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Fandom Beacon Academy.

As Michael commenced 'Operation Drop Kick the MOFO in the Face', William turns around to see Michael coming at him before getting dropped kick by the lawyer. He then flies across the deck for a moment before rolling himself back up and shoots several bolts at his attacker. The merc then sees Loki walking toward him in rage and knew that the situation just got complicated. Oh well, he'll just explain to them about how their new friend might not be who they think of him as once he's finished with killing Reaper. After taking his two blades out from the back of his armor, William avoids Loki as he starts charging at Reaper with electricity surrounding the armor violently.
Loki grabs Will and slams him into the ground, hard enough where he bounces back into the air. He uses his lance and slams it in Will sending him into the nearest bulkhead. "Good day for insulated gloves huh?"
extending his sword he caught the bolt and grounded them in the hull of the ship. will was in quite some trouble and he had hit him enough for today. maybe later.
Anger was rising in Reaper and he was about to show his true form, he stood up and looked at William "Now you've made mad, I think it's time I showed you what I really am." Reaper walked toward William who was now near a bulkhead and glowed brightly and as soon as the glow disappeared Reaper looked different and was way more powerful than anyone could ever imagine, on the top of his head where his hair was now had a rocky crown and in the hole was a black flame that was fit the entire crown. His arms where that of Rock and his face was that of a monster with a mouth with jagged teeth and when the mouth was partly open there was a red glow and his eyes were red.His body was that of Rock and where his chest is a crack in the center and it gave a red glow. This was reapers true form.
William flies toward the bulkhead and makes a huge dent after crashing into it. He then gets up from the ground grunting from how heavy the lance was and looks up to see... what the f*** is that? When the dust did a big Grimm get on the ship without him noticing it? Looks like it's time to bring in the heavy guns. "E.L, have the airship's turrets open fire on this Grimm with every single bullet they have left in them." After contacting the A.Is with his scroll, the Mother of Invention starts barraging Reaper with immense amounts of bullets as it his new body all at once. William then jumps toward the Grimm with both blades infused with lightning as he slashed at its rocky crown, slicing a portion off of it as he landed in front of the monster's face.
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Reaper grabbed William unaffected by his attack or the bullets that was bouncing off his body and slammed him into the the deck very hard that it nearly broke and Reaper breaks both blades with ease, the missing piece of Reapers crown reassembled and was fixed. Reaper grabs his head and lifts him into the air and starts to squeeze the helmet and it starts to bend as he squeezes.
Benjamin hijacked the ship he was on, attempting to figure out how to control the plane. It was partially AI and half remote piloted, so Ben ended up mostly struggling and growing more frustrated. "C'mon, you damn thing. I'm only trying to kamikaze your ship." he coos to the automated machine. He eventually succeeds, heading straight for the hull of the ship. "Oh SH*T!" he yells looking up and trying to find an escape route. He decides to break the wind shield and jump for it.
"F*** you ya stupid piece of s***. Grabbing me isn't the best idea to do fool." William yelled out as blood started coming out of his armor once more and his helmet feeling like it's squeezing him to death. Huge bursts of lightning then comes out of the armored student as the electricity started traveling all around Reaper's body, shocking the monster as it got paralyzed from the attack for a few moments.

