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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"I never asked if you liked it or not. Just do what your told and stop being an annoyance to me from now on. Good luck with your mission kids... you'll need it." Alex then walks away from the group with a blank expression on his face and doesn't look back to see them leave for the airship nearby. He didn't want to face them after what he just made them do. Go after a bomb before saving a friend, mostly when that friend was his own pupil. Why does life have to be such a b**** to me? He then heads toward his tent to sleep, knowing he won't be able to do anything to support his students now. Whatever choices they make from now on are their responsibilities, not his. Not his anymore...
Aires watches Alex walk away. She heads into the tent and finds her Forbidden Dust. She mixes the dust with the herbs she picked and creates a concoction. This could poisonous, but I have to try. She stares at the drink and feels her body tremble. "Here goes" she says downing the remedy. She coughs a lot and waits for a minute. Well I'm still alive, she grabs her things and packs up Loki's stuff too. Walking out of tent she sees Loki. Wiping her mouth she hands him his bag. "Here," she said, "Ready?" She could feel the "potion" working.
Micheal moved into the airship coming to ask Elinore what was happening since he had left he found himself in the middle of the forest away from everyone he had only now found his way back.
Markus walked to the brig. "Tell me, why I should let you live?.... You who wouldn't let me hurt that girl." Markus was standing outside the door to the brig. The iron bars separating markus from the other faunus. "So tell me... Why should I not throw you over the edge of the boat with concrete shoes."
Tavril glared back at Markus from the far side of his cellar. Great. This guy. "She's special." he replied simply before looking away from the faunus. He didn't want to go into any further explanation, "I owe it to an old friend to keep her alive. And besides, you couldn't take her down if you wanted." she replied with a smirk. Even if she was a stupid human, she refused to fall. He's hate to have to fight that.

Elinore picked up the closest thing to her and threw it across the ship. Some kind of helmet? Whatever! She didn't care! The helmet zipped past Michael, almost hitting him in the head. Almost.
Aires approaches the airship and sees a helmet heading towards her face. She ducks and the sees Micheal and Luna. "Hey." She says coldly. "You doing alright Micheal?" She asks him putting down her pack. Yawning she looks around. "We ready to get going?" She opens her pack and starts eating something. I mean she just ate a crap ton of dust and everyone knows one shouldn't eat dust so she was going to eat something else. When she takes off that's when you do it, Aires. She thinks to herself.
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"Hey Luna, why are you being such a mean person?" A.D asked Elinore as the rest of the students got into the Bullhead. "Are you feeling angry since you can't save your boyfriend first? Then remember that he's a fighter and probably won't die easily, so just focus on what's gotta be done first. Willy would understand your decision."
"I know the person your talking about.... The girl your talking about, the one you won't let anyone hurt her. Because of a promise that you made to someone. I can easily tell from the way she spoke to me a long time ago..... I am guessing a close relative, maybe a sister or brother.... Something." he turned away from the bars. "But she is not the only one that has made a promise to someone. A long time ago, my families house was broken into. After I checked out the whole house, I found my father in the yard battled and bloody.... He asked me to make a promise. To avenge him.... He knew that he was going to die.... My mother was taken from me... it took me some time, but I found her. In a whore house. They used her, and forced her..... the brothel burned down that night. My mother died that night. Not by my hand, but by her pimp." He turned back to her. "Don't speak to me about promises made, Because I know all about them."
"note to self flying helmets abound" Micheal moved to the cockpit and poked Elinore and moved back to his seat. "yes im doing fine why do you ask?"
Aires was stunned. "Are you serious?" She asks him, "You've been sick and have just been completely out of sight. Excuse for me for caring about you." She sighed. Why am I getting so worked up?
"Yeah" Elinore said as she started up the ship, "AD, direct me to LZ" yep. She just said LZ. As in not the boat where the relic was. She had tis all figured out. "We gotta go break onto a ship full of White Fang members right? Then we're going to need all the help we can get. Especially if that help is from a trained mercenary who's great at figuring these kinds of things out right? There's no point of going after the relic first if none of us even know how to get the god damn thing out of there." Michael moved up to the front seat to poke her before leaving. It seemed she almost hit him in her fit of rage. Ops.

"So your vendeta is to avenge you killed family by killing the single living member of the most faunus-loving-human in existence who had nothing to do with your families death?" THIS was why he hated being ordered around by people with vendettas. They were all stupid. Made no sense whatsoever. God he hated everything. "I don't even see why you're so upset about this. It's not like she's important. Just let her go, kill every other human in existence." he muttered.
"AHHHH!" Aires squealed in excitement hugging Luna! "Thank you! Oh I knew you'd do the right thing!" She smiled ear to ear.
"Alright then, seems like were going save a cold hearted bastard now." A.D said as he loaded the LZ's location onto Elinore's scroll. "But the Creator never mentioned that Willy made it to the LZ though. I only managed to find out that he's located at some secluded area in the forest a few miles away from here. Maybe we should start there for clues then?" The A.I then gives another location on the screen, one that was way closer then the LZ location.

