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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Reaper looks at her and began to smile "It'll be my pleasure to help." And he summoned about forty spears and they flew at the incoming enemy airships and they all take out four airships.
"Loki!" She smiles! "Hi Babe!" She says flying up to him. "Way to show them not to mess with you." She laughs a little.

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Reaper charged up enough power to release a destructive blast that destroyed a few enemy ships that were reduced to nothing but reaper kneeled down exhausted from the amount of power he used and began breathing heavily.
"You like that? Watch this!" He stands up and leaps to another airship and smashes its wing off, while it starts to sink he shoots the cockpit's window out causing them to get sucked out. He laughs triumphetly and then dives into the water, he floats there letting the water calm his muscles. "This feels great... even though we are on a battlefield. He looks up at Aires and smiles, "I think we may have gotten most of them, thanks to the A.I.'s and your new friends help."
"You're great Loki!" Huh, friend? She looked down and noticed Reaper in not so good of shape. She dives down and lands next to him. "Are you alright?" She asks placing her hand on his back and helping him up.

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Benjamin strapped on his blades, swapping to a tip that would penetrate the ship's armor. "Are these automated?" He asks no one, waiting for a ship to fly into range. He would get revenge for being kept in a hole.
"Elinore and Fluffy, perfect timing you two have right now. It's time to leave." William said coldly as he starts walking away from the armed faunus and heads toward the door. But before exiting the room, he turns around and looks back at Markus with blood still seeping out of the armor slowly. "You got the wrong relic buddy. It isn't the real one it seems." William then walks past the childhood friends without even looking at them as he head toward the stairs to go up to the deck. What a waste of time this mission was...

The Mother of Invention was taking damage from all sides as the White Fang airships were assaulting it in full force. By the time the students took out most of the hostile airships out of the air, the airship itself was in bad condition. "The ship is critically damaged with multiple breaches on its hull and deck, but is still in good condition to fly for at least a few hours before the engines fail on us. All in all, it's a miracle that this ship even survived this long in the air." E.L said as she was giving a status report on the airship's condition to herself to keep record of the event in her database. "Wow, you have such an optimistic attitude after we nearly got destroyed by a dozen airships. That's the first step of being unshackled ya noob A.I." A.D joked as the A.Is were piloting the airship down next to the ship so the students could board it without needing to fly up to them.
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Reaper gets up with the help of Aires "Just exhausted, been awhile since...... I used a large amount of power at once." He looked at the airships that were now retreating and looked at Aires "Thank you for giving me a chance to fight again." He smiled at her.
Aires smiles back, "Sure, no problem. Though you might want to take it easy, ya know?" Aires had a lock on Loki but where were the others? She kept checking the perimeter.