"OMG, THAT THING IS GOING TO KILL WILLY! THAT'S MY JOB MOFO!" A.D screamed out of the airship's speakers as he turned the ship up from the hull quickly and flew it into the paralyzed Reaper at full speed, knocking both him and William off the ship and into the deep water. The A.Is then transfer themselves out into Loki's and Elinore's scrolls as the ship crashes into the hull as it broke down into pieces.
Reaper was paralyzed for a few seconds and as the ship was crashing, Reaper jumped off a piece of debris and landed on the shore unharmed and searched for William but could not see him but he knew he wasn't dead so he went away from the shore but was in plain sight as he waited for him.
Loki throws down his lance and his scroll and jumps into the water after Will. He sees him sinking and starts to swim down to grab him, he grabs a hold of Will, getting zapped in the process, and hauls him to the surface.
Elinore came up on deck just in time to....holy crap. What was this?! So it looked at first like her entire team was fighting each other. Aires was passed out, William was being attacked by Loki and then it happened. That one guy from the brig turned into a rock monster. Which she wasn't even gunna deal with at the moment. But she couldn't even comprehend not dealing with anything right now. It was just so...stupid. Of everyone involved. She'd have to give them all a slap when they got off the boat, which as this point was sinking because everyone seemed to forget they were in the middle of the ocean. At least there wasn't a bomb on board anymore. Then. Then the airship came out of the sky and hit the giant anchor of a rock monster on the boat. Well then. Looked like AD was learning from her. Nice. But the boat was sinking too. Great. Elinore just stood in the wreckage, waiting for everything to stop being so stupid. She lifted her foot when it started to get wet. The part she was standing on was sinking. She just sighed and jumped over to a piece of wood that had decided to float, as wood normally does, and sat. Nope. She wasn't going to deal with any of this right now.
William was slowly sinking into the deep water before Loki grabbed him and swam him back to shore. He then gets up after laying down on the sand for a few minutes, walking toward Reaper as Archdeath was falling off his body in pieces. William was then surrounded by electricity as it formed around his skin to create a solid barrier, making him too bright to look at as it cover his entire body like armor. He then stands a few meters away from Reaper with a cold look on his face as he stared at the Grimm for a few moments in silence. "So, who wants to start beating each other up to death yet?" He asked Reaper as he moves his body into a strange fighting stance, his aura slowly healing his wounds that he got earlier that day.
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Loki finds his lance drifting on the shore and grabs it. He stands next to, but a little behind Will. "I am sorry Will, my anger got the better of me. Let me make it up to you by helping with this."
Reaper chuckled and stared at William unfazed by his aura "You yet understand that this is a fight you cannot win."he looked at the Faunus "I have no quarrel with your kind so leave now and you can live with her peacefully." And he looked back at William "I am Reaper, Killer of huntsman and huntresses and you shall face my fury." And Reaper was prepared to block them both.
"Wait didn't i... god dammit." Loki dives back into the water and follows the trail of blood to the bottom of the shallow part of the ocean. Still a good 200 feet down and he grabs Aires' body and swims back to the shore. He lays her on the ground and tries to wake her up. "My angel... please wake up. I do not want to be without you, please open your eyes and look at me." Loki's eyes start to water and he struggles with the emotions and trying to get the water out of her lungs.
Elinore, who had finally finished dealing with the stupidity of everything right now -because once again. Her team was being stupid.- got in the water and swam towards the shore where it seemed they and their sense congregated. She stood up on the beach, a blank expression across her face. Just because she decided to act didn't mean she wasn't beyond furious. She walked up past William, dragging her axe cannon behind her. This was to be done. Now. Sat her axe down in front of her with the blade facing Reaper, and fired an explosive round at him. Just a single one to start. Simply as a warning shot.
The shot missed Reaper and he attacked her, before anyone could react he grabbed her head and her weapon with the other hand and threw it away into the forest and he began to squeeze her head not very strong at first but if anyone attacked he would crush her head, his grip was strong and almost nothing could break it.
Is this it? Am I dead? Am I going to die? I'm sorry Will, I should have ever done what I did. I should die, I should just give up and . . . Aires suddenly coughs up a ton a water. Her throat is on fire and he can hear an angel's voice. The angel's voice sounded a lot like Loki. She slowly opens her eyes and their bloodshot. Her vision finally clears from being all black and she can see Loki over her. "Loki . . ." she said barely audible, "I don't feel so hot." She finished trying to smile up at him. Her eyes had finally reached their final state of change. One eye was ice blue and the other neon violet. "I'm sorry." She mumbled her eye growing tired, "Is Will mad at me?"
Elinore looked at Reaper and smiled. Oh how fun this was going to be. Elinore started to glow a dark blue, the color of her aura. That was, right before her semblance kicked in. Her blue aura was suddenly consumed by fire, encompassing the two. "You made a big mistake by getting close to me." she hissed at him, the hot fire starting to melt the rock. She was sure it was extremely painful to be melted alive. But that was his fault for touching her.
"No my darling he isnt, he is just now in a fight with someone. Who didn't need to be protected, should have let him get hit." Loki holds her tightly and nuzzles his face in her hair. "God am i glad you are okay."
Reaper was unfazed by her flame and chuckled "Fire doesn't affect me Human." And squeezed even harder on her head, the rage wasn't over and Reaper was still very pissed. The Rock body was gone and reaper now looks to have a magma type body.
She smiles weakly trying to hug him back and she whispers, "Loki, I love you. I was afraid I wouldn't get to tell you that."
"Well I'm not a Hunter yet my dear Reaper. I'm just a merc who's going to kill you now, since you didn't mention mercs in that list of yours." William replied coldly as he stared at Reaper, who was now on fire because he decided to grab his girlfriend's head. "Hey Elinore, you ready to kill this guy?" He asked as he rips Reaper's arm off with a precise burst of lightning, right before kicking him far away from the pair once the uncontrolled hand let go of Elinore's head.

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