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Fandom Beacon Academy.

He places something in her hand and smiles at her, "The pill will heal you, the weapon is for you. I don't need it anymore, i have something new." He gently lays her down and goes towards the fight.
Reaper walked backwards a bit shocked but quickly regains his composure until he sees Aires and looks at her sadly and says "I'm sorry Truth." His arm regenerates since he's now a magma creature.
Elinore jumped out of the way, running over to her axe and picking it up and launching several more explosive rounds at Reaper. And even if he tried to dodge them, because he was made out of rock he wasn't very fast. Therefore, for every one he dodged three would hit him. They wouldn't kill him, but they would definitely hurt him. Or....explode him in this case sense now he was made of magma. Which made no sense because magma was a liquid and therefore had no structure. But she was done trying to make sense out of things.
He thinks, I'm his sister . . . I wonder. . . "Reaper! It's me Truth!" She yells, "Please stop this senseless fighting. Please! I can't take this anymore! Do not hurt these people anymore! Please brother, for me? For your sister? Please stop." I hope that works
Reaper was hit by something but it melted quickly since he was magma and he heard Aires and began to calm down changing back into his human form and looked at Aires and disappeared and reappeared in front of her "I'm sorry truth!" And he hugged her and began to cry "I only wanted to make these humans pay for killing our family."
She hugged him back tightly, "It's okay brother. Our family wouldn't want this. We just want you to be happy." She said in a soft tone. "Please no more fighting." She said stroking his face.
"right" moving out of the water his long hair now wet and starting to curl into lovely locks... he hated being cute no one takes you seriously if your cute. what is this some kinda chick flick. now his suit needed dry cleaning and his armor needed wet cleaning. "yeah yeah we get it your all one big happy family. and why dose everyone have a cannon? what did i miss"
Benjamin arrived on the shore with the others, confused as all hell. The only thing he could muster up was "What the F*ck?" He doubted he would get any response as they were all in their own little worlds...
Elinore slung the cannon axe over her shoulder and walked over to a tree, leaning her head up against it in defeat. She was done. She was just done. Her fire semblance had faded in what appeared to be the shortest attempt as semblance yet. She'd been overwhelmed by the ridiculousness of this situation for a while. "William," she sighed, "are you okay? Not hurt are you?" she asked as she kept her forehead against the tree. She sat down. The only way to deal with any of this was sitting. And ignoring. Everything.
"Yeah, I'm feeling better. Haven't done something this pointless in a long time now." William said as his semblance started to dissipate around his body and doesn't have electricity barrier covering his body like armor anymore. The now armorless merc then sits down next to Elinore while leaning on the tree behind him, not caring about anything no more. He then puts his arm around the tired girl as he kisses her forehead lightly. "Now are you okay? You seem really... tired."
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Like a waiting taijitu, Elinore sprang forward when William put his arm around her and trapped him in a hug. She buried her face in his shoulder and nodded slowly "Really tired. So tired. It's been a long day and I want to go back to Beacon. And take a shower." she sighed before lifting her head again and putting her hands on William's shoulder so she could hold him in place for a second. She stared at him for a moment before lightly slapping him across the face "That's for fighting with Loki." she said with a firm nod before returning to her previous position.
Loki stands up and takes Aires from Reaper, he pulls her to the side and sits down. "Now then, please extend the weapon i gave. i wanted to give this to you earlier but i didn't have time. You'll love it, i swear." He looks at her a bit and smiles, then he thinks for a second and smirks, "i have 1 other thing too show you as well."
She extends the weapon and gasps "Oh Loki." She admires it and then softly asks him, "Is it made of the same material as Maelstrom? Wait one other thing?" She was do exhausted ad she was relaxing her head on his shoulder. She was not in good shape, even after taking the pill that Loki gave her, but the nurse could probably fix her up.

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"Okay, I deserved that slap." William said as he starts waving Michael and the new guy over to the tree, explaining what just happened in the past hour. "So who are you? Are you a student from Beacon too?" He asked the faunus as he looked at their weapon with interest.

