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Fandom Beacon Academy.

" If you get hurt, I'll kill you myself." Aires said in a low voice, she blows him a kiss and runs after Luna towards the camp. "Luna!! Let's go, I got your back!"

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Alex was talking with some of the Vale military soldiers at the alerted camp when Elinore and Aires arrived. "Girls, what's the situation in the forest? Do you know who's attacking us and where are the mercenaries that went to aid you guys? Are they still fighting the enemy off?" He asked as military soldiers and other students started gathering around the two girls in the camp, all wondering if their hired 'allies' needed assistance against the unknown foe.
" Agh, seriously!?"She slaps Alex's face, "Not only do you put our lives in danger, but we've got White Fang members and mercs on our backs trying to take the relic and Luna while we're at it. Also! When do you plan on fixing my wing because after that no one can get away from me!" She exhales sharply. "Oh and Loki is still there. That Damn Markus." She looks around pushing Alex of of the way, "Where's Will?"

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"Oww. You know I have the power to give you detention for slapping me in the face, right?" Alex threatened as he rubbed his reddened cheek. "But the White Fang are chasing us now? Well don't worry about them stealing the relic from camp anymore." He then points at the empty space where the relic truck was originally parked before Code Red was initiated in the camp. "William is already driving it far away from the fight as we speak, but I'm a bit concerned about what you said. The mercenaries are now after Elinore? Why, did she do something to piss them off?" He then looks over Elinore with suspicious eyes, wondering if she was the cause of the recent coup d'etat caused by the hired soldiers.
Aires rolls her eyes and then looks at Luna, "I don't know what she's done, frankly I stay out of it and another thing!" Suddenly there's an explosion where they had left Loki. "Oh no what now?" Aires sighs, "Gah, who went with Will? We can't leave him be." She stares down Alex.

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Loki walks back into camp smiling. "That went better then expected, who knew explosions were that easy to create." He walks up to the group and nods at Alex. "What i miss?"
" Well I may have detention when and if we get back." She grins at Loki relieved he's okay.

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"Hmm... we might have a problem here then." Alex then goes to a nearby radio and starts contacting the convoy that left with William. After several minutes of talking with them, he comes back to the group with a smile on his face. "Seems like William's group are still driving away with the truck as we speak, but will come back when we make sure the situation is clear. Now then-" He then looks at Loki's half missing arm."-what happened to your arm? Did you rip it off or what?"
"Unfortunate accident with a group of Grimm. Don't mind it, it's covered by my jacket so you don't have to look." He smirks and lays his lance on his shoulder. "i am doing just fine without it."
Aires smiles and hugs him tightly, "that's my boy" She lets go and looks at Alex, "Nope what, sir?" Aires said addressing Alex.

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Elinore stared at the group with a blank expression. Completely and utterly lost. No clue what was happening. "...what?" she asked after a moment. "We were being attacked by faunus...which i get, because you know, the whole relic thing...but...mercenaries too? And why me? I didn't do anything!!" she said as she threw her hands up in the air,"I just wanted to go for a walk!" at least she knew where William was. That was one thing on her list of things that she knew. She was so dusting lost. Everything just exploded. Literally. There was a literal explosion. "What do we even do now!?" none of this was in the briefing! None!
"Well now we wait for Willy to come to us with the truck, that's what we're going to do now." Alex said as he was dismissing the soldiers and students around them, telling them to go back to their previous positions. "Now everyone just go back to your tents and sleep. I'll go wake you guys up in the morning, if the sun decides to rise up in a few hours." The teacher then walks away from the students and heads toward a different tent to discuss something with a military official that came with them on the mission, speaking quietly to them as they entered it by themselves.
Elinore slowly nodded and looked back at the tents "Well...I guess we sleep then....we should all....keep our tents close together?" she suggested. On a scale of 1 to one hundred where 1 was confused and 56 was understanding but 28 was totally lost, 100 was minorly confused, and negative five was completely on top of it, she was about a blue smudge on that napkin over there. She was so lost the scale was confused. She was so lost she'd lost her way to the scale to determine how lost she was. Maybe in the morning things would all become clear. "I'm...going to bed now...." she said in a daze before heading over to William's tent. She still didn't want to set up her own. Too dark now.

Tavril started walking to the brig himself, pushing off any faunus who tried to take him down there. He knew what he'd done. It didn't make a difference. At least Annabell's sister was safe.
"Aires go with her. I will stand watch with the others. Please don't argue with me on this, i will be, and am fine. Promise." He smiles kindly at her and kisses her forehead. "Sleep well angel, i wont let anything happen."
"It seems the mission will proceed as plan, sir." Said Soppo at a classified location. "Good, now the white fang will launch in two weeks, be ready." "Understood, Brother Bear out." Soppo took his gear and left the mountain. "things are going to change."

