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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Elinore sat up and put her jacket back on. It seemed Aires along with the mercenaries still left at the camp were still asleep. She quietly got out of the tent and stepped out. The sun hadn't even risen yet, but Elinore couldn't just keep laying there. Not after what happened the previous night. She stood in front of the tents to keep watch. Her morning grogginess didn't seem to be bothering her. Probably because she barley slept a wink. She had a knot in her stomach. Something was up, but she couldn't put her finger on it, "Do you have that feeling too AD?" Elinore asked quietly to not wake anyone else up
"What feeling? The feeling something is very very wrong?" Loki walks up to her and holds out a cup of coffee towards her. "Want some?"

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"Oh yes please" Elinore said as she took the coffee from Loki. She indulged herself in the morning sweetness before nodded, "very...very wrong" she sighed, "it just doesn't feel good....and I haven't heard anything from EL sense last night" she added with a shake of her head, "I feel like we're just waiting to be attacked here"
"I have a feeling Will got to the LZ, just not as intended. Those White Fang never run from a fight, unless they got what they wanted. And they left in the midst of a fight." He watches a few of the soldiers on current guard duty patrol the camp before looking at Luna again. "I don't trust these people, they have been giving us looks since we got here. I want to leave, and soon. I saw how Alex flew that ship, we should just take it and try to find Will."
"we don't even know where this LZ place is" Elinore retorted, "or if William will even be there when we get to it" she did like the sound of getting out of there though. She didn't trust anyone there anymore. "We'll run it by Wings when she wakes up." she said with a nod. "We'll see what we're doing from there."
Aires wakes up, disoriented for a second when she hears voices outside the tent. Hmm, she thinks to herself as she gets dressed. Putting her coat on She stands up inside the tent and her head quickly throbs as her stomach quakes. She had a horrible feeling. She then remembers something about her past. Something to do with Markus. "Agh, what was that?" She mutters as she steps out of the tent into the cool air. It was cold enough to see your own breath.

