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Fandom Beacon Academy.

" You make me happy. That's all I need, it's you." She says squeezing his hand. "I've got her back, I need you to stay out of trouble. Trust me, I got this." She reassures leaning in for a kiss, but realizing he might not want one so she go and follows after Luna.

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Markus and the faunus began to make their way through the camp. "Quiet." Using his night vision, he could see someone walking through the woods. He knew her. It was the girl that he meet on the roof. Using his stealth. He walked behind her. "Tell me, what is a young girl like yourself doing out in the dark woods?" He took out his war hammer and ran the sharp part of the hilt along her back. " You have some real gumption coming out here, at night." He was using his normal tone, He knew she would at least remember the sound of the tone of his voice.

(guys I was talking to elenore.)
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"Hey Luna, why don't you sleep with Willy? Wasn't it originally your plan to be with him tonight?" A.D asked Elinore as she walking down the dark path in the forest, breaking the silence his owner had with nature as he spoke. "Look the guy is a bastard, idiot, buffoon, ass****, cold mother******, etc. Despite insulting him a lot just now, I know he's not going to do something stupid as th- wait. There's someone behind you Luna." The A.I said as he just realized the mysterious faunus's presence on his radar now, including the ones around them in the trees. Oh s***.
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"I suggest you leave her be f you value your life." She threatened the figure that approached Luna. Her spear at the back of his neck. "Luna, come here." She stared at the figure, "Wait, Markus?" She said realizing that it was him. When she use to run around with the White Fang in the olden days, she was his best friend, even more, but she left the White Fang hanging, her being the only bird faunas in the group, they never forgave her. "What are you doing here?" Her voice could chill hot lava.
"Will i don't believe we are alone out here... Put the camp in alert, and guard the relic. You never know when it comes too the night time. I'll get the girls." He looks at will and smiles, "you are one of the strongest we got, so make sure this goes well. I will get Aires, and Luna. I think they should be fine, but i want to make sure." He slings his lance over his shoulder and starts walking towards where he saw Luna and Aires go off too.
"Hey, if it isn't Mr. Won't-tell-me-his-name" Elinore said with a smirk. This was definitely on a list of things she least expected. "I hope you're not planning on killing me. Especially not without that common curtsey" she chuckled, "and if you do, there's a whole camp of people willing to kill you." she added ina hush whisper, "not to mention that faunus behind you" the moment she said that, Tavril shot his gun at Markus. It wasn't a bullet, but black dust, a binding agent powerful enough to hold down a full grown Ursa. "This one's mine." Tavril said as he jumped down from the tree. "if anyone kills her, I do. You can have the rest" the fellow white fang member said coldly. Elinore turned her head when Aires came up to the group, "Sup Wings, I think I've got this"
She smiles, "Not that I doubted your abilities Luna. Looks Tavril's got your back too. But White Fang members are a force to be reckon with. But I know Markus, or at least I use to." She smirks, "Pathetic that he thinks he stands a chance." Aires was slowly changing. Slowly and subtly changing.
"If you wanted to know my name, all you had to do is ask. But I guess it is to late." When the other faunus jumped down. He knew that he was a member. " Maybe you should know who the commanding officer is in this situation. I am." He turned. "As for you elinore. Do you think that I would come alone." He turned to see a girl who thinks she knows him. "Strange how you say that you know me, and yet we have never meet. But maybe you should learn some manners." He turned. "And the markus that you thought you knew has died. And this one is stronger, and much more smarter.... And lets remember who broke up with who." Some other faunus began to move closer to the group.
William puts Archdeath back on him just as E.L sent a alert to the camp to go into Code Red, which made all the soldiers get out of their tents in full alert with their weapons ready for a fight. He then heads toward the relic truck before shouting orders to the mercenaries to have armed escorts ready for the retreat they were going to do soon. After boarding the truck and driving it out of camp with some of the convoy, William radios the remaining mercenaries to head toward Elinore's location and orders them to help his friends fight against the unknown enemy after A.D sent him a distress signal on his scroll. He then stomps his foot on the pedal and makes the vehicle move at a higher speed, hoping his friend's would forgive him for leaving them behind. This wasn't the act of betrayal to his friends, he was just a merc following orders and doing his job... right?
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Aires laughs "The Markus I knew was never smart or strong. If I remember correctly which I know I do, you use to hide from everything. And you were always jealous." She couldn't stop laughing at him, "I believe it's you that needs to learn some manners." She said nearing him. "Forgetting people isn't nice."
"Woooaaa, relationship angst" Elinore said as she put her hands up and started to back away from the group. On a scale of one to ten she was taking the seriousness at a level of negative two. She was really bad at judging the severity of situations. Tavril glared at Markus, "I know you're commanding officer, but no one hurts that girl but me" he growled, "you can keep control of everything else."

