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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Loki is busy training when he notices his scroll's message. "Nice... Now i have to go see Alex." Loki dashes off the where Alex told him to meet him and waits for the teacher.
Benjamin sat and finished his food, returning to the spire that he had spent the night on. "Their pasts may be dark, but my future is bleak." He says spitting off the roof. "I wonder how the family is doing now..." He says, trailing off into thought about his second family. They were the only things he considered close.
Elinore stopped walking when she received a message on her scroll. She looked down at it then stopped in her tracks. "What's this? Oh a dance, that sounds fun....Wait....what...this.....this...is....BLASPHEMY!" she gasped when she read the message. What kind of anarchy was this?! Was she in a nightmare?! What had the world come to?! Oh the humanity!! No weapons! Elinore stood in shock for a moment before looking over her shoulder at LunarRedemption. This school had finally gone nuts! How was she even supposed to consider not bringing LunarRedemption. She went nowhere without it!
Landing She checks her scroll. "A dance. Ah, but what if your weapon is apart of you?!" She face palmed while fixing her dress. I wonder if Loki wants to go. He'd probably not even ask me. She frowns slightly. She sees another message and then dashes off to meet up with Alex.

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Loki grabs Aires from behind and spins with her momentum. "Woah there speedy, i have a quick question for you." He sets her back on the ground and rubs his temples a bit, since he is dizzy. "Do you want to go to this dance thing? I don't dance very well, or at all really. But i want to go."
"Uh," Her eyes widen and her face beams, "Ahh!! YES!" She smiles tightly hugging him and then she kisses him interlocking her fingers round his neck.

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William leaves class and heads toward Alex's office after getting a message from him to come during class. But what did the school mean by dance party? Like a ballroom dance where rich people go to or those normal high school dances no one goes to at all? If that's the case... F***! Seems like he's going to need to ask someone to help him with his little problem later. Oh well, time to meet his master first...

When the students arrived and entered the office room together, they were surrounded by AK-130 androids with guns ready to fire on the students. "Hey guys! They're friendly so just come over here without pulling your weapons out, okay?" Alex said as he was sitting on a leather chair with a huge mysterious box on his desk. "They can be a bit too trigger-happy since they have stupid A.Is in them so be careful your around them."
3rd time this week he had woken up in the middle of the forest. "strange" walking back to beacon he set out looking for Alex to get a second smaller weapon.
Elinore had walked into the room after reviewing the message that she assumed had to do with the gift Alex had talked about that morning. Upon entering she instantly fascinated by the guns pointed at them. She walked up to one, examining the gun, confident that they wouldn't shoot without an order. She was about to poke it before he mentioned them being trigger happy with AIs. If those AIs were anything like AD, she knew to leave them alone. She slowly retracted her finger and slowly walked back over to the desk, "so what's in the box?" she asked as she turned away from the androids to look at their mysterious present.
"Okay let's start with Elinore first!" Alex said cheerfully as he starts pulling something out of the box with a smile on his face. He then puts a cat and a hawk next to the box. But instead of some organic living animals that would normally smell funny, they were clean robotic ones instead! "Greetings friends. Do you like my new body?" E.L purred as she starts licking her metallic paw with her realistic robotic tongue.

"Next is Loki!" Alex then goes over to Loki with a robotic arm in his hand, before attaching it to the stub carefully. Many needles and wires suddenly burst out of the robotic arm as they start attaching themselves into Loki's stub quickly. The painful installation was done in a minute and the once-armless Loki could now move it with ease as if it was his original left arm. Only now its metallic and highly technologically advanced, making it much cooler looking to have.

"Now for Aires!" Alex then hands her metal boots, which were surprisingly light and the metal used looked familiar to the previous gifts presented before hers. But these weren't some stylish metal boots with heels on them. No, no. They were stylish metal boots with guns in the heels, being able to shoot shotgun shells into the ugly faces of her enemies from above or when she kicks them from the ground. Let's see if anybody would want to mess with her now.

"Finally here's yours Michael. You deserved it." Alex gives the man a retractable 12 to 24 inch long combat machete, being made out of the same metal the other used during their creations. This machete came with a 12 inch long metal sheath that could be attached anywhere on their user's body with some special straps that came on long with it. It also held a small compartment where one could put dust in so they could use it with more lethal damage from it. "Tell me if it doesn't satisfy your tastes since I can make a different weapon for you, okay?"

Alex then looks at William, his smile now gone from his face. "Here's yours punk." He tosses Archdeath's gauntlets and boots at William, both repaired from the previous battle. He then looks at the group with a smile on his once more, completely ignoring his old pupil as if he wasn't there anymore. "So, how do you like them? Do you love or hate it?"
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Aires squeals putting the boots on and flying above her friends, "These are awesome!" She lashed and shot a round into the ground. "Nice! Thanks Alex!"