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(At a secret landing zone miles away from the camp...)

"E.L, are you able to send a distress signal to A.D?" William silently asked his A.I as the convoy was driving into a open field that was covered in darkness, the headlights from the vehicles being their only source of light. "No, there seems to be a something messing with my communication hardware. Probably some sort of device is interfering with my signals then?" The A.I said in the helmet's speakers in a low volume in order to make the mercenaries think he's still unconscious from the recent knock out by the faunus merc. But they must've been stupid to think that William would be knocked out by something like that so easily, considering that he survived from the recent accident on the truck without a scratch. Whoever made their brains must hav- wow. That's a big airship...


"Hey Luna? You feeling alright now?" A.D asked his owner as she was getting ready to sleep in William's tent.
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"Why do they want me? What did I do to get a bounty?" Elinore asked the unit as she sat down in the tent. She unzipped her jacket and pulled it off, leaving just the corset to cover her torso "I didn't even do anything!" she said with a shake of her head, "was it because I broke onto government owned property to see my sister? You know, I didn't kill anyone. I just caught on fire. I don't see a law against catching on fire" she huffed, "and plus...it's my land."
"Nah, I think it's related to that incident related that club owner last month." A.D said as he was looking through the video logs that he recorded through Archdeath's mask from last month. "Remember how Soppo attempted to capture you and Willy for messing with Junior, but failed since you kicked his butt before he could anything about it?" He then shows a video from 'post #787' to Elinore on her scroll. "You probably still have that bounty on both of you if those traitorous mercs were trying capture you for it. Must be a lot of money, mostly if they want you alive..."
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Aires knocked on her tent, "Luna, can I come in?" She asks coming in either way. "You okay?" She said concerned for her friend.

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Elinore nodded, "Okay...so now I have to watch my backs for mercenaries, while working with mercenaries, and faunus, while working with faunus mercenaries." She sighed. She laid down and folded up her jacket, laying her head down on it. She looked up at Aires and smiled, "Yeah, I'm okay, I think I'm up to date on everything now" she said with a nod, "but I'm starting to think it's just a good idea to not trust anyone who doesn't go to Beacon" she sighed. But wait, Markus went to Beacon. "How about we just keep the trust between this circle. You, me, William, Loki, and Michael. No one else. Well...I guess Alex can be in the circle too"
Aires shivered. "Yeah, for sure." She patted her head and day next to her. "You should probably get some sleep." She smiled.

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After their discussion, the girls go to sleep in the tent as Loki was still guarding their tent outside. But there are more pressing matters it seems in another tent in the camp... "What do you mean you got something on the radar? How big was this thing?" Alex asked the military officer over some consoles set up in the communications tent. "Pretty damn big, but it was there for one moment then gone the next as if it wasn't there. But what's more important is how the convoy was heading toward that strange object before our communications with them was cut off a few minutes ago." The officer then stands up and stares at Alex with worried eyes. "But the relic isn't with them it seems. It was sent to the coast somehow and is currently just floating somewhere out there on a boat, the White Fang's maybe." Alex just looks at the officer for a minute before dismissing him and his fellow officers, before going into the corner to think to himself of a new plan for the mission.


After the vehicles entered the Mother of Invention through its hanger doors, William is then dragged out of the car and is sent to some empty room with a chair in the middle of it. They strap the 'unconscious' merc down with some strange metal cuffs before leaving him alone in the room after locking the door as they left. "Okay, show time E.L" William then tries to break out of the cuffs with his bare strength and semblance, but couldn't even budge out of the chair at all after minutes of trying to escape. Uh-oh. Someone then enters the room with a mask on their face as a cart of strange objects were rolled in next to the strange man, before the two were left alone in the room once more. "So... how's your day? Your not going to torture me with those things right? Because if you are, good luck with that since I have armor on me you damn bastard." William taunted as the masked man was taking a strange curved knife off the cart before looking at the merc. "Do not worry Mr.Reaper. It might take a while to peel that armor off you, but I will torture you for messing with me and my clients last month. So please, just stay still as I stab you at a weak point in your armor." The masked man then starts stabbing Archdeath for a minute and was starting to peel the armor off of William's body with ease. "Now lets have fun with each other, okay?'

"Oh dickbiscuits..." William mutters before the torture session begins, his screams unheard from out of the room as the ship was still on the ground, hidden in the darkness by prying eyes...

(Scene turn black...)
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