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Benjamin walks over and listens to Will. "I'm Benjamin." was the boy's simple reply. "I'm no student. And what's Beacon?" he fires off as an answer to the questions. "And who are you guys?"
Elinore lifted her head and smiled at boy boy she saved from the ship. Good thing too. It was toast. "Hello Benjamin, my name is Luna and this is William" she said as she gestured to Will. "Beacon is an academy for hunters and huntresses. All of us here are students there" Elinore said as she gestured to the small group on the shore. "It's nice to meet you" she said as she extended her hand for a handshake.
Benjamin shook her hand gently, still a little confused. "Hunters and Huntresses? What do they do?" He asks a little embarrassed. He had heard the term, but never really thought about what it meant.
"Oh you know, they're the people who hunts down the Grimm and prevent Man's total annihilation from this planet. Pretty big deal around here or you must have been living under a rock this entire time." William replied sarcastically, staring at Benjamin curiously for no reason at all.

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Benjamin looked up to notice William staring. "Quit staring." he barked angrily for little reason. Maybe it was because he should be living a normal life and know these things. "And you guys are learning to be them?" he continues his questions, growing more and more interested. "Also, Why were you guys attacking that ship and why would you save me?" He asks before he received an answer to his first question.
"Now that's the real reason people learn to be hunters" Elinore said with a soft smile before sticking her tongue out at William playfully "Fighting the monsters that go bump in the night is just one aspect. As a hunter or huntress, our job is to protect the world from things no one else can. That group on the boat is called the White Fang. It's an organization made of faunus who are tired of being treated so poorly by the world," she said with a shake of her head. Those poor faunus... "but we had reason to believe that they had a deadly device on them that could destroy the city and kill everyone in it" she said with a nod. She wondered where the actual relic was if it wasn't on that boat.... "and I saved you because that's what hunters do. They save the lives." so maybe Elinore was a bit sappy when it came to being a huntress. Shut up.
Benjamin was annoyed at the fact that she had either A) Failed to notice his tail, or B) wonder why he was a prisoner in the first place. But the teen let the annoyance disperse, showing a little bit though his dark face. "Yeah, we all know the White Fang and I remember what I learned about Hunters and Huntresses." He stated, not wanting to elaborate on the second part. They aren't like the others. I mean they haven't killed you yet, Benjamin thinks to himself. And they aren't cops so the cops think I'm dead probably... his mind beginning to work on possibly a better life that his previous plan.
"Wait, what do you mean you saved him?" William asked Elinore as he became suspicious with their new 'friend'. " Benjamin, what were you doing in the ship before we came and destroyed it? Are you part of the White Fang or what?" He then clenches his fist tight, not sure if he should subdue the faunus before he could attack them. He wasn't really in a good relationship with the faunus at the moment since they nearly killed him in the past few days.

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Elinore crossed her arms and stuck her tongue out at Benjamin "Well you asked me why we were attacking the boat" she replied. Elinore uncrossed her arms and chuckled. This one was definitely interesting. She nudged William when he started bringing up the accusations, "Excuse me. I think I can decide who's trustworthy and who's not. He was being held captive on the ship and I let him go. If you got a problem with it, then you come to me."
Benjamin smirked a little to keep from laughing. "Your girlfriend is right." He says with a chuckle. "I was a captive. I'm not part of those White Fang scum. They accomplish nothing for Faunus..." He rants, knowing that the White Fang was half of his life's problems. "And, thanks for trusting me." He finished when he was done with his rant.
"and i am a layer nice to meet you" Micheal spoke smooth and calm as he striated his tie and hefted his blade. "and if you excuse me" drawing his carbon fiber plate fist back throwing a Haymaker he slammed it into wills mask then twisted to deliver an elbow with the same air the grabbing his head with his left hand pulled him down into a flying knee stepping back to spartan kick him in the chest. "stop doing shiz to me" Micheal whispered as he leans in.

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