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"Hey, just the girl we wanted," Elinore said with a smile. She looked around and dropped her voice real low, "we're thinking about taking a ship and just leaving. We're gunna go find William and get the relic back without these jokers. What do you think?" she asked quietly, "keep your voice down. We don't need people hearing this."
Aires smiles wickedly whispering, "Hells yeah, I'm in." She inhales, "I'm guessing you both have a bad feeling too, huh. So what's the plan?" She asked embracing Loki, every time she looked at his arm it was a painful reminder of her failure. But she wouldn't let worry cross her face.
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"Wonderful," Elinore said with a nod, "we go find William then take back our relic." she said firmly. "then we'll finish the mission and call it done. We should probably steal a truck or something too, because no ship is taking off with the relic in it." she added before taking another sip of the delicious coffee.
"Well if you want to steal a airship, then have the keys to it. I'll pretend I just dropped it somewhere." Alex said as he threw the key into Elinore's coffee, grinning as he walked toward the sleepy students. "I can't trust anyone anymore but you kids alone, so I want you to find that relic before the White Fang steals it. Then you can go find my stupid pupil, who apparently is in trouble it seems." He then sends the location of the relic to Elinore's scroll with his device.
Hmmm. . .I know where that location is. Been there before. Aries thinks to herself. "I can get in." She looked up to see the three of them looking at her as if she were crazy. "I know what you're probably thinking, but as a former member I knows things that others may not. Plus I'm a pretty good distraction, I think we can all agree on that." She smiles sheepishly. But I'll need my wings to work. She plucks a two feathers from her wings and hands to Loki and Luna. "My are more than just for flying. You can use them to communicate with one another just use the feather and have it on your person at all times." She kept explaining herself when she looked up and saw Loki's expression. "What is it?"
Elinore stared at her coffee. No. Not the coffee....ruined. Well....maybe not? Nah...she didn't know where those keys had been. He'd pay. She'd...find a small child, then convince said child to claim to be Alex's child. Ha. That might work possibly. Aires handed her a feather. That acted as a communication device. What? How did that...she didn't even know "You'll have to wear a disguise sense I'm pretty sure they know what you look like now. And have an alies. This is gunna be so cool" she said with a smile. Personally she wanted to dress up like a fox or something, but having an actual faunus was probably the smartest option.
"See! Luna's excited!" She smiles, "They want you for some reason, Luna, why I don't have a clue, but I know that if I have you they'll let me in. That's where Loki comes into play." She looks up at him. "If we want to save William then we're going to have been more than just convincing." Aries's eyes colors began changing slowly and subtly. "We can do this. We just have to be smart about this."
"So then I play damsel in distress, you pretend to be a White Fang member holding me hostage, and Loki breaks Will out?" Elinore asked to make sure she understood the plan, "what stops them from just, I don't know, shooting you in the head and killing you on the spot?" death had the tendency to put holes in plans, as well as being unpleasant for the person who died.
"Something tells me I'm not going to die so easily." She smirks. "But of course, since we are a team I'm open to other ideas. William's my friend and I'm not stopping until he's safe. And you can bet my life I'll keep you all safe too." She says with a determined look on her face.
"Umm, there's a bit of a problem with that plan of yours guys. Willy isn't with the bomb right now. He's actually somewhere far away from it." Alex said as he interrupted the discussion of their plan. "So you got to find the bomb first before you go after Will, since I know he'll still be at his location if something doesn't happen."
"No, like I said before, the relic is your first priority before anything else." Alex said with a serious look on his face. " If you fail because you tried to do two things at the same time, then go for the more important one. That bomb cannot be taken away by the White Fang, no matter the consequences."
"We have to get the bomb first? But it's a bomb. Can't it just stay there for a little while longer while we get William?" Elinore asked. Screw the bomb. She wasn't dating the bomb. The bomb could go jump off a cliff or something. "Okay....we'll save the stupid bomb first" Elinore mumbled. "We got any plans for that? Like...sneak in as members of the White Fang or something? I don't think we can just waltz in and take this thing. And like I said before, they'll recognize you Wings. Especially Markus."
She stares at Alex, "We can't jut wait for them to kill Will because the bomb is more important." She looks at Luna, "I'm going after my friend, as far as I'm concerned the White Fang are group of idiots that can't do anything right, I would know." She sighs and puts her hands in her pockets. "But they won't know Kaze . . ." she says realizing that her brother crosses through her mind.
"Oh my gosh, do not argue with me on this subject Aires. As your teacher and leader, I order you to deal with that damn relic first before going after a dead man!" Alex yelled furiously, clearly annoyed by the student's stubbornness. "The White Fang might be a group of idiots but they're a group of idiots with a bomb! So I want all of you going after that relic before letting your friendship with Willy be the cause of thousands of unnecessary deaths in Vale!"
Elinore sighed and looked at Aires "Listen....as much as I hate the order we're doing this in.... we have to." she said with a shake of her head, "That bomb is dangerous. If it's activated it can kill everyone, and that's why the White Fang took it. If we don't get that bomb secured, they can set it off and kill William, and you, and Loki, and me, and everyone else you've ever seen in your life ever." she said in a serious tone, her eyes locked on Aires' "You don't know how much it pains me to make this decision....but it's what we need to do. William will understand...and I may never be able to forgive myself for choosing the bomb first but....but...but GOD DAMMIT, I'M NOT LETTING ANYMORE INNOCENT PEOPLE GET HURT" Luna finally yelled. She was done with the death. She was done families being torn apart. She was training to be a huntress to prevent things like that, and that's what she was going to do.
"I won't either. But what needs to be done needs to be done" Elinore said quietly. "I'm going to start the ship....meet me when you're ready to go" she said softly as she walked towards the airship. She felt defeated, her spirits crushed. She would have to put herself in the William mindset for this. She would have to remove herself. Otherwise she might just break down.

Elinore sat down in the cockpit of the ship. She sat silently for a moment before slamming her fist down on the dash in frustration. Why did they have to take William? Why not her instead? At least he would have been safe, and he wouldn't have any issues with following these orders either. This was so stupid!

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