"So Markus, if you're smarter now, have you taken my advice and hatred running au-" Elinore started before Tavril cut her off. "Lulu." Tavril said as he turned to look at the black haired girl, "keep your mouth shut."
A few random faunus lands in front of the group clearly out of the fight. Loki walks up and frowns. "What do we have here? The White Fang thinks they are able to capture our prize? Not while we are here. Now i suggest you leave, before you get hurt." His giant lance is on his shoulder as he walks up behind Markus. "What's it going too be, cause as of now i hear our camp going full alert of your presence. You've lost the surprise attack."
Loki . . . Aires instantly crouches in a protective high alert stance. God, I adore him, but he's so stubborn, aw like me. She stares at Markus intently.
He laughed at everyone. "First I let it push me to something farther. and second who said I wanted a surprise attack. I had planned this all. Even to this little point in time.... I am just waiting for one thing." As he said that. A group of white fang blew the tires out of the truck, twenty faunus came out of no where. Tackling the truck flipping it. "Ah the sweet sound." Chains came out of the darkness missing many of the people around him, but he grabbed onto one of the chains and in a blink he was gone, and at least 70 faunus came out of the darkness. But markus leapt through the trees getting to the truck. "I will be taking this." He picks up the relic. "Good night." In a flash him and the twenty faunus were gone.
"Lulu," Tavril said as he stood protectively in front of Annabell's precious sister, "you're gunna take your cannon and continue firing to the left. Don't stop until there's a path out of here" he instructed her. Elinore nodded and fired her cannon over and over, knocking back any faunus who dared step in the path while Tavril dealt with anyone who tried to get near her. "Yosh, this way~" she cooed to her friends as she ran through the new corridor. Tavri stayed amongst the group of the white fang members "Guard that relic. Kill anything that goes near it. If that girl has any common sense...she won't be back" he said before walking in the opposite direction of the students. Their job was not to hunt them down, it was to secure the relic. Elinore and her stupid friends should be safe for now.
"Well this ended rather quickly. As if he knew our plans and made his accordingly." He sighs deeply and follows after Luna. "This lance is an amazing weapon, i love it. Well i did make it. Anyway let's go find Will, and see if they relic is still okay."
"Darn and I was so looking forward to a fight." She said said following after Loki, keeping her distance but making sure he was alright.
Many faunus we still around, in the darkness. They start to fire one after another for the group excluding elinore. Markus and the twenty white fang members along with the relic. They made it back to the ship. "keep it on the deck, we don't have long to move it." He turned to the white fang member who was with the group. "And take this one to the brig.... He will need to be taught a lesson in the chain of command." A few faunus moved close to the new member." you will know you place soon enough."
William got out of the truck unscathed and stood up without any difficulties from the flip, due to his armor protecting him. He then looks around the wreckage to see the container gone and realized the relic was probably taken by the ambushers just now. Dammit. Why the f*** am I sucking on jobs now?! He then sits on the side of the truck frustrated just as the mercenaries starts surrounding the student with their weapons now pointed at him.

"Hey Reaper? You remember how we're suppose to help you and your friends with the escort job until we make it to the LZ?" The faunus soldier from his old team said as she put her gun on his mask. "Well after the mission, all of us here were planning on capturing you and that girlfriend of yours for the bounty money on you two. Seems like you guys really made a lot of friends with the Underworld last month, now didn't you?" She then smacks William in the head with her gun and orders the others to drag the 'unconscious' student to the vehicle they drove in. "Operation Backstab is a go guys! Make sure to leave that wanted girl alive if you feel like getting paid soon!" After ordering the other group to ambush the students on their way to the wreckage, the convoy then starts driving away in their vehicles with their first bounty 'unconscious' with them.

The other part of the convoy were now following the group of students as they were being hunted down by the White Fang, their destination being the camp. They followed silently in the trees as they run toward the truck without being noticed by both groups yet. "Did they capture Reaper yet?" One of the mercs asked his comrades as the students were halfway toward their destination. "Yeah, they're bringing him into that secret Underworld airship called The Mother of Invention. So after killing everyone here and capturing that axe-wielding girl, we head to the ship to go after that bomb for the boss." The mercenaries then stop and hid when several White Fang members entered the hidden group's space and stopped to prepare a flanking maneuver on the students. The faunus never got the chance though since the mercs silently killed them with knives and fists, who then continued following the students once more. "Hey I have another question." "What is it?" "Why name it The Mother of Invention? Why not the Blood Gulch? Or maybe th-" "Dude, shut up. I don't name the huge-ass airships here, mostly when the one who pays me does. So be quiet and get ready to ambush both groups... scumbag." "Yes sir..."
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Loki turns around and listens. "Fools, not everyone is silent." He swings his lance around and smirks. "This lance is 350 pounds of solid Grimm infused steel. It's unbreakable unlike your heads. So who's first?" He swings it around and sends bolts of lightning dust through the trees.

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The group of mercs stopped when Loki shot at them, which revealed the hidden soldiers to both the students and the White Fang members chasing them. There is a minute of silence between the three groups as they all stared at each other in the darkness. "This is awkward..." One of the soldiers muttered as the silence and staring continued.
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"Indeed it is, but whoever moves first wins. So I win." With an extremely surprising amount of speed, Loki dashes forward, swings his lance and knocks 2 of the mercs flying back into trees. Their bones shattered with the weight of the lance and the power of the swing. "Come on! I swore to a friend i would get his girl back safetly, and i will see it through!" He infuses his lance with Lightning dust again and jumps onto a merc, he places the lance on his chest above his heart and sends the lightning into the mercs body.
"...shoot?" One of the mercs asked as Loki attacked several of their comrades. "Yep. Open fire on everyone, but leave the bounty girl alive." The mercenaries then start shooting at the students and the White Fang, causing a huge fight to occur among the three groups. Bullets were flying everywhere as everyone was shooting and stabbing each other in the struggle against their foes in the darkness of the forest. The two opposing forces were trying to kill the students with everything they got, but only left Elinore alone due to the value she had on her for different reasons.
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Aires smiles wickedly unleashing her wings looks we get to fight. She smirks thinking to herself as shards of blades strike many of the members putting them on fire. "Well I might not be able to fly but I still have my weapon."

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With his unmatched speed and strength Loki manages to take out a 5 more mercs. "This is getting old, i want a challenge!" Loki laughs insanely as he knocks a few of the White Fang into the sky. "Broken bones, broken dreams. This is one fun mission. We must get back to Will and see if they need our help. LUNA, AIRES RUN BACK TO THE CAMP! Will may still need help."

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