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She sees Loki dive into the water, her communication cut. "What the? Loki!" But he was gone. She looked at Reaper, "Find my friends and help them. Please!" She said taking off into the air and then diving into her watery grave. Water was never her strong suit. But she needed to fin Loki. Holding her breath she swims down deeper than she ever has before. Loki! Loki! Where are you? Why did you disappear? She could feel herself become frantic in the dark water. She was loosing air quickly, but she care. Loki, please! Something then catches her wings. She tries to retract them but they become tangled. What? No, no. She swims harder and harder but she's trapped. She grabs her spear but it's not there. Crap, it's back at the vault. Damn it!
Loki grabbing her wings swims back up to the surface. "Why did you jump in after me? I didn't want too ruin your feather, so i took it off. I wanted to swim since we seem to have won this stupid fight." He sighs and then smiles at her, he swims to shore, and sends a message to Will and Luna that he will meet them back at school. "Listen you goof, don't go doing things headfirst without thinking, it's going to give me a heart attack." He sits her up and starts to clean her off, and dry off her wings with his shirt which is somehow dry.
Elinore lowered her axe. What? Huh? Fake? What? Her shoulders slumped as she received the news that everything they'd just done was pointless. It was like...the cake was a lie. It was all just a lie! All of this for nothing! Tavril walked past Elinore in her devastated sight to go examine the fake relic. Dust. What a waste of time and men. "Damn..." he muttered as he kicked the fake. Elinore sighed and walked over to Tavril, completely ignoring Markus now that the mission was over "Let's go home..." she mumbled as she grabbed his shirt to lead him out of the room. "Lulu. Leave me alone." Tavril said quietly. She persisted. "I said leave me alone Elinore!" he snapped, turning to backhand the girl. Elinore stumbled back from the unexpected blow. She stepped back slowly before turning around and bolting out of the room. "Lulu wait!" Tavril shouted as he took a step forward to chase after her. But then he stopped. Perhaps it was time that she became less comfortable with him, and he could go back to taking care of her from the shadows as he did the years following her family's death.
Reaper looked at the water and was looking down for awhile "Friends...... But I don't know what they look like though....." He noticed that she didn't come up for awhile "She'll drown down there!" And was about to jump down but noticed someone else saved her, he pulled out a whistle and blew it. A few minutes later a bird like monster came up to him and he told it to carry the two up and it did as it was commanded, it dove down and plucked both Loki and Aires in each talon and brought them up to the ship and dropped them off before they could react. The giant bird landed next to Reaper and he petted its head saying "Good job Steel."
Coughing she tries to get out her words, while trying to breathe all at the same time. "You had me worried. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you. I told you I'd protect you and I meant it." She tightens her hands into fists looking at them as they turned white, "But it looks like you still protected me." Her eyes were completely violet now, no trace of the ice blue she once had. "I said I'd die for you, and well I almost did. I am sorry, Loki." She said looking at him apologetically. The a giant bird picked them both up and they were on a shore. "What the?"
Loki laughs lovingly and kisses her. "Relax darlin, i'm glad that you tried too at least." He looks at the guy and the bird and nods at them, "thanks for that, it is a long way to the shore. Nice pet, but i still prefer mine."
She kisses back. We haven't kissed for a while. She thought to herself making it last. When their lips part she smiles and then looks over to Reaper. She waves at him as a thank you. "We need to find Luna and Will. Hello Luna? Do you read me please come in." No response. "Luna do you copy?" Still nothing. She stands up. "Not good."
Reaper looked at them "your welcome and he's not my pet, he's my friend." Steel looked at Reaper and flew away, Reaper looked at her "I'll help you but I have no idea of what these two look like."
As William steps outside onto the deck of the ship, he looks around and sees the Mother of Invention next to the sea vessel in bad condition. It makes one wonder how it didn't explode yet from all the damage it took recently. He needed an explosion and didn't care where it came from. But before walking toward his friends, he sees a Nevermore next to a familiar figure as they petted the bird's head. Where did I see that person before... ohhh. It's that bastard from the Initiation. Huge bursts of electricity then swarms around William as he shoots a powerful lightning bolt at Reaper, remembering that the guy killed several students in the Emerald Forest that day and how he challenged William's worth as a potential hunter. What a perfect way to relieve stress.
Benjamin didn't wait for an answer long latching himself onto one of the few remaining ships. Even if the battle was over this particular crew of the White Fang would be gone. "Here goes nothing." He says as he is pulled away by the ship.
"Well one wears armor, like a crap ton of armor and-" she saw William from the corner of her shoot something towards Reaper. "NO!" She yelled slamming him out of the way taking the blow and falling to the ground.
still standing on the person he had landed on earlier he saw the conflict begin to erupt between will and this other fellow. feeling it was time to pay will back for pushing him out of the plain, landing on him, and a few other things he did't much like about the hot head he moved in.

Micheal was not the fastest of the fighter and he figured will could probably out maneuver him... but he was rather distracted with shooting the other one... what was his name, it did't matter will never saw the drop kick coming.
Reaper was pushed and noticed Aires taking a lightning bolt that was aimed at Reaper and he saw William but rushes to Aires who is lying on the ground. Reaper is remembering his family and how they died, he kneeled down where Aires is and remembers how his sister took an arrow while trying to save him. A few tears fall and he says "Truth please stay with me." Reaper is seeing Aires as his sister and he sees that everything around him is his burning house.
"Aires!" Loki runs to her and crouches next to her holding her tightly. "My angel... please look at me..." Loki's starts to shake with rage, that Will would shoot his girlfriend. "Will, i am going to kill you." He lays Aires back down and walks towards Will his lance in his hand, his face contorted with rage. "You will pay for this."

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