William was sleeping in the chair he was trapped in since last night, his torture session only ending a few hours ago. He was now stripped bare with bruises all over him and was still bleeding from some of the cuts that were made on his body recently. Not even his aura would be of any help now, due to the chair having some sort of anti-aura/semblance magic on it. This was a really bad situation he got himself into and could only escape if someone freed him from his restraints. But who would do that in a huge airship full of Underw- CLINK! Oh... someone was actually nice enough to free him from his restraints somehow. But who would do suc- "Creator, time to wake up and get moving. I won't be able to stay in the ship's system any longer without anyone noticing me." Oh... never mind then. William wakes up and starts to drag himself toward the door, opening it with ease as he slowly walked down the empty corridor with blood dripping down his battened body.
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Elinore yanked the ship to the right after a surprise hug from Aires "H-hey!" she snapped back at her, "careful, you want me to get us all killed? Just...calm down. I gotta fly this thing." she said as she looked down at her scroll, "I thought he said he made it to LZ or something like that..." then again, Elinore was extremely confused at the time Alex relayed the information. Who knew what he actually said, "but I'm glad he's probably there instead. It's a lot close" she mumbled as she flew the ship in its direction. Elinore smiled and looked over her shoulder, "Hello crew, this is your pilot speaking. We'll be arriving in about five minutes. Please expect turbulence on our ride and maybe stray bullets if they notice us coming in. Prepare yourselves for a hostage situation." hopefully the thing that always happened would happen this time. Something unexpected would pop up and te plan made weren't even necessary. She didn't want to be a fake hostage. That just sounded unpleasant.
As the Bullhead came near the huge ship that was grounded on the forest, soldiers and the turrets on the Mother of Invention start firing at the unknown airship with lots of bullets coming out of them. "Umm Luna, we're being shot at. Just letting you know that now..." A.D reported as the ship started to get hit by bullets and was losing altitude as the engines started to fail after getting shot at a thousand times.
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"LUNA, do you think you could angle us so i can get a shot at them." Micheal stood and moved to the door loading an flack round and taking aim meaning to blow off an engine or smash the cockpit.
"No problem," Elinore cooed as she angled the ship so Michael could get his shot. She was flying weird too. Almost like she was aiming the ship at the people shooting it....Oh dust. She was gunna attack them with a Bullhead. As in, physically attack them. Crash this thing right into their faces. "Prepare to jump~" she cooed again. Whose idea was it to let her fly? Did they not expect this from her?!
Aires prepares to jump grabbing her pack , she grabs Luna and Loki but their waists as she makes sure Luna grabs Micheal, let's hope this works. She jumps out of the Bullhead and spreads her wings, their hurling fast towards the ground. As they near the ground they are an inch away from the ground she pulls up and flies once again but lands quickly on the ground, safely. "Phew, alright well we're not dead yet haha!"
with a thunderous roar his sword spit fire and death, the explosive round flew true and detonated over the cockpit smashing the windows and shredding all that could be had as shrapnel flew. as soon as he had come out of his lose spin do dissipate the force of the cannon he was swept up by luna and... deposited on the ground "what"
"CAPTURE THOSE KIDS!" As a soldier yelled the order to his comrades, dozens of mercenaries were coming out of the airship's huge hanger doors and were all charging at the students with weapons ready to kill them. No way the small group could fight them all off in a single blitz atta- BOOM! Oh... apparently the falling Bullhead crushed the incoming defenders, only leaving a fraction of them alive from the crash.

After finding and putting Archdeath back on him in a nearby room, William starts exploring the ship as soldiers were running around due to some security breach outside its metal walls. Whatever the cause was, it gave him enough time to manually load E.L into the ship's hardware and was able to gain information that would prove useful to him as time goes by. He then heads for the bridge to take control of the airship and possibly find the bastard who put a damn bounty on him and his girlfriend. They needed to talk, mostly after last night's torture session...
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Elinore grinned wickedly while she watched her ship crash down on the unsuspecting group. She'd have to do that more often. That was just fun. Elinore fired her cannon at the wreckage, causing another small explosion that took out some more of the mercenaries. She looked over at Aires as she did so. By now explosions had become just as common as trees. "Well, we're going to need another ship to get out of here on" she said before firing off another round, "but we can probably still hold me for ransom if you want. I don't think they'll be in a very...." another round, "negotiate mood." Elinore clicked open the axe and reloaded the gun. This was gunna be a fun mission, especially with too-valuable-to-kill status.
What the dust. Why in the world was most of the bastards in the bridge already dead, mostly before he could kill them himself?! William walks into the ruined bridge while passing by a lot of dead or seriously semi-dead Underworld crooks on the ground and starts looking for a specific person among them. After pulling some of the dead off of a familiar body, he finds the boss still alive with blood still coming out of his wound, which was caused by glass shard piercing inside him. William then starts talking with the injured man before shocking the boss to death with his semblance. He then takes the dead boss's scroll away from him and starts calling the bounty on him and Elinore off. He then inspects the damaged consoles in the bridge, wondering if they were still functional to be used to fly the airship for one last ride.
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"Nah, I need you here with Micheal and Loki. I've got some things I need to check out." Aires says tucking her wings back in her back. She didn't know when she'd have a chance like again. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. But if I'm not back by the time you all find Will leave. After all I can fly again. She said smiling, "If I find Will, we'll keep in contact with my feathers." She noticed Elinore's look and said, "Don't argue just do it and Loki go with her, got it, I'm not asking." Then Aires sprints for it avoiding gun shots she shouts, "I have faith in you!"
Elinore nodded. "Well then..." she mumbled before shooting again, "let's go find us a William. AD, any luck tracking him down yet?" she asked her device as a bullet whizzed past her head, "Hey! What happened to don't shoot to kill!" she yelled at the man who shot her. Her response came in the form of more bullets. So many more bullets. Elinore moved her axe up to help block the shots while she ran for cover. What kind of bounty hunters were these?! There went her god status

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