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Fandom Beacon Academy.

The protector of truth had top level military security. The carrier All Under Heaven came out of the sky. " Looks like your going to need some help Protector Of Truth. Coming in with help." Other smaller air ships started to come out if. "Start fire on the Invention of creation." "Sir their is something trying to shut of the engines." One of the faunus said on the protector of truth. "Then try and block them." The faunus at the computer began to create a virus for the A.I.
Reaper woke up in a room, he was behind bars. There where two Faunus guarding him until the ship got attacked and the two scattered around, dropping their keys 'Don't mind if I take them.' He took the keys and unlocked the door and knocked out the two "Sorry but I don't being kept prisoner." And grabbed his weapon Starfang and equipped himself with his armor and headed out the door into a hallway.
"We have a deal" Tavril said with a nod before turning to find some crazy woman shooting fireballs down the hallway. "Not her..." he sighed. He pointed his gun blade at Aires "Get off this ship." He ordered right before Elinore burst through the door behind her. "YOSH! What are you doing?! Trying to burn the place down!" She shouted as she held the door shut so she didn't have to fight anymore of the faunuses chasing her. "Not her too..." Tavril sighed. This was turning out to be a horrible day.

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Reaper looked around and headed east down the hallway trying to find either the bridge of the ship or a way off it and went into a room next to him, it looked to be a type of barracks of a sort and he saw people that were about to fight, he drew his sword but was in a defensive stance, he wasn't sure if they were friends or foe.

"Good." Markus ran out the door. "So no attacking the girl who is shooting the fire balls?" He ran to the bomb. " How dare you try and start that thing." He rushed at william with his war hammer. "Come on you dirty human. I will take you stupid human." He took the first strike, swinging as fast as he could, and with all his strength."
"WHAT THE DUST!?" William yelled out as he was still disassembling the relic, not noticing Markus as he swung the war hammer at him. "THAT SNEAKY OLD FU- OH GEEZ!" He then manages to roll away as the war hammer smashed onto the ground next to him and gets up with his arms raised defensively. "Hey now, there's no need to fight anymore. It's over it seems."
Elinore watched as the leader of the mission ran right by her. Well...okay. That was one more faunus she didn't have to punch in the face. "Alright Tavy, let's get out of here" she cooed happily. "That's right. You and that crazy chick are leaving" he growled. "Yes. With you." Elinore retorted back. "No. Alone." Tavril argued. The two were going at it like children. "We're getting you out before we blow this thing up to smithereens!" Elinore shouted back. "You're...WHAT?" Tavril shouted back. Okay. Lulu was officially crazy, "You're blowing the place up?!"

Elinore nodded with a smile then walked past him, leaning in front of a cell with another faunus behind the bars. "He buddy, you want me to get you out of there? Blowing up is no fun" she said with a friendly smile. She put her axe up to the bars of Benjamin's cell and fired the gun facing away from him. The axe easily cut through the bars with the extra force, giving him a way out of the prison "Alright. Lets get out of here before the ship sinks" Elinore said as she walked back towards the door.
Loki runs out of the room letting Will do his thing, he felt the ship move again and growls. He runs to the edge of the ship and holds his lance out behind him. It opens up into a small cannon and it fires launching him into the air and towards an enemy airship. He fires a few lightning and fire infused shots at it and with a swing he knocks a huge hole into the bottom of it.

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Benjamin looked up in time to see the axe cut down the door. "Um, thanks?" He says with uncertainty. "Now where are my damn Chain Blades?" He mutters, scanning te room as he tried to get up.
Reaper looked around confused but decided to leave, he went out the door and into the hallway before he was yelled at by a Faunus the Faunus had a sword drawn and yelled out "You'll never take the ship!" And charged at him, reaper only smiled before he slashed his sword out and the Faunus walking only a few steps behind Reaper before collapsing to the ground dead. Blood dripped from Reapers sword Starfang which had a weird design that was never seen before, upon looking at the body of the dead Faunus he noticed some chain blades and he took them from the corpse.
Finally reaching Tav, Luna comes out of no where. She and him argue like children and Aires is left to deal with that. She sighs when Elinore goes to another cell and frees another person. Aires them hears Loki's Feather, is he on the ship she asks herself and then for a terrible feeling. "Luna, it's Will, Markus has him." She knew not worry because they could handle themselves but she worried either way. She liked at Benjamin and extends her hand, "Here. The ship is gonna blow. We can help you escape." She says smiling gently at him. "Ready Luna, Travil? Let's go."

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Reaper saw someone enter a room and went there to check if it was a Faunus and he saw three people there and draws his sword "Are you friend or foe?" He asked aggressively and he was in a defensive stance.
Aires notices Reaper take out his sword and she steps in front of the group. She unleashes her wings and shields Luna, her friend and the new guy with them. "What's it to you?" She said firing up her weapon. "Let. Us. Pass."

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Reaper lowers his weapon and sheaths it "Sorry I thought you were a soldier." He had a scent that was different, he looked human but he didn't have any features of a Faunus, his scent was unknown to any Faunus "I'm guessing you're trying to escape right?" His hostile tone was gone.
Her wings retract and she nods. She let's the other pass by and then looks at him. She could smell that he was different. "Trying to escape and then some." She smirks.

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Elinore led the way to the door until someone stopped her to ask them if they were a friend or foe. She really didn't need this right now. Good thing Aires was a great people talker. "Aires, you deal with him, I'm going to go get Will" Elinore said with a nod before continuing on her way. Tavril followed after her, only he had no intentions of letting them blow up the ship.

Elinore burst into the room holding the relic "Hey!" she shouted as she held the axe out in front of her, "hands off the boyfriend." she growled. Tavril stepped in behind her, ready to defend the relic that looked...disassembled. Damn you Lulu.
Reaper pulls out the chain blades he found "I think your unarmed friend there might need these." And he tosses the blades at Benjamin and says to Aires "I hope you know how to get off this ship." He said hoping that she knows.
"He's not my friend. But all I have to do is fly out of here." She looks up at him her Ice blue eye and her violet eye starring him down.

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Reaper chuckles "You're alright kid, names Reaper." He gives a little bow "and who might you be?" He asked her for her name.
"Nice to meet you Reaper, my name is Aires and I'm no kid. Look I'd love to stay and chat but-" just then some more soldiers broke through the door Luna had shut. Aires sighs, "but I got a date with an explosion." She says as her wings expand and her feathers turn into blades piercing all of them, she let's out her electrocution. "Alright," She says turning around to face him, "and further questions I'd be happy to answer as we leave and get to the surface of the ship." She said tucking her wings and sprinting off.

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Reaper followed after her and when they turned a corner they were then surrounded by Faunus soldiers who told them to surrender, Reaper said "Not going to happen." And drew his blade and he attacked them, it was over in a few seconds as they lie on the ground in a pool of their own blood. Reaper sheathed his sword and followed Aires
Aires finally reaches the deck when she sees a ton of airships everywhere in the sky. "What?!" She exhales sharply, "Damn." Since I can fly I can take our the airships. She looks at Reaper, "You, either fight and help us destroy this place or leave." She spreads her wings and hurls herself into the sky shooting her feather blades towards the airships. She takes down two with ease. They crash intro the water ablaze. "Heh, alright, let's have now fun."

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Loki having already crashed 4 sits on top of another and watches Aires take out two. "Hah, this is more fun then fishing contest with Poseidon!"

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