destroy the world" Elinore replied plainly. Sure she was exaggerating a bit. But only a bit. That's how serious of a threat that thing was. "But we were mistaken. They stole a fake." she explained. "You better count yourself lucky they did. We almost blew that ship up without a question"
" What?" Knowing a lot about dust herself she wasn't buying it. " Why tell me this Reaper?"

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Ben stabbed his steak with a fork. "You probably would've done me a favor. And your wallet." He says slightly sarcastically. "Don't remember that being part of the cargo." He claimed, proceeding to shove more food into his mouth.
"Yeah well usually you don't log 'giant bomb that can kill us all' as part of your cargo" Elinore laughed in reply, "I figure not many docks will let you in." she said as she leaned back against the table to look out of the window into the courtyard, "I think the farce upset William though. We spent like a week out there for no reason. And he got kidnapped. Talk about bad luck on a mission"
Benjamin didn't reply, a look of 'Dude, seriously?' on his face. There was no way Will's luck was worse than his own. Instead he continued to eat, chomping into an apple.
William was in class as Professor Port was giving a lesson about the wild boar-like Grimm known as the Boarbatusk. The student got bored from the lecture and puts his forehead onto the wooden table in front of him, waiting for class to be over soon. Where is everyone? He looks around to see if his friends were in the same room as him. The only thing he got were stares from the other students, who were just pointing at him while talking among themselves quietly as he looked away. People probably didn't know who he was or they do know but its bad. Like really bad reputation bad. Crud. This is what he gets for accidently shooting both of his female friends to death during his little cold berserk moods. Lots and lots of unnecessary attention to himself. Where was all of his friends when he needed them now? Ah-choo! Now that was random. Was someone talking bad about him right now? Oh well, back to the lesson it seems...
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Elinore looked at Benjamin and smirked. He'd turned this into a competition, and there was nothing Elinore liked better than a competition, "You think your luck is bad? This is bad luck central," she said with a chuckle as her gaze returned to the window, "people don't become hunters and huntresses because it just sounds fun. Ninety percent of the time there's a dark story behind it. I can guarantee you you can walk up to any one of the students here and ask them about their family. You'll find one, maybe two people who don't have a dark back story." she shot Benajmin a sideways glance and smiled softly, "if you've got a dark past that haunts you, you'll fit right in" she said before standing. "I think I'm gunna go for a walk or something. See ya around~" she cooed before walking off.
A message has been delivered in every student's scrolls saying "Attention. There will be a dance beginning in the weekend. The dance starts at 7:00-10:00 pm. Be sure to bring a something nice to were. No Weapons are allowed at the dance, the staff will see if you have any before entering the dance."
Reaper then explains something that will convince Aires to join his cause because I don't want to think of something when I'm tired.

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