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Loki tests his new arm and grins. "This is amazing, i didn't think i'd have an arm again. thank you kindly."
Elinore looked at the cat for a moment, staring at it blankly. The she rushed forward and picked the adorable robotic feline up and held it above "Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh!" she squeaked before hugging the cat close "Oh EL you're just beautiful! Look at you! You're a cat!" she exclaimed before running over to William. She held the cat in front of his face and grinned "Lookie lookie lookie! I got a cat!" it was almost scary how excited she was. In the most surprising turn of events yet, she jumped over the desk in the middle of the room -because going around is for chumps- and hugged Alex before returning to adoring her new cat.
"i like were you were going with the short close weapon. and i am not to worried about wight or size" Micheal gesturing with his hands about him he stood about 6 foot a bit under 5' 11" at least, and he was built like a ram heavy set but not to com-besom as to hem-pr his maneuvers he was ambidextrous, lefty if he had to pick but he weighed in at 210 ish. "so maybe something a bit less slashy and a bit more flashy... how about... what about a gladius mainz. if your not busy i can work over the details with you. it's nice to know that you were think of me thought."
"Yes, be grateful for your new gifts my pupils! They weren't easy to make in one night you know!" Alex said victoriously as he puts the box on the ground, before sitting down on his comfy leather chair like CEO boss. Feels good to be appreciated by his students for once. Something he never really got from William at all. "Of course Michael. You want a weapon and I make it to the customer's satisfaction. I'll change it tonight and give to you the new one tomorrow when I see you again." He then takes the machete from Michael before putting it in the box next to him.

William puts on the gauntlets and boots with a feeling of security when they were back on his body looking brand new. But he looks at the new gifts suspiciously, knowing all of them were made with the same materials all in one night. A material he knew too well. "Wait. Where's the rest of Archdeath Master?" He asked Alex with a serious look on his face. "What did you do with it?"

Alex just smirks at William as he starts laughing from out of nowhere. He then falls off the chair and then gets up with a smile on his face. Only this one was cold. "Oh well you see, I wanted to give my students gifts today to congratulate them for their hard work on the recent mission." He then lifts up the robotic hawk, which started coming to life as A.D entered it's body and was now controlling it. A.D then flies next to Aires in celebration of his new body. "But I didn't have time to get the right alloys for the creation of the gifts since it was already night when I arrived at my workshop yesterday. So I decided to melt most of Archdeath for its unique metal, which I knew would be perfect for the gifts I wanted to make." He then stands in front off William with a dark atmosphere surrounding the teacher. "But be grateful that I decided to remember you when I made these gifts. Now what do you say when someone repairs your things boy?"

"Thank you so f****** much you bastard." William said coldly as he stared at Alex with a cold expression on his face. The very armor he created was now mostly gone forever it seems. Well it's time to adapt to the new situation now, knowing he'll need to make a new armor again from scratch. He then leaves the office silently and starts walking around the school with no specific destination at all.
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Benjamin continued to be a loner on the roof. He wasn't allowed to go to most places due to the fact that he wasn't a student. This fact annoyed him and just reinforced his feeling that he didn't belong. He felt he didn't belong anywhere for that matter, he had always been an outcast. My family cares about me. They must be the only ones worried, he thinks to himself. No one else even cares, and anyone who would is gone... and with that thought he laid back and thought more.
Markus grabbed the messaging device that he stole from a guard and sent another message out. This time it was to William.


Subject: Help


Hey, william

This is cardinal, um could you come down to the dungeon.

I really don't want to watch markus all on my own.

I would appreciate that so much.

He pressed send. Hopefully he would get the message.

William gets a message on his gauntlet-attached scroll and reads it. "Cardin? How the dust did he get my email address?" William thought as he made his way to the dungeon's entrance. After hacking into the security system in the locked doors, he heads down to see Markus still in his cell by himself. "What do you want Markus?" He asked as he approached the cell with arms crossed.

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"I want to talk." He said as he sat on the chair in the middle of the cell there was glass covering the wall right in front of william. "First is this really necessary." He motioned to the collar around his throat. "You have me in here. A place that I can't get out of. and whose bright idea was to put it on me in the first place?"
"It's just an emergency countermeasure done in case you do manage to escape." William said as he looked at the collar attached to Markus's neck. It was a military-grade security collar, one of the finest of its kind. "But you can blame the tiger faunus for the collar. It was his idea to have it on you."

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"Well then he is just an idiot. And this is just overkill." He tried to take it off, but as soon as he started to tinker with it, a red light came on. He stopped and it turned off. " So I am not doing that again. Anyway, William was it, I wanted to ask you about something..... How is Eleanor? I bet you must have a real fun time.... How you say, frolicking with a faunus lover?" He meant something totally inappropriate. He was trying to get william angry.
"She's fine and no, we don't do things like that. We just started dating so get those dirty thoughts out of your head." William replied back coldly. But his face was all red in embarrassment when Markus asked that question and was kind of flustered with the prisoner. Sure him and Elinore hugged and kissed each other before but never for sexual means. Wait, what if Markus didn't mean it like that and he just got embarrassed for no reason?! Dust he hates words with more then one meaning. "If your just going to keep asking questions about my relationship with Elinore, then we're done here." William then starts walking away from the cell to leave the dungeon. He didn't need anymore mental abuse today.
"Oh did I touch a nerve.Maybe I should ask another question.... Hows about your family?" Markus was going to be pushing some buttons today and that was his mission. But he began to leave. "I guess I did touch a nerve, but a coward would leave when a man is asking a question. so run along and leave, let a man answer my questions.... Maybe I should ask your girlfriend."

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