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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"WAIT NO DON'T DO THAT!" Elinore exclaimed frantically "Tavril is on that ship!" she couldn't just let her childhood friend and her sister's favorite thing in existence explode! "Let me get him out of there, then we can blow it up" she plead. It'd be a pain in the ass getting down there and out with Tav, but it had to be done.
"You'd have to drag him out by force" Elinore said as she sat down, "he's not very compliant. Or trusting...or nice" she added with a shake of her head, "but if you think you can get him, I'd greatly appreciate it, if you need any help though, just contact me" she said as she tapped on the feather behind her ear.
"Hey you knew how to use it. I'll bring him back I swear. After all, I'm the only one that can fly." Aires smiles at her.

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"Yeah, like what Aires suggested, she can fly him out of the ship in time." William said as he was watching the ship below him through the bridge's window. "So I'm going to give you 15 minutes to get him out of there before I start shooting at the ship. But I want all of you to go save Fluffy, since I don't need any help with controlling the airship by myself." He then clicks a button that opens the door to the outside air, sucking the unseat-belted teammates outside of the cockpit in a few seconds. "Have fun falling!"
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" Wait, how are you all going to get back on the ship?" Aires asked. "I can only carry so much weight, unless I black out, then I'm unstoppable."

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Benjamin woke up in the "Brig" of the ship. He was still groggy, not remembering how or why he was sitting in a cell. "What happened?" he asks himself, trying to stand up. He immediately fell down with a loud thud, his legs feeling weak.
"Well Tavril, sounds like you are well connected....." He sighed. "So tell me, what is your mission here?" He said as he moved closer to the bars close enough to hear him whisper anything.
Since William opened up the door and sucked many people from the ship, Aires is sent flying. At least she could fly.

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Aires watches Loki dive into the water, as she Washita for his head to pop up She sees Luna, now falling from the ship Will was driving. What the heck is Will thinking? It's too dangerous for all of us to be out here.

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Elinore, being a fire based fighter, found it very distressing to be launched at the water. Not cool. William couldn't try to aim them. Or let Aires fly down with them or something. Nah. Had to launch her into the water. An apology sandwich was in order. Elinore placed her axe cannon beneath her feet and fired, moving her over until she was positioned to land on the boat. Looks like the was the only one who didn't land in the water. Great. To make it worse, she couldn't just...randomly punch a faunus. That went against everything her sister and by extension she stood for. Well then. Awkward dodging commence!

"My mission?" Tavril growled back. Now this was getting him angry. It was ridiculous. He lunged forward, grabbing the monkey by the collar of his shirt. The blades on his hands tearing through the fabric "My mission is to help steal the relic," he hissed, "I'm no backstabber. I have the same goals as you do. Take the relic, kill the humans, but keep that one girl alive. You got me?" he hissed. A loud thud came form above deck. Seemed they had a visitor, "Now get out of my face" Tavril spat as he let Markus go, "You have visitors and I don't think they intend to let any of us live."
"right" was all Micheal got out before he started falling. note to self beat the snot out of will, this seemed reasonable and frankly over due. falling he was falling from about 150 feet not to much but a good height... how to land reaching behind him he grabbed the tails of his cap. the the fore seeing as they were only connected to him by some strong magnets, letting the nevermore cape fill with air he drifted to about 30 over the ship and slipped his hands the tails flowing free pulling his cloak back in place near the nape of his neck under his business suit collar he dropped the 30 or so feet to the deck, and rolled his tie flapping in the wind. his light armor under his suit absorbed some of the shock but it still hurt, it helped landing on one of the white fang but not much.
"Hey Willy, I have a question about the mission." A.D asked William through the cockpit's speakers after his owner kicked his friends out. "What is it?" William replied as he watched the team fall onto the ship. "How are we going to detonate the relic underwater if we can't control when to blow it up? It's a pretty old bomb and I doubt any of them knows how to deal with explosives." There's a few moments of silence in the room as William face palms himself due to the A.I's comment. He then heads toward the door and jumps out as he opened it, diving into the water a few seconds later. "Creator can be an idiot at times..." E.L sighed as her and A.D were counting down on when to start firing at the ship below them.
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Aires sees Will jump out of the ship. "What?!" She looking up, "Do you need me to get you? You'll sink with all that Armor." She yelled up to him.

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"No, it's okay! The armor is made out of a ultra-lightweight alloy that allows me to sw- SPLASH!" William dives into the water at full speed and manages to swim his way back up without any troubles. "Just go on ahead and help Elinore get Tavril out of there! I'm here for something else!" He yelled at Aires before he starts swimming toward the ship with a blood trail behind him, not realizing that his wounds opened up and blood was seeping out of the cracked armor.
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"William. Stubborn fool. Don't die!" She yelled coming into close contact with some White Fang members.

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Benjamin lied in the cell, slowly remembering where he was and why he was there. The local authorities had apprehended him a few months ago and offered him a parole of sorts if he helped with an investigation of theirs towards the White Fang. He agreed to the terms as soon as he heard he would be "free" of the police. At the time he failed to make the connection that they had said parole and that he would be on close watch. He also failed to realized that this close watch would subsequently get him caught. And that's how he ended up in the brig of a ship. I need to get out of here... Benjamin thought sitting bolt upright as he heard more voices father down the row. Now... He looked to his wrists for the weapons he had stolen almost a year ago, seeing shortly after they had been confiscated. Damn, I probably need an miracle...
He moved with him. "I guess your right. Then..." He unlocked the door to the brig. "It sounds like I am going to need all that I can get." He let out his hand as if to ask for help. "I give you my word that none of my men will touch the girl your talking about. And if they do then I will deal with them personally, are we understood?"
Aires dodged countless of attacks. Her heart pounded, Luna, Loki, Michael and Will were all pretty busy and she knew she had communication with Luna, so she went for it. Under the ship she heard voices. Everyone was busy up on top so there were barley any people down here. She took the members that were down there out like nothing, "Tav where are you?" I'm not leaving without him. Aires uses her fire dust and to explode through some of the cells.

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Loki jumped our of the water and onto the ship. He knocked a few white fang members off the edge of the ship and goes about trying to make as much of a distraction as possible. He starts running through the ship trying to find the bomb. He uses his hook and chain mostly since his lance is still on the airship. Once he finds this relic he starts making sure no one comes to touch it. "Come on Will, I can't wait forever."

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Their are countless members of the white fang on the ship, and many more are called in. Air ships come out of the higher parts of the sky. " Looks like your going to need some help down their. This is the protector of truth, and were on our way E.T.A three minutes." The second in command on the ship shouted out. "Alright you dogs, we got back up in three minutes. Hold these damn humans back." He wondered about markus. "Come on markus, were going to need you."
"Yeah, yeah. I'm on it." William said as he threw one of the hostile faunus at their allies. He then breaks open the container with his fists, going to the relic inside with haste. "Loki, I'm going to need a few minutes to start detonating the bomb to a set timer, so go help the others. I'll be fine by myself." William exclaimed as he started ripping the bomb apart carefully and was messing with some wires in there.

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As the White Fang airships started approaching the ship in the water, they start getting attacked by an unknown airship from nowhere. "Hey scumbags, taste my bullets of death and die!" A.D screamed out in the White Fang's communication networks as the Mother of Invention kept on firing at them with bullets and missles. "I'm truly sorry for doing this to you Protector of Truth, but I'm going to need to shut down your engines for the safety of my Creator. So please have a nice day." E.L apologized through the same network A.D used earlier, as she started hacking into the hostile airship's mainframe. The Protector of Truth then starts turning off around the faunus crew as it started falling down into the